  • Report:  #1041523

Complaint Review: Avalon transportation - Culver City, CA 90230 Internet

Reported By:
CB - studio city, California,

Avalon transportation
6160 Bristol Pkwy Culver City, CA 90230, 90230 Internet, United States of America
(310) 391-6161
www.avalontrans.com, http://www.linkedin.com/pub/james-o-connell/15/290/a82
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So  i decide to gather information about Avalon company as i should because i was looking to commit my time to them for low wages which was ok with me at the time i was told some make up to 36 DOLLARS a hr all the way to 8.00 an hr , they said some drivers work up to 65HRS a week that's my entire life basically right but hey its a pay check...  McDonald pays more i believe. Anyways feel this out, So i talked to the to the CEO Jeff Brush for a possible interview or job he seemed to think i had what i took after talking t different times he asking was asking 21 questions as he should being the cheap owner making sure he under pays all his workers i guess. leaving the dirty work to this head of operations in the office Mr. O'Connell 

 Get this so Jeff is the CEO! He was very professional on the phone & then when i went into the established Business to talk to the fleet manager or hiring slave if you choose he was cool at first, some problems of course happened, well before all these problems occurred he was thinking of hiring me, well all these business problems happened when i was sitting there in the chair talking about being hired, i was listening to these matters take place, witnessing problems of the everyday work-field unfold, Well what can you do?

nothing im just listening to him saying SORRY SORRY SORRY to his co worker, Well he panics in the office then as a couple things happened after that well lets just say this must had been embarrassing as your hiring a top prospect for a career with his company..  As  i was in the office waht seemed to be a train wreck of a day for this Mr. O'Connell fleet manager, he was dealing with what seemed to be more important then hiring ME, there were people in & out of the office talking about how there were mechanical problems with there trucks & miss communication issues all at once ok... I can understand his frustrations at this point i really can..

Avalon seems to have lots of behind the seen problems as i can see, they pay dirt cheap what comes hand in hand with cheap?? POOR QUALITY AND SERVICES i hope everyone understands that! i can see why these things happen myself as we all need to cut back, Ok so i see the frustration but im also invited in on my Sunday! Not by choice, that's the only day that works for this a*****e FLEET MANAGER JAMES O'CONNELL looks at hiring me,   nobody else is there for a job interview that day wtf but there is 10 other applications on the desk he's talking about using all this as a excuse of his bad day really!!!

 I feel Instead he takes all his POOR management skills out on me and after all the time spent saying i had the personality, driving experience, and including very proficient  references and qualifications for the job to make 8 DOLLARS A HR!!!! WOW!  With all that said with months of build up for a possible job that only pays 8.00hr  I'm told i don't qualify for a job that pays minimum wage and he's obviously upset with poor management on his point with people in and out of the office people saying sorry here and NO NO im sorry very weird to me, maybe it was just that Sunday or something i don't know all i know is it seemed to be some bad timing with me witnessing all this crap he's dealing with on his part again not my fault...

Well why do i suffer i just wanted a job to support my family.. I happen to be watching him sweat over all this  I feel like  it was taken out on me which shows poor professional integrity to new potential employees.. Another issue This is my biggest problem yet!!!!! He has the audacity to say straight to my face he's not impressed by me and my experience again it's a 8.00 paying job as a driver my driving record is perfect that's impressive enough!!  As i have been driving for 10 yrs without a single car wreck or anything, that's the main thing also knowing the city of La which he said was fair and agreed that's not the deciding factor for this job after-all.

I'm great with client relations and for the record i have a thing called GPS to get anyone anywhere.. He makes the job sound tough for 8.00 how hard can it be driving dont crash! He never gave me a reason why he didn't want to hire me other then lame excuses i'm not impressed with you, he was just was mad at himself i guess for his mistakes minutes earlier, he Then gets up as he's sweating allover the desk, then start to tell me the interview is over! IT's Over!!! Leave the office... Well he made Avalon pay the price for being completely unprofessional  people out there  reading this i recommend not doing business with Avalon there are many better companies out there...

For those trying to get a job I would recommend working at McDonald's it's safer as your not driving around La risking your life in a company car or truck as we know how dangerous it can be. Millions of people die every yr form driving un-maintained cars and trucks that's what they got . For 8.00 hr???????? NO WAY HOESAY they want married men to drive around to slave that have no choice that's why all there drivers are old hags desperate for something in this starving world of no employment unless you slave,  not for everyone.

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