There are so many things wrong I dont know where to begin. They are gross and use dirty gloves to do injections. They lie and say dysport lasts longer than botox and is cheaper. At their location, its more expensive and it only lasts 3 weeks. Botox lasts 3-4 months. They mix it really weak so they can earn more money. Dr. Gavin is a pediatrician who owns this business but is never there. Her office manager is a liar who will tell you anything to get your money. They also injected my lips with an off the market product and lied and said it was restylane. I politley asked for a refund and they sent me an article about someone with my name being arrested, assuming it was me. Lets say I was arrested. That would not satisfy my demand for a refund because one thing has nothing to do with another. Dr. Gavin is irresponsible and probably tetering on malpractice
#2Author of original report
Thu, April 09, 2015
That's a great question!
Texas,#3Consumer Comment
Thu, April 09, 2015
If this facility is so "gross and uses dirty gloves" then what is the reason you had these procedures done???