  • Report:  #1186822

Complaint Review: Banfield Pet Hospital - Renton Landings - Renton Washington

Reported By:
Left out of medical decisions for my Cat ! - Renton, Washington,

Banfield Pet Hospital - Renton Landings
1203 N Landing Way Renton, 98057 Washington, USA
(425) 917-5370
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 My experience with Banfield Pet Hospital in Renton Landings and Specifically Doctor Little, the Hospital Manager and the front desk Staff. 

First visit, I took my 13 year old cat there because I was new to the area and It was close. My cat had an eye infection. they said he had a little dot on his eye cornia. they gave me drops and told me about the wellness plan. 35 dollars a month and you get periodic checkups, dental cleaning, discounts and xrays.

The drops wern't helping and on my next visit it was worse, now a line like a scratch. They then gave me other medication and sent us home with another check up scedule. I called 3 days later and told them it wasnt working. I went in immediately and then was told there was a bubble in his eye and then finally told me they would recommend me to a Opthamologist. I wish they would have done it sooner so I could make the choise sooner. I would have chosen too. By the time I got to the specialist he had only one or two mico measurements left of the layer of cornial covering, and if it bursted it he would have lost his eye.

The doctor wanted to do surgery to patch his eye so it would stop it from bursting, But she looked at his pre surgery blood test. She said with his age and his below average kidney levels, she didn't feel comfortabale doing the surgury. Because if you put him under anesthesia his kidney may not be able to process it out and he could die or have detrimental effects to his abillities. I was happy she erred on the side of Causion. She gave me drops and serum for the eye and I had many visit 3 or 4 follow ups. His eye was healing but, it will take a year to heal. Im not happy with Banfields delay in suggesting that I go to an opthomologist. 

A while goes by and Renton Landings Banfield called me and told me it was time for my cats next wellness appointment and dental cleaning. I said ok BUT, he may not be able to have the dental cleaning because his kidney levels are two low and along with his age may not be safe, So I would want to know his kidney levels before they did the dental cleaning because they would have to put him under anesthesia. They said sure, So I made the appointment. 

When I dropped him off I told the front desk staff the same thing about his age and low kidney levels and that the opthomologist they sent me to didn't do surgury beceasue she didn't want to risk it. I said I wanted to be called after the blood work and before they did the dental cleaning because I wanted to make the choise. 

In the proscess of my check in I was started by one person, then another person took over, I told her the same thing about the age, kidney levels and that the opthomologist they sent me to didn't feel it safe to risk putting him under anesthesia. She wasn't really paying attention becase after I told her all that she asked me "did we refer you to the opthomologist? I Repeated what I had already told her. And reitterated that I wanted to be called before any anesthesia. They said of yes will call. 

I wrote on the intake form that the opthomologist didn't feel it safe to put him under anasthesia because of his age and Kidney levels.


Did they call Me after I told about four people about my conserns and that I wanted a call before anesthesia? When about four people said they would call me. 

They Did Not Call Me Before!!! They only called me after....and just to ask me If I would approve spending the money to remove teeth. 


I was so angry! they made the medical choise to put my cat under Anesthesia and left me out of the decision, even after four people heard my request and I was told yes. 

I told that person who called me that, they better take him off ansthesia and wake him up immediately. I tolder I was very angry about there diregard of my request. I can't believe they wouldn't want to put a pet owner at ease or include them in the decision making prossess espessial after multiple request. They were very unapologetic on the phone and even rude to me. 

When I got to the office. The Doctor little, one of the practice owners was no different and stood by his decision to not call me and said nothing and did not appologize for his staff for telling me that they would call. Doctor little said it is not his policy to call owners before surgery even if they request it. He said in the wellness program I signed a waiver so he didn't need to call me. He kept trying to tell my about his findings with My cat and I kept cutting him off. Saying I don't care about anything you have to say. I stopped caring about the type of care you would give if you choose as a doctor to leave me out of the decision making prosess of my life long animal I have cared for and been through everything with. he got so angry with me that I wouldn't listen to him, he called "me a piece of work"! I told him I am not paying for this appointment and he told me yes I will and that if I don't it will go to collections.  His staff was just angrilly rude to me. Saying in a snyd way to "Have a nice day" when I was leaving. When I went to the front and was waiting for my paper work. I said to the girls that checked me in. Both of you told me I would be called before surgery and they both were silent. No appology.

I Sent the lab results from the Banfield horrible visit to the opthomologist and she told me his kidney levels were the same and that she still wouldn't have put him under anestesia. 

I called corporate Banfield and they basically take down your story and send the complaint over to Doctor little and the other community Banfield owners and they make a decision. I got a call from Doctor littles office and that same office Manager and she told me that they would not be refunding my my money. And they have sent me to collections. She was just as rude. After this whole encounter I felt they made me feel like I was a jerk for getting mad because because I wanted a phone call. they didn't seem to comprehend or care that I wanted to be included in the treatments he would recieve. I was reminded I signed a waiver in the wellness contract. This is not how any Vetrinary office has ever treated me before or and personal doctor. I am suprised and Appalled. 

These Banfield Hospitals are totally seperate from Pet Smart, they just share commercial space. And They are Franchises so Corporate doesn't help you either. 

When I sent the Fax of Bloodworkd to the opthomologist to find out what she thought of My Cats kidney levels and if she would do the surgery, I did so at my apartment complex leasing office. I told the two leasing managers about my treatment & experience by Doctor Little and his staff. One of the leasing magagers said that. She took her dog to banfield also for a dental cleaning and that after it, he could never stand up again and she had to put him to sleep. She said the cause was that they gave him too much anesthesia. She said it was at the Same Renton Landings Banfield Hospital. She said it was the previous franchise owner doctor and that he sold or did something with the franchise in renton landings. Now Doctor Little and his Staff is there. I will forever tell people about my experience with Banfield Pet hospital in the landings Renton Washington and with Banfield corporate. 




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