  • Report:  #240963

Complaint Review: Bank Of America - Pembroke Pines Florida

Reported By:
- Plantation, Florida,

Bank Of America
www.bankofamerica.com Pembroke Pines, 33024 Florida, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
My husband and I have been customers with Bank of America for a couple of years. We had a CD, two checking and two savings accounts. Our accounts were all open at the Pembroke Pines branch on Pines Blvd in Pembroke Pines, FL.

In September of 2006, we began to have several problems with the bank. We had filed a claim, which had been reversed due to paper work being sent to an old address. As a result, we were charged several NSF fees, which we reluctantly accepted.

The paper work was sent to our correct address (yes, ,we had notified BOA of our change of address.) However, the same thing happened again in November. The same claim was once again REVERSED because BOA had AGAIN sent the paperwork we needed to fill out to the WRONG address! The bank admitted that these errors were their fault, credited the initial claim back to our account, but refused to address the over $2,000.00 in NSF fees.

We were given the run around, basically. Customer Service told us to call Claims. Claims told us that they would send the info to their "Investigator", but no one ever did anything. Needless to say, we were unhappy with the bank and used them as little as possible. We proceeded to file complaints with whatever state agencies would listen. We were using BOA very minimally for just a very few direct pays and making the odd deposit or withdraw.

On February 6, 2007 I noticed that my husbands ATM/Debit card was missing. I had just seen the card a few days prior so I wasn't too concerned. I did report the card missing to the bank on February 6, 2007. A new card was sent within a week. Bank of America closed the account the same week.

When I called to ask why, I was simply told that after an account review, they could no longer assist us with our banking. We had never received anything in writing closing our account, nor had we had any contact with any banking official to alert us that this would happen. We had another account with Bank Atlantic and were much happier with this bank. On March 22, 2007, my husband's debit card with Bank Atlantic was declined. We knew that we had quite a bit of money in the account.

I called Bank Atlantic and was told that Bank of America had reported our previous account to Chexsystems for banking fraud. They also let us know that because of this, they could no longer keep our account open until we could clear this matter up. I then spent the next day and a half contacting people at both Bank of America and Bank Atlantic attempting to straighten this matter out.

Bank of America finally told me that the reason they had reported was because the ATM card (which I had reported missing on February 6, 2007) had been attempted to be used at a few different ATMs in which empty envelopes had been deposited during the first week of February. We confirmed that the card that had been used was in fact, the OLD card that I had called to cancel. I was mortified and dumb founded.

Even if someone HAD found/taken, etc. this ATM card, how on earth did they have the pin # to access our account? The customer service rep explained that if I or my husband had inadvertently left the card in the ATM that it was quite possible that the person who pulled in behind us could have immediate access to our account. I asked why I had never been notified about this, but no one could give me an answer. Granted, there wasn't much in the Bank of America account, so not much money could be taken out.

The money wasn't the problem. It was now the black mark on our ChexSystem report affecting our current account. I proceeded to dispute this report with Chexsystems and continue trying to find someone, anyone, who could help us with this mess.

On Friday, March 23, 2007 my husband went into the Bank of America branch in Sunrise, FL to speak with the manager. He was extremely helpful, printing out the previous records and explaining that we would just need to contact the Bank of America Security Department on Monday and explain what had happened. He also told my husband that this type of problem was not uncommon. He himself was very distressed with the lack of customer service.

We were very surprised to hear a manager voice the exact same concerns that we had. He even offered to try and clear this up on his own but was uable. On Monday, March 26, 2007, my husband contacted Terri in the Security Department for Bank of America. He began to explain the situation, only to be rudely interrupted by Terri. She informed him that there was nothing that she could or would do. When he attempted to explain again, she simply said, file a police report and hung up.

Both my husband and I were appalled at the disrespect that we received this from a bank that we have had over a couple hundreds thousand dollars filtered into within the past year. The lack of customer service support was inexcusable. Bank of America attached this stigma of a fraud alert on our chexsystem file without any proof that we had done anything, without recognizing the fact that we had cancelled this card, without recognizing the fact that we had filed a police rpeport or without any way in which to resolve this situation. We have now had our primary bank account closed, and had our lives basically thrown upside down by the days and hours we have been required to devote to this matter.

We do not believe that the business practices of Bank of America are fair or ethical. Both my husband and I feel that we are being bullied in a sense by this bank. They have ruined our rating on chexsystems without any proof or without any suggestions on how to make our situation better.

At this point, I have contacted a few attorneys about class action law suits, sent letters, bank statements, etc. to ChexSystems, Bank of America-Main Office, Bank of America-Corporate Office, Bank of America Jacksonville Branch (which is over the BOA banking for the state of FL, Ken Lewis, CEO for BOA, Office of Consumer Services in FL, FL Dept of Financial Services, FDI Ofc of Bank Customer Affairs in Washington, D.C., Federal Reserve System, Comptroller of Currency, my local and state congressmen, and of course, BankAtlantic trying to salvage all of this.

Let me know if you have any other ideas on who I can contact.


Plantation, Florida

34 Updates & Rebuttals


Bank Of America unfair, unethical, and totally lacking in customer service support

#2Author of original report

Sun, April 01, 2007

I hardly think that I qualify for canonization. As more and more people become unhappy with this bank, more and more employees become unhappy as well. They are unhappy that recent policy changes have taken power away from the local branch managers and placed practically all of the power with the "central office". Branch managers no longer even have letter head for the most part because so many were helping customers out the way that my friend helped me. Luckily, he had a few pieces of letterhead hoarded before the removal. Branch managers are catching more and more flack from their customers because as much as they want to, they are unable to offer an real assistance to their customers without placing their jobs in jeopardy. Fortunately for me, my friend is so fed up with what he refers to as the BOA BS that he was willing to help me out of what could have been a very difficult situation. I'm happy to say that what I accomplished CAN be accomplished by anyone. If you really feel that you are in the right and have proper documentation to back it up (i.e. a police report, bank statements, carefully documented note on whom you spoke to and when) then you will be able to find someone to listen to your story. Trust me. Their are many unhappy BOA employees at a managerial level that are totally fed up. My situation is practically resolved. However, I'm not finished fighting yet. I am going forward with hiring an attorney. I will not allow this bank to get away with what they have done. Thank again for all of the support! :) Heather


Whose Whining Now?

#3Consumer Suggestion

Sun, April 01, 2007

To all, Here's more evidence and proof of FRAUDS like Daniel - Indianapolis, Indiana. For so long many like him have come on here and complained about customers WHINING about overdraft fees. Whose whining now? What does his comments to me in his last post have to do with the facts at hand in this ROR? By the way Daniel, You failed to address how you were unaware of the recent increase of the initial overdraft fee from $19 to $20 on February 16, 2007. Please clarify for all of us which is true. Have you not received yours in the mail from Bank of America yet, did you not read it, or did you miss this new information when you claimed that you read them earlier and then DEGRADED me and others who can't read them? Maybe it's you that need those pictures in these books as you mentioned! LOL! This information will cause everyone else to tread cautiously when listening to you and your comments.


Tales as tall as an oak....

#4Consumer Comment

Sun, April 01, 2007

What we have here is the delusional mind at work... I quote Heather here: "A Bank of America branch manager has agreed to give me a letter today stating that we did indeed report the card as lost or stolen and that he believes that we were reported to Chexsystems in error. He is also going to call chexsystems for us. He is aware that he is taking a very risky move by doing this for us (possibly his job), but feels strongly enough that we are in the right and that his bank is in the wrong that he is willing to take that risk." So let me understand this correctly...a Branch Manager gave you a letter because he BELIEVES that you were reported in error? And, he is going to crusade on your behalf to Chexsystems? He is going to do all of this, flying in the face of every person from BOA that has told you to take a flying leap...all at the expense of his job? Move over, Joan of Arc...we have a new martyr to cannonize! I don't know what color the sky is in your world, Heather. But whatever it is, it must have taken about a tank of strong alcohol to get there... As for you, Eduardo, by all means keep patting yourself on the back (someone has to, right?). Kool aid drinkers like you will crawl through the desert believing that there is water there...and when they find there is only sand and camel s***, they drink that thinking it's water. Little girls like you just hate the fact that corporations profit off the back of your irresponsible acts...and that's ok, really. How boring would the world be if whiniers didn't exist? In the meantime, keep those overdraft fees coming...they keep all of MY services FREE, FREE, FREE...

Dennis Ray

Los Angeles,
Response to Steve, and Dennis Ray/Marcy

#5Consumer Comment

Sun, April 01, 2007

Steve, get real. If you paste Marcy - Greenville, Texas U.S.A. as the last line in a report, yes my name will follow, real detective work there. If you are in fact an employee of B of A I can clearly see why B of A has such problems. B of A has serious issues or there would not be so many complaints about them. Marcy is in Texas, I am in California, check the IP address's with ED before you spew out such nonsense. Now go back to putting somebody down because B of A screwed up their account.


Disappointed Because of Refund?

#6Consumer Comment

Sat, March 31, 2007

To all, This is how you can tell those who are on here to truly help and give REAL ADVICE, vs those who are on here strictly to DEFEND THE BANK AT at all costs, even when THE BANK FINALLY ADMITTED IT WAS WRONG! Why would anyone (LIKE DANIEL) be upset because Marcy RECEIVED HER REFUND? Isn't this sour grapes and a revelation of someone's true motives! Daniel, why are you still defending the bank when this ROR is a closed issue with THE BANK ADMITTING FAULT! Congratulations once again Marcy! Now on to the next victim!


Disappointed Because of Refunds?

#7Consumer Comment

Sat, March 31, 2007

To Daniel - Indianapolis, Indiana, Do I detect a taste of sour grapes? Both Marcy of Greenville, TX and hopefully soon Heather in this ROR will both have shown first hand that #1 - Each of their situations was A BANK ERROR and #2 - Each of them finally reached a Bank of America employee who agreed with them? How are these two situations related in anyway to a mismanagent of one's account. Nice diversion attempt! You see Heather, This is why it's important to let people like Daniel of Indiana, Steve of Florida and many others continue to post their thoughts and opinions, because little by little, it shows their own contradictions and outright misinformation they try to put forth. This allows others to put forth the correct information, which we hope will prove helpful for those in situations like yours. Here's one example: Hey Daniel, The INITIAL overdraft charge from Bank of America is no longer $19. It's now $20, effective Feb 16, 2007. The third time in less than two years that BofA has raised it's fees. And the profits just keep a rollin on in! To all, You see - apparently Daniel is no better than anyone else because HE TOO HAS NOT READ his NEW DISCLOSURES. LOL! Or worse yet, maybe Bank of America hasn't DISCLOSED them or mailed them yet! LOL! Be careful who you listen to, who you take advice from, and especially be careful who you let DEGRADE you into thinking that your situation is your own because they are oh so perfect. Daniel is a perfect, or NOT SO PERFECT, example!


Mathematics 101 lesson for you, Edward...

#8Consumer Comment

Sat, March 31, 2007

A little education for you regarding those who are responsible for our bank accounts, Edward: Number of times overdrafting our accounts? O Number of overdraft fees charged? 0 Seems to me you have your facts mixed up (again), Edward. Those who overdraft their accounts by employing irresponsible account management approaches eat first a $19.00 overdraft charge, then $35.00 each overdraft subsequent to the first. Seems to me, our side is still winning and yours losing where it counts. By the way, I do not work for BOA...but i was able to obtain the preceding information by actually reading my account Terms and Conditions. You see, the educated in this country tend to conceal that type of information in books and documents that do not have pictures. Sorry if this leaves you out of the proverbial informational loop.


Is The Tide Turning?

#9Consumer Comment

Fri, March 30, 2007

The worker bee supporters are coming out in droves now that they realize they're losing and all of their condescending nonsense is coming to light! To all, please see my post IN THIS ROR above "Directly From The Top". Then compare those comments to the latest update from Heather the author and the local branch manager. I agree with Heather about honest and concerned BofA employees whose hands are tied. Heather has now further clarified the details of her ordeal, further confirming that it was ANOTHER BANK ERROR once again SURPRISE SURPRISE. Hopefully her situation will turn out equally as well as Marcy's recent ROR. Please see: http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/ripoff239200.htm To others with equal situations, please use these two recent ROR's as examples. Never give up the fight and don't be naive to believe those who want to force you to believe that all NSF' and OVERDRAFT are ALWAYS THE CUSTOMER'S FAULT!


News flash for you BOA haters...Steve is not alone in his support of Bank of America

#10Consumer Comment

Fri, March 30, 2007

Greetings again, Edward...you must have missed me and others like me if you posted a previous reply asking where all of Steve's supporters were. I'm sorry I kept you waiting... Steve is useful asset to ROR because he stands for the rights of others, but does so within the framework of personal responsibility. To attack him is to attempt to alleviate yourself of the errors you made that have led to the negative predicament you are in. Steve knows there are countless posters who agree with him, including me. What is most disturbing about this post is the fact that the OP states that through Bank of America, "we have had over a couple hundreds thousand dollars filtered into within the past year"...yet she does NOT check her wallet to make sure that the passkey AKA debit/ATM card is not present? If I had accounts with hundreds of thousands of dollars running through them, I'd be d**n sure I knew the whereabouts of the tools of access to those funds on a consistent basis. I hear these same complaints when ROR posters cry about NSF overdraft fees - only then, the battle cry is "I don't have time to keep a register" or "I don't have time to log all of my electronic transactions". Well guess what? It is YOUR responsibility to ensure the safety and security of your own finances. Bank of America is a terrific financial institution, but I am afraid that their powers of assistance are limited where managing your accounts are concerned. Banks do not just close accounts and claim fraud on a daily basis for no reason. If you believe that your ATM/debit card was stolen or used without your consent, file a police report. If you believe that BOA reported inaccurate information to Chexsystems, file a dispute with them.


Bank of America: Unethical, unfair, and totally lacking in customer service.

#11Author of original report

Fri, March 30, 2007

Hi to all, Well, it's been a very busy past few days. I have made some accomplishments and had a few set backs. Thanks again to all who have offered their support and their helpful suggestions. Just to answer a few questions: A police report was filed with the Plantation Police Department and was given to Bank of America. Bank of America refuses to pull the video images from the ATM, telling us that they are only saved for a specific period of time. I have been told they are digital images that can be accessed up to a year or more later. Additionally, I was also told when I finally was able to speak to someone in the Security Department via Account Closures that the ATM card was only used at one branch on S. University in Plantation. I know this Plantation branch well and even pointed out that they don't even USE envelopes at this branch. At that point, Security told me that empty envelopes weren't the issue. It was repeatedly using the card with the wrong pin # that flagged my account. What?! Shouldn't it be OBVIOUS that I know my own Pin # and wouldn't do that? And what about the empty envelopes? More than one customer service rep from BOA mentioned that this little tidbit of information was on my record. Funny how the story changes once something is pointed out that is quite obvious to them. There are no envelopes! It is quite apparent to me at this point that Bank of America is just attaching anything that they can to my Chexsystems file. Regardless, Bank of America Customer Service is refusing to do anything to help me. I am put on hold for up to 30 minutes at a time at which point the phone will go dead and I will have to repeat the whole process over again. Or, I am shuffled from department to department where no one has any real answers. A Bank of America branch manager has agreed to give me a letter today stating that we did indeed report the card as lost or stolen and that he believes that we were reported to Chexsystems in error. He is also going to call chexsystems for us. He is aware that he is taking a very risky move by doing this for us (possibly his job), but feels strongly enough that we are in the right and that his bank is in the wrong that he is willing to take that risk. I was very impressed. There are still good Bank of America employees out there who will help you if you try hard enough. I will keep you guys updated. Heather


Long Time Customers Complaining

#12Consumer Comment

Fri, March 30, 2007

Steve, You said that you're "so tired of this NSF thing". I agree with you. I'm tired of it as well, as I'm sure are many others. I would love for the issue to go away. It's so frustrating to see so many complaints about the same thing over and over. If you pay attention to the all of the recent ROR's submitted against Bank of America, THEY ALL have authors who have had accounts with BofA for many years, but only started having problems with them RECENTLY. This has to be more than a coincidence? It is obvious that Bank of America has implemented policies only recently that is just reacking havoc on SO MANY LONG TIME CUSTOMERS. You may be an exception but so what? Please explain why so many others JUST ALL OF SUDDEN started having THE SAME PROBLEM, AT THE SAME TIME, when they all have been customers for years with never any issues before? And isn't it a strange coincidence that BofA is far and away the clear leader of ROR's submitted, not to mention the flood of ROR's SUBMITTED RECENTLY, all regarding the same ole tired issue? Where there's smoke, there's usually fire! Please address how Heather is at fault in this ROR when she immediately called BofA the minute she discovered the card missing and they promptly canceled the card, close that account and sent her a new card?


River Edge,
New Jersey,
Not an employee, nor hired

#13Consumer Suggestion

Fri, March 30, 2007

Heather, I find it funny that the only people who accuse me of being a paid employee or spin master are the ones where I point out a problem with their "story". For the record, I do not work for, nor am paid by any agency or company to post here. I peruse the posts and help where I can and point out issues where I see them. I also notice that you didn't address any of my questions or observations. WAS THERE A BANK INVESTIGATION? WHAT DID THE VIDEOS FROM THE ATM SHOW? DID YOU FILE A POLICE REPORT? IF NOT, WHY? IF SO, WHAT WAS THE RESOLUTION? HOW COULD THEY HAVE ACCESSED MULTIPLE MACHINES IF THEY DIDN'T HAVE YOUR PIN? YOU YOURSELF SAID YOU HAD NO CLUE HOW THEY GOT IT. WHAT SENSE DOES IT MAKE FOR A THIEF TO DEPOSIT EMPTY ENVELOPES IF YOU HAD HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS IN YOUR ACCOUNT? IF THERE WAS A POLICE INVESTIGATION, THE ENVELOPES WOULD HAVE FINGERPRINTS.....


Debate Is Somewhat Helpful

#14Consumer Comment

Fri, March 30, 2007

Heather, It's no doubt your sources are correct about the banks hiring individuals to monitor these sites and try to divert attention. And if this is in fact true, then you can best believe the banks are getting word back about public perception and whether they're winning this battle. That's why I welcome individuals like Steve, and others to continue these tactics so I can let them know they're not winning. As I said in my earlier post on this ROR, it gives us a chance to poke holes in all of their defunct theories and conclusions. Otherwise, some naive people just might be inclined to believe some of their crap. It's time for BofA to stop pissing on customer's heads and telling them it's raining, and think they're going to keep believing it! I digress.... Now back to your issue, I am in now way a banking expert with inside information on the banks most inner workings. And I offer my apologies to you as I have to the authors of other ROR's that I regret I can't offer any meaningful suggestions or advice to your problem. My question (once again submitted in earlier post on this ROR), still stands. Where are those who can? But I do know a rat when I see one or read one on the ROR. That's why I will always welcome Steve and others because information is power!


South Carolina,
I neither use nor carry any ATM cards.... I shred them.

#15Consumer Comment

Thu, March 29, 2007

I also neither use nor carry any DEBIT cards. Loosing track of your cards for 3 days is a bit careless but these things do happen to many of us. My wife left the passenger door of our truck open last night and I forgot to go out and police everything. I found the open door (open door policy?) this AM but nothing had come of it- we do not have a theft problem in our neighboorhood and there was no rain. Except maybe we got some extra pine tree pollen into the cab..... My view is that using ATM cards and DEBIT cards is simply a bad idea. You have very few if any protections with these cards. Plan ahead a little and stash some cash at home and you will simply not need an ATM card. The banks here offer us very convenient hours, and one of our banks has an office in a grocery store 2.5 miles away and that bank office is open until 7 PM weekdays and 3 PM on Saturdays. So I suggest you restructure your financial operations. Credit cards, which are NOT connected to your bank accounts, offer a LOT of protections that are simply not available with DEBIT and ATM cards.


Bank of America, unfair, unethical, and totally lacking in customer support skills.

#16Author of original report

Thu, March 29, 2007

Thanks to all for their kind suggestions, comments, and encouragement. One other additional tidbit of information that I was given was that several individuals are hired through the Customer Service Division (possibly by a PR company out of Phoenix) who do get paid to monitor and come onto these sites. I've seen a few people suggest this in the past, so it seems likely that my source is on the right track. The primary goal of these lurkers is not to offer any real assitance (obviously), but to simply divert attention from the real issues at hand. I was told that these individuals come on and play "good cop, bad cop" in that some of them are rude and obnoxious while others are there to pick fights with the rude and obnoxious individuals. This is done with the sole purpose of drawing attention from the important issues at hand. In my opinion, it is probably better to give them as little attention as possible. Thanks again,


So make a Police report

#17Consumer Suggestion

Thu, March 29, 2007

No bank or any other financial institution will do anything without a police report in cases that involve the kind of issue you are reporting with your ATM card. So call the police and file a report. After you file the report contact the security folks again or go to the branch with the report number. If it has not been too long they can pull the security tapes from the cameras to see who was making the fraudlent deposits or otherwise causing this problem for you and get your money back. Go to the new bank with the police report as well and let them make a copy so they can be aware. Banks deal with people who have had similar problems all the time. No big deal but you have to help them. But they can't do anything without the report


River Edge,
New Jersey,
If you said what you said....

#18Consumer Suggestion

Thu, March 29, 2007

If you told BOA the same thing that you posted, then I can see where their decision came from as there is no way what you said happened without knowing your PIN number. You attempt to distract from that by claiming something else, but let me clarify... You said: "Bank of America finally told me that the reason they had reported was because the ATM card (which I had reported missing on February 6, 2007) had been attempted to be used at a few different ATMs in which empty envelopes had been deposited during the first week of February." **Please note that you claim BOA says that your ATM card was used at A FEW DIFFERENT ATMS for depositing blank envelopes However, you then go on to say that the BOA rep explained that it may have happened by leaving your card in the ATM: "Even if someone HAD found/taken, etc. this ATM card, how on earth did they have the pin # to access our account? The customer service rep explained that if I or my husband had inadvertently left the card in the ATM that it was quite possible that the person who pulled in behind us could have immediate access to our account." **So if that was the case, than there was only ONE machine it could've happened at (putting aside the fact that all ATM's now have safeguards against this, ie. they ask you for your PIN again if you request "another transaction" after your initial one). So how did they access your card from multiple machines? As for how much money you seem to have, that is no bearing on whether or not you are trustworthy or honest. I would imagine that most people who are criminals or scam artists have tons of money in their bank account. I also find it a bit unbelievable that they filed the report for bank fraud without a thorough investigation which would include viewing the video of the ATM to determine whether or not it was YOU who deposited the blank envelopes. There is more here than meets the eye. If you had tons of money in your account as you state, why would the crooks make DEPOSITS of empty envelopes and not SIMPLY WITHDRAW YOUR MONEY? The empty envelope scam is used by account holders with no money. Since BOA allows up to $100 available immediately on deposits, people use this as a way to get cash. But why would they do this to you? This makes no sense at all.


Steve is at times a bit arrogant

#19Consumer Comment

Thu, March 29, 2007

But he HAS given good advise to people who need it. I've read numerous posting where people have followed his advise and gotten results. Thats what this board is all about. Everyone here is entitled to give advise or post an opinion. Slamming someone for their views is rude and completely uncalled for. Just becasue you don't agree doesn't make his view wrong. He states clearly that he is NOT a lawyer and is given his opinion/advise as a private individual. I don't always agree with him but respect his right to have an opinion.

Steve [Not A Lawyer]

Response to Lori, and Dennis Ray/Marcy [same person].

#20Consumer Comment

Thu, March 29, 2007

Lori, I'm sorry if you think my post was harsh, but it fits the situation. this is a perfect example of just being irresponsible. People are negligent in handling their finances then scream rip off. I'm so tired of this NSF thing. People need to just get a grip on their finances, and this would never be an issue. I get hammered because I have discipline and never pay an NSF fee? If in fact the bank was ripping people off, I would also be getting ripped off, right? Why is my account not affected by this alleged rip off? Think about it. Now, for Marcy/Dennis Ray, these two aliases are in fact the same person. This was proven in a prior post that was signed by "Marcy" who forgot about the default signature placed in reports by ROR. Dennis Ray and Marcy both had "signatures" in the same post. So, this split personality is attacking me? And, FYI..I have helped far more people on ROR than I have "attacked". Maybe you should look back through a few more reports and see all of the compliments and thank you's I have recieved, as well as the many people posting and asking specifically for me. I guess you didn't see those, right? Get a life.


Where Are The True Experts?

#21Consumer Comment

Thu, March 29, 2007

Yes it is true everyone is aware of Steve's antics. However, although his comments usually degrading and rarely helpful, I actually appreciate posts from him and debates back and forth because it gives a chance to shoot down all of the idiotic theories he and others try to force on everyone. I find it surprising that some of the other usual suspects have not come to Steve's defense or support like they've done on other ROR's. Could it be that some of these ROR's are just so outrageously blatant and indefensible that not even the diehard supporters can defend the bank, like in this case? BUT what is most surprising is the lack of responses from those who actually do try to offer REAL SUGGESTIONS AND ADVICE. Hey Stile, where are you? Could it also be that some of these ROR's are so outrageous, that not even the experts can offer any REAL ADVICE because EVEN THEY ARE DUMBFOUNDED, especially when Heather appears to have done everything right by reporting the card lost, getting it CANCELED and receiving a new card? What gives?


Bank of America, unfair, unethical

#22Author of original report

Wed, March 28, 2007

I had never had an NSF prior to this other than two overdrafts in 2004. As I said earlier, we always kept upper two to low three figures in our accounts before the issue with the claims when we moved our CD and a few other things to Bank Atlantic. We are by no means one of those banking customers who live paycheck to paycheck or bounce checks all over the place. Both of our positions involve extensive FBI and credit checks quite often. We would not risk our jobs. It is just a frustrating situation. I, too, found it hard to believe. But, as I said before...it seems that we aren't the only ones having these issues. Bank Atlantic has agreed to allow our accounts with them to stay open now that we have provided them extensive paperwork to show that we do plan on fighting what we consider to be unfair treatment. Thanks to everyone for reading my rantings. It helps to vent a little! :)


Bank of America, unfair, unethical

#23Author of original report

Wed, March 28, 2007

I had never had an NSF prior to this other than two overdrafts in 2004. As I said earlier, we always kept upper two to low three figures in our accounts before the issue with the claims when we moved our CD and a few other things to Bank Atlantic. We are by no means one of those banking customers who live paycheck to paycheck or bounce checks all over the place. Both of our positions involve extensive FBI and credit checks quite often. We would not risk our jobs. It is just a frustrating situation. I, too, found it hard to believe. But, as I said before...it seems that we aren't the only ones having these issues. Bank Atlantic has agreed to allow our accounts with them to stay open now that we have provided them extensive paperwork to show that we do plan on fighting what we consider to be unfair treatment. Thanks to everyone for reading my rantings. It helps to vent a little! :)


Directly From The Top

#24Consumer Comment

Wed, March 28, 2007

The words "unfair" and "unethical" in the ROR's title sums up perfectly what's going on with this bank. I'm not sure what happened and when but all of these recent ROR's in addition to Heather's seem to have s****.. BofA employees seem to be under VERY STRICT orders DIRECTLY FROM THE TOP and they're powerless to do anything in many of these situations even when THEY UNDERSTAND THE CUSTOMERS PROBLEM. In the past, they probably had their hands slapped for going against the grain. Now the top dogs have taken their power completely with the new system changes, aka "DECISIONED".


Coming down a little hard there Steve

#25Consumer Comment

Wed, March 28, 2007

As for the NSF fees, it is high but since most banks will present an item twice before returning it as unpayable, its not an impossible scenario. As for losing an ATM card and not realizing it, I've done that myself where I didn't realize it was missing for a few days. I certainly don't check daily to see if its there in my wallet but only when I want to use it. To this day, I don't know for sure where that card got to. The only thing I could be sure of was that I had used it last 3 days prior to discovering that it was missing. I do however think that there is more to the story than what we are hearing. Out of curiosity, how many times in the year prior had you overdrafted checks or had them returned as NSF? Only time that I've seen a bank close an account against a customer's wishes was for excessive NSF conditions or actual fraud


Coming down a little hard there Steve

#26Consumer Comment

Wed, March 28, 2007

As for the NSF fees, it is high but since most banks will present an item twice before returning it as unpayable, its not an impossible scenario. As for losing an ATM card and not realizing it, I've done that myself where I didn't realize it was missing for a few days. I certainly don't check daily to see if its there in my wallet but only when I want to use it. To this day, I don't know for sure where that card got to. The only thing I could be sure of was that I had used it last 3 days prior to discovering that it was missing. I do however think that there is more to the story than what we are hearing. Out of curiosity, how many times in the year prior had you overdrafted checks or had them returned as NSF? Only time that I've seen a bank close an account against a customer's wishes was for excessive NSF conditions or actual fraud


Coming down a little hard there Steve

#27Consumer Comment

Wed, March 28, 2007

As for the NSF fees, it is high but since most banks will present an item twice before returning it as unpayable, its not an impossible scenario. As for losing an ATM card and not realizing it, I've done that myself where I didn't realize it was missing for a few days. I certainly don't check daily to see if its there in my wallet but only when I want to use it. To this day, I don't know for sure where that card got to. The only thing I could be sure of was that I had used it last 3 days prior to discovering that it was missing. I do however think that there is more to the story than what we are hearing. Out of curiosity, how many times in the year prior had you overdrafted checks or had them returned as NSF? Only time that I've seen a bank close an account against a customer's wishes was for excessive NSF conditions or actual fraud


Coming down a little hard there Steve

#28Consumer Comment

Wed, March 28, 2007

As for the NSF fees, it is high but since most banks will present an item twice before returning it as unpayable, its not an impossible scenario. As for losing an ATM card and not realizing it, I've done that myself where I didn't realize it was missing for a few days. I certainly don't check daily to see if its there in my wallet but only when I want to use it. To this day, I don't know for sure where that card got to. The only thing I could be sure of was that I had used it last 3 days prior to discovering that it was missing. I do however think that there is more to the story than what we are hearing. Out of curiosity, how many times in the year prior had you overdrafted checks or had them returned as NSF? Only time that I've seen a bank close an account against a customer's wishes was for excessive NSF conditions or actual fraud

Dennis Ray

Los Angeles,
Mr. Arrogant speaks again.

#29Consumer Suggestion

Wed, March 28, 2007

A growing number of people on the ROR have become bored with Steve's condescending arrogant attitude towards anybody with a banking problem. There are a number of complaints about his posts on the ROR. I admit I only have a CD with BoA so all the NSF issues do not apply. But what does irritate many are his condescending advice on all subjects. He should keep his advice to himself. Posting informative replies would be welcome but his condescending posts are directed at ROR posters and most of his advice should be avoided as he is usually putting somebody down. Marcy of Greenville, Texas was a bit harsh on Steve but it looks like Marcy has had it with Steve also? Lot's of complaints, just do you own search: ====== http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/ripoff215878.htm Hey you guys, Don't WASTE your breath with STEVE... He is MR PERFECT we all know, he hasn't had an overdraft in 30 years... yada yada yada... THIS COULD BE BECAUSE HE HAS WORKED FOR BOA FOR 30 YEARS... He is not gonna try and help in any way he simply wants everybody to think he is perfect... Bank of America has proven time and time again that they are crooks and steal customers money with fraudulant business practices. So Steve go on back under your rock and quit trying to preach to everybody on here who has a legitimate complaint about BANK screw you over America... Sincerely Marcy - Greenville, Texas U.S.A. ====== http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/ripoff237492.htm "By the way, I don't need to hear any poor advice coming from "Steve [not a lawyer}-Bradenton, Florida"." Danielle - Champaign, Illinois U.S.A. Danielle - Champaign, Illinois U.S.A. ====== Do your own search, readers are tired of Steve and wish he would just go away.


Steve, what is your malfunction?

#30Consumer Comment

Wed, March 28, 2007

This isn't the first response from you that I've read today, and to my surprise, they are not adding anything to the thread. Instead of trying to help, you are simply sniping at the OP. I've always read your replies with interest, and have at times told others to go find them for the information that they contained. So, what gives? Is this simply a bad week, or have you decided that it's easier to critisize than attempt to help?


Bank of America, Unfair, unethical and totally lacking in cusotmer support.

#31Author of original report

Wed, March 28, 2007

Thank you for taking the time to read my report Steve. I know it seems hard to believe. I'm still in a state of disbelief and shock myself. And yes, I obviously have some culpability regarding the debit card. I would have fully expected to take the brunt of any activity that went on during the first few days. My issue is with the fact that despite calling to CANCEL the card and GETTING another card, the original card was not stopped. As far as the NSF fees go, Several items were returned three and four times each. One item even FIVE. The bank did agree that this was an error and that once I've straightened everything else out they will "look into" issuing a credit for it. Ha. The money isn't the issue as much as the lack of customer support. I am very happy that you have had such a positive experience with this bank. However, there are obviously MAJOR problems with this financial institution. I just don't want anyone else to go through what I have went through with them. In sharing my story, several friends, neighbors and acquaintances have already pulled their money from Bank of America in the past week. In addition, my employer has closed his account. Another neighbor is a manager of Bank of America and has shared countless stories of what he refers to as SNAFUS where peoples lives are just made a little inconvenient as ours was, but torn apart by these mistakes. The only reason he stays with the bank is because he thinks that maybe, somehow, he can make a difference. So obviously, we are not the only ones having such horrible experiences with Bank of America. ----- has been an awesome bank. I would highly recommend them to anyone wondering where to put their money. The customer service is awesome, the employees are friendly and helpful, and the managers at least seem to have some control over what goes on in their own branch, unlike Bank of America.


Bank of America, Unfair, unethical and totally lacking in cusotmer support.

#32Author of original report

Wed, March 28, 2007

Thank you for taking the time to read my report Steve. I know it seems hard to believe. I'm still in a state of disbelief and shock myself. And yes, I obviously have some culpability regarding the debit card. I would have fully expected to take the brunt of any activity that went on during the first few days. My issue is with the fact that despite calling to CANCEL the card and GETTING another card, the original card was not stopped. As far as the NSF fees go, Several items were returned three and four times each. One item even FIVE. The bank did agree that this was an error and that once I've straightened everything else out they will "look into" issuing a credit for it. Ha. The money isn't the issue as much as the lack of customer support. I am very happy that you have had such a positive experience with this bank. However, there are obviously MAJOR problems with this financial institution. I just don't want anyone else to go through what I have went through with them. In sharing my story, several friends, neighbors and acquaintances have already pulled their money from Bank of America in the past week. In addition, my employer has closed his account. Another neighbor is a manager of Bank of America and has shared countless stories of what he refers to as SNAFUS where peoples lives are just made a little inconvenient as ours was, but torn apart by these mistakes. The only reason he stays with the bank is because he thinks that maybe, somehow, he can make a difference. So obviously, we are not the only ones having such horrible experiences with Bank of America. ----- has been an awesome bank. I would highly recommend them to anyone wondering where to put their money. The customer service is awesome, the employees are friendly and helpful, and the managers at least seem to have some control over what goes on in their own branch, unlike Bank of America.


Bank of America, Unfair, unethical and totally lacking in cusotmer support.

#33Author of original report

Wed, March 28, 2007

Thank you for taking the time to read my report Steve. I know it seems hard to believe. I'm still in a state of disbelief and shock myself. And yes, I obviously have some culpability regarding the debit card. I would have fully expected to take the brunt of any activity that went on during the first few days. My issue is with the fact that despite calling to CANCEL the card and GETTING another card, the original card was not stopped. As far as the NSF fees go, Several items were returned three and four times each. One item even FIVE. The bank did agree that this was an error and that once I've straightened everything else out they will "look into" issuing a credit for it. Ha. The money isn't the issue as much as the lack of customer support. I am very happy that you have had such a positive experience with this bank. However, there are obviously MAJOR problems with this financial institution. I just don't want anyone else to go through what I have went through with them. In sharing my story, several friends, neighbors and acquaintances have already pulled their money from Bank of America in the past week. In addition, my employer has closed his account. Another neighbor is a manager of Bank of America and has shared countless stories of what he refers to as SNAFUS where peoples lives are just made a little inconvenient as ours was, but torn apart by these mistakes. The only reason he stays with the bank is because he thinks that maybe, somehow, he can make a difference. So obviously, we are not the only ones having such horrible experiences with Bank of America. ----- has been an awesome bank. I would highly recommend them to anyone wondering where to put their money. The customer service is awesome, the employees are friendly and helpful, and the managers at least seem to have some control over what goes on in their own branch, unlike Bank of America.


Bank of America, Unfair, unethical and totally lacking in cusotmer support.

#34Author of original report

Wed, March 28, 2007

Thank you for taking the time to read my report Steve. I know it seems hard to believe. I'm still in a state of disbelief and shock myself. And yes, I obviously have some culpability regarding the debit card. I would have fully expected to take the brunt of any activity that went on during the first few days. My issue is with the fact that despite calling to CANCEL the card and GETTING another card, the original card was not stopped. As far as the NSF fees go, Several items were returned three and four times each. One item even FIVE. The bank did agree that this was an error and that once I've straightened everything else out they will "look into" issuing a credit for it. Ha. The money isn't the issue as much as the lack of customer support. I am very happy that you have had such a positive experience with this bank. However, there are obviously MAJOR problems with this financial institution. I just don't want anyone else to go through what I have went through with them. In sharing my story, several friends, neighbors and acquaintances have already pulled their money from Bank of America in the past week. In addition, my employer has closed his account. Another neighbor is a manager of Bank of America and has shared countless stories of what he refers to as SNAFUS where peoples lives are just made a little inconvenient as ours was, but torn apart by these mistakes. The only reason he stays with the bank is because he thinks that maybe, somehow, he can make a difference. So obviously, we are not the only ones having such horrible experiences with Bank of America. ----- has been an awesome bank. I would highly recommend them to anyone wondering where to put their money. The customer service is awesome, the employees are friendly and helpful, and the managers at least seem to have some control over what goes on in their own branch, unlike Bank of America.

Steve [Not A Lawyer]

Over $2000 in NSF fees?

#35Consumer Comment

Tue, March 27, 2007

I find this hard to believe. Even at $35 each, that would be 57 NSF items. And, A debit card missing for a few days? This just sounds like a pattern of carelessness. My ATM card stays in my wallet which is always in my pocket when not in use. I never have a problem. It's called paying attention. Discipline. Handling things BEFORE there is a problem. I have been with Bank of America 16 years and have never had a problem. I have had multiple accounts at the same time and have banked in several states. No problems ever. FYI..My current account is a NV account and I live in FL. Still, no problems.

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