  • Report:  #1300831

Complaint Review: Beautiful Helen - Internet

Reported By:
Anonymous - Oak Park, California, USA

Beautiful Helen
Internet, USA
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Beautiful Helen is an internet based website, as are many others that offer to introduce you to beautiful women in Eastern Europe. Mainly Russia and the Ukraine.

With this website, you can contact any lady that you wish on their web site for a fixed monthly fee. This fee gives you a certain amount of letter writing privileges. All depending on how much you are willing to pay.

Here is the problem, if you want to contact any of these ladies personally; you have to ask them for the lady's information. What they will give you (for a price) are her address and phone number.  That is it.  You will not get her e-mail address. They specifically tell you that they will not give you her e-mail address because, (according to them) most of the women in these countries do not have an internet address because access to the internet is very expensive.

This is a blatant lie. First of all, this website sends your letters to the lady of your choice by using her internet address. They do not call her nor do they send her a letter over the regular mail service. Nor does she actually go to the office of the agency to see her mail from you. When you send her a letter on their website, they get the letter then translate it into Russian. Once that is done they will then send it to her e-mail address.

If she does not own a computer then she will use the computer at her work to get her personal e-mail. Or she will go to an internet cafe to get her e-mail. I know this for a fact because I have been to Russia and The Ukraine many times. Also many of these women are professionals. They are doctors or lawyers. Are you going to believe that they cannot afford internet service? Seriously?

So for them to say that she does not have an e-mail address is a blatant lie.

They will give you her cell phone number and her postal address then they will go out of their way explaining to  you how to use the phone number and how the cell phone system in The Ukraine or in Russia work. They will explain to you how to do international dialing as well as how the people in those countries have to buy minutes in order to use their cell phones.


That much is true. In order to use their cell phones, the people in those countries buy cell phone minutes from little street kiosks. What they buy are little cards, about the size of a business card that has a scratch-off area in the back. Once they scratch that area off then they will see a very long numerical code.  They then enter that code on their cell phones and now they have a set number of minutes to use according to how much money they paid for their card.

Having said that, you may now begin to understand that using their cell phone minutes is very precious for them. Typically they will have about 60 minutes of cell phone time. What this means is that if you call them from another country, they will most likely not take the call because for them, having a long distance conversation uses up their phone minutes at three times the rate as a local call. Even if they are receiving the call. The same applies for text messaging. I know because I have taken my American cell phone over there and tried to call or text them from the city where they live on the local network. And not one of the ladies I called answered her phone because when they saw that it was not a local number they decided to ignore it. The same applies for texts because you have to approve opening a text message. If they see that the text is from a phone with a foreign phone number they will just delete it without even opening it.

Finally don't even think of then trying to contact them by mail. When the local mail service in those countries see that the letter is from The United States (or any other western country), they will steal it because they are hoping that it will have money or something valuable.

So when any of these Eastern European give you just the lady's address and phone number as their contact information, they are giving you nothing. Because they know that it is almost impossible for you to contact then with what they gave you.

It's like going to a convenience store and buying a bottle of Coke and then all you get is an empty bottle.

Finally, as you can see, this company is located in Cyprus which is the home base for all of these Russian and Ukrainian scammer dating cites

The last thing I will say is that I was stupid enough to sign up for their services and paid $50. But then the next day I saw what their policies were and I cancelled my subscription. The very next day. But they refused to refund me my $50.

So when you see this web site, as well as any other web site that lies to you about giving you the lady's contact information in this manner, then run!

One last point is this, even if it is true, as they say that most ladies over there can't afford internet, what does it hurt to give the e-mail address anyway?

As you can now conclude, the reason that they do this is because they want to keep on milking you for money by maintaining their contact monopoly.

Also, be warned, another company that does this is called Dream Marriage.

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