Irvine,#2Consumer Comment
Mon, March 12, 2012
Did this tow company force your girlfriend to park 6 inches into the other parking space? Did they sand-blast the old lines and repaint the new lines to make it look like she parked wrong? admit that your Girlfriend was not paying attention and in a rush parked in two spaces.
Heck, even if you cross the line in a public parking lot, you will at least get a warning sticker.
- So it is safe to assume that since you state this as fact that this is not the first time you have had "double-parking" issues?
C'mon I'm sure there haven't been that big of a volume with a rash of complaints about unavailable spaces due to those awful double parkers to warrant having a tow truck posse scour the grounds for to "enforce" the law!!
- A Tow company is just like other businesses, they are going to go where they can make money. So if there was a tow truck that "scours" the grounds, they must find enough violations to make it worth while. By the way if you are not in management how do you know the number of complaints they had? All it takes is a few "busy bodies" to constantly complain for the management to decide to take action.
Of course this may work to your advantage, if you want to be the "busy body". If the other tenant complained to the point of them almost calling the police, if you do that as well they may re-think their policies on parking. Of course if they do have valid complaints about parking, you may just be proving their case..because you admit that your girlfriend did double park. Which would have them continue with the same policy.
Perhaps it is time for your Girlfriend to take responsibility for her inattentiveness in trying to rush to the wedding.
Oh and since I know this is going through your mind, NO I do not work for this or any tow company or the management of the apartment complex.