  • Report:  #33573

Complaint Review: Benard Haldane Associate - London UK

Reported By:
- Maidenhead, Berks,

Benard Haldane Associate
Marcol House, 289-293 Regent Street London, W1B 2HJ UK, United Kingdom
+44-(0)0207290 9100
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
The Promise Sept 1999

I have been thinking about moving to Canada for some time and finally decided to take the plunge in September 1999. The go it alone approach -leaving everything here and land in Ottawa with all I can carry and then start a job search is very risky and I was seeking ways to minimise this risk.

I had seen adverts from Benhard Haldane, for several years, they boasted of how they can help people move to Canada or the USA, how many offices they had there etc. how many years they had been in business. I assumed that as the company had been going for so long and that they specifically highlighted their expertise in helping people move to Canada and the USA, that they must be experienced in helping people move.

In the intitial meeting, I explained to David Evans that I wanted to move and told them that my problem was that I don't know anyone in a position to help me, most of my friends in Ottawa are in more junior positions, only 2 work in the private sector and they are unable to provide any help. Hence my contacting Benard Haldane. David said that this happens all the time and that Benard Haldane had a number of approaches to help.

I was told that the services consisted of 3 phases

(i) cv related service/job analysis,

(ii) job search,

(iii) job follow up.

I was told that the job search phase would consist of networking whereby I would contact the people I know and ask them for advice and further people to contact. I was told that, in conjunction with an advisor from Ottawa (who would have knowledge of the local job market), I would be given advice on specific companies to target. I would be able to benefit from the network of BHA clients, and companies which had hired BHA clients, together with a targeted mailshot' style campaign. In short I would be able to benefit from the extensive knowledge that Benard Haldane has of the job market in any areas where they have an office. The procedure would eventually produce a series of telephone interviews which would lead to a road trip to Ottawa of second/final interviews. It could even be possible that one of the potential employers would pay for the trip (though I took this with a pinch of salt) I would be given advice on negotiating the position and there would be a following up process to ensure that the job/company was living up to its promises. This was particularly impressive as my companies have not kept up with their plans.

All in all, the impression was that the BHA organisation has been established for a considerable time and wherever they have an office, they have people who have an in-depth knowledge of the labour market to provide a value-added service. They help people relocate to Canada all the time no problem.

The approximate time scales were given as Sept-Dec Job analysis and cv preparation Dec-Feb UK-based networking and search, March-April road trip for interviews. April- final discussions and move into the new job.I was very impressed and decided to sign up and pay just over 3,700.

BHA services promised

- Re-evaluate my career and aspirations to date to see if a significant career change was necessary - I did not consider this to be necessary, and I had made this clear the reason for my using Benard Haldane was to move to Canada, but thought it may be of some use.

- The Benard Haldane promise was as follows:-

- CV would be re-written to Canadian standards,

- Benefit from Canadian expertise, knowledge of the job market,

- BHA offices all over Canada would be ready willing and able to provide a seamless service,

- Aid in the VISA process,

- Aid in building existing friends into a network,

- Leveraging the BHA network,

- "BHA Alumni" effect - people who had been placed via BHA, including those who had been relocated to Canada,

- Contacts/help with existing BHA clients,

- 3 year follow up to make sure the job I got was living up to promises,

On the promise of such a full-customised international service I went ahead and paid my money. (more fool me!!!)

The Reality

- 6 weeks coming in to London to help re-evaluate my career and re-do the cv - I know what I want to do. This would have been useful if I was unsure of what I wanted to do next I wasn't, if I was looking for a major change in career type I wasn't, the problem was that I had had enough of the UK and was looking to relocate this is why I contacted BHA in the first place.

- 1 day, mixing with other BHA clients - this was interesting but the day provided no extra value in my search to re-locate to Canada.

- For a while - I was provided with summaries of job openings in the UK. This was of no use to me as I was looking to move to Canada.

Ironically, now that I am forced to stay in the UK, partly due to Benard Haldane's total lack of ability to help get me placed in Canada, this has stopped!

- The first six weeks of the service' from this phase was robot-like', i.e. it was exactly the same for any Client, irrespective of their individual circumstances.

However, undaunted I continued in the belief that Benard Haldane would be able to kick start a personalised service' to help me relocate to Canada.

The reality of the rest of the BHA 'service' is described below.



- Harald Kvam provided a cv re-writing service. I have since been told by a number of recruiters and senior management people that the cv was not terribly impressive. This 'service' could have been provided by anyone for a fraction of the cost (in fact I have since re-written my cv again with the help of a friend who is an experienced marketing VP - it is a better job and cost me nothing)

- As far as the job search, Harold's only advice was to call my friends and ask them for advice. I could have done this anyway and had done so for several years - they are not in the position to help as most of them work in the Government or at very junior (Graduate level) positions. I had informed BHA of this before I signed up and told them that my lack of useful contacts was the reason for me contacting them in the first place! I was assured this would not be a problem.

- Despite repeated requests from me for more help, none was provided.

- I emailed the BHA Ottawa. They refused to do anything until Harald forwarded the details of my situation.

- In an attempt to build my own network, I had sent over cold' 230 emails to various people. However, these people were strangers, so the success was at best tepid. No real progress made. To quote another Benard Haldane victim, I am the client and I am doing all the work!

- After several weeks, BHA Ottawa office finally deigned to forward me details of a few people - in total there were about 5 individuals - all recruitment agencies - nothing came from it - thank you so much!

- Harald put me in contact with another BHA client, Peter Needham, who was moving to Toronto - he is equally pissed off with BHA and considers the organisation to be a bunch of cowboys - he like me - has received nothing from BHA except a depleted bank balance. I attach copies of the emails he sent to me as further evidence of Benhard Haldane's total lack of ability to help place people in Canada.

- Harald would ring about once a month to ask of my progress - but again did not provide any further help - except to tell me to contact the people I knew again! and write some speculative letters to Canadian companies/recruitment people demanding an interview - nothing came of this, as if senior management will respond favourably to a complete stranger from another country demanding an interview!

September 1999- May 2000 Conclusion from phase one

Despite the promises, and it must be noted, the tone of the BHA adverts in the newspapers in 1999 publicising an ability to help people re-locate to the US/Canada - BHA has no knowledge of placing people in Canada. It should also be added that Benard Haldane adverts have been changed and do not mention its relocation 'expertise' as used to be the main message in the advert. The new adverts instead refer to Benard Haldane's ability to be of use in the career management of a list of given profesionals. Whatever this is.

In response to the complete lack of services provided for me by Benard Haldane in helping me relocate to Canada, I was forced to put my plans on hold, after all the fees charged had knocked a considerable hole in my savings, for no apparent benefit. I would challenge you to change my mind.

In spring-mid 2000 I had decided to try and set up my own business, and needed BHA to help me recruit a management team.


Harald recommended two people for the management team, a proposed CFO and a commercial director.

The commercial director was interested but as he was already working on other contracts, could not provide any more help.

The CFO designate, failed over the course of 3 months to do any of the tasks I had asked him to do (preparation of cash flow, and similar financial statements necessary to present to potential investors) despite repeated assurances that he could do them. (not unlike BHA there eh!) Despite his promises to do so, I am still waiting for him to present himself to the bank so we can open a company bank account.!!!

No other help was provided in helping me set up a management team.

Harald then left and I was left without any support for about 3 months.

I saw his replacement, David Coles and his partner at the Cardiff office, regarding the need for me to recruit a management team. They made some promises, including helping me find the team and providing advice on setting objectives, developing a marketing plan, seeking finance, which would have been very useful, but again, nothing happened.

By March 2001, the frustration of the lack of progress has forced me to give up and seek an employed position. Whilst it was the wrong time to launch a startup, BHA had assured me that it would provide me with certain services, which may have helped me get my business off the ground.

No such promises were fulfilled.

I have now had about a year and a half of Benard Haldane promises, with nothing to show for it except a depleted bank balance.


I called BHA Cardiff on March 19th. David told me he was not happy with BHA , he was consulting his lawyers about the contract and has since left.

I have made calls on

April 12th,

May 23rd,

and June 6th

the next stage of 'service' was scheduled for July 3rd.

I have lost another three months when BHA has done nothing

Having been forced to give up on the idea of setting up my own business, I am now actively seeking a job.


- Roger accepted the inadequacy of service provided and extended the period of the contract by six months. Whilst this is potentially of use, it is worthless to me unless something is actually done.

- I have met with Roger several times, he has provided five contacts who might have been of help, none of which were of any use in terms of their own companies or their contacts.

- Roger has suggested writing speculative letters to companies I would like to work for - I have been doing this, to no avail, again, the BHA added value of this is zero.

- I have asked for Roger to provide contact details of one of the women I met at the networking day, M.Katz (I think it's been so long since I asked for her details I have forgotten her name!) obviously no details have been forthcoming.

- I have made several attempts to ask for more contacts in the later part of 2001 together with at least three in Jan 2002, 29th Jan Roger replied saying that he is having problems with finding anyone useful, maybe someone at Arthur Little and PWC, both of these companies have made/still making layoffs. Arthur Little has since gone belly-up!

- February 14th - left a message still waiting for a reply

- February 19th - left a message for Roger that I am still waiting for something

- February 24th still waiting

- March 5th first thing am left a message for Roger that I am still waiting for something

- March 8th - I waited a until the close of play on Friday in order to give a full four days for a reply surprise surprise, no call was returned. I left a further message saying that I was not happy and wished to set up a meeting with whoever it takes to get my money back

- Has BHA done ANYTHING, I could not have done already???

- What have they done to justify their fee??


My second complaint was made on March 2002 and Roger agreed to give it one last try and if that didn't work I would get a refund.

Since then I have been given a dozen BHA clients, (none of whom have been of any use, one of whom was unhappy at his details being passed on to people without his consent, most of them were in the same position as me, none of them passed me any details of other people I could contact), and three headhunters who had unsuitable jobs.

The very fact that I am unemployed and have been for a while (all whilst receiving these 'services') shows that Benard Haldane cannot be of any use in the job search process. I fail to see how the fees I paid can be justified. I was oversold a service which did not exist.

Emails are ignored, phone calls require 2-4 calls to get a response,

Example I ask for some people to contact every 2 weeks .

Normally with no reply, eventually I am given a job spec from Roger on August 11th but I can't open the attachment and I ask him to resend it. NOTHING.

I call and ask for him to resend it. NOTHING.

Finally a third time, a week later I ask for him to resent it, and he does. The job is London based ( I HAVE REPEATEDLY SAID THAT I DO NOT WANT TO WORK IN LONDON) and is too junior for me.

Refer back to the clause in the contract which refers to objectives, job satisfaction, and type of position qualified for.

I have been told that BHA has been having troubles with email, well - if this is true - you should sack your IT department because it has been crap from start to finish this email has been bounced back a few times, hence me sending the email to [email protected] (funny how emails got through just fine when I was thinking about joining up with BHA) I

The last time I asked for more contacts was at the end of August. When these did not come (I got the usual I am still working on it fobbing off reply) I emailed that I have had enough and want to get my money back as was promised in meeting with Roger just after Easter 2002. Again, it has taken three emails and about seven weeks for the details to be passed on to David, who called me on Friday 4th October. It is also interesting to note that he claimed that I had only a few days left (ignoring/ not being aware of the fact that my SERVICE' (for want of a better word) had been extended by another six months.



To date BHA has not provided anywhere near the service I expected. I was promised a Rolls Royce service by the salesman, David Evans, and am still awaiting delivery. A 20 year old trabant would be nice!!!

I am sick and tired of BHA promises to do something, only to find them worthless.

I do not see that BHA has provided me with anything for my money. Correction I have been provided with just a handful of contacts, none of them useful, one of them who is as pissed off as I am and another who didn't give permission for his details to be passed on to others.

Two of my 'advisers' have left leaving me with no support for six months

The third - in the next nine months has provided just five contacts, and has not had any significant contact with me for months. Phone calls are routinely ignored. As Pete Needham says, "it's always jam tomorrow"

Does BHA accept that they have failed to provide an adequate service?

I cannot express my disgust deeply enough,

If nothing is done I will go out of my way to dissuade as many people as possible from losing their money, as I have.

I have recently discovered a US/Canadian company offering to do a cv rewrite, letter preparation and targeted self-help job search programme for $475 US, and I am wondering whether my money would have been better spent there.

I am not the only one - I attach some copies of emails from another BHA-mugged victim.


Pete Needham's experience with BHA

Dear Adrian,

Thanks for your most recent note. I did see David Evans and Harald Kvam on Saturday, but I have not been impressed by the result. The guy from America did come over as planned but so far they have failed to deliver what they promised to do for me, and I am constantly the one who does the chasing. Basically they are losing their credibility with me because its always "jam tomorrow" and I doing all the running around. I feel strongly about this because 3k plus 3 months down the line I am the Client and I'm doing all the work!!

I hope this doesn't put you off with them, because your experiences might be very different. I just find it very hard to keep faith with people who say "we'll ring you Tuesday" then don't, and when you ring them later they have to "get back to you" and don't! My experiences this week, when they were supposed to introduce me personally to the guy from the States, but didn't, has left me pretty pissed off with them.

On a brighter note, do you fancy a chat on the phone sometime? Its probably better for us to arrange a specific date and time if you're interested.


Pete (email from 25 Jan 2000)



Hi Adrian,

I've finally got a few minutes to respond to your last letter and tell you where I'm up to. Basically I have decided that I am not going to communicate with BHA again until they decide to call me (and I'm not holding my breath). I am absolutely fed up with David Evans. Since just before Christmas he has promised that I could personally meet the head of BHA North America (and failed to deliver), that he would write me an action plan for a campaign to help my Toronto job search (and failed to deliver) and finally when I refused to travel down to London any more (its 20 a throw from Wellingborough) he promised to come up to meet me (and failed to turn up!). It is always "Jam tomorrow" with him, and I now have NO professional respect for the guy at all. Harald is OK, but ineffective. Worst of all, there is NO co-ordination between the London office and BHA Toronto (or Ottawa I assume) as I found out to my cost when I went to Toronto last October. Fortunately for me I am not pinning my hopes on BHA. My wife and I "rumbled" them effectively before Christmas, when David Evans told me he had pulled strings at the Canadian High Commission to get my Visa, when in fact that was not the case. They LIED to me man!!! So I've washed my hands of them. 3000+ is a lot to lose, but I've decided to take it on the chin. I feel conned. I'm sure others will in the future too. However, I'm putting them behind me, I'll not make that mistake again, and now all I can do is to look forwards and leave those tossers behind. Sermon over. Hope you're not asleep!

My circumstances are now as follows:-

* We have sold our house (subject to contract)

* I have quit my job, giving them 5 months' notice

* I have one firm job interview

My family and I will be travelling to Toronto on 8th March. We will stay for 2 weeks. Flo (my wife) will be looking at areas she would consider living in, and I will be trying to advance my job search. Like yourself I wrote 100+ E-Mails before fatigue set in. I received no replies other than polite acknowledgements.

We will definitely be moving to Toronto this Summer. I am very lucky in that I have funds to keep us going for several months, whilst I am job searching... 8 hours a day, 7 days a week. I honestly believe that I will find something if I am there with that amount of time on my hands. We shall see. Anyway, I will have a much better idea of where I stand when I've been there for a further two weeks.

If you could send me details of BTW I would be most grateful... I believe in having as many options as possible.

In the meantime, please keep in touch. I support your stance regarding BHA. I think you and I have less chance of success with them because of our desire to move overseas. If I was unemployed but looking to stay in the UK I might have the time and inclination to make their approach work... but I will NEVER believe they have earned their money, and I feel let down to put it mildly.

Cheers for now





How are you, and how's things?

Yes, its me, Pete, freshly returned (and still mildly jet-lagged) from seeing the wonders of the Niagara Falls, the CN Tower, the Skydome and more snow in one day than the UK had in 3 years!!! What a lovely trip we had. The weather was fantastic... 21 degrees the day we arrived... -10 degrees the next day, snow the next day, beautiful sun the next... but all wonderfully predicted by my brand new friend the Weather Network on TV!!!!!

Seriously, it was a wonderful trip. The first objective was to see how Flo and the kids got on with being in Ontario, and the good news is that they all loved it. James made some new friends and learned how to play basketball and baseball. Rachel was just fascinated by the snow (she'd never really seen it like that) and Flo was very enthusiastic about everything she saw. On the plane on the way home I asked her if she still wanted to go ahead and use the Visas and she said "You try stopping me now!"... so it was mission accomplished!

We looked at potential areas to live, not in Toronto itself but outside yet commutable to the city. We very much like the look of several towns that come into this category; Aurora (north of Toronto), Oshawa and Whitby (East of Toronto). We went through one amazing town called Oakville (west of Toronto) on our travels, but I think its safe to say you would have to be a millionaire to be considered to live there.... never mind there's always the lottery!

What really hit me about this trip was the difference in the cost of everything. I can only conclude that, although our wages tend to be a little higher in the UK, we are being ripped off for just about everything we buy on a regular basis. Consider these simple examples (converted from £ to CAN$ by me):-

We pay CAN$ 1.90 for a litre of petrol (gas), Canadians pay CAN$ 0.72 (and they're moaning how high that is!). We pay CAN$ 500 for a colour TV, Canadians pay CAN$ 199 for the same product. And I know its even cheaper in the USA.....

Flo and I were talking about these price differentials. We have a theory that if the majority of the UK was able to make the trip we just did to Canada and then returned home, there would be a revolution because folks would be so angry about what we pay. We never think to question it because its the norm, but how can the same product (e.g. the colour TV) cost so much more in the UK (even allowing for import duties etc etc?!?!?).

Our house sale is progressing. We expect to exchange contracts within the next 3 weeks or so, and probably move in either May or June. Where to is the exciting question... do we go into rented accommodation or simply take off for Canada. We will have to wait and see.

I have deliberately saved the bad bit until last... and you may not be chuffed to know that its about another huge c**k-up by BHA. I had arranged to visit them on Tuesday 14th March in the Toronto office, which I duly did. I don't know if I told you, but when I was there last October David Evans (in London) supposedly arranged an introductory interview for me with an Associate called Gordon McKay. When I got there he knew nothing about me and didn't understand why he was seeing me. Two weeks before I left for Toronto, Wendell Lacombe of the Toronto office phoned me to say he would like to see me on Tuesday 14th March (can this be progress me'thinks?!?!). I agreed, but had to ring David Evans to have my file sent by courier immediately so Toronto could look through it. Needless to say that when I turned up in Toronto on 14th, the file had not arrived and Wendell started off by admitting that the knew nothing about me and could I give him some basic details.

I (rather unprofessionally I am ashamed to admit) went nuts! At that moment, any hope of a continuing relationship between BHA and myself disappeared. I don't care whether it was David Evan's fault or Wendell Lacombe's fault, but to turn up twice in 5 months and get the same treatment sent me wild. I left, and I don't intend to go back. I can't bring myself to even write a letter of complaint to David Evans because it makes my blood pressure shoot the mark just contemplating it. That's me finished with them.. and Good Riddance!!!!!!!!!! I feel better for having got that off my chest!

Well, that's all for now, apart from to say that if you've never visited the Niagara Falls in your life, please do it at least once.... you will never regret it and it is well worth the trip!

Cheerio for now!


Signed up Oct 1999

First complaint March- June 2000

Second Complaint March 2001

Demand for money back 19th August 2002 September 23rd I emailed a progress check on getting my money back, 1st October Roger emailed to say that David Northwood the Director of client services will be in touch to discuss, Finally contacted by David on October 4th - my fax and the reply are as follows

The three complaints have been met with assurances that things would improve they haven't.

The last two occasions I have been told that they have performed according to the contract, because it does not promise anything, etc.

This is the BHA get-out clause. The contract is so vague as to be meaningless. None of the terms are defined. No minimum service levels are mentioned.. There are no provisions covering what to do if the client is dissatisfied. Therefore the client is tempted (as I was) to believe the hype told by the BS salesman prior to signing up. Unfortunately the Salesman will tell you anything you want to hear in order to make a sale.

In effect the client is agreeing to pay money and BHA is agreeing to do something' but whatever you do don't believe the salesman, look at the contract it is meaningless.

I would like to take issue with the contract and how BHA, in my opinion, did not meet up with its side of the bargain.


Phase 1

Appraisal of qualifications -

How exactly did BHA appraise my qualifications???

I know what my qualifications are the appraisal' did not enlighten me or uncover any untapped opportunities.

Did they help me find out how useful my qualifications would be in Canada, in the province of Ontario or more specifically in Ottawa? (NO)

When they were worse than useless in helping me develop my marketing plan to Canada, did they help me appraise my qualifications in the UK (NO)

Development of career goals -

How did they help me develop my career goals? I have a good idea of these, no value added here. BHA did not provide any new insights or inputs. I would be interested to hear of how BHA helped me develop my career goals?

Establishment of immediate objectives and determination of type of position qualified for My objective was to move to Canada, then to start my own business. BHA did not help me here, though (before signing and paying the money of course) they said they could help me move to Canada.

Despite promises to the contrary, BHA did not provide any assistance in the how to get there.

Did BHA's knowledge' of the Canadian market help me establish any specific objectives and help me find out what I was qualified to do in Canada. NO

My second objective was to start my own business. Despite promises to the contrary, BHA did not provide any guidance on developing the business or assistance in the how to get there. Again, what did BHA do? Answer Nothing.

My third objective, (owing partly to BHA's failure to provide any assistance in the above two objectives) was to gain employment. Despite promises to the contrary, BHA did not provide any assistance in developing my objectives her or in the how to get there

Establishment of long range objectives which are realistic and that will afford job satisfaction and income potential - This was not done, as we never got past the first phase.

Development of a marketing plan which includes CV/resume development and the development of a total program to assist client in establishing appropriate level contacts

The CV re-write service took several visits to see Harald (at 20 a time by train) and the result was not good I have since had it re-written by a friend who works in Marketing. It has been tailored to individual jobs with the help of various headhunters. The comments on the BHA cv were that it was wishy-washy, didn't have any impact or clarity and was instantly forgettable. Various versions of my cv have been improved upon and I am now told that I have an impressive cv. No one (NOT ONE PERSON) had said that about the BHA version of my cv.

Development of a marketing plan. This was even worse. I had explained that I had already tried the people I know with no effect. Harald advised me to contact them again. I had bought a directory of headhunters and emailed them on mass. I did the same with a directory of companies in the Ottawa area. I sent over 230 emails with no effect. The BHA added value was to provide me with just 5 contacts. I had to pester the Ottawa office several times before they did anything. This is beginning to look like standard practise for BHA.

Did BHA provide any value-add to helping me develop a marketing plan for Canada, or more recently (because they were worse than useless the first time) in the UK.

One contact BHA provided was Pete Needham a BHA victim also looking to move to Canada (see later for his experiences)

Halrald then suggested that I fly out and demand an interview with several employers on the spot!

I would challenge BHA to state how they helped me here, I have a poorly written cv and no marketing plan.

Preparation for interviews

No preparation was given. Funnily enough, no one took me up on my demand to be interviewed!!!

Development of effective interview techniques to induce job offer No preparation was given, and anyways the BHA approach has helped me get a grand total of 1 interview. Which was for a very sales-oriented position and clearly not suitable for me.

Phase 2 -Assistance in reviewing and assessing job offers and assistance with salary negotiation and fringe benefit areas

This did not happen. Since the BHA approach has helped me get a grand total of 1 interview, for a job which was unsuitable.

2Phase 3 Follow up approximately 90 days after starting new position to develop a program for intra-company advancement towards long range objectives and further consultation as needed concerning organisational, political and interpersonal skills related to career advancement

This did not happen, as the BHA approach has not resulted in a job in Canada, the UK or anywhere.

The client understands that the major emphasis will be on developing his or her network since the majority of positions are found this way.*

Does the major emphasis mean that I will do 99.9999%. Your approach has not lead to one useful lead. I have sent over 500 emails to Canadian companies to no avail. My speculative approach to over 100 companies in the UK has also not produced anything. Ironically, my approaches via the advertised job market have been much more successful. An approach BHA is sceptical of.

*I suspect that this clause is the BHA get out which they rely upon in the case of complaints. In general the contract is written in such vague terms that none of it can be disproved.

Thank you very much for your fax of the 10th October the contents of which I have tried to assimilate

The comments you make bear no relationship to the contents of your file not to the contract that you signed, I am sure that you appreciate that contractually we have fulfilled all of our obligations under the contract you signed on 9th October 1999. As a businessman of considerable you do not need me to explain to you the significance of contractual obligations or why a contract is used in business transactions. However I do feel that I should reinforce the point that our contract is a document that protects both parties to that contract. You as the purchaser are made aware at the outset, before you part with any money, of the terms under which you are contracting us to provide career management services to you. If your expectations are different from those outlined in the contract you may withdraw, without penalty, at any time prior to committing yourself to paying our fee. We as the provider of services are protected from spurious complaints purporting that services other than those in the contract were in fact offered.

At this point I would like to point out that the Benard Haldane process has helped over a million clients in more than fifty-five years that it existed. We have many hundreds of thousands of satisfied clients and there are hundreds of testimonials about our service on our website. Our process works but is does require the commitment and input of the client to make it work. There is no magic wand but a lot of commitment to the Haldane process improves a client's chances of success dramatically. We cannot promise any client will be successful but be can guarantee failure if no effort is put into the process.

I am sure a businessman such as yourself with the experience you have gained in companies such as Regent Associates the foremost advisor to companies in the IT industry on all aspects of corporate development, including acquisitions, corporate divestments, corporate alliances, strategic audits, valuations and capital raising (your words) would read and familiarise themselves with the terms of any contract they proposed signing before committing themselves to that contract. I, therefore, find it strange that you feel misled about the process and out career management programme,

We have worked assiduously with you over your contract period. We have tried to help you network which you have steadfastly resisted. Roger has provided numerous contacts which was outside the scope of the contract and eve that help was ridiculed by you stating that the contacts were no use.

I am dreadfully sorry but I can see no area where we have failed to fulfil our contractual obligations to you and I regret, therefore, that I cannot accede to your request for a refund.

David Norhwood

sorry it rambles a bit but I am reall pissed off with these people


Maidenhead, Other

Click here to all the others who have been victimized by Bernard Haldane Associates'>Click here to read other Rip Off Reports on Bernard Haldane Associates

CLICK HERE, You must read this!! ..Financial Post Article LINK - Haldane not up to the job ..exposing this company for what it really is - a huge scam

1 Updates & Rebuttals


Maidenhead England,
BHA London England

#2Author of original report

Tue, October 29, 2002

I am currently reviewing the next steps 1 have sent off for the forms for small claims court here in the UK. It costs about 100...my fear is that it will go down to the contract which they claim to have followed and then it's my word against theirs 2 emailed a BBC1 TV show called watchdog - and Am waiting to hear if they are interested in covering the story 3 emailed other career consultants 4 filed a report on this web site 5 considering writing to the Daily Mail ( a UK paper with wide readership for extra bad publicity) 6 trying to contact other UK BHA victims to see if we can pool together resources Any UK-based victims please feel free to contact me at this report.

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