  • Report:  #12972

Complaint Review: Benn Robert Wilcox - Hawaii

Reported By:

Benn Robert Wilcox
Formaly of Ann Arbor Michigan Hawaii, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
As of 01/31/02

Last payment made 10/18/2001 for $50.00 to State of Michigan

$13,373.00 owed to Child Support

$44.99 owed to Medical Support

$62.00 owed to Service Fees

$83.75 owed to Processing Fees

$5,523.86 owed to State of Michigan (9 year old debt)


$19,088.00 Total

A Bench warrent has been issued in the State of Michigan.

A Income withholding order still stands...

The Children have not heard from him in months...

Benn's son, Gabriel, will be 14 on Sunday 2/3/88...

Still not one payment made since 10/18/01...

One Questions...

"What 'cha gonna do when they come for you"

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