  • Report:  #157039

Complaint Review: Berkeley Premium Nutraceauticals - Cincinnati Ohio

Reported By:
- Florence, Kentucky,

Berkeley Premium Nutraceauticals
1661 Waycross Rd Cincinnati, 45240 Ohio, U.S.A.
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Berkely Premium Nutraceauticals is the most vile, wreched, and completely disgusting company I have had the misfortune to work for! I had only worked for them for about two months before being laid off just today. There are so many things about this company that absolutely make me sick. First of all, the lies, and deception. This company lies to its employees just as much as it does it's customers. There are so many changes that have taken place, (deffenatly not for the better) before, and during my employment with berkely.

I had been working in the inbound sales department since july of this year, simply selling thier Enzyte and Ogoplex products and we have already gone through 4 sales scripts. My second week, they had gotten rid of the computers on our desks, so we could no longer check the validity of someone's credit card before processing an order. It did'nt matter, as long as we got that vital information. The first change in the script was collecting the customer's name and address at the begining of the call. That way, we could at least send them a nice little brochoure about penises and orgasms for thier children to see. Second, there was the elimination of "flex pay" which was the process of splitting a package price into 3 payments, and then letting the customer re-order at thier own discression. We were always told to push the "Home Delevery Plan", or as I always called it, the Home Delevery SCAM! The home delevery plan is the process of a customer ordering a trial for $4.95 shipping, and then, 23 days later, without thier authurization, sending them a 60 day supply, and charging them $69.95. This could also be done with packages, such as if a customer ordered a 6 month supply, they would be shipped thier 6 month supply and pay th $150 for it, then, low and behold, 6 months later, a 2 month supply would show up at thier door, and they would be charged for it without thier permission.

We also worked off of commision, which would seem okay, but basically we would make more money for lying, and scamming customers. When a customer asks for the trial, we were trained to say: "We have two trials availible, a 5-day mini pack, and our full 30 day trial." and then go straight into the package prices. The big problem was, the "5 day mini pack" was a lie. The mini pack is a trial without enrollment in the Home Delevery Plan, or "HDP". When a customer gets the 5 day mini pack, they really receive a full 30 day supply, and nothing else. The statement of calling it a 5 day mini-pack is a pure lie, and designed to make it less atractive to the customer, due to the fact that with any natural suplement, you won't see aything in 5 days. Not to mention, we would receive no commision on "non-HDP" trials. So they were frowned upon. So, if you ever are to call this horid company, and want a trial. No matter how much they insist. Say: "I WANT A 5 DAY MINI PACK!"

We would also get higher commisions on HDP Orders. So, the more you scam, the more you make.

I was not really to familliar with it, but I have heard tons of horror stories about the "Customer Care" department. We were supposed to tell our customers that the products were back with a 90 days "No Questions Asked" return policy. Yet another complete and total LIE! Most customers that wanted a refund because those garbage products did'nt work were basically told "Sorry about your luck, thanks for the money. How about giving us some more?"

Words can't describe how terrible it felt to be a part of a nationwide scam. But I had to pay the bills, I had no choice. But eventully, within the last month, I had been taking a lot of the customer's orders without HDP, and other things to try and do business as ethically as possible. But, it led to my sales dropping. And with the company lossing a lot of money because of the continous lawsuits, and boycotts. There had been massive paycuts and layoffs. I was a victim of both, and now I can't even support my family.

Steve Worschak, the founder and CEO Of Berkely is a sick, sick man. He has been stealing inocent people's money for about 5 years now. He was never seen in the office. He was always on a contant year-round vacation. He put absolutely NO money back into the company, has no consideration for the well-being of his employees or customers. Even after sevral lawsuits, and even a raid from the FBI, he still steals from the innocent. It is a mystery how this sick SOB stays in business, but I greatly apreiciate the efforts of those effected to take him down.


Florence, Kentucky

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1 Updates & Rebuttals


I know how you feel

#2UPDATE EX-employee responds

Wed, June 14, 2006

I am also an ex berkeley employee. I worked there from June 2004 to August 2004. I was also a victim of a mass layoff. Except when I worked there we dealt with all the products, not just 2, and we never had computers. Berkeley has called me to come back 5 times now, even asking me to come back as a team lead. I have turned them down every time. This company is absolutely no good. A friend of mine was working the day of the raid. He said they came in and were knocking over desks, screaming, and even had guns. What I don't get is why after that, Warshak has still not changed his ways! He needs to go to prison for a long long time, and he needs to be forced to pay back every bit of money he has ever stolen from every customer since the company first opened. When I first started there things seemed sketchy, but I had just moved to Ohio from NJ a week earlier and really needed a job. Sure I made good commissions, but as I slowly learned what was going on there, I began to feel sick just walking in the door every day. This company is not only ethically wrong to it's customers, this company is also ethically wrong to it's employees. I honestly believe that this is quite possibly the worst company to work for in the entire country. Warshak, you are going down! The funny part is that when I did still work for the company, I used to come on here and write reports defending the company thinking it might help save my job. To everyone that I yelled at, I am sorry. If anyone would like any insider info about the company and it's operations let me know and I will be more than happy to tell you everything I know. I want nothing more than to see the whole company go down. Maybe Steve Warshak is the Antichrist??

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