  • Report:  #815659

Complaint Review: Best Buy Geek Squad - NY New York

Reported By:
lin-lin - New York, New York, United States of America

Best Buy Geek Squad
1280 Lexington Av, NY, 10028 New York, United States of America
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
I took my computer to Best Buy Geek Squad for repair under a $200 contract for 3 computers for one year. Four people were in front of me in line. I waited 1 hour to speak to someone about my computer's problems (no place to sit down, and I am 63 and have neuropathy in my feet). When the computer repairs were finished, three annoying messages in a period of a few days were left on my telephone telling me the computer was ready for pick-up.

When I went in for pick-up, the line at Geek Squad had about 10 people in it. I was told by someone at the desk that there was no special line for pick-ups. I asked what time and day of the week I could return to stand in the shortest line possible. The Geek Squadder said the line was never short---that no time was more advantageous. I "got ghetto" and immediately a manager got my computer as I screamed very loudly: "once Best Buy had your money, they don't care if you waited forever for their service". The manager escorted me out the door without any explanation about what they did to repair my computer.

In today's economy, with so many college-educated people out of work, you can't tell me Best Buy can't hire and train some more Geeks to give their customers the fast service they deserve. Best Buy is more concerned about their bottom line or their shareholders. Once they have your money for a service contract, why care?

11 Updates & Rebuttals


Chino Hills,
I had a similar experience

#2Consumer Comment

Thu, April 25, 2013

I dropped off my brand new Dell laptop which shipped with Windows 8 which as most folks agree is a failure. I dropped off the laptop on April 1, 1013, at the Chino Hills Best Buy and asked Geek Squad if they could install Windows XP Professional and provided my original MicroSoft install disc with my serial number. It turns out to this day 74% of all businesses worldwide are still using Windows XP.

They said sure. They wrote up a repair ticket #00846-979455590 and charged my credit card 129.99 (the standard price for software operating system installs).

Instructions on my work order: "load XP Professional-5 days.

Today is April 25th and it is still not done. I have contacted them many times and they have made many excuses. They say they don't know where to find the drivers, so they can't finish.

As most people know drivers are easy to find and I'm frankly surprised a bid company like Best Buy and Geek Squad would not have the necessary drivers already bundled for the most widely used operating system on the planet.

Yesterday I spoke to the assistant manager of Best Buy who identified himself as John. The manager of the store is Tina Roulier. She refuses to take my calls.

John Mark is the Manager of the Geek Squad at the Chino Hills store. The assistant manager of Best Buy told me John Mark called me yesterday to explain the problem which is an outright lie. He never called me.

The excuse I got from the assistant manager of Best Buy is that GeekSquid is "not responsible for 3rd party software."

This excuse makes no sense on many levels.

First. The foundation of the business operation at GeekSquad is that they are in the business of working with 3rd party software.

Second. I never expected them to dig into and "repair" any 3rd party software, only install, which they agreed to do and collected money in advance the accomplish this.

I still don't have my computer so I called GeekSquad corporate office and was esculated to a woman who identified her as an "attorney general." I asked her if she is an attorney and she said no. She sai her name is "Yes."

She refused to help me and said the problem is between me and the local store.

I still do not have my computer after 25 days and the manager of GeekSquad, John Mark apparently still refuses to call me. 

Recommendation: Avoid GeekSquad and Best Buy.


United States of America
I agree also

#3Consumer Comment

Tue, January 10, 2012

I too have had issues with people who act in that matter and have seen alot of it in many stores beside Best Buy. Just recently 2 people cut in front of me in line and when I asked them to go to the back of the line they said, "who the h**l are you telling us what to do you lowlife scumbag". If you don't like it, tough. We are staying here".

I also have problems with my feet and also with my back, but I will stand in a line as long as it takes to wait for my turn. No one is anymore important than anyone else and these people need to bring their noses down out of the air and be more respectful of others. I do not agree with the way that Geek Squad does business and I am not sticking up for them. I just want to put my 2 cents in on this matter.


Averill Park,
New York,
Best Buy

#4Consumer Comment

Sun, January 01, 2012

No problem.  I just wanted to point out that idiots like the OP are everywhere.  And, you are correct, there DOES appear to be an over abundance of them in the NYC area.  Thankfully, I live a couple of hundred miles north of the city.  Have a great New Year !!!


United States of America

#5Consumer Comment

Sun, January 01, 2012

If my reference to the east coast offended you, I sincerely apologize.  It was never my intent to imply that all people on the east coast are like that.  I agree that you'll find individuals such as the OP everywhere.  Having spent 20 years in the military, I've lived on both coasts and many places in between.  In that time, I've found behavior such as the OP most prevalent in the NYC area and that is what immediately came to mind when I read her post.  This is from my own experience and observation.  While most of the New Yorkers I met were decent, hard-working, everyday people, there also seemed to be an over-abundance of people with a distorted attitude of self-importance.  Again, I'm not saying everyone was like that.  I just seemed to notice it more in NYC than say, LA or Dallas.


I also have neuropathy in my feet and every joint in my body is sore...but...

#6Consumer Comment

Sun, January 01, 2012

I don't act like a total jerk (usually) and just await my turn instead of being an out of control idiot, sort of like you are.

I'm even older than you, but seem to have learned not to be so obnoxious and self-centered.

You seem inordinately proud of creating a scene in the store and letting them know "how you felt."

If, to agree to YOUR terms and hire more peple, you WOULD be okay with paying say 20% more....right?

 "When the computer repairs were finished, three annoying messages in a period of a few days were left on my telephone telling me the computer was ready for pick-up."

YOU picked it up in your own good time and were annoyed that you couldn't just walk up and instantly get your computer.

I fully agree with the other posters, many managers would have had you arrested and banned from the store and rightly so....you're a real winner.

Report Attachments


Averill Park,
New York,

#7Consumer Comment

Sat, December 31, 2011

I live on the East Coast, and not only do I gladly admit it, but I love being here.  However, I wonder, does this same faulty personality type not live on the West Coast, as well ?  Of course they do, as I have had the unfortunate opportunity to come in contact with my share of these morons in California ( not to mention Ohio, Illinois, Missouri, and the rest of the 49 states of which I have visited ).  In the future, please do not ascribe a certain personality type to a specific geographical area of the country.  Your statements will undoubtedly carry much more weight.

And, yes, I am well acquainted with this mentally corrupt type of individual.  They are normally female ( sorry, ladies, but it's true ).  Undeniably frustrated with their lives. Always thinking that they have some form of personal entitlement.  Invariably lacking the presence of a strong male presence in their lives, which was often present at an earlier point. Generally rude, nasty and possessing a large measure of undeserved feelings of self-importance towards themselves, and general disgust for everyone else.  Yes, a "prima donna" attitude.  The world would indeed be much better off without the presence of this type of individual

And, in my opinion, the Best Buy manager did this cretin a HUGE favor by "escorting" ( a nice way of saying "throwing" ) her out, rather than having her arrested.  Though I suspect that the latter would have served her better in the long run. 

Now, to the OP, I say with all of the impunity I can muster  -  GET A LIFE !!  You are no better than anyone else on this planet, and most CERTAINLY no better than I !!  And, not to appear braggadocious by any means, I'll match you life for lifepedigree for pedigree, dollar for dollar, degree for degree and social status against social status.  Care to take me up on my offer ?  No, I thought not.


United States of America
I've got plenty of time...

#8Consumer Comment

Sat, December 31, 2011

to do the things I want to do, like go to the park with my kids or see a sporting event.  How about the theater or the art gallery.  Maybe get in a nice, leisurely 18 holes at the golf course.  What I don't do is piss and moan, and whine and cry about something so inconsequential as standing in a line.  Sure, it's annoying, but I definitely wouldn't make a scene about it.  Like another poster said, I knew as soon as I read your post that you had to be some east coast, my you-know-what doesn't stink, holier-than-thou snob.  Get over yourself, your time isn't anymore important than anyone else's. 


New York,

#9Consumer Comment

Sat, December 31, 2011

I'm always amazed when people complain about Best Buy and the geek squad. I've spent a lot of money at BB over the last ten years, usually on computers.  I always buy the extended warranty, and have never had a problem getting repairs.  Whenever I have a problem I go to the geeks and yes, I stand in line, but it's well worth the wait. Most of the time the problem is something that's MY fault because I think I know everything and can tinker with the software myself (hahaha)  (Always a bad idea according to my kids!)

The last few times I've gone to the geeks they haven't even charged me to fix what seemed like a simple problem for them. 

My experiences are not limited to one store, either.  I've been traveling and moving a lot and have had the same experience wherever I go.

I have a bad back and it kills me to stand for more than a few minutes. Sometimes I ask for a chair. The trick is to be polite and patient.

Maybe you could make a suggestion to the store manager that they provide chairs for those waiting in line?


New York,
New York,
United States of America
There are No Lines to Purchase Something

#10Author of original report

Sat, December 31, 2011

 If you need help buying a TV or computer, there are salespeople galore to take your money. It's when you've already bought the service contract and Best Buy has your $200 that they suddenly can't hire people to help you! Is that fair? Since you seem to have a lot of time to stand in lines, take note---here are some things we prefer to do in NY rather than waste hours waiting in lines: have dinner at a great restaurant, see a Broadway show, work on a Master's Degree or PhD, watch a terrific documentary or foreign film, read a Pulitzer Prize-winning novel in the comfort of home, spend time with our kids, make the boss happy by working overtime, chat with a friend while eating topnotch pastries, see the special exhibits at the Met or MOMA museums, go to a free concert in Central Park. Need any other ideas for spending the short amount of time you've been given on this planet?


I agree with brian.

#11Consumer Comment

Fri, December 30, 2011

You come off as extremely abnoxious and hostile.  No one needs that kind of customer.  Without looking I knew you must be from the east coast.  Get some anger management, the world does not owe you anything.


United States of America
Well, aren't you the primadonna.

#12Consumer Comment

Fri, December 30, 2011

I guess the entire store staff should stop what they're doing and run over to kiss your self-important butt when you walk in the door.  I'll let you in on a little secret, you aren't that special!  You can stand in line like everyone else.  You're lucky all the store manager did was give you your computer and escort you out.  I'd have had you escorted out by the police and banished from the store.  And before you say it, no I'm not employed by Best Buy or the Geek Squad.  Jerk!!

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