  • Report:  #967035

Complaint Review: Best Buy Mankato Minnesota - Mankato Minnesota

Reported By:
Windom Watchdog - , Minnesota, United States of America

Best Buy Mankato Minnesota
1895 Adams St Mankato, 56001 Minnesota, United States of America
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
Everyone knows that Best Buy employs liars and deceivers to sell their wares.

For example, have you noticed if you go into one of their rip-off joints, the sneaky sales people always come up to you with the same BS? ie, "I see you're looking at that (whatever it is you're looking at) product. It's really a 'great' buy." (Yeah, just like everything in their rip-off joint). Then, they say, "You know, I own one of those myself, and I just love it." (You lying mother-%^&&$%#). All of lying sales hucksters at Best Buy tell the same lie: "Yeah, I own that myself."

Just like the time my wife and I went into their rip-off store in Mankato, Minnesota. My wife looked at a couple of refrigerators. This young punk strolls-up and says, "Yeah, I bought this same frig for my apartment." (Yeah? BS). Next, my wife wanted to look at the washers and dryers. Same thing. The Best Buy sales punk lollygags over and repeats the same BS, "Yeah, I bought the washer and dryer for my apartment." (You lying little piece of dog-$hit).

Here's the bottom line on this Best Buy rip-off store in Mankato, Minnesota:

The store is filled, to the brim, with lying salespeople, that will blurt-out any blatant lie to try and get you to buy something. Then, the scumbag salespeople will say, "Well, just go ahead and buy it, if you don't like it, you can always return it."

Here's the catch if you listen to their double-talk BS:
You buy it, and go to return it, you are forced to produce your driver's license.

Best Buy enters you driver's license number to the pigs at "The Retail Equation." (This is a scumbag "company" that "tracks" any return you've made, no matter if you have the receipt or not).

"The Retail Equation" is nothing but a BS scam "business" started by some jerk to literally invade your privacy.

So, back to your return at Best Buy:
Let's say you've had other purchases you've made at Best Buy that were defective.  Naturally, you return them, or exchange them.  DOES NOT MATTER TO THE SCUM AT "THE RETAIL EQUATION.  THEY FLAG YOU AS A "PROBLEM" CUSTOMER.  YOU GET A RECEIPT THAT SAYS YOU ARE NOT ELIGIBLE TO RETURN ANYTHING FOR 90 DAYS!


So, again, this happens to me.  I bought a $400.00 iPod.  It would not hold a charge for more than 2 hours.  I exchange it for another one.  (Bang, the Best Buy scammers demand my driver's license even though I have my receipt) I take what I thought was a "New iPod" home.

A few days later, it's not working right at all.  I go back to the rip-off Best Buy Store in Mankato, Minnesota.  I find out that the iPod I bought was an "open item" which means it was used by someone at some point.  (Bang, the Best Buy scammers at the "Customer Service" area demand my license again.  (Bang, the pigs at "The Retail Equation" flag me, and the receipts says, "No returns for 90 days."

I'm mad as h**l now. I ask for the manager.  He gives me the big BS story about how they "value" me as a Best Buy customer.  I tell him, "I don't want to hear your BS story."  Then, the annoying old-guy, with the scruffy beard, and  fat beer belly at the door comes over and says, "Well, it seems like you have your share of returns," to which I just reply,  "Oh why don't you just go back to your little corner, and shut your mouth?"

Bottom line:
Even though the liar salespeople at Best Buy say, "Oh, just buy it. If you don't like it, or have any problems at all, just return it." (You F-ing little punks).

Join the countless customers that are boycotting Best Buy.  Soon, these pigs at Best Buy will be out of business, just like the pigs at Circuit City did for being the scumbags that they are!

The problem:
The lying scumbag salespeople pigs at Best Buy will just go to the next rat-hole company that comes along next when Best Buy drops down the filthy vile pig hole. However, nonetheless, we'll just make another ripoff report about them, too.

Post Script:
Tell everyone you know, to tell everyone they know, etc, to boycott Best Buy. Especially, the part about Best Buy subscribing to the pigs at "The Retail Equation" invading your privacy!


9 Updates & Rebuttals

A Fight Back Guy

United States of America
To: "Newton" and your "Agreed" Comment...

#2Consumer Comment

Sun, January 06, 2013

Hello there Newton, and thanks for your babbling little opus! I'm so happy to see rebuttal comments about the scumbags at "The Retail Equation" because it helps my original Ripoff Report gain more and more notoriety!

So, keep those sniveling comments coming Newton! I sincerely appreciate it! By the way, I would have written more about your "get-even" post, but I'm having too much trouble wiping the tear-drops from my eyes from all the mean things you said to me...



United States of America

#3Consumer Comment

Sun, January 06, 2013

Coming from someone who has also worked in retail management in her past, I am in total agreement with your previous respondents.

You are your problem.  The first part of respecting other people is to respect yourself.  Show some respect for yourself.... and other people.... and treat others with some decency.  Did your mom teach you to treat others this way?  You don't know anything about a persons sexual orientation or amount of sexual partners... especially when your only interaction with them is to ask for a return or exchange.  (I'll leave out the fact that you never actually even came into contact with the gentleman on here... you were just enraged that he didn't agree with your stance...)

Grow up... learn to argue like a man.  An adult.  Instead of just sitting at your computer making whiny complaints because you didn't get your way.  No one owes you anything.  Stop thinking they do.  Retailers offer a return policy as a customer service... a favor to you.... treat it as such.  Treat the people standing behind the counter as if you are asking them for a favor.  You might be surprised by the result.

By all means... you can keep going through life... disappointed because life doesn't go the way you want.  Maybe punch people in the face because they didn't do what you wanted.  But you will continue to be an unhappy, angry, bitter man.  I feel terrible for your purported wife.

1. You're not a lawyer... because if you are, it is a disgrace to our legal system.
2. You don't have any children... because they might have picked up some of your terrible habits/language.  But, they are probably on medication and find help through therapy.

A Fight Back Guy

United States of America
To: "Measure of a man."

#4Consumer Comment

Sun, December 23, 2012

"Why [RetailAnon] does this mean we're not friends anymore? You know [RetailAnon], if I thought you weren't my friend... I just don't think I could bear it!" ROFLMFAO!

Nonetheless, RetailAnon, keep more rebuttal posts coming in. That helps this original Ripoff Report on the scumbags at The Retail Equation, and the scumbags at Best Buy, gain more notoriety! Thanks.


United States of America
Measure of a Man

#5Consumer Comment

Sat, December 22, 2012

Oh, okay; all of these reply names change, but they all seem to be the same person.  That explains how each one of the replies had almost EXACTLY 60 likes and zero dislikes.

You can sit there and attack attributes that don't matter all you like: age, sexual orientation, etc.  It doesn't change the fact that by taking that attitude in public, people are going to hate you, not help you.  A previous reply mentioned how nice it must be to hide behind a computer in this day and age; especially nice for you, I imagine, so you can take out your childish transgressions on anyone and, unlike Best Buy (or whatever other stores you may have been kicked out of for shouting "f*g"), you can't be kicked off the internet.  Then no one can see that your life has amounted to nothing but such sadness, pain and anger that you revel in calling other people fags when you don't get your way.  I hope you never had children, because you are not a man to be admired.

A Fight Back Guy

United States of America
To: "You are the reason no one will help you."

#6Consumer Comment

Sat, December 22, 2012

Go back to your room, and stop being a bad boy! There will be no dinner for you tonight young man. Now, be quiet and let us grown-ups try to fix the things that you naughty little children break!


United States of America
You are the reason no one will help you.

#7Consumer Comment

Sat, December 22, 2012

I've worked retail for numerous different retail electronics chains, including managing a store of my own; I know all about the "Retail Equation" and how it works - it's made for big chains who can't spend the time poring over every return to make sure the person isn't a 'problem customer,' as you put it.

Let me briefly identify what a 'problem customer' is; the trends that the Retail Equation searches for their clients are numerous returns without receipt, especially ones that are just below the tender amount needed.  Believe it or not, Best Buy and/or the Retail Equation don't care about your driver's license information; they have nothing they can do with it.  Their priority is making sure people aren't making fraudulent returns to their store, costing the store money (which increases prices).

Now, back to your situation: Having worked at a retailer that uses a very similar program, I know for a fact management can take the time to look at returns, see whether or not they are suspicious, and override Retail Equation's decision.  The store is still the manager's to run.

Here's the kicker, though: the minute the manager stepped out of the back room and tried to reason with you, you identified yourself as someone the manager doesn't want back in the store.  You start shouting profanities (and, by my guess from your comment to Robert, lewd homophobic remarks) not only at him but at nearby employees, you're no longer a customer, you're a risk; management will assess you accordingly.  I'm sure you were asked to leave before this was all over?  That's because the manager is now risking other customers turning away because of your childish behavior; he's possibly risking numerous lawsuits, bad publicity, and turnover if you turn violent (which, again by your responding comment, you sound like a mass shooter; if I could, I'd report you to your local police with your comment as evidence).  Having you return to the store is no longer in management's best interest.

Again, having been a retail manager, albeit of a smaller chain, you are the problem, and it has nothing to do with your returns.

And finally, I just wanted to mention that I was one of those 'pigs' at Circuit City; when they closed, I was the same swine that followed up with customers to make sure they all knew that their warranties would be covered for their full length, did cheap freelance work to get a couple of my long-term customers running with the equipment they purchased just before close, and then just so happened to work at the same store where Circuit City Warranty customers were directed to go to get repairs.  During that time, I also fought for numerous warranty-holders to get full repairs where GE Assurant attempted to turn them down, even though it had no impact on my business.  All for less than $10/hr.  So if I'm just pork, I'm da**ed proud to be.

I Do Fight the Power. Every chance

United States of America
To the little worm Robert, that wrote the "Psst..." report.

#8Consumer Comment

Sat, November 24, 2012

This comment is for you Robert, for being a spineless little punk! No doubt, you think your little f*g comments were "real cute." It's little pussies like you that hide behind your computers, making your "funny" little homo comments against posters like "Windom Watchdog" that are trying to rid our society of SCUM like "The Retail Equation," and help to make life better for everyone, which unfortunately, includes fags like you!

So, Robert, from Irvine, California, I have a "Little secret for you, " also:

You are lucky that you can hide behind your computer when you are typing your little smug comments. (I guarantee that you do not have the balls to say those things directly to my face).
Nonetheless, that's the way fags like you operate.

Best Buy, Mankato, Minnesota, is invading one's privacy by "demanding" to see a person's license to do a simple (even with receipt) return or exchange! The SCUMBAGS that Best Buy uses to track a person are the PIGS at "The Retail Equation." This "Business," was started with a few bucks for a domain name by another little worm like you, Robert! Also, like you Robert, "The Retail Equation" has to try to make it in life by hurting those that they can, while hiding behind their computers and acting "big and tough" despite the fact that they know they are noting but scroungy little maggots! Neither one of you have the balls to be real men, and make your way through this world with honor! In fact, both of you are scavengers that need to be eradicated like the vile disease you are!

Well, as you said, Robert: "I've said too much..." Now, go back and wrap your lips around your boyfriend's Johnson, and STFU!



#9Consumer Comment

Sat, November 10, 2012

I have a secret for you.  When they take your Driver License they are putting your information into "Big Mama" which is a secret project of the CIA, FBI and Best Buy.  Through new top secret technology they are adding a tracking device to your license.  Now, in phase one..yes they do just keep you from doing too many returns.  But when phase 2 rolls out you are now being flagged for "special tracking" where they have an entire set of stealth aircraft and land based vehicles that will follow you every time you step out of your house.  Phase 3 gets even worse..they will use x-ray technology to watch you in your house.  Oh and forget the tin foil trick..this technology is so new it will see you right through the foil.

If you don't believe me go ahead and go down to your local Best Buy.  Let them know you know what they are really doing with that information and you are there to expose this grand scheme.  If they ask you where you heard this from just let them know it was from the Internet.    If they tell you that you are crazy..don't believe them.  Just stand your ground and keep screaming about this vast conspiracy at the top of your lungs.   When they call the police realize that they are not really the police they are members of the CIA's "reasonable doubt" squad that's sole purpose is to make sure that this story doesn't get out.

Well I've said too much....good luck and "fight the power"...


Don't forget your Visa card

#10Consumer Comment

Fri, November 09, 2012

You are dissatisfied but you keep returning. Will you be visiting Best Buy this Christmas shopping season?

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