  • Report:  #45184

Complaint Review: Best Buy - Crystal Lake Illinois

Reported By:
- Crystal Lake, Illinois,

Best Buy
Crystal Lake, 60014 Illinois, U.S.A.
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I purchased a 57 inch HD TV from Best Buy on 1-26-03 right befor the Super bowl. The TV went dead on the 1-27-03, Best buy had a service man out on 1-28-03 and he said that he had to order parts it will take about 5 days. It is now 2-12-03 and I have no parts, No TV and have not got a call to tell me when I can expect satisfaction.

I have called several times to the corporate customer service as well as the district office to only get the same answer, we cannot track the parts until it has been at least 10 business days from the order and then it will take 5 to 7 business days to track. BS. I am a sales person for industrial product, The cusomers I have made promises on deliveries for can be tracked within minutes. This is the last thing I ever buy from Best Buy and I will be returning this TV on the 29th day of my 30day return period.

Nothing against the local sales team they were great during the purchase of this set. Maybe they do need to be commisioned sales people so they care if thier customers return $3500.00 products.


Crystal Lake, Illinois

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