  • Report:  #3741

Complaint Review: BesT Buy - Westminster California

Reported By:
- CA,

BesT Buy
Westminster, California, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
Amidst the popular rush for the new game console PlayStation 2, Best Buy in Westminster had an additional surprise and unadvertised shipment of a very limited amount of these sold out items. A line was then formed for the anxious customers who cosidered themselves lucky to even have the chance to purchase one. The line went through the faithful customers, and one by one, each walked out happy. There were also some others that were in line especially happy to purchase their Playstations. One gentleman was an employee of the Best Buy, Westminster, the very same store we were in waiting to purchase our toys.

The Gentleman's name was Ben and he was a computer service technician in Best Buy uniform, and still on the clock for that morning. Best Buy's policy is to not allow purchases by employees while they are on their scheduled work hours or "on the clock." This gentleman was indeed on the clock, and as soon as he had made his purchase of his playstation, went behind the computer counter to continue his work. The line for the awaiting purchasers was no shorter than a fourty five minute wait. During this time, Ben had not helped customers as he was so paid to do during that time, instead he was waiting in line to buy the new video game console.

Now, under normal circumstances this might not be such a big deal,, but this was different. Playstations were selling out faster than they could be stocked on the shelves, and this gentlman was waiting and getting paid to wait hwile he took my playstation! I was the next in line when the company had said,"Sorry, sold out!" and I was furious. He went against company policy, right under their noses, and bought my playstation!!!!

I immediately went to speak with the General Manager. He told me that the gentleman could have been on a break and if he would choose to wait in line as a break, that was his choice. Firstly, employees do not clock out for their breaks, they are still considered "on the clock." Secondly, the wait was fourty five minutes, longer than any break I have ever heard of! The General Manager said, "This is of no concern to me, therefore it is of no concern to you. This is ridiculous."

He was not adhering to Best Buy policy. The same policy that he was made Genral Manager to uphold, he was now rescending. I wish my company would pay me to not do my job and wait fourty five minutes,which I would do anyway, to purchase some commodities for my own personal time!!

I have sent a letter to the Best Buy Company and have also included a bill for my time and mileage. If they will pay Ben for his time, then they will also pay for mine!

2 Updates & Rebuttals


Mon, December 03, 2001

Ha HA We are laughing at YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Mon, December 03, 2001

They filed the following rebuttal to the above Rip-Off Report:

Their email: [email protected]
Their name: tt

Their relationship to the company: Devotee

At Best Buy we are requried to clock out for our breaks we do not get paid for beaks of 30 minutes are longer. If we stay longer then 30 minutes we will get written up and depending on how many time you have ben written up u can get fired. Any way get over it come in to Best Buy now and get all the Playstation2 you want. Ha HA We are laughing at YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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