  • Report:  #647985

Complaint Review: Best Choice Software - Internet

Reported By:
Sam - Weed, California, U.S.A.

Best Choice Software
2112 First Street, 34208 Internet, United States of America
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?

Best Choice is a software program that sells for $4,995 for a single copy and another $500 for a second copy.  For those amounts you get the software with 6 months of free data and a 2hr. training session with a "Trainer".  After 6 months you have to purchase data through Best Choice of either National Data (which Best Choice owns) of which you need a separate data feed if you have two copies, or Dial Data which is slightly more expensive but will work for both copies. 


Best Choice claims a person can trade using what appears to be a simple technique but in reality all the program is good for is to show trades that were successful at certain times in past years.  From there you still have to use all the normal fundamental and technical analysis to determine if a trade is likely to be successful now.  It should be considered a $5,000 search engine which is all it is really good for.


The software includes a series of 22 videos to learn the software and its application.  Getting Best Choice to answer any questions about what the videos teach is virtually impossible.  From time to time Best Choice will offer webinars but most are not free.  They sell the webinar on DVDs at a ridiculously high price one of which I discuss in the next paragraph.


They sell a three DVD Training series for $299 and is used as a give away as part of the enticement to purchase Best Choice initially.  It was produced in March of 2008.  It is a compilation of Sunny Decker making the same basic presentation he does in the class offered after a trade show, a short presentation by Pete Hoyt on actually how to use the software for trading, and George Lea explaining how he uses the software to find possible trades, and then uses charts on Think or Swim's trading platform to make trading decisions on.  The third DVD is of no value at all as it is about 10 minutes of saying "goodbye". 


In his presentation Sunny says that George Lea has owned the software for less than two years while in reality at that time George had owned it approximately 5 years purchasing it in 2003 for $3,000. How much money George has actually made I do not know but I'm sure the truth has been stretched to say the least.  They claim they are going to raise the price of the software by double the amount to $10,000 but I have heard that for several years now.  It isn't worth the current price let alone anything higher.


I have tried to figure out how to use the program successfully, having purchased it in 2006, but never got into using it much as I thought a person had to have at least $25,000 in a trading account to "do options".  I have concentrated on Forex until now thinking I could make money off it to trade options with.  I have now tracked a number of trades using the concepts taught by Sunny & Pete but none of them have been positive at all. 


By simple comparison most trading training companies give extensive training of several days in length many with retakes for life.  Even Globaltec with its junk programs of Wizetrade, 4X Made Easy, Options Made Easy did that.  Same for Premieretradeai but those were all proven to be worthless junk.  They cost $2,995 each.  On-line Trading academy has classes of 6 or 7 days in length at $5,000 each with lifetime re-takes.  On-Line's classes are reasonably good quality, however their XLT series are certainly not worth the $10,000, in my opinion.   But Best Choice gives only the one 5-6 hr. presentation after the sale, a 2hr. session with a trainer and the worthless DVDs discussed above.  The 5-6 hr. presentation is really just a sales pitch with very little teaching how to use the software at all.   The reason being is many of the attendees have not purchased the software yet at that time.


My conclusion is that all Best Choice software is good for is a very expensive search engine to find the few trades a stock might produce if past performance was indicative of future performance which is a disclaimer that all companies make; that they say is required by the Government.  Go take the Pro-Trader class from (((competitor's name redacted))) for the same $5,000 price tag but stay away from the XLT's they offer. 

sorry, allowing you to give a competitors name would instigate others to just file against their competition, to only come back later to suggest their company, ..plus, if you post a competitors name more than likely they will show up on search engines as a Rip-off! - - your comments on this policy are welcome. CLICK here to see why Rip-off Report, as a matter of policy, deleted either a phone number, link or e-mail address from this Report. In this case we removed an alleged competitors name

10 Updates & Rebuttals


BCS User Groups, etc.

#2Consumer Comment

Thu, February 27, 2014

GoBananas responding here.

First let me say, I only cursory read these posts because I'm short on time at the moment. But if I don’t do this now, I'll get caught up with other things and forget to get back to this, since I rarely visit this website. A friend alerted me to some false slams against me. So I want to address them.

Please stop the name calling and false accusations.

I truly am NOT, and never have been, part of the Best Choice Software Company. NOR do they/BCS operate or control the User Groups or Yahoo! Group. That said they do know me well after all of these many years I've been a Best Choice customer.

As for the Yahoo! Group being more quiet as of lately, that's true, but users are welcomed to continue to use it, and they do, but not so publically lately. They are using the private links which don’t post for all to see.

As for the monthly meetings in Pasadena, after many years of monthly users meetings, I lost the library room due to library cut backs. I enjoyed the meetings, but some things like that are obviously out of my control. I could not find a suitable replacement meeting room, plus at that time, I got caught up in a remodel of my weekend home.

Meetings still happen with a smaller group of us who’ve known one another for some time, and they now happen in the Palm Springs area. In fact some of us will be meeting this weekend. But these are not regular meetings, just when we all decide to get together.


As for alleged banning from the Yahoo! Group, only vulgar and foul posters get banned, which those have only been a couple. And you/anyone would do the same if people were behaving so badly on a site you put together. If you look on the Yahoo! Group there are those who have positive comments as well as criticism that still have not been banned, that, because they did not stoop to foul behavior, which I simply will not tolerate if I catch it.


I can’t speak much for the companies refund issues, other than I recently witnessed Pete give someone a refund at the Las Vegas Expo this past November 2013. And I must say he did so very politely and friendly and it looked hassle-free. I happened to be walking by and Pete asked me to please talk with the guy. The guy was a nice guy, he just seemed to have changed his mind because of some harsh post on this rip-off-report site specifically. So my assumption here, and it’s only my assumption, is that there is likely quite a bit more to the details that those complaining on this site have let out, and likely key details. So anyone reading please keep that in mind as a possibility.


As for the claim that any brokers platform can do what Best Choice does, is simply flat out false. Even TOS [Think Or Swim] doesn’t even come close on this point. And TOS is by far the best retail platform out there, of which I also use. And yes, TOS has Seasonality, but it’s nothing like what Best Choice can do. So please stop those false claims.


I stand by my previous statements also, so rather than me re-posting such statements, please find my previous Best Choice reply post.


So anyone who responds, all I ask it that you be factual and knowledgeable before you go slinging stuff around and slamming good people. That speaks very poorly of those individuals who do such foul deeds.


Thanks for reading my reply post.

Trader Gene

User Groups

#3Consumer Comment

Wed, November 13, 2013

Hello:  You state that you are the creater of a Yahoo users group. I have explored this users group on more than one occasion and find that there have been no posts in quite some time. It was my impression that this was an active users group. So, if BCS  is as great as the marketers say it is, why is this user group not operational. Also, I am curious as to why other User Groups have disbanded, citing an  inability to make money with the software. Just curious about these things,  though I think BCS has its uses, though not for people who think they will soon be millionaires.

F Bradley

Lake Havasu City,
BCS Has Valid Concepts

#4Consumer Comment

Wed, October 16, 2013

It seems as though there  are quite a number of people on this site who are badmouthing BCS for theiruse of so called, "Seasonality" as the basis for making their trades.  It is as if no one is aware of what this seasonality is all about.  Many people do not realize that world famous traders like Larry Williams, John Person, along with many others, use seasonality as a basis for making their predictions on stocks and commodities.  If anybody doubts this, just go check out their track record, it is pretty good, especially Larry Williams. So for those of you who say that "seasonality" is hogwash, it is time to do some homework and get educated on the subject. Just because BCS is using seasonality for their predictions is no reason to bash their software. If so, how about giving Larry Williams a call or sending him an email to tell him that his practice of using seasonality in this trading is nothing but wishful thinking.  You just might get an earful you would  never forget.



Dave Clarke

United States of America

#5Consumer Comment

Thu, February 07, 2013

I attended another 5-6 hour Best Choice seminar, after trade show class, at the end of the Orlando Trading Show on Feb. 2nd 2013.  Sunny presented the software pretty much the same as he has in the past.  Pete was missing from the session this year.  Telling basically the same false hoods about the program as before.  He didnt give the asinine stats about one horse races and card probabilities etc that he has always done before.

The same problems are still present in the software as always.  They claim that they have price and earnings on the same chart that can be used to evaluate the relative value of the stock compared to the earnings.  It is one of their major points of use of the program however there is one major problem relative to this.  That being the earnings data is missing often times as far back as 1.5 years making

this aspect of the program useless.  Even on two of the most valuable stocks in the market they are missing.  The earnings for Google are currently missing the last two quarters of 2012.  They are

missing for the 3rd. quarter for 2012 for Apple Computer which was the most valuable company in the world.  In both case they are not on the correct dates.


Something new has been added to Best Choices choices however.  That being a new day trading

concept developed by one of Best Choices users.  It doesnt use any aspect of Best Choice but

you have to own Best Choice to participate.  That is all fine and dandy however it is very expensive in my

opinion.  They charge $150 per week to participate in the trading and $155 for some of their training webinars.  I doubt how successful it will be for them with that kind of pricing within a limited set of users.  Although true if you are making big money, as they say you will, the cost might be worth the amount.  Out of my price range in any case.

During the past years of dealing with Best Choice I had been led to believe that to open a live account at Think or Swim I had to deposit $3,500 minimum.  What I have discovered is that was always not true.  I opened an account directly with them with a $2,000 amount.  What you get with the larger minimum through Best Choice are cheaper trades.  I had always been told by the pros that to trade stocks or options I had to have a large trading account.  The above being the reason I never used the software from 2006 until 2011 and when I did try to then I found out the problems associated with it.  I took their highly touted GOOGLE TRADE in October 2012 and of course this was the year it BOMBED.  Of course from what I suspected because it was at the High Extreme it wasnt likely to be successful unlike 2011 when it was at the low extreme.


Think very hard about purchasing this software although with complete and up to date data I think it can work as a good search engine which Best Choice called Amazing Search Engine in the program schedule for the Money Show. It is certainly not worth the $5,000 price and you can't even give

it away to anyone but a family member and that is difficult. 

If Best Choice was honorable they would provide a trial period with a full refund in as much as they have the ability to control it's use by their licensing method.  At least allow you to sell it to another user.  If

it worked as they say it will what would they possibly have to lose?  It would increase their sales tremendously.

Dave clarke

No Details ... Just Statements... GoBananas .... You Bet !!

#6General Comment

Sun, March 04, 2012

Talk about "Crazy Loose Cannons", yes he has gone bananas!!  He talks about user groups.  His own and a Yahoo Group which I joined and because I posted information about the missing data I was banned from that group.  They claim they are not controlled by Best Choice but I do not believe that is a true statement.

I was very specific about what is wrong with the software with the missing data being the biggest problem.  That and the total lack of support to users who bought it years ago. When something doesn't work like the very person who wrote it claims it does time after time, year after year, then what I have said before only becomes more powerful and meaningful.

He is correct and it is exactly what I said it is but nothing like what the owners of Best Choice claim it to be. It is a $5,000 search TOOL to sort out specific information from a database which any brokers platform can do. When the data is flawed or missing the software becomes useless.

For Best Choice to work like the owners say it has to display correctly on their charts. If I have to take the search results and analyze the stock or option on a brokers charts then I have to spend thousands of dollars on specific trading training and that is not what the owners of Best Choice portray in their sales pitch and in their specific after show classes which is what their sales pitch is all about.  They claim you can trade completely on the basis of the software itself as a completely stand alone product.

Sure you can test it for $895 for a specific length of time but you wont get that money back if you find it does not work for you.

Can you trust anyone?

Best Choice Software Market Timers Software Best Choice Software is an excellent TOOL. I'm a happy successful customer/software user.

#7Consumer Comment

Sun, March 04, 2012

My family and I are happy Best Choice customer [my ONLY connection to Best Choice is as a customer], and my family and we/I have been using it for somewhere around four years now. I like it so much I created a users group and Yahoo! Group for other users and myself. I personally know MANY [hundreds] very happy and consistently successful traders using the Best Choice Software [TOOL]. Anyone is welcomed to come to my free monthly users group meetings [no need to own the software to attend/join, dates, time and location can be found on the Yahoo! Group] as well as join my free Best Choice Yahoo! Group too, and you too will get to know many of these same folks. You will see me posted as GoBananas, some call me Banana Guy. I'm writing this report here on RipOff Reports because I was told about some sadly untrue and unfair reports from some crazy loose cannons that are out there in the world [we all know some] that have slammed Best Choice. I tell everyone, that like most market software, Best Choice is a TOOL, and a very good TOOL. Like a hammer, in the right hands good things can be accomplished, in the wrong hands someone can get hurt, but you cant blame the hammer for those injuries. I have met folks who have hurt themselves using Best Choice in ways they never should have. Many have learned from their mistakes and gone on to learn how to use that tool and other tools correctly and no longer hurt themselves. I also know many VERY successful traders that use Best Choice. So in closing, please be a responsible consumer of information and be skeptical of all including of me. Find out for yourself what the truth truly is about Best Choice. Im convinced you too will find it is an excellent tool and that the folks at the company care about their customers. Thanks for taking the time to read my report.

Dave clarke

Best Choice Problems

#8General Comment

Sun, February 26, 2012

I attended another 5-6 Hr. Best Choice, after trade show class, after the Orlando Trading show in February 2012.  In it Sunny & Pete presented their software pretty much the same as in the past that I have seen.  In the class they of course promote the software as being basically fool proof if you do what they teach to use it.

One of their major claims to fame being to have price and earnings on the same chart to evaluate a stocks relative value.  Big problem I discuss at the end of this post.

The three basic things they teach about the software itself, beyond its program features, concerning trading with it are:

1.  Use their extremes to time entries.  When considering a stock in an up trend wait until it falls below the 10% extreme and then buy at or out of the money Calls within an expected price range movement of the width of the extremes or less.  When considering a stock in a down trend wait until it goes above the 90% extreme and buy at the money or out of he money Puts within an expected price range movement.

2.   Use the seasonality movements when they are available to either buy calls or puts depending on the direction of expected movement for the time period.  According to Sunny the seasonality movements     even TRUMP the extremes.  Meaning to say even if the price is at a high point of the extremes to enter by buying calls on an up trending stock and vice versa on a down trending stock.

3.   Use the price and earnings charts together to aid in making a decision of whether the stock is over priced or under priced over all.  In other words if the current price slope is below the earnings slope the stock is probably under priced and of course vice versa.  This used in conjunction with the extremes is supposed to tell you which direction the trade will probably be successful.

Now for the current issue I find to be a big problem.  That is their earnings data is missing for a large number of stocks which in turn tweaks the charts making them unusable.  I let my data expire in August of 2011 when I found hundreds of them missing earnings data for a period back 1.5 years.  After my unsuccessful trials I began to understand why.

I was told the data had been fixed so I paid for data starting again in February of this year.  In preliminary checking for stocks my daughter trades I found that the same problem present.  I have not looked at the default list of stocks yet but I am willing to bet the same condition exists as it did last August.

I asked both Sunny & Pete at the class what their thoughts was about earnings data.  Sunny said it was not important while Pete said it was very important, almost critical.  However Pete will not answer the question I have asked him of why arent the earnings data correct.  In as much as its from National Data, who is owned by Best Choice, I think it is their responsibility to have it complete and up to date.

Think very hard about purchasing this software although with complete and up to date data I think it can work.

best choice office

Bradenton fl,
United States of America

#9REBUTTAL Owner of company

Sun, May 08, 2011

Id like to file a rebuttal to your author.  First of all, he is anonymous so we don't know how to help him unless he calls the our office at 941-747-5858.  He doesn't discuss any actual trades made so it is unclear what he has done.

To be fair and balanced, I have attached 11 emails from other satisfied users.  They are quite specific on what trades they took.  Also, if someone would like to read about the software, Stocks and Commodities magazine did an intensive analysis.  You can read it at: www.traders.com/Reprints/PDF_reprints/BC_BEST.PDF

Pete Hoyt
Best Choice Software


 While we were talking, you had me look at the 6 month chart of a few stocks (ICE and CME were two of them). They both had nice large cyclical swings. Well, I used that and tried a trade on ICE. On 2/1/07 I purchased 20 contracts of the MAR 155 Calls at $2.70 (for a total cost of $5,400). At the time ICE was trading at $134.55 (so the calls were $20 out of the money). At the time, ICE was at an extreme of 49% (on the 6 mo chart), not ideal for this kind of trade, but given the options were 45 days out, it seemed to me that the cycle would work.

 Well, today is 2/8/07, only a week later, and I am cashing this trade out at $9.20 (the stock is trading at $154.80). That is a 240+% gain on the options in 7 days (14,645% annualized) on a 15% move in the stock.

- B.


Friday, I finally paid for the full subscription from my "winnings" using your Best Choice Software. So through some of the worst trading times (late summer) I managed to reap an over-121% (annualized) return on my little $40k portfolio. It would have been about 377% if I had really trusted your software for the full-recommended lt trades on three of the holdings (GDP, NVDA, RIMM)!

And so far, not a single losing position.

- C. Spengler


Thought I'd give you and update on my latest trade. I bought a 60 August Put on APOL 7/27 and sold it today for a 380% profit. Not a bad profit for 9 days of work. I found this using the search wizard and cycles charts in BestChoice.


- D.


Your program has helped me recently in picking out a longer term position with Apple.  For an investment on $1200 I made a return of $6600/$5400 profit. I primarily used the option predictor in purchasing a leap.  This section of your program made it possible to estimate target value. I also used the cyclical as confirmation of when I might expect the greatest return.

The program is great!


- E. Boynton

You have a great product and am still exploring the other features and the operation of the software. In fact I already made more than a 100% on FFIV, my first trade using your software for a couple of days. Wow ..



 Having spent 32 years in the application software business I can honestly say Best Choice Software is the best software package I have ever utilized. I purchased the product about 3 weeks ago after a friend recommend I review it. In the first 3 weeks my trading account has advanced from a balance of $98,500 to $155,400 based on just 6 option trades I made after reviewing the seasonality charts in Best Choice Software. The most money I had invested at any one time was 28,500.00.

The time consuming manual based research patterns I have developed over the past three years are all 100% automated with Best Choice Software. The software provides a list of trades for each month based on 10 year historical trends. The seasonal trading methodology provides an excellent risk /reward for any trader.

After spending over 100 hours with the product I do not have any enhancements to recommend to Peter. It is EXACTLY what I needed. By purchasing the trial for a week I made more profit than the cost of the software before buying he software. BCS allows me to trade with greater confidence than before.

- R. Holloman


 I recently purchased a 3 month trial of your software. My plan was, and still is, to carefully document how the software would have performed during April, 2008 if I had actually traded. I may do other months as well.

I ran the Wizard and then created cycle trades. I selected the trade only if it had a rating of 4.0 or higher, and a win/loss ratio of either 9/0, 9/1, or 10/0. Then I looked at the Long cycle trades produced for April and documented every Entry Date price and every Exit date price. Since I like to trade options, I also documented the option prices for the Entry and Exit Dates. I used at-the-money or the closest in-the-money option, and if the exit date was closer than 2 weeks
to the expiration date, I went to the next available month.

 As of now, half of the Long trades have completed (their exit date is not greater that

 The results were fantastic! There were 38 winning trades, only 8 losing trades, around 83% winners!!!

 But, to me, even more impressive was this stat: average win percent = 103% and the average loss was only 33%.

 Included in these results were trades where the profit was 273%, 362%, 367% and 438%.

 You truly have an amazingly successful product.

- D. Weinberg



Using Best Choice is way better than robbing banks to make good money! I have made a lot of money over the years in the stock market - over time, lots of time, but never in one week. I always had heard that the only way to make fast money was to take your .45 Colt and a "give me your money" note to the nearest bank teller.

 After owning Best Choice since the summer Las Vegas Money Show last year, I finally got in gear, learned a bit about Best Choice, and placed a trade last week. I made $3500 in five days on 10 contracts: May 30 calls on TRMB.


 While I have never robbed a bank, this has got to be way better than robbing a bank, as a way to make money or to earn a living. It is fun - and it is legal!

You truly have an amazingly successful product.

-P. Gordon


Hi Gary, (and Jimmy and Greg)

I just sold 10 ea GOOG April 380 calls for $11.00 each. I paid $2.40 each.  $8600 profit this A.M. in 17 days.That, with my ADBE success of last month means I have made over $11,000 in the last 3 weeks.

 YEA! I have paid for my BC software, several times over!





Thanks for assigning a trading coach to help me learn the software!!!! I got the software at the expo in Nov. in Las Vegas. After you & Petes presentation, it was a no brainerwhere do I sign up. I was one of the first back to your lovely wife to give her my card. I really wanted the cycle history data and the easy way to use options was a real plus.

The more I became familiar with the software, the more impressed I became. It really is something and Ive got some friends interested in purchasing it for themselves. Believe me, I wouldnt recommend it to a friend unless I was REALLY impressed!

I finally made my first real trade this week after studying with your trading coaches for some time. This has really helped me understand much better. You & Pete have got a GREAT piece of Software and a great team.

And thanks to you all .I paid for my software in the first live trade. I anxiously look forward to each of your Webinars, AND I am really excited to see that you have a new Webinar on the 21st; which Ive all ready signed up for and am very anxious to hear about.

Thank youThank youThank you

Take Care.

- J.


I would like to say that when I visited the Trader's Expo in Las Vegas back in 2008 (in the midst of some of the most mayhem in the markets!) - I was a 'seasoned' amateur in trading/investing. I saw many systems, gimmicks, and gadgets. I attended a few educational classes while I was there as well. What I can say about why Best Choice won my business before I left is because the approach to seasonal 'probabilities' was the one thing that made the absolute most sense to me.
I have learned over the couple years since my time in Vegas that trading is all about probabilities. Specifically HIGH probabilities. And if you review a stock that is setting up correctly for a trade that has excellent high probability historical seasonality behind it - you are bound to be making more winning trades and less losing trades. And sure enough - I have seen trade after trade make the move in the market as expected with seasonality.

I also want to say that with probabilities - that means it is NOT guaranteed - of course nothing is guaranteed except for death (and maybe taxes!) I mention this because after I purchased Best Choice - not only have they made good on their 'life long' licensing (I receive regular and constant updates to the software) - but they have gone above and beyond what I expected by providing a
forum where I can chat with technical support, real live experts successfully trading in the market, and I can get feedback.

They also have provided me with free one on one trading with experts who are actively trading in the market.  They have provided me with regular LIVE webinar training sessions that always introduce something new and help me with increasing and improving my trading skills. And most importantly - they have put me in touch with some extremely successful people who attribute their success -in part- to the Best Choice software and approach. The best part - most all these people have been EXTREMELY willing to give of their time, advice, and education about their trading styles and how they make things work.

I have been so blessed by the help I have gotten that I too do the best I can to share my experiences and skills with other people as well. 

There is a great learning community here with the Best Choice group (staff and customers) and if you are serious about getting into trading - I can personally attest that the Best Choice software will increase your learning, give you that first stepping block to trading - and if you are seasoned - it will be a very valuable asset to your trading arsenal.

- Dave R.


My Experience in Orlando - February

#10Author of original report

Wed, February 23, 2011

I attended Best Choices two (2) hr. Sales/User presentation Friday Evening February 11, 2011 at the Orlando Money Show.  Two things stood out at this presentation.    First was that both Sunny & Pete made the comment they didn't want their office "Staff" knowing how to use Best Choice because if they did they would leave the company because they would make so much money they wouldn't have to work a JOB.   I think that is so sad for them to even say.  The two women who do the office work that I am aware of have been with them for a long time, and for them to not know the software is so foolish as to be ridiculous.    The second thing was possibly my impression only but it was acutely obvious that Pete’s comments about using the software were directed at me.  While he didn’t come and confront me about my post on here the comments were pointed.    Another thing that was not stressed in this presentation was George Lea’s presentation and DVD’s that were given away before.  Whether or not as a result of what I said in my prior post or not I do not know.  I did come across another user who had gone on the boat cruise in January who was not happy, or impressed with the software to trade with.  He told me he heard something had occurred with George and Best Choice which was why they were no longer promoting him.    Best Choice now offers a finance plan where the software can be purchased for $6,000 or the standard price of $5,000 for immediate full payment.  Again I will say it is a very expensive search tool but to use it for actual trading without further analysis similar to what George Lea does would be foolish.    While the software contains the tutorials to learn how it functions there is nothing to actually tell you how to evaluate a stock or option for making trades.  You have to go look at other price charts for that.  Many of the tutorials are outdated and not really useful for the current version of the software.  Without instruction it is difficult to understand.  There are features that are not even addressed in the tutorials that are necessary to use the software fully.  This is not how they present the software at all.   While at the show Thursday & Friday I was able to warn a number of people about Best Choice.


Concur with the author of this report!

#11Author of original report

Fri, November 12, 2010

I will concur with what the person who filed this report had to say since my experience has been much the same.  Best Choice is by Pete Hoyts definition, which I received in an email from him, the best search tool:


 I tell people trading is like playing the piano.  You have to practice to be good.  You should paper trade, where you can't lose any money until you gain significant practice.  Don't think you are going to hit a home run, the first time you ever play baseball and swing the bat.  Practice and you will improve.  This is the best advice I can give you, but there is no better searching tool for finding great opportunities than the one I built.


After tracking a bunch of trades that were 100 % successful on past performance my success rate was 1 out of 10 which certainly disputes their theory based on statistics.  But of course like all software and courses on trading the famous disclaimer of past performance is not indicative of future performance does apply which lets them off the hook legally.  But their claim in their sales pitch would never lead a person to believe that.  Go to their website and see it for yourself. 


For Best Choice to charge $5,000 for this is unethical at best, and they give so little training on its use as to be virtually useless.  Even Globaltec with their Made Easy programs did that!!  And now as always they are threatening to raise the price by double to $10,000.  They will probably still get at least half of the amount of people to buy it so their profit amount wont change much but hopefully these kind of filings about bad products can help some people avoid getting cheated.


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