  • Report:  #1127187

Complaint Review: Big fish games - Seattle Washington

Reported By:
danni - mission, Dist of Columbia,

Big fish games
333 Ellio Seattle, Washington, USA
Phone: (866) 921-6960
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?

Hi I am making a complaint with bigfishgames ,this is my first time i have filed a complaint about a companyusually i just let it pass and accept the loss.But this time my losses were the only thing i have left as i spend a great deal of time on my computers .I am usually quite careful what  i choose to download for entertainmentand big fish games seemed to be the right choice as they have an A+ rating with the BBB and boast about the100 % virus free games that they have as well as being the top game distributer in the world. emsisoft.com/en/malware/Adware.Win32.Big_Fish_Games_Toolbar-remove.aspx



My problem with Bigfish wasnt the games ,in fact i very much enjoyed the selection and quality .The problem  with BFG was the lack of support when players computers crashed nearly every week ,the updates that caused more bugs than the ones they fixed,The secrets they keep from the public clients. Players need to know about the warnings of possible software or hardware damage that bfg uses in the binary codes and uses of an old sql server just recently upgraded to a mysql server in late febuary 2014


 mysql.com/why-mysql/case-studies/mysql-cs-bigfish.html. which causes major havoc in memory .causing handle leaks eventually leading to a locked screen from a memmory overload from theyre sql server not closing the developers home brewed games files properly ,(hardboot required ) leading to dll apps to simultainously open in 2 differnt windows on win 8 the solution from the techs was to uninstall and reinstall which causes more problems as they thought it might cure the bug fixes out of control by also using outdated servers and software.I always wondered why thy stressed about updating your drivers when players had problems ,  .cursor problems (mouse)slow and locking actions. hard drive failure (corrupted files) , volsnap being used in the older server tools kit C+ ,netframework. with newer computers and win8 when they need poolsnap and visual stuios tools . well i did eventually get the update but by then it was too late. if Bfg had a warning policy to users stating what your sytem requires to be safe to use and that more information is neede for new and old clients..then this would have been a repitable company and i would have been honered to play  theyre games.but the secrecy strictly kept from the clients was unacceptable as players offered help in the forums for the constant bugs and crashes of these uniformed players, en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Data_loss





if a client tries to poat a thread about the problem its immediatly locked and they are told to put the complaint in the tech issues thread.There is a reason for this as well 1st as the server collects too much data this will cause an overload in memmory as well in the host computers phyiscal and or virtual memmory .forcing an imediate repair or  the system will crash. a perfect example is when you used up all your hard drive space on  your old computer ,nothing would work the system was slow until you got a message telling you to free memmory ..warning very  low. when you run into this problem on a network ,the resolve isnt that simple as freeing memmory by deleting old files. any ways i could go on explaining but instead i will post links that better explain things..for those who have credit card problems check the delphi  mysql memmory problems link and look at the bottom page . read what it says ..


will include link later. support.microsoft.com/kb/833167#14



THe  main technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/cc766093(v=ws.10).aspx eason i have posted this complaint is the dirty tactics i had to deal with from BFG unregistered employees or friends. that have tried numerous attempts to keep me quiet ,as i was offering advice in the forums for players that the company found to be a little to revealing so they brought in the trolls to start confrontations to get the thread closed.  3 times this happened and i wasnt the reason it was closed it was others who stuck up for me .so  now im locked out of forums for postings info players should or need to  know and ip blocked from the server . only because i wanted damages for the 3 computers that crashed and the games i bought that i cant play. i get  offered  a coupon  2nd  i got offered a 38$ refund  for over 50 games at 7$  a piece as welll as in game  purchases  lol.. i told them if they dont agree on the fair offer i preposed the cost of two new systems  and the games. around 5000 $  they said  no way .. i told them if you dont i will go public with your with held information. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Crash_(computing)


i never  got  areply but instead i got a group of 4 people who  hijacked my  browsers ,certain information was deleted and or redirected volsnap was used to snap  shot the volume copy. handles leaked again dns errors registry rewrittin .etc. etc  all  leading straight back to the original problems which cause my computers to crash completely..unfortunatly this time it didnt work because win 8 rerouted the memmory overload to dll library of the apps. along with the help of wikipedia and bleeping computers i was able to catch all the activity..   heres a few examples below. where the bookmarked page no longer leads to the sites they didnt want me to see....lol...and one guy  had the balls to come back and try to delete his trail but i had already made a another  safe copy .  dumb..i  can understand why this information was hidden by bigfish..possibly  another sony type of  scam going on..? you decide.iM sure there are  a huge amount of players out there who  need to know what they should expect when signing with bigfish..I wish they could have just paid my damages.but they thought i didnt know ,i guess they didnt  read through my hints i highlighted on  my complaint  to the better buisness bureau,


PERSISTANT :   Files used in binary usely exe made by developers using c+ and netframe work  closely resembling malware trojans for activation of games or game managers if registry gets corrupted or a attacker plants a certain malware in the registry possibly a cookie or attached with a update this would lead to  a possible rootkit infection that the attacker could take control of your  computer without your knowledge. malware such as onlinegames.exe service.exe and jsmoneybags.exe could be used to access your personal information leading to  identity theft and access to your credit card.  en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rootkit


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Error message: Server not found

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Check your network connection if there is nothing wrong with the address.

Check your firewall settings and make sure this address isn't blocked.



Unable to connect to the proxy server



A proxy server is a server that acts as an intermediary between your computer and other servers. Right now, your system is configured to use a proxy, but Google Chrome can't connect to it.

If you use a proxy server...

Check your proxy settings or contact your network administrator to make sure the proxy server is working. If you don't believe you should be using a proxy server: Go to the Chrome menu > Settings > Show advanced settings... > Change proxy settings... > LAN Settings and deselect "Use a proxy server for your LAN".



Unable to connect to the proxy server



A proxy server is a server that acts as an intermediary between your computer and other servers. Right now, your system is configured to use a proxy, but Google Chrome can't connect to it.

If you use a proxy server...

Check your proxy settings or contact your network administrator to make sure the proxy server is working. If you don't believe you should be using a proxy server: Go to the Chrome menu > Settings > Show advanced settings... > Change proxy settings... > LAN Settings and deselect "Use a proxy server for your LAN".



a few examples of pages that came up when i looked up the causes of my error logs.2014-02-28


The memory manager code resides in System.pas and GetMem.inc, and as such, is compiled with every application. This is not normally a problem, but in applications using DLLs also written in Delphi, this has certain implications: since a DLL is a separately compiled application, it receives its own copy of the memory manager, and thus a separate heap. This is the most important thing to remember: each distinct application, whether an .exe or .dll, manages its own heap. All subsequent problems arise simply from having one exe/dll mistakenly manage a piece of memory that does not live in its own heap.


On the next page, find out about heaps, and why the sentance "...pass string information using PChar or ShortString parameters." can be misleading... Whenever you need to use (create) an object in Delphi, you need to free the memory it consumed (once no longer needed). Surely, the try / finally memory guarding blocks can help you prevent memory leaks; it's still up to you to safe guard your code.


A memory (or resource) leak occurs when the program loses the ability to free the memory it consumes. Repeated memory leaks cause the memory usage of a process to grow without bounds. Memory leaks are a serious problem - if you have a code causing memory leak, in an application running 24/7, the application will eat up all the memory available and finally make the machine stop responding.

Next page >


The solution > Page 1, 2

GC is not "all mighty" - if you are using "external" resources, like database connections or network resources, you are still responsible for freeing "unmanaged" (or external) resources. The framework can track when the unmanaged resource needs to be terminated, but it does not have information on how to terminate the resource and free up the memory. In order to force the developer to free its resources, any class that operates on "unmanaged" resources must implement the Dispose (made it public) method of the IDisposable interface. In general, your implementation of the Dispose method should release all the resources that an object owns (with a call to "inherited Dispose").



Danni :British Columbia Canada

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