Sat, June 09, 2001
After writing my initial report regarding Bigstep.com, I had time to think some more and came up with several more points. They are as follows:
Since Bigstep's banner is on all three sites, anyone who visits these sites are seeing Bigstep's advertising on my site.
The following is the number of hits that each of the sites I designed has received since being published:
Site #1 = From Jan. 2001 to May 31, 2001 this site has had a total of 1532 hits, which resulted from either newspaper ads or submissions to search engines.
Site #2 = From Feb. 24, 2001 to May 31, 2001 this site has had a total of 277 hits, which resulted from submissions to search engines.
Site #3 has not been marketed yet due to receiving the e-mail from Bigstep whereby they intend to charge for sites now.
Total number of hits to my sites = 1809.
My point is this...not only have my sites received potential business, so has Bigstep. All of which were a result of my work in advertising.
Why would I pay money to Bigstep.com, since they too are benefitting from these sites? It just doesn't seem fair.