  • Report:  #731847

Complaint Review: Blackstone Consulting Inc. - Minnetonka Minnesota

Reported By:
sevtroi - Minneapolis, Minnesota, United States of America

Blackstone Consulting Inc.
601 Carlson Parkway Minnetonka, 55305 Minnesota, United States of America
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
I've read the other ripoff reports as well as the rebuttal by the company president, Jeremy,  whom I met during my interview process. I would have to say that my opinion is somewhere in the middle of all these.

First of all - most people who are interviewing with Blackstone Consulting Inc. are likely for the 'Account Manager' position. Despite being called an Account Manager that really isn't what this position is, and shouldn't be surprising that the description on their website is surprisingly vague. Essentially, it's a sales representative. On the website they make a distinction between the two but during my interview process I asked if there was any difference and her reply was 'Oh, they sound like the same thing to me.' I'll get more into exactly what type of sales you'll be doing later in the report.

The office is located in the Carlton Towers and much to my surprise, they were on the 15th floor with a fantastic view. It just came as a bit of a surprise because of a building filled with very legitimate companies like Wells Fargo, Garden Inc ect, I never expected to see a company I had never heard of in one of the top-notch locations within the building. That said, the office is rather small and put together in kind of a bizarre way. I was interviewed in a corner office (one of the 3-4 rooms within their suit) although it had an expensive looking desk, it wasn't put together in a fashion that made me think it had ever been used; actually looked a bit in a state of disarray. The most bizarre one though is one large room with zero furniture that all of the salesman come in for their meetings in the morning. It's quite literally an empty room with a couple of foldup chairs available. That just rubbed me the wrong way.

When I was able to see one of the morning meetings in the large, empty room,  it was surprising to see that just about everyone of the salesman were in their early 20's. Looked like a room  of recent college graduates...During the meeting there was a cheesey lecture about 'Putting the Sizzle in your sale' and then they announced the biggest sellers the day before. What definitely rubbed me the wrong way is that they also called out the lowest sellers in front of everyone.

Im mirroring other posters that there are also other huge red flags - the position is 100% commission sales. They do not pay for your gas and there was mention of benefits after 90 days but he was very vague when I asked him to clarify on plans and coverage. They will swear up and down that this is not coldcalling and you are not a door to door salesman, because these are lists generated from Qwest - but the same with telemarketers I'm willing to bet the people on these lists arent always aware they are a potential client.

After the last interview - it was pretty obvious I was going to get the job but they said they would call my references. Since I'm close with all three and was already feeling suspicious, I asked them and no one received a phone call or email on my reference list.

Overall, I would say there is something shady going on with this company, but that's more of a gut feeling than any hard evidence. But one thing I do need to stress is that this is a DOOR TO DOOR salesman job - no ifs or but's about it. If that's your cup of tea, go for it and see for yourself, but I couldnt recommend this company to anyone.

5 Updates & Rebuttals


New York,
New York,
United States
Blackstone Consulting Inc. -

#2Consumer Comment

Sat, November 24, 2018

Jeremy is a shady guy, story doesn't add up.  May have something here.


United States of America
Jeremy Roubelt Lies About Lawsuit

#3UPDATE EX-employee responds

Thu, February 23, 2012

Jeremy Roubelet is again attemping scare tactics to prevent previous victims of his practices from coming forward with statemenets about his company. As the previous party posted, there is no such lawsuit filed in this matter. Jeremy's entire post seems to be little more than some basic legal terms he has googled, or a description from a first-year law student on what to post to intimidate the lay person. Would a real, moral and legitimate company need to go to such measures? 

I know this because a party to a defamation suit such as this would seek punitive damages, not compensatory damages. If such lawsuit were to be filed, no injunction would ever be granted that prevents a party from speaking their opinions and experiences, no matter how detrimental they may be to another party. Summary judgment would be granted to the defendant for plaintiff's failure to state a cause of action upon which relief may be granted. Defamation suits rarely are filed, and are even less likely to ever reach a jury. Jeremy's post is legally unintelligent at best, and more than likely a blatant lie.

A cause of action like this would be dismissed immediately for numerous reasons. If Jeremy actually had a lawyer, I am sure he would have been told this. People such as Jeremy, with sketchy pasts, often use this threat to deter people to keep quiet about the practices they engage in. In no way is it defamation for a party to articulate their own experiences with someone like Jeremy. A party is free to state their experiences, especially against a somewhat public figure like Jeremy Roublet, in an effort to warn others of his deceptive practices, so long as the party does not intentionally make materially false statements.

I would urge anyone who has been a victim of Jeremy Roubelet's deceptive practices to seek the advice of an attorney. Most attorneys in tort litigation will consult you for free, and only take a percentage of any potential judgment if they feel you will have a successful cause of action. Do not let any post by Jeremy Roubelet deter you from sharing your stories of the type of company he runs. Any post I have read seems extremely genuine from my experiences at this company, and do not even exhibit the slightest hint of defamation.

The saddest part of the whole story is that Jeremy, like all of these "independent businesses" or Cydcor or DSMax, will end up moving to another city and changing the name of his small business once more of these types of comments/law suits surface. Like all managers/owners, he will hopefully tire eventually of this type of life, and just walk away. In the mean time, Jeremy, get a real lawyer next time you plan on posting scare tactics. Google will only take you so far.


United States of America
Statement from Attorney?

#4Author of original report

Fri, February 10, 2012

Just a note - I've been served with no papers and double checked with Hennepin County, no such lawsuit exists. At least against me, I don't know if this was posted on every ripoff report regarding black stone and dont care enough to check.

Overall though, no lawsuit. Silly and unnecessary bluff that would be thrown out of court even if it actually did exist.

Blackstone Consulting Inc

United States of America
Update: Statement from my attorney

#5REBUTTAL Owner of company

Fri, February 10, 2012

Statement from my attorney (I chose not to use the person's name):

On January 27, 2012, Blackstone Consulting, Inc. and Jeremy Reboulet, its owner and President, commenced civil litigation against the defendant, a former employee of Blackstone, in the Hennepin County (Minnesota) District Court.  The Complaint alleges that the defendant defamed Blackstone and Reboulet by publishing false statements to an internet website and elsewhere which harmed Blackstones and Reboulets professional, business and personal reputations.  The Complaint seeks compensatory damages, together with a declaratory judgment declaring that the defendants published statements concerning Blackstone and Reboulet constitute defamation per se under applicable laws.  The Complaint also seeks a temporary and permanent injunction commanding the defendant to remove the previously-published defamatory statements, to publish a retraction of such statements, and to take all appropriate actions to cause the delisting of the defamatory content and removal of the content from the internet.  The lawsuit was commenced when the defendant failed to comply with Blackstones and Reboulets demand that the defendant withdraw and retract the defamatory statements.

Blackstone Consulting Inc

United States of America
Updates on Blackstone Consulting

#6REBUTTAL Owner of company

Wed, September 21, 2011

I anticipate this is the last posting that I will address.  I did my best to clarify details about the position; however a determined few felt it necessary to express their personal opinions with slanderous untruths to a limitless audience.  Even more unfortunate is that people will read what they say and automatically assume that whatever is written is true without regard to what opportunities really exist, to how hardpeople at this company work, and how much our staff cares about each other and their futures.  As much as things like this wouldnt get under my skin; it does bother me to hear people insult Blackstone employees that I care so much about and I know the effort and hard work they put in day in and day out.   So I now feel obliged to state very obvious things with the hope that it will prompt people to at least find out more about Blackstone from other sources rather than nameless authors playing armchair critic to companies they dont like for whatever personal reasons they may have: 

- All communication sent forth from Blackstone (website, job postings, Facebook page, blogs, etc.) are consistent and clear.  We have always publicized that our goals were and are to exceed the needs of our clients and to expand.  Since our inception weve grown from a small office of 10 staff members to roughly 140 total with locations in Denver, Scottsdale, three new major clients in our Minneapolis office, and have four NEW offices slated to open by the end of the year.  We could not have done without every member of the Blackstone team being passionate about their careers and having the work ethic to see our goals through.  So to see random people insult these very capable and driven people is extremely offensive.   Over and beyond that; even companies like Google have acknowledged the power of face to face contact as explained in an article from FINS (from the Wall Street Journal) posted July of this year.

*At the end of the post I added a link and info about our style of business from Google Company*

- This website is called Rip off Report.  By definition to rip off is to cheat, swindle, or exploit.  Nothing in my company even remotely resembles that description.   The closest comment I read in regards to this is that someone felt that we didnt present the position accurately.  During the second interview process we have a candidate come in observe a few staff meetings, we pair them up with a corporate trainer or campaign manager that used to be account managers so they get other perspectives on the position. Once the staff meetings are over, they sit down with another hiring manager that further details the day to day, goes over compensation, answers any and every question,

and discusses the future opportunities of the position as it is not meant as a long term role but merely a stepping stone to advancement within the firm.  So it is somewhat baffling that a person would be uncertain about the position after all of that.  The more I look at this website the more I see people complaining about an ex-boyfriend or girlfriend being a deadbeat, calling banks criminals for taking their money, and other ridiculous accusations that are nearly comical and have no business either on this site. I personally wouldnt use it as my sole source of information to form my opinion if Im serious about finding a career or even was looking for a reference for a company to do business with.  I would come and sit down with the owner if possible, speak with staff members, check the Better Business Bureau, and/or consult clients.  That way I could form my own opinion since it is my career on the line or business I am working with.

- Blackstone account managers manage priority customer accounts given to us from our clients pending on which of the 3 campaigns they are assigned to (Comcast business account division, Century Link, or one of our retail campaigns). That is why the position is titled account manager, territory manager or store manager. While we have one project involving meeting with one of our clients high priority customers face to face at their residences, we have other clients that contract us to work with their small to medium business accounts and our newest project is in a retail setting working with Best Buy, Target, and Wal-Mart (which excites me personally being that they the largest retail Fortune 100 companies in the nation).  So when we say its not door to door its not because were delusional, it is because not all of our account managers visit homes.  Even the ones that do, work completely off lead based accounts, and never wander aimlessly around neighborhoods slinging anything.  On a 3 to 4 week basis, each account manager is responsible for 150-200 priority accounts and 60% of them are existing Century Link customers. All account managers also receive a base pay during training as well as throughout their career as an acct manager, a director, senior director or assistant manager. Regardless of all those things the position is designed to teach our staff to be solution oriented, to be able to communicate effectively with anyone anywhere, and to create work habits that will ensure success no matter the forum.  This exemplifies how we work with our account managers hand in hand as they grow in title or position.

- People have different personalities.  Accusing all of our staff of being pushy, overly aggressive, and without dignity is harsh, unnecessary, and untrue.  Anyone would be hard pressed to find a company with a staff over 100 people where each individual is exactly the same and likeable according to one individuals opinion.  Again stating the obvious: it is a consulting, marketing, and sales, firm We purposefully hire extraverted, outgoing people that will excel in a position that depends on their ability to communicate with others effectively.   So we may have some staff members that are more assertive than the author of that posting is used to but that should be a foregone conclusion of any company witha staff larger than 20 people.  Since we have begun working with Qwest (now Century Link) we have never had a customer complaint in regards to an unprofessional account manager and the feedback from the customers to Century Link is that they enjoyed having a personal representative to figure out the best solution and do everything for them; making the time they spent with the account manager a joy.  Customer satisfaction has actually increased since Blackstone has been in business and partnered with Qwest Century Link.

- Every job posting clearly states that we train business psychology, sales techniques, advanced industry knowledge, training methods, how to properly run business meetings, and how to communicate effectively.  This position hinges on these things.  A person said they felt like they were being taught to trick people. We teach people to talk about things that will help their customer, to build a sincere relationship, and choose their words deliberately to be efficient.  Since when does being straightforward and trying to meet someones needs equate to tricking people?  Our methodology has allowed us to develop a top highly effective staff for our clients.  Each of our locations is among the top offices in the nation for major corporations.  It is illogical to think Fortune 500 clients would work with us if we wereunethical in any way.  It really would be wasting peoples time and bothersome to them if we employed people that were unprepared and unable to communicate effectively.  Every clients service or product that we represent is a part of our clients target demographics current needs and expenses.  Meaning the meetings held are adding value to the customer and helping the community 85% of the time save money.  To most customers an hour (if that) out of their lives isnt bothersome if theyre getting a better product than they currently have for a better price.  We do not teach our account managers to pester someone whos not interested, but to simply consult and aid customers if their needs arent being met by their current provider.

I offered before and I will do so again: if someone feels like they were mistreated, not paid attention to, or had any problem of any kind please call my office and I will speak with you directly to resolve any issues.  I am absolutely willing to listen and accommodate any actions needed to be taken. My company allows a business opportunity to individuals who want to both grow professionally and be a part of an expanding company. With clients looking for us to grow our market share in our current and upcoming markets we encourage you to apply. A top candidate in our office/business has a desire for learning, coaching, team and individual work, camaraderie, passion, and over all a want and willingness to have their hard work create a future for them. This is not a job but a career move and if you feel you fit these needs and want to be a part of a company that stands for this then I encourage you to speak with me or simply see for yourself rather than listening to anothers opinion.  Thank you.

(link==> ttp://sales-jobs.fins.com/Articles/SBB0001424053111903999904576470401457365890/Google-Says-Cold-Calling-Isn-t-Dead)

Google Says Cold Calling Isn't Dead

By Chris Prentice

Salespeople should get off their computers and hit the streets to reach new customers. Technology companies especially need sales staffs making cold calls, said David Lawee, vice president of corporate development at Google Inc.

Groupon Inc.'s legions of sales reps have been cold calling local businesses to build the daily-deals site. According to the Chicago-based company's IPO filing, revenue grew to $645 million in the first quarter of 2011, up from $44 million. That's a lot of knocking on doors.

Google could use the same tactic as it looks to grow its own ad sales revenues. This is especially true in the display ad market, where the company trails Facebook and Yahoo, according to data from market research company eMarketer. The company has been on a hiring spree and has already added 4,368 full-time employees this year, according to its second quarter earnings report.

Sales reps certainly have more ways than ever to reach customers, including email and social media. But tried-and-true methods never go out of style.

Jeremy Reboulet

President of Blackstone Consulting

601 Carlson Pkwy, suite 1525

Minnetonka, MN 55305


I am also attaching my previous post:

I would like to take this opportunity to clear up any confusion about Blackstone Consulting and what being a part of the staff entails. In most cases I would not dignify innuendo with a response, however I have been receiving concerned calls about these postings so felt it necessary to clarify what is fact and what is not. This is to address anything on this website about Blackstone, as they do not fact check any postings created. I will not address any personal attacks as people are entitled to their opinions. Although I could make my own speculations on what type of person anonymously gripes and disparages other people and companies they know little about on the internet. Not revealing their name is a way to protect them from getting sued for defamation, so I understand anonymity being preferred. However, there are several conflicting complaints so I will do my best to be as informative as possible to clarify the truth.

History and Locations: The first and most basic issue to clear up is our company history. Blackstone Consulting has never done business under another name at any point of its existence, nor has it been owned by any other person.  I personally worked with the company mentioned (Cumberland) but quickly discovered it was not a company I wanted to pursue a long term career with so started my own company with the same client: Qwest. The results I provided for them as an employee (as well as my experience of running a development and real estate company prior) gave them confidence in my abilities to begin a new endeavor for them. A few of the staff that I trusted and knew to be people of integrity came with me and we open Blackstone's doors in February of 2010. I also opened Blackstone with the mindset that we would be taking on other clients as well pending the right circumstances and timing. As we performed above expectations for Qwest they asked us to expand both within our Minnetonka and in other states they would like representation in. Since then we have gone from a staff of less than 10 to over 50 and have opened a new location in Denver. These are undisputable facts. There were questions about whether or not wed be opening new locations, if we were relevant to ourclients, and if it was really possible to advance in our company. It is a fact that the person running the new Denver office started off as an account manager and progressed through the training program and is now managing the new location.  This should sufficiently answer those questions.

Once the advancement opportunities were proven true there was another posting concerned with the speed of the process and history of the current assistant manager. Apparently the fact that he came from a construction background and has only been in the company for less than a year seemed strange. This is what is meant when the job postings and employee materials note: no technical experience is necessarythere is no seniorityit is a performance and merit based positionthe training program isexpected to run between 10-18 months. That complaint essentially solidifies that we do follow through with what we say were going to do. On top of that, (the only personal note I will mention) Kendall is a college graduate, extremely hard working, and is one of the most integrity driven people Ive ever met. He earned every inch of his promotion. Also, promoting people from within is not that novel of a concept. To progress at Nordstrom a person must start as a floor sales person. To become a storemanager at Subway a person begins as a sandwich artist on the line first for a short period of time before being able to move forward. If that type of upward mobility makes a company a scam or pyramid scheme then logic would follow that a very large percentage of Fortune 500 businesses in the U.S. are shams.

Compensation: In the last post from a friend that worked here he seems to have the most to say and incidentally has the most false slanderous comments to clarify. No one on the staff ever makes money off of other employees.  No one has to pay for their uniform, as there is no uniform. No one callsMexico from their cell phone to place orders. No one gets paid less than what they are supposed to on their sales. The HR person is not the secretary, we have an administrative assistant and an office manager; they are two completely different people. We did not cease to furnish paychecks in order to put a down payment on our new space.  This website does not regulate anything posted because it is meant to be a forum for opinions, not a credible source for facts as there are too many false statements to count in these postings. If we actually did any one of those things I doubt we would be in business at all, let alone staff over 50 people and work with the largest telecommunications company in the Northwest.

All aspects of compensation are covered during the second round interview, again in the third, and are detailed in writing and discussed when someone fills out their paperwork to be an employee.  This paperwork is signed by both myself and the new account manager and then copies are provided in their employee manual. It would be impossible for someone to go through the whole process without knowing what the compensation and position are until their first day as claimed, and even more unlikely for us to employ such a large staff if they were only incoming $500: half of what is expected. The average account manager earns in between $750 and $1500 weekly. There is a 10% cancellation rate for the reps in our office. If someone has a larger than average rejection percentage it typically indicates the rep may be conducting themselves unethically with customers. It is something we take seriously and do our best to limit. Every representative is paid every single week and is provided a sales report detailing each individual customer included with every check.

We did initially, for a short period of time, work with T-Mobile. It was a test pilot campaign and every person assigned to T-Mobile was fully aware that it was going to be a salaried position for a few months so we could figure it out and move to commission eventually. That was made clear from the start. The compensation package is set as performance based as a benefit for our clients. Most businesses see the value in only having to invest capital in results and not merely the prospect of them. The commissions are set up so an average person with average results is able to earn at minimum $750. Stronger representatives gross $2k a week, which is well above the national average income for an entry level position. It does not benefit anyone to have reps in my office making less than that. To address the suggestion that because it is commission based I have nothing to lose in hiring people: I have much to lose. Its my name, my company, and my reputation. Besides the fact that there actually is monetary expense to hire someone (background checks, drug screens, training materials, training and administrative staff, etc) having someone in my office that does poorly is a great risk to the success ofBackstone. So in regards to the comments about people here not making money and me not caringeither way: that just simply is not true.

The training pay was also detailed in writing and stated that $500 would be the amount given and if certain goals were hit it would be $750 for the week. So I apologize if that was confusing, but I would not risk my companys reputation for $250. If the person that wrote that (or anyone at all) felt they werent paid properly I implore you to call the office so we can correct any errors made. As the goals from Qwest increased I decided to conclude the T-mobile test pilot campaign so we could focus on growing for our flagship client.

Day to Day: In order to be hired a candidate goes through three different interviews, must be able to pass a drug screen, have a cleared background check, and have great references. I am not certain why someone would claim that we have no screening process. I dont know what kind of gauntlet they had to maneuver in the past to become employed, but our process has been sufficient enough to produce the results our clients expect and to have a positive environment with a staff that enjoys coming to work every day. Every individual working with Blackstone has the opportunity to advance, works in a learning environment, and has no income limit. So if it seems odd or cultish that people like coming to work here then I find it unfortunate that more people cant experience careers like that. Plus I purposefully hire people with extraverted and positive dispositions. It is a sales and marketing firm so we employ people that are likely to succeed interacting with other people on a daily basis.

Qwest provides all the leads for our account managers based off their high priority customers. We track and record every representatives territory so we know where they are every day. They make surethere are neither felons nor sex offenders on the lead sheets. We do not send people to dangerous areas. Account managers are also heavily encouraged to use their discretion and instincts if an account does seem unsafe. We have never once had any incident to indicate hazard.

Our website is designed for prospective clients, not solely for prospective employees. So if it seems too broad for one to understand what a position here would entail that is understandable. We have had several companies approach us through our website to discuss a potential partnership. However we are choosing for now to focus on meeting the needs of Qwest as they are a great partner to us and have the resources to support the financial goals and future growth.

It is my hope that I have clarified fact from fiction here, but if you do have any questions whatsoever please feel free to call my office and I will speak with you directly to answer any questions or concerns: 952-473-4000.

If you are in need of a reference the Regional Field Sales Manager of Qwest is willing to speak with anyone that needs further clarification. He is our direct controller from Qwest that handles the Minnesota division. His name is Jeff Johnson and his email address is [email protected].

Jeremy Reboulet


Blackstone Consulting

601 Carlson Parkway, suite 1525

Minnetonka, MN 55305



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