  • Report:  #893037

Complaint Review: Blanco Technology International - Los Altos California

Reported By:
estrella - Santa Clara, California, United States of America

Blanco Technology International
P.O. Box 3535 Los Altos, 94024 California, United States of America
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
Esta seor, Fernando Blanco se dice ser una persona honesta que no le interesa el dinero pero  confunde a la gente haciendole creer que tiene que asistir al entrenamiento Blanco que es muy barato, primero te cobra $5.00, luego te dice que el nivel basico es $99.00 y de alli sigue el avanzado por supuesto no te menciona el precio, a lo que concluimos que es el mismo precio de $99.00.

Luego impone sus reglas, no permite que nadie hable, ni haga amistades, ni se intercambien numeros telefonicos o correos electronicos, nos dice que las preguntas debemos reservarlas para el final, y luego no cumple con lo dicho, deja las preguntas para el dia siguiente.  Repite lo mismo muchas veces, hace muchas pausas y no da las tecnicas que dice las daria, habla mas de cosas personales, de sexo, y una que otra vez toca el tema de como invertir dinero.  Al final del dia sabado, nos robo una hora de nuestro tiempo para ofrecer sus productos CD's en vez de hablarnos de las tecnicas de inversion por el cual hemos pagado para ir a escucharlo, y lo primero que hizo fue introducir sus CD's y no nos decia  cuanto era el costo total, nosotros lo teniamos que calcular y no queria que se le hicieran preguntas con el microfono, dijo que alzaramos la mano y el pasaba de sitio en sitio casi susurrando a tu oido para que otra persona no escuche, nos impuso sus CD y nos presionaba para que lo adquirieramos diciendo que no podemos dejar pasar esta oportunidad mis voluntarios les van a pasar una planilla para que puedan darme sus datos de su tarjeta de credito, no quiero cash ni cheque, si no tienes tarjeta de credito entonces hago la excepcion puedes pagar con cheque pero por el monto completo y te damos los cd's cada quincena, persuadio en forma agresiva a todos los presentes de que el conocimiento no tiene costo, que debemos invertir en conocimiento y no gastar en otras cosas, no nos dejaba salir de la sala hasta que no se asegurara que todos tenian la planilla y que todos tenian lapicero para firmar y dejar tus datos de tarjeta que seria descontada en cuatro quincenas.  Se molesto al ver que unas cuantas personas no tomaban la decision entre esas era yo y otra persona mas y comento que esas personas nunca van a salir de la pobreza van a seguir siendo como son, no dejes pasar esta oportunidad, el seminario es  muy amplio y no lo puedo cubrir en dos fines de semana como dando a entender que todo lo que necesitabamos estaba en esos CD's.

Al dia siguiente hizo la demostracion del dinero que iva a arrojar en el aire para que los cogiera y eran tuyos, y eso fue lo que repitio en el dia del seminario y luego salio con que nadie debe de hablar solo actuar y no pudimos opinar despues que nos dijo que no habiamos entendido nada, se supone que duplicaria el dinero si habia sobrante en la mesa o nadie cogia nada, entonces todos regresamos el dinero a la mesa y luego nos salio que los casi $100 en $1.00 c/u tenian que ser donados a una institucion, no cogimos nada y no podiamos opinar para decirle que nos habia confundido y que eso no era lo que el habia mencionado en su video de invitacion.

No nos daba muchas recesiones y el almuerzo tenia que ser por media hora y en el salon, queria controlar todos nuestros movimientos, cuando el mejor que nadie sabe que viviendo en los USA tenemos libertad de movimiento de expresion y de hacer lo que queramos fuera del salon.  Al final nos salio con que no nos debemos perder por nada de este mundo el asistir al seminario avanzado de prosperidad que se daria en Setiembre del 2012 y que las personas que deben inscribirse son las personas honestas, seguras, triunfadores que no tienen miedo a nada.  Y nos dijo que el costo era de $500.00 y no podiamos ni opinar ni decir palabra alguna porque nos decia al final cuando se termine levanten la mano y yo pasare, ahora mis voluntarios les pasaran la planilla para que firmen y dejen su tarjeta de credito y asistan al seminario avanzado.  Me pregunto porque esta persona que se dice Licenciado no dijo desde un principio cuanto iva a costar el segundo seminario antes de presionar a la audencia de que le compre sus CD's que ni siquiera sons DV's a un costo extremadamento elevado, y que estoy segura muchas de las personas incautas le compraron la noche anterior y se dieron con la sorpresa de que todavia tenian que invertir $500.00 mas para asistir al segundo seminario, eso para mi fue una estafa, una burla, un ataque sin respeto a las personas humildes que asistian para mejorar su estado de vida, es una indignacion realmente.  Y lo peor de todo es cuando asistimos al primer seminario de $5.00 y despues comento que el entrenamiento consta de dos seminarios basico y avanzado y tendriamos que invertir $99.00. Comento: "quien hoy en dia no tiene $99.00 hasta el mas pobre tiene esa cantidad, no me diga que no puede pagar ese monto, si no lo tiene pidalo prestado, llame a un vecino, pariente, amigo, este monto es nada para todo el conocimiento que va a recibir".   Una persona honesta como se llama este seor no presiona a gente humilde que no tiene dinero y hace un esfuerzo por asistir, no les lava el cerebro como lo hace este Licenciado.

Otra cosa que me concierne es que no presenta oficina, no quiere que nos comuniquemos con el o que hablemos con el despues del entrenamiento, se decia que es amigo de las persona mas influyentes y millonarias como Bill Gates y otros millonarios.  Es una pena que utilice, la ciencia, la Biblia, los buenos principios para endulzarte y decirte que debes cambiar y ser honesto para que despues sea el quien se haga millonario a cuesta de personas humildes y que no tienen trabajo. Al final nos pidio que por primera vez hablaramos con una persona y que le dijeramos que opinabamos del entrenamiento mientras la otra persona escuchaba y que el como sus voluntarios ivan a pasar por el salon escuchando lo que deciamos, eso es algo personal que el ni nadie deberia de violar y tratar de escuchar para ver si alguien opina lo contrario, me parecio falta de profesisonalimo.

Yo me entere de sus seminarios por la radio 99.93 AM la radio deberia revisar los comentarios y la credibilidad de esta persona que solo se aprovecha de la desesperacion, de la ignorancia y de la necesidad de saber que hacer por salir de una situacion de pobreza.

This gentleman, Fernando Blanco is said to be an honest person who is not interested in money but confuses people into believing you have to attend training Blanco which is very cheap, first charges you $ 5.00, then tells you that the basic level is $ 99.00 and there follows the progress of course do not mention the price, we conclude that is the same price of $ 99.00.

Then imposes its rules do not allow anyone to speak or make friends, and exchanged phone numbers or email addresses, tells us that the questions we must reserve them for last, and then fails to do this, leave the questions for the next day . Repeat this many times, plenty of pauses and gives the techniques that would give states the talks over personal things, sex, and one that again addresses the issue of how to invest money. At the end of the day Saturday, we steal an hour of our time to offer their products CD's instead of telling us about the techniques of investment for which we paid to go to hear him, and the first thing he did was introduce their CD's and not told us As was the total cost, we estimate we had to and did not want you to ask questions with the microphone, told to raise his hand and went from place to place almost whispering to your ear for someone else to not listen, we imposed its CD and pressured us to adquirieramos you saying we can not let this opportunity pass my volunteers are going to spend a spreadsheet so they can give me your name and your credit card, cash or do not want to check if you have no credit card then I the exception can pay by check but for the full amount and give you the cd's each fortnight, persuaded aggressively to all present that knowledge is free, we must invest in knowledge and not spend on other things, would not let us leave the room until they had ensured that all the return and that all had pen to sign and leave your card details which would be deducted in four fortnights. It is annoying to see that a few people did not take the decision between these was me and another person over and commented that these people never get out of poverty will remain as they are, do not miss this opportunity, the seminar is very broad and I can cover two weekends as implying that all we needed was on the CD's.

The next day was the demonstration of taxes to throw money into the air to take it and that was yours, and that's what he repeated on the day of the seminar and then left with no one should speak only to act and could not comment after told us that we had not understood anything, is supposed to double the money if you had leftover on the table or no staid And plucked anything, then all return the money to the table and then we went to the nearly $ 100 at $ 1.00 c / u had to be donated to an institution, not caught anything and we could not think to tell him that we had confused and that was not what he had mentioned in his video invitation.

It gave us many recessions and lunch had to be for half an hour in the salon, I wanted to control our every move, when nobody knows better than living in the USA we have freedom of movement and expression do what we want out of room. In the end we went with that we should not miss for anything in the world to attend the advanced seminar that would give prosperity in September 2012 and that people who must register are honest, reliable, winners who are not afraid of anything . And we said the cost was $ 500.00 and we could not think or say a word because they told us at the end when finished raise your hand and I go through, now my volunteers will spend the form to sign and leave your credit card and attending the advanced seminar. I wonder why this person is said BA did not say from the outset as taxes cost the second workshop before pressing the audience that will buy your CD's that even sons DV's at a cost extremadamento high, and I'm sure many of the unsuspecting people bought him last night and were surprised to learn that still had to spend $ 500.00 more to attend the second seminar, that for me it was a scam, a joke, an attack without respect for the humble people who attended to improve their state of life, is an outrage really. And worst of all is when we attended the first seminar of $ 5.00 and then commented that the training consists of two basic and advanced seminars and would have to invest $ 99.00. Commented:"who today do not have $ 99.00 to the poorest have that much, I say you can not pay that amount, if it does not Borrow it, call a neighbor, relative, friend, this amount is nothing for all the knowledge they will receive. " An honest person as it is called this man does not push poor people who have no money and makes an effort to assist, not brainwashed as does this degree.

Another thing that concerns me is that no office, does not want us to communicate with or to talk with him after training, it was said that a friend of the most influential person and millions like Bill Gates and other billionaires. Too bad use, science, the Bible, good principles to soothe and tell you that you must change and be honest to be the one who later becomes a millionaire costs of humble people who have no work. Finally we asked for the first time we spoke with someone and to tell you that we felt the training while the other person listening and that their volunteers ivan to go through the living room listening to what we said, that's something personal that no one should of raping and trying to listen to see if anyone thinks otherwise, I seemed to lack of profesisonalimo.

I found out of his seminars on the radio 99.93 AM radio should review the comments and the credibility of this person who just takes advantage of despair, ignorance and the need to know to do to emerge from a situation of poverty.

2 Updates & Rebuttals

Mr G


#2Consumer Suggestion

Tue, August 13, 2013

BLANCO TECHNOLOGY Is been he The most amazing thing on my life, I know Them since 2007 and yes They/we talk about money and that’s the less important to me, The Human touch that I found there I WILL NOT change it for anything else. I’m sorry for those the count see the same. Not everybody uses the same size shirt we like different colors that the beauty of life, Although I believe in freedom, If someone dint cook my taco the way I wanted I simply never go back again to that taco stand, the chef have the right to cook the taco His way is his Restaurant, Is my responsibility to take care of myself and never eat there again. BUT nobody until now give me the right to insult any one in or out the restaurant or taco stand neither talks bad about the business What if someone else like it? What if is the favorite on town? I’m FREE to go anywhere at any time. And everybody should know that they have that ability too. Gracias Lic. Blanco for all your Help. P.S My Mom is a Beautiful RAT…


Blanco Techonology IS worth every penny and then some...

#3Consumer Comment

Thu, May 02, 2013

 Hi there, everyone:

I attended Entrenamiento Blanco en Prosperidad back in 1997 and I can assure you that this is not some scam...I invited my parents to attend this event and they LOVED it...they listned and actually put into practice what we learned there and they have amassed a small real estate empire worth $10 million dollars...they probably had 1/10th of that when they started.  If you are an open minded person that wants to succeed in this country, Blanco's guidance is worth every penny! 

Not only does he give sound advice on what to do to make your money grow for you, he teaches you how to be a much happier person ...that is priceless...too many of us go through life not knowing how to handle obstacles that come our way. I continue to highly recommend Blanco's training to anyone that is truly genuine about living a prosperous life...he makes no false promises that it will happen overnight...you have to WORK SMART for it!!!  The individual that invited me to attend was already a millionaire and thanks to what he learned at this seminar he tripled his worth to $30 million in just a few short years. 

I've know several people that have attended that have started their dream businesses  thanks to the risk taking skills they learn at these seminars...I have also been blessed with making lifelong friends there...too many to count...I can go on and on about how grateful I am for the day I walked into the Hyatt Regency in Burlingame...I say all this with sincere joy and tears in my eyes because of how amazing my life has turned out to be and I give Fernando Blanco a lot of credit...

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