  • Report:  #644543

Complaint Review: Blog Talk Radio - Internet

Reported By:
A concerned Lawyer - na, Maine, United States of America

Blog Talk Radio
Internet, United States of America
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  Who is Blog Talk Radio?
   Blog Talk Radio is a company, family owned business which does it's company's actions and marketing from a very small house like structure. At first glance one would assume it's family ran, and so probably most of the staff, including Admins are family as well. This however is speculation, because we have no proof that all the Admins are family and related, but there are signs pointing to this theory, which leads us to this report.

  The Truth about the Audience of BTR.

  The company is known for giving anyone a Radio show. In the last few years there is a small rise in listeners, and in 2009 BTR offically announced they had over 2 million listeners and views on their site.  BULL CRAP!  This site has the exact same users on it, you can pick just about any topic from Religion to Politics on here and for an entire year (Do your own investigation) you will see the same 5-40 people on here.  The truth about the audience is that few times there are guest users, and BTR allows you to create a "Sock account" which is of course an account not using your real picture or name, and then you could make 100 Sock accounts if you wanted to.

  The measure of each Radio show is listed on a Page Report for each show, however this doesn't track I.P. Addresses, instead it simply tracks how many times the user refreshes a show, or downloads its.  There have been exaggerated claims of many hosts that the radio shows they produce have world wide listeners and 200+ fans.  The truth to the audience and radio show measure device is the following.

1) Every time a listener is loaded into a live radio show and they hit the refresh button if they were on it more than 2 minutes it counts. We have tested this!  Thus if a host with 0 live listeners makes a 10 minute show with 0 listeners, that host after 10 minutes can reopen and listen for 2 minutes and hit the refresh button every 2 minutes to add a score counter.  This is something known by almost EVERY BTR HOST!

2) Every download counts has a hit for a show.  Thus if a host downloads a show, even if it's only 10 minutes or less and only took 20 seconds to download this will count for a hit listener again. This is something known by almost EVERY BTR HOST, also we have tested this.

3) IP Addresses of fans are not locked down, so a person can listen to a live radio show, log into 100 sock accounts and in the Chat area of BTR it will show 100 people listening.  This can be done with just 1 computer. Also each account listening for 2 minutes counts as a hit. So there is automatically 100 hits.

  The Legal and Criminal Rights On Blogtalkradio.com

  Over the last few years there have been accusations of Hosts on certain shows doing illegal things, and the admins allowing it. One such show was The Toad Show when Sherry a fully red named Admin of BTR popped in on a show from a host who was roasting another host of a rival show.  The admin "Sherry" even rang into the show to say hello and what is up to the host, right before the host gave out private and personal information of his rival, including admitting he stalked the guys mother and called the guys mother.  The admin Sherry was further more recorded saying "Hey what you do "HOSTS NAME" is what you do on your own show, and if we don't get a complaint about it then it doesn't concern us."

  After Sherry hung up and left the room the Host of that show gave out the county Childrens Services number and invited fans and listeners of his show to call Children Services with false accusations on the rival host, and then gave out the rival hosts real name, real address and information of his underage children.  Over 45 users have voiced their serious concern and shock over this issue but it gets worse.


  The same host we mentioned in the story above has been reported for doing even worse stuff than mentioned situations above by many other hosts and users. In fact BTR Admins did once "Issue a warning" but because the Host of that show paid $80 a month to the company known as "Blogtalkradio.com" to do and host his show on a premium account, the host was pardoned time and time and time again.  This not only happened with different users and the same Villain Host, but the official responses of BTR admins were broadcast and put out for consumers and fans and listeners to see a few times.  In every case, the villain host was warned, when some issues were criminal, and not even civil.  Multiple female users were also complaining about stalking and direct communication assaults and the BTR admins would issue a warning time and time again.  Never a ban.

   BTR ADMINS Cover up criminal behavior.

  The most shocking thing of all is that another villain host known as Rich from his show The AZ ufo show had his show removed for doing the same tactics such as giving out personal information, which he did once to a lady named Soul Anemia (user name) and also slandering real celebrities. But after a 30 day ban on the "AZ Ufo show" it was back online and you can even hear it today.  So Btr officially banned this man, then unbanned him, and what is worse, the host of that show "Rich" even went on air saying "There was an official investigation done by Blogtalkradio and staff into the claims of what my show has done and what I have done, and Blogtalkradio has put me back on the air, saying they found no such evidence of any claims made against me or my show! Woooo h*o baby we are back!"

    Thank you BTR for covering up and supporting illegal and criminal behavior for those who are hosts paying your company.  A mere $80 a month is all these hosts give this company and you can listen live to the shows as the hosts do and perform criminal behaviors!

 BTR we are boycotting your program, your shows, your hosts for the following reasons.

1) The listener audience counter is fake and a complete lie.
2) The admins are blind to any host who pays a monthly fee.
3) Criminal behavior can be said, documents and websites can be dropped which does harm to other individuals and BTR ignores this, making them criminal supporters.
4) The cover up of paying hosts when they do criminal behaviors.
5) The over all integrity of this family owned business and it's failure to understand what Integrity is.

Thank you and if anyone else has had issues with Blogtalkradio infringing their rights, privacy, or anything else we urge you to file a complaint here.  Several parties are now looking into legal situations to deal with the owner of Blogtalkradio.com and any other files or issues put on ripoffreport may be valuable in court.  Thank you!

 Law firm of Smith and Smith.

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