  • Report:  #497993

Complaint Review: Bobby Travis - Internet

Reported By:
FAJ - Tamarac, Florida, USA

Bobby Travis
www.oraclenews.tv Internet, United States of America
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?

There was a writing job offered by Oracle.tv that interested me on the Employflorida website.

I pressed the "apply" button and was then prompted to submit resume and cover letter.  Before I could do this, within minutes, the phone rang and it was Mr. Travis, CEO of the Oracle.  He asked for my age, which I thought was strange.  He was already coming across as abusive but I gave him the benefit of doubt.  He bullied me for a photo.

He set me up with an admin login and showed me how my article would appear on his website.  I was jazzed;  I wrote and submitted the article.  At that point, had I been satisfied with it, I was told I could publish the article by using the "Publish article" tab. But I wanted his feedback.

I submitted the first draft pending Mr. Travis' perusal.  When no feedback was forthcoming, I called. It was clear he hadn't read the article and had no intention of doing so.  He called me a nobody, a negro and many other names.  TIn this and all other conversations, if one could call them that), he never failed to inform hat he was the greatest, that he had made 17 million before 27, was now 47 and retired, that his 14 year old daughter drives a Roadstar and that there were no rules for rich people, that I was a complete failure and old and would never be a success in my life.  He then asked me "How much money would you have saved if you wanted to start a business?"  The sentence, like most of his ungrammatical sentences, did not make a lot of sense but I told him I hadn't.

I re-wrote my article and tried to publish it but this time there was no tab to "Publish article."  So I set it to pending. Nothing happened for a day, so I called again.  This time he said he had had it read by two other people and it wasn't good enough.  He was again dismissive and disrespectful to the point where I was reduced to tears. Anytime I called he would accuse me of being crazy and tortuous.

I wrote him an email withdrawing my article and here is his response verbatim: "No the world don't deserve you. Look around where you at now? I want settle for less and you have a problem when you think I will allow you to write ebonics for my paper. I don't know what country you come from or what brought you here, but we are trying to better our people! God bless you."  I then called for him to explain 'ebonics' to me but he managed to confuse me again, and to make me feel stupid -- a word he freely used to describe me.

By then I should have run like heck, right?  But again, he asked if there was no dream of my own I had not yet fulfilled.  I then sent him to my website which was under construction.  He condemned it, me and GoDaddy as cheap and shabby.  He took a few minutes and showed me what my page on his website would look like. He had posted my logo on the page, gave it a headline and a few words that did not accurately describe what my concept was.

I was impressed, however by how quickly it was done and tired of the desperation I had been carrying around for months.  I wanted - oh, how I wanted to believe him when he convinced me that one had to pay his way in the word in order to be successful.

I supplied him my debit card information for a $200.00 payment, with the promise that I would pay him another $200.00 at the first of the month.  He informed me that he had gotten me a backer for the remaining $2600.00 it cost to set me up with marketing people, and operating expenses.

I spent all of yesterday thinking about it and called him to tell him that I really could not afford the $200.00 as that would leave me unable to fulfill my other obligations. I called to ask what his game plan regarding my business.  As usual,he  dismissed my questions with more humiliating, abusive diatribe, insisting that I take him on blind faith. When he realized he could no longer bully and bash me into giving him money, his tone became even more vicious....he would sue me, he would wrack up to $4000.00 on my debit card so that I would have to pay overdraft fees, have me completely audited and make my life so miserable --- etc, etc.

If he was so rich and successful, why was my money so important to him? I had signed no contract yet, he insisted that we had a verbal one which could not be retracted.  Did he really believe I would be stupid enough not to cancel my card, close my account?

By the way, I checked out the website he had so quickly prepared fo  If he was so rich and successful, why was my money so important to him?  I had signed no contract yet, he insisted that we had a verbal one which could not be retracted.  It's from WildApricot and it is a 30-day free trial site for up to 50 people.

I have since canceled the card but one small payment was already paid -- I think it was a test payment.  It was for less than $20.00.  It was paid to PMBlack Christian PM Inc.  I have since found out that several complaints have been filed against this man who it appears is a master at fishing for people's information, preying on those who are desperate after months of unemployment;  people who's self-esteem have been worn down by the economy, a very good scam artist who can read people very well.

As I write this, he has already called four times and sent me an email. I have refused to answer.  He did leave a convuluted message the first time -- something about people waiting with him in his office to help me get my business going and it was worth $1500.00 but free to me. The other one was a five minute threat to prosecute me for defrauding him by theft.  That all the emails back and forth are proof positive of an agreement with him, that his lawyer has advised him to go to the police but he is kind enough not to do that.  He gave me until 3pm today to pay him or he will sue --- and so on and so forth.

I am very embarrassed to tell this story but I must, if it's possible to save even one more person out there.  In the end, you know, if someone isn't coming from a place of love, it doesn't matter what they promise you, legitimate or not, it's best to terminate the encounter from the moment it becomes toxic.  It was worth the 18.90 I spent to learn that.

But nothing is worth the pain and suffering I allowed him to put me through.

8 Updates & Rebuttals

Mr. Travis


#2REBUTTAL Owner of company

Wed, December 16, 2009

So sad that a person can just post anything they want about a person, when they get mad at them. Wow, what do they get out of that, so ghetto!

I guess only in America..... hummm

Report Attachments

Mr. Travis


#3REBUTTAL Owner of company

Wed, October 21, 2009

This report was brought to my attention by a friend, I found it amazing. How one person can cry wolf after they get told the truth. This lady did apply for a writer's position with my paper, gave her an interview which see failed. Qualifications to being a news reporter include a degree in journalism or broadcasting, as well as good networking skills and volunteer experience.

Knowing that Ms. Alexis did not have these skills, I believe in giving a person a shot anyways. I gave her a log-in and password to her own column to see what could she do since, she insisted that she was good. She wrote her article and it was.... I don't want to use that language on this site, but I did tell it to her. People that know me and have met me even for a moment know I have no problem telling you what I think or feel. I guess she couldn't handle the truth when I went over her story with her, and she would not listen to my suggestions and if you can't do that, and I'm the one hiring you. Then I have two words for you and it's not you fired!

So I asked her is there anything she wanted to do besides write, she told me of another business I worked on it she like it i charged her for it, she gave me credit card info I told her what I was going to charge and I did that!

The whole thing is this she got made because I was making her think on what we were working on to make her business a success. I would not allow her to make any excuses on anything! So when she couldn't have it her way she called it quits never once did she say she wanted her money back she just went out and lied about not authorizing anything. Oh well..... so she can say whatever she wants and people can listen to her I don't care! But just for the record...............

Here are all of our emails to each other:

Will you please publish my article?  You had told me that I could if I was satisfied with it.  A very good writer in Holland has told me it's great -- and he is a very honest man.


I don't have the option to publish it myself, as you had promised.


I may be laid low, but I respect my work.  And if you will pay me, I would be able to eat until I finish paying you.


Would you also please explain to me exactly how we are going to get my business going?  Can you find me some backers?  You have great financial karma.  I am not asking for anything for free.  It would make you feel so great to help me succeed as you have done.


I am giving you my little all.  Literally.


All my best,



I will always remember the moment you called me and gave me this opportunity.You will probably get mad if I call you a wonderfl human being.  Instead, with my heart in my hand, I ask you to please mentor me.



--- On Thu, 9/17/09, Travis <CEO@> wrote:

From: Travis <CEO
Subject: hummmm
To: skydweller
Date: Thursday, September 17, 2009, 10:03 AM

No the world don't deserve you. Look around where you at now? I want settle for less and you have a problem when you think I will allow you to write ebonics for my paper. I don't know what country you come from or what brought you here, but we are trying to better our people! God bless you.................

From: Alexis Jachnik
Sent: Wednesday, September 16, 2009 6:53 PM
To: CEO@
Subject: Goodbye

If you think that your 17 million dollars and the fact that your 14 year old daughter can legally drive a Roadstar entitles you to bash people, then all power to you.


I hope that no one ever gets so desperate that they are made to feel they have to suck up to the likes of you.


I have deledted my article from you page.  You don't deserve me.



Now here is her article




Six months ago I became fired. , I suddenly understood why they call it 'fired.' I felt as if I had been shot in the heart.


That got me thinking about the English language and its pronunciation anomalies a good pastime on the way home that acted as a tourniquet against my bleeding heart. The day before I was granted a raise; 24 hours later, here I was, razed, like a condemned building. From beneath my figurative ashes, I pondered the English language. Don't ask me why but Buckingham Palace came to mind. Why Buckingham? Did someone witness hams bucking on the grounds somewhere? But then it would be Buckinghams Palace, so maybe it was only one regular ham who bucked. It sounded reasonable to me, as the English seemed to like names that had literal meaning. Take the surname Gardenhire, for instance. One could just see some girl of noble birth falling for, and marrying a person known in the household only as the garden hire.

That train of thought naturally led to 'birth' which we all know what that means and 'berth' which could mean a room on a ship or a place where a ship anchors or berths. And sometimes on these ships there is a liberal supply of a very English port (the drink, not the port where you berth) called Cockburn, which most normal people would pronounce the way it reads, which I always did until an indignant refined gentleman put me right.
It is Co-burn, he rasped, shocked.. CO-BURN!
Well why not spell it that way? retorted the Savage, me, whose habit in life was to question all life's absurdities. I mean, it's reasonable to assume that they made the port out of burning cocks or burned cocks as a sacrifice to the Port gods for good luck or something?
As his purple face suffused some more, I hastened to add, You, know, the male hens. To which he replied, HENS ARE NOT MALE!
You're telling me...But shouldn't that have been HENS ARE NOT MALES plural?
Speaking of mail, the weeks following my breakup with the Company, I was inundated with it from every corner of society that had an interest in my non-existent income to help me settle my debts by paying a percentage of said non-existent income. That gave me hope. I was an opportunity for somebody even as I was drowning in debt and fear and misery. That gave me great hope; perhaps, this was my opportunity to learn how to be a Capitalist. Except, to be a capitalist you have to have capital with a Capital 'C.' What I met with time and again, trying for OPB other people's money was a capital 'NO! exclamation marks included freely.
But I digress. I am still on the way home, having just been 'terminated,' a word which meant I was essentially a dead girl. Merrily jumping out of airplanes at 14 t0 18000 feet time and again had not killed me. Skinny dipping with sharks in Caribbean Islands and elsewhere had left me brimming with rude good health. So the fact that I could no longer feel my toes (pronounced tows) in my shoes (shoos) as I accelerated to dizzying speeds on the I75. As the wind wrung (nothing to do with 'rung') my eyes with nonstop tears, I knew that I was drinking from the troughs (pronunciation 'troffs') of Hades though (tho) thought (thot) kept insinuating itself through (thru) these ou words that, no wonder foreign students sometimes go insane. For that matter, so does those of us who were actually born into the language.
Supposing in a moment of accented speech I say to you, If you were a dear, I would love you forever. But all you heard was, If you wore a deer I would love you forever. You may have missed the a and you may have thought I had said if you were deer I'd love you forever. you would then suppose that I wanted you to be very dear (expensive) deer (meaning many deer in the plural because there are no such animal as deers), just like there are no sheeps but only sheep. In your mind, if you loved me dearly, you would have no choice but to become deerlike. Go figure.

Hell is a four-letter word. That was an epiphany that sustained me until bedtime when I went to bed but not to sleep.
A frog kept me up all night with its trill. It went from monotone to a minor key to a major key and then to a species of alto. The quiet it penetrated was not mine, just the nights, all night.. ##




This report was brought to my attention by a friend, I found it amazing. How one person can cry wolf after they get told the truth. This lady did apply for a writer's position with my paper, gave her an interview which see failed. Qualifications to being a news reporter include a degree in journalism or broadcasting, as well as good networking skills and volunteer experience.

Knowing that Ms. Alexis did not have these skills, I believe in giving a person a shot anyways. I gave her a log-in and password to her own column to see what could she do since, she insisted that she was good. She wrote her article and it was.... I don't want to use that language on this site, but I did tell it to her. People that know me and have met me even for a moment know I have no problem telling you what I think or feel. I guess she couldn't handle the truth when I went over her story with her, and she would not listen to my suggestions and if you can't do that, and I'm the one hiring you. Then I have two words for you and it's not you fired!

So I asked her is there anything she wanted to do besides write, she told me of another business I worked on it she like it i charged her for it, she gave me credit card info I told her what I was going to charge and I did that!

The whole thing is this she got made because I was making her think on what we were working on to make her business a success. I would not allow her to make any excuses on anything! So when she couldn't have it her way she called it quits never once did she say she wanted her money back she just went out and lied about not authorizing anything. Oh well..... so she can say whatever she wants and people can listen to her I don't care! But just for the record...............

Here are all of our emails to each other:

Will you please publish my article?  You had told me that I could if I was satisfied with it.  A very good writer in Holland has told me it's great -- and he is a very honest man.


I don't have the option to publish it myself, as you had promised.


I may be laid low, but I respect my work.  And if you will pay me, I would be able to eat until I finish paying you.


Would you also please explain to me exactly how we are going to get my business going?  Can you find me some backers?  You have great financial karma.  I am not asking for anything for free.  It would make you feel so great to help me succeed as you have done.


I am giving you my little all.  Literally.


All my best,



I will always remember the moment you called me and gave me this opportunity.You will probably get mad if I call you a wonderfl human being.  Instead, with my heart in my hand, I ask you to please mentor me.



--- On Thu, 9/17/09, Travis <CEO@> wrote:

From: Travis <CEO
Subject: hummmm
To: skydweller
Date: Thursday, September 17, 2009, 10:03 AM

No the world don't deserve you. Look around where you at now? I want settle for less and you have a problem when you think I will allow you to write ebonics for my paper. I don't know what country you come from or what brought you here, but we are trying to better our people! God bless you.................

From: Alexis Jachnik
Sent: Wednesday, September 16, 2009 6:53 PM
To: CEO@
Subject: Goodbye

If you think that your 17 million dollars and the fact that your 14 year old daughter can legally drive a Roadstar entitles you to bash people, then all power to you.


I hope that no one ever gets so desperate that they are made to feel they have to suck up to the likes of you.


I have deledted my article from you page.  You don't deserve me.



Now here is her article




Six months ago I became fired. , I suddenly understood why they call it 'fired.' I felt as if I had been shot in the heart.


That got me thinking about the English language and its pronunciation anomalies a good pastime on the way home that acted as a tourniquet against my bleeding heart. The day before I was granted a raise; 24 hours later, here I was, razed, like a condemned building. From beneath my figurative ashes, I pondered the English language. Don't ask me why but Buckingham Palace came to mind. Why Buckingham? Did someone witness hams bucking on the grounds somewhere? But then it would be Buckinghams Palace, so maybe it was only one regular ham who bucked. It sounded reasonable to me, as the English seemed to like names that had literal meaning. Take the surname Gardenhire, for instance. One could just see some girl of noble birth falling for, and marrying a person known in the household only as the garden hire.

That train of thought naturally led to 'birth' which we all know what that means and 'berth' which could mean a room on a ship or a place where a ship anchors or berths. And sometimes on these ships there is a liberal supply of a very English port (the drink, not the port where you berth) called Cockburn, which most normal people would pronounce the way it reads, which I always did until an indignant refined gentleman put me right.
It is Co-burn, he rasped, shocked.. CO-BURN!
Well why not spell it that way? retorted the Savage, me, whose habit in life was to question all life's absurdities. I mean, it's reasonable to assume that they made the port out of burning cocks or burned cocks as a sacrifice to the Port gods for good luck or something?
As his purple face suffused some more, I hastened to add, You, know, the male hens. To which he replied, HENS ARE NOT MALE!
You're telling me...But shouldn't that have been HENS ARE NOT MALES plural?
Speaking of mail, the weeks following my breakup with the Company, I was inundated with it from every corner of society that had an interest in my non-existent income to help me settle my debts by paying a percentage of said non-existent income. That gave me hope. I was an opportunity for somebody even as I was drowning in debt and fear and misery. That gave me great hope; perhaps, this was my opportunity to learn how to be a Capitalist. Except, to be a capitalist you have to have capital with a Capital 'C.' What I met with time and again, trying for OPB other people's money was a capital 'NO! exclamation marks included freely.
But I digress. I am still on the way home, having just been 'terminated,' a word which meant I was essentially a dead girl. Merrily jumping out of airplanes at 14 t0 18000 feet time and again had not killed me. Skinny dipping with sharks in Caribbean Islands and elsewhere had left me brimming with rude good health. So the fact that I could no longer feel my toes (pronounced tows) in my shoes (shoos) as I accelerated to dizzying speeds on the I75. As the wind wrung (nothing to do with 'rung') my eyes with nonstop tears, I knew that I was drinking from the troughs (pronunciation 'troffs') of Hades though (tho) thought (thot) kept insinuating itself through (thru) these ou words that, no wonder foreign students sometimes go insane. For that matter, so does those of us who were actually born into the language.
Supposing in a moment of accented speech I say to you, If you were a dear, I would love you forever. But all you heard was, If you wore a deer I would love you forever. You may have missed the a and you may have thought I had said if you were deer I'd love you forever. you would then suppose that I wanted you to be very dear (expensive) deer (meaning many deer in the plural because there are no such animal as deers), just like there are no sheeps but only sheep. In your mind, if you loved me dearly, you would have no choice but to become deerlike. Go figure.

Hell is a four-letter word. That was an epiphany that sustained me until bedtime when I went to bed but not to sleep.
A frog kept me up all night with its trill. It went from monotone to a minor key to a major key and then to a species of alto. The quiet it penetrated was not mine, just the nights, all night.. ##



Mr. Travis


#4REBUTTAL Owner of company

Wed, October 21, 2009

This report was brought to my attention by a friend, I found it amazing. How one person can cry wolf after they get told the truth. This lady did apply for a writer's position with my paper, gave her an interview which see failed. Qualifications to being a news reporter include a degree in journalism or broadcasting, as well as good networking skills and volunteer experience.

Knowing that Ms. Alexis did not have these skills, I believe in giving a person a shot anyways. I gave her a log-in and password to her own column to see what could she do since, she insisted that she was good. She wrote her article and it was.... I don't want to use that language on this site, but I did tell it to her. People that know me and have met me even for a moment know I have no problem telling you what I think or feel. I guess she couldn't handle the truth when I went over her story with her, and she would not listen to my suggestions and if you can't do that, and I'm the one hiring you. Then I have two words for you and it's not you fired!

So I asked her is there anything she wanted to do besides write, she told me of another business I worked on it she like it i charged her for it, she gave me credit card info I told her what I was going to charge and I did that!

The whole thing is this she got made because I was making her think on what we were working on to make her business a success. I would not allow her to make any excuses on anything! So when she couldn't have it her way she called it quits never once did she say she wanted her money back she just went out and lied about not authorizing anything. Oh well..... so she can say whatever she wants and people can listen to her I don't care! But just for the record...............

Here are all of our emails to each other:

Will you please publish my article?  You had told me that I could if I was satisfied with it.  A very good writer in Holland has told me it's great -- and he is a very honest man.


I don't have the option to publish it myself, as you had promised.


I may be laid low, but I respect my work.  And if you will pay me, I would be able to eat until I finish paying you.


Would you also please explain to me exactly how we are going to get my business going?  Can you find me some backers?  You have great financial karma.  I am not asking for anything for free.  It would make you feel so great to help me succeed as you have done.


I am giving you my little all.  Literally.


All my best,



I will always remember the moment you called me and gave me this opportunity.You will probably get mad if I call you a wonderfl human being.  Instead, with my heart in my hand, I ask you to please mentor me.



--- On Thu, 9/17/09, Travis <CEO@> wrote:

From: Travis <CEO
Subject: hummmm
To: skydweller
Date: Thursday, September 17, 2009, 10:03 AM

No the world don't deserve you. Look around where you at now? I want settle for less and you have a problem when you think I will allow you to write ebonics for my paper. I don't know what country you come from or what brought you here, but we are trying to better our people! God bless you.................

From: Alexis Jachnik
Sent: Wednesday, September 16, 2009 6:53 PM
To: CEO@
Subject: Goodbye

If you think that your 17 million dollars and the fact that your 14 year old daughter can legally drive a Roadstar entitles you to bash people, then all power to you.


I hope that no one ever gets so desperate that they are made to feel they have to suck up to the likes of you.


I have deledted my article from you page.  You don't deserve me.



Now here is her article




Six months ago I became fired. , I suddenly understood why they call it 'fired.' I felt as if I had been shot in the heart.


That got me thinking about the English language and its pronunciation anomalies a good pastime on the way home that acted as a tourniquet against my bleeding heart. The day before I was granted a raise; 24 hours later, here I was, razed, like a condemned building. From beneath my figurative ashes, I pondered the English language. Don't ask me why but Buckingham Palace came to mind. Why Buckingham? Did someone witness hams bucking on the grounds somewhere? But then it would be Buckinghams Palace, so maybe it was only one regular ham who bucked. It sounded reasonable to me, as the English seemed to like names that had literal meaning. Take the surname Gardenhire, for instance. One could just see some girl of noble birth falling for, and marrying a person known in the household only as the garden hire.

That train of thought naturally led to 'birth' which we all know what that means and 'berth' which could mean a room on a ship or a place where a ship anchors or berths. And sometimes on these ships there is a liberal supply of a very English port (the drink, not the port where you berth) called Cockburn, which most normal people would pronounce the way it reads, which I always did until an indignant refined gentleman put me right.
It is Co-burn, he rasped, shocked.. CO-BURN!
Well why not spell it that way? retorted the Savage, me, whose habit in life was to question all life's absurdities. I mean, it's reasonable to assume that they made the port out of burning cocks or burned cocks as a sacrifice to the Port gods for good luck or something?
As his purple face suffused some more, I hastened to add, You, know, the male hens. To which he replied, HENS ARE NOT MALE!
You're telling me...But shouldn't that have been HENS ARE NOT MALES plural?
Speaking of mail, the weeks following my breakup with the Company, I was inundated with it from every corner of society that had an interest in my non-existent income to help me settle my debts by paying a percentage of said non-existent income. That gave me hope. I was an opportunity for somebody even as I was drowning in debt and fear and misery. That gave me great hope; perhaps, this was my opportunity to learn how to be a Capitalist. Except, to be a capitalist you have to have capital with a Capital 'C.' What I met with time and again, trying for OPB other people's money was a capital 'NO! exclamation marks included freely.
But I digress. I am still on the way home, having just been 'terminated,' a word which meant I was essentially a dead girl. Merrily jumping out of airplanes at 14 t0 18000 feet time and again had not killed me. Skinny dipping with sharks in Caribbean Islands and elsewhere had left me brimming with rude good health. So the fact that I could no longer feel my toes (pronounced tows) in my shoes (shoos) as I accelerated to dizzying speeds on the I75. As the wind wrung (nothing to do with 'rung') my eyes with nonstop tears, I knew that I was drinking from the troughs (pronunciation 'troffs') of Hades though (tho) thought (thot) kept insinuating itself through (thru) these ou words that, no wonder foreign students sometimes go insane. For that matter, so does those of us who were actually born into the language.
Supposing in a moment of accented speech I say to you, If you were a dear, I would love you forever. But all you heard was, If you wore a deer I would love you forever. You may have missed the a and you may have thought I had said if you were deer I'd love you forever. you would then suppose that I wanted you to be very dear (expensive) deer (meaning many deer in the plural because there are no such animal as deers), just like there are no sheeps but only sheep. In your mind, if you loved me dearly, you would have no choice but to become deerlike. Go figure.

Hell is a four-letter word. That was an epiphany that sustained me until bedtime when I went to bed but not to sleep.
A frog kept me up all night with its trill. It went from monotone to a minor key to a major key and then to a species of alto. The quiet it penetrated was not mine, just the nights, all night.. ##




This report was brought to my attention by a friend, I found it amazing. How one person can cry wolf after they get told the truth. This lady did apply for a writer's position with my paper, gave her an interview which see failed. Qualifications to being a news reporter include a degree in journalism or broadcasting, as well as good networking skills and volunteer experience.

Knowing that Ms. Alexis did not have these skills, I believe in giving a person a shot anyways. I gave her a log-in and password to her own column to see what could she do since, she insisted that she was good. She wrote her article and it was.... I don't want to use that language on this site, but I did tell it to her. People that know me and have met me even for a moment know I have no problem telling you what I think or feel. I guess she couldn't handle the truth when I went over her story with her, and she would not listen to my suggestions and if you can't do that, and I'm the one hiring you. Then I have two words for you and it's not you fired!

So I asked her is there anything she wanted to do besides write, she told me of another business I worked on it she like it i charged her for it, she gave me credit card info I told her what I was going to charge and I did that!

The whole thing is this she got made because I was making her think on what we were working on to make her business a success. I would not allow her to make any excuses on anything! So when she couldn't have it her way she called it quits never once did she say she wanted her money back she just went out and lied about not authorizing anything. Oh well..... so she can say whatever she wants and people can listen to her I don't care! But just for the record...............

Here are all of our emails to each other:

Will you please publish my article?  You had told me that I could if I was satisfied with it.  A very good writer in Holland has told me it's great -- and he is a very honest man.


I don't have the option to publish it myself, as you had promised.


I may be laid low, but I respect my work.  And if you will pay me, I would be able to eat until I finish paying you.


Would you also please explain to me exactly how we are going to get my business going?  Can you find me some backers?  You have great financial karma.  I am not asking for anything for free.  It would make you feel so great to help me succeed as you have done.


I am giving you my little all.  Literally.


All my best,



I will always remember the moment you called me and gave me this opportunity.You will probably get mad if I call you a wonderfl human being.  Instead, with my heart in my hand, I ask you to please mentor me.



--- On Thu, 9/17/09, Travis <CEO@> wrote:

From: Travis <CEO
Subject: hummmm
To: skydweller
Date: Thursday, September 17, 2009, 10:03 AM

No the world don't deserve you. Look around where you at now? I want settle for less and you have a problem when you think I will allow you to write ebonics for my paper. I don't know what country you come from or what brought you here, but we are trying to better our people! God bless you.................

From: Alexis Jachnik
Sent: Wednesday, September 16, 2009 6:53 PM
To: CEO@
Subject: Goodbye

If you think that your 17 million dollars and the fact that your 14 year old daughter can legally drive a Roadstar entitles you to bash people, then all power to you.


I hope that no one ever gets so desperate that they are made to feel they have to suck up to the likes of you.


I have deledted my article from you page.  You don't deserve me.



Now here is her article




Six months ago I became fired. , I suddenly understood why they call it 'fired.' I felt as if I had been shot in the heart.


That got me thinking about the English language and its pronunciation anomalies a good pastime on the way home that acted as a tourniquet against my bleeding heart. The day before I was granted a raise; 24 hours later, here I was, razed, like a condemned building. From beneath my figurative ashes, I pondered the English language. Don't ask me why but Buckingham Palace came to mind. Why Buckingham? Did someone witness hams bucking on the grounds somewhere? But then it would be Buckinghams Palace, so maybe it was only one regular ham who bucked. It sounded reasonable to me, as the English seemed to like names that had literal meaning. Take the surname Gardenhire, for instance. One could just see some girl of noble birth falling for, and marrying a person known in the household only as the garden hire.

That train of thought naturally led to 'birth' which we all know what that means and 'berth' which could mean a room on a ship or a place where a ship anchors or berths. And sometimes on these ships there is a liberal supply of a very English port (the drink, not the port where you berth) called Cockburn, which most normal people would pronounce the way it reads, which I always did until an indignant refined gentleman put me right.
It is Co-burn, he rasped, shocked.. CO-BURN!
Well why not spell it that way? retorted the Savage, me, whose habit in life was to question all life's absurdities. I mean, it's reasonable to assume that they made the port out of burning cocks or burned cocks as a sacrifice to the Port gods for good luck or something?
As his purple face suffused some more, I hastened to add, You, know, the male hens. To which he replied, HENS ARE NOT MALE!
You're telling me...But shouldn't that have been HENS ARE NOT MALES plural?
Speaking of mail, the weeks following my breakup with the Company, I was inundated with it from every corner of society that had an interest in my non-existent income to help me settle my debts by paying a percentage of said non-existent income. That gave me hope. I was an opportunity for somebody even as I was drowning in debt and fear and misery. That gave me great hope; perhaps, this was my opportunity to learn how to be a Capitalist. Except, to be a capitalist you have to have capital with a Capital 'C.' What I met with time and again, trying for OPB other people's money was a capital 'NO! exclamation marks included freely.
But I digress. I am still on the way home, having just been 'terminated,' a word which meant I was essentially a dead girl. Merrily jumping out of airplanes at 14 t0 18000 feet time and again had not killed me. Skinny dipping with sharks in Caribbean Islands and elsewhere had left me brimming with rude good health. So the fact that I could no longer feel my toes (pronounced tows) in my shoes (shoos) as I accelerated to dizzying speeds on the I75. As the wind wrung (nothing to do with 'rung') my eyes with nonstop tears, I knew that I was drinking from the troughs (pronunciation 'troffs') of Hades though (tho) thought (thot) kept insinuating itself through (thru) these ou words that, no wonder foreign students sometimes go insane. For that matter, so does those of us who were actually born into the language.
Supposing in a moment of accented speech I say to you, If you were a dear, I would love you forever. But all you heard was, If you wore a deer I would love you forever. You may have missed the a and you may have thought I had said if you were deer I'd love you forever. you would then suppose that I wanted you to be very dear (expensive) deer (meaning many deer in the plural because there are no such animal as deers), just like there are no sheeps but only sheep. In your mind, if you loved me dearly, you would have no choice but to become deerlike. Go figure.

Hell is a four-letter word. That was an epiphany that sustained me until bedtime when I went to bed but not to sleep.
A frog kept me up all night with its trill. It went from monotone to a minor key to a major key and then to a species of alto. The quiet it penetrated was not mine, just the nights, all night.. ##





#5Author of original report

Tue, September 29, 2009

This is, in a sense a continuation of a report I had previously filed in this forum against Bobby Travis.

This report is now regarding my experience with Bank Atlantic. When it became obvious that I was dealing with a psychotic (I have saved voice mail to prove this assertion)in the form of Bobby Travis, I spent all day Sunday attempting to cancel my debit card. The automatic system at Bank Atlantic repeatedly hung up on me after entering all the information necessary. Eventually, at 1245am (Sunday night/ Monday morning, 9/21) I was able to get thru to Bank Atlantic and I cancelled my card. I was assured at that point that an immediate block would be placed on it.

There was a pending on my account of 18.90 which Travis had advised was used to 'establish' my account with him. I was confused though, that it was pending payable to Black Christian PM. Internet searches did not find this entity so I assumed it was another DBA of The Oracle newspaper. I was also told by Bank Atlantic that even though it was 'pending' it was already paid and that there was nothing I could do to stop it as I had voluntarily given Travis my card number.

On Monday, 9/22, I checked my account and found that a charge of 100.00 was paid to Whitley Bay Yacht Club in Cocoa at 08:31:35am. I called the Bank and was advised, that I had to file a dispute and would receive a reversal of charges immediately if I went to the branch. At the branch, I was told that it would take 10-20days to review the dispute before any reversal of charges could be made. I asked for a transaction record: On 9/21 at 02:24;44am a charge of 1.00 was attempted but was rejected as "Lost or Stolen." Other rejections followed that same day, for the same reason:. AT 08:09:27 and 08:12:17 am for 100.00; At 10:565:00 am, 10:56:58am and 10:57:59am for 136.00. This last was, according to the Branch manager an attempted rental car transaction.

I kept questioning why the 100.00 that was rejected the day before was then suddenly paid on 9/22, 24 hours later. I was told that they can't monitor everything and the Bank manager then began treating me like the criminal instead of the victim. Earlier he had insisted that Travis would be caught because there were cameras everywhere and that, since he had cloned my card, he would be found. I asked how did he know the card was cloned. he said he just did. There was still the question of having to wait 10 - 20 days to get my money back even though the evidence was clear that the bank had made a mistake.

 I came home and spent countless time on the phone arguing with an agent until I could speak to a supervisor instead of waiting 24 to 48 hours for a callback. Eventually I got one and she advised that "unscrupulous merchants" can push a card through despite it having been reported stolen. After an endless argument, she agreed to refund my money by the end of that day.

In the meantime, I had called my local police as advised by Employ Florida with whom I had filed a report that Sunday. They told me to call Cocoa law enforcement who told me to call my local police. The local police showed up and said it was a civil matter and to call a lawyer. I tried to file a report with the BBB but couldn't since Travis had no local street address listed on his phony website. Employ Florida told me to file with the Agriculture and Consumer Affairs department. All that day, meanwhile, Travis kept calling me starting from shortly after 8:00 am and left one threatening message. I called the police who sent someone and was told by the officer that I was no victim since I had gotten my money back. He also said the bank didn't care because they won't be out of the money, it would be Master Card but Master Card would just get it back from the consumer. The only winner here was Travis who apparently knew how to work the system and he would get to keep the money.

Meanwhile, Travis kept calling, sometimes three times an hour up until 10:12pm. I was told to file a report with 800helpfla.com. I did, and also filed with Ripoff Report. The next morning, I decided to file with the BBB against the "unscrupulous merchant" Whitley Bay Yacht Club. To do so, I had to look up their address. I was surprised when I saw they were a legitimate company. Until then, I had thought they were also another DBA of Travis'. I called them. Travis, it appears called in the card (no cloning there) and asserted the card was his. Whereupon this "unscrupulous merchant" pushed the card through in the name of Bobby Travis with an address in Los Angeles 24 hours before it was even paid, and after it was reported stolen and first rejected.

It was probably what the Bank Atlantic supervisor finally saw and what prompted her to agree to immediately to refund my money).  Whitley Bay Yacht club immediately offered to refund my money but I told him the bank had already done so. He then reversed the charges back to MasterCard and took steps to evict Travis, python and boat from his marina. I also forwarded him every email, every document I had filed and asked him to submit it to the local police.

The next day, the various agencies with whom I had filed reports, (plus Work Force One) called and said there was nothing they could do. The agency of Agriculture and Consumer affairs offered to send him a letter and ask him to respond within 30 days. If he didn't respond, I asked? Well, the file would be closed. And if he did? I would receive a letter and a copy and the case will be closed at that time. I agreed for them to send the letter which led to me having to go searching for his address in Cocoa.  I was advised to file a report with the Attorney General. I did.

In the meantime, my report with Ripoff Report had mysteriously disappeared off of Google. I wrote them and was told to write Google. It took forever to even find a way to contact them but I eventually sent them an email with the Ripoff Report URL which the editor kindly sent me. Nothing from Google yet - I'm not even sure if I sent the email to the correct place -and the report is not on any search engine.

I kept searching for Black Christian PM and eventually found them. It turned out they are a dating service based out of Los Angeles.  I don't know how I got their phone number now -- everything was starting to blur by now. I called them and left a message. I went back to Bank Atlantic and disputed the 18.90 charge; they refunded it back to my account that same day. I then came home and again called the Black Christian dating service and spoke to someone who advised that Travis had paid his membership with the card, this time using my name and address. They advised that they would refund the 18.90 charge to MasterCard and close Travis' account.

I wonder if MasterCard was surprised to receive a total of $118.90 back from "unscrupulous merchants." Furthermore, one wonders, will they pass that savings on to the consumer?


Bobby Travis The Oracle; Oracles news.tv. used my cc to pay for membership to Black Christian People Meet and Whitley Bay yacht club where he lives on a 23' motor boat called "Surrender the Booty".

#6Author of original report

Fri, September 25, 2009

"I contacted Whitley Bay Yacht Club who immediately reversed charges and evicted Travis and boat from its premises

 Black Christian People Meet, a dating service to whom Travis paid his dues via my card has advised that they will also reverse charges and revoke Travis' membership.

My apologies to both merchants for reporting that they were dba's of The Oracle.

Travis continues to call and bleat threats.



Bobby Travis found living in 32' motor boat called "Surrender Your Booty" in Cocoa Florida

#7Author of original report

Fri, September 25, 2009

The company Travis used to "establish" my account with him was the Black Christian dating service. I called the company who informed me that Travis had used my card number to pay his dues.

I also spoke with Whitfield Bay Yacht Club who said that Travis paid part of his berthing fees using my card by phone.  Travis claimed the card was his so they used his Los Angeles address which was on file. By then the card had been reported stolen but it was still honored by Bank Atlantic, even though the name and address did not match.

My apologies to both Whitfield Bay Yacht Club and Black Christian PM. Under the circumstance, I had believed that they were DBA's of Bobby Travis.

Incensed at being treated like the criminal instead of the victim by Bank Atlantic, I then called the Whitfield Bay Yacht Club who immediately reversed the payment. Travis and boat were thereafter evicted from the premises.

I have had terrific responses from Work Force One, Employ Florida, The Department of Agriculture and Consumer Affairs and various Law enforcement agencies.  However they all claim they could only contact the individual.  A written report to the Attorney General's office is imminent.

Travis continues to call and threaten.


Bobby Travis found living in 32' motor boat called "Surrender Your Booty" in Cocoa Florida

#8Author of original report

Thu, September 24, 2009

The company Travis used to "establish" my account with him was the Black Christian dating service. I called the company who informed me that Travis had used my card number to pay his dues.

I also spoke with Whitfield Bay Yacht Club who said that Travis paid part of his berthing fees using my card by phone.  Travis claimed the card was his so they used his Los Angeles address which was on file. By then the card had been reported stolen but it was still honored by Bank Atlantic, even thought the name and address did not match.

Incensed at being treated like the criminal instead of the victim by Bank Atlantic, I then called the Whitfield Bay Yacht Club who immediately reversed the payment. Travis was then told to leave with his boat.

I have had terrific responses from Work Force One, Employ Florida, The Department of Agriculture and Consumer Affairs and various Law enforcement agencies.  However they all claim they could only contact the individual.  A written report to the Attorney General's office is imminent.

Travis continues to call and threaten.


Bobby Travis The Oracle; Oracles news.tv. used my cc to pay for membership to Black Christian People Meet and Whitley Bay yacht club where he lives on a 23' motor boat called "Surrender the Booty".

#9Author of original report

Thu, September 24, 2009

At the time I wrote this report I had no idea Bobby Travis was using my cc info to pay for his memberships at a dating service and his berthing rental.  My apologies to Whitley Bay Yacht Club and Black Christians dating service who have since refunded those charges and revoked his privileges.  Work Force One and Employ Florida have also informed tat they have revoked his account.

Travis contines to call and leave threats.  A report to the Attorney General's Office is being submitted.

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