  • Report:  #1309345

Complaint Review: Botanical Guides - Internet

Reported By:
Rivers Source Botanicals - Taos, New Mexico, USA

Botanical Guides
Internet, USA
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?

 My internet marketing specialist, Paul Gutches directed me to botanicalguides.com cus some competitors were using them, so after much indecision I paid the $200.00 for a years service. In which time I've received numerous non business related messages from the owner, Scott Herman or James Herman. Some are extremely nice such as praising how my business is, or could be, one of the greatest in the world of it's kind. Unfortunately I've not had time to read all my personal mail, but this isn't something that Mr Herman likes, If I don't answer he's pissed and goes online and writes rip-off reports bot the business that before he says could be the greatest in the world? Another way of saying that he cares a great deal what I and others think much more than what is normally done to maintain professional business relations. All's good with that, I wasn't aware that by conducting business with Mr Herman he would ever be so dramatic over something as simple as not reading his mail, What kind of a person thinks their opinion is so important that without ever buying from me, selling only, he can then be the authority on what my whole life is about? Why don't I feel my opinion is that important? is it because I'm unenlightened? Like I said, it's the way he world is, I accept it, just wasn't expecting to; with this man I expected only a professional business relationship I wouldn't ever recommend him because he's far to personally invested. He's not one to be trusted to stay professional, he'll have alot of opinions that he'll get mad if they aren't heard and done as he sees fit.  After writing rip-off reports, then he's my buddy, or says that, and like nobody else in his situation would ever dare to say.. Asks if I'd care to have him revise the rip-off report to positive? I said yes do that, then turns around and says for something I did he's not gonna do it, he's changed his mind - but were still my buddies, and I’ll keep buying from him cus his opinion is so enlightenment and such - right? Whatever he wants to say I did wrong to him I did I don't know and I don't care because there's only 2 kinds of issues in life, the reconcilable ones and the non reconcilable ones.  Mr Herman's are the all, unconditionally, the latter, even though he writes we're now buddies, won't change his rip-off report even after asking if I wanted him to do that, and agreeing he would. You had your chance and showed what a moral coward ya are, your issue is only non reconcilable cus that how you want it not because that's the way it is. He's the one committing suicide here. None of this would have ever gone down if he could keep to himself. As he writes over and over - we're buddies now - right? A moral coward is someone who knows what the right thing to do is but won't do it cus they're scared that others will see them as weak fer changing their minds, and nobody's gonna know who wrote the rip-off report shows even more insecurities.  I wouldn't recommend him to anyone. He takes my money to advertise then without ever buying anything from me goes online and files rip-off reports? A very insecure sounding person not to mention a morale coward

4 Updates & Rebuttals

made good

#2Author of original report

Sun, June 26, 2016

As I said above, we had already reached a mutually agreeable feeling between us, then matter went south. To make things better I sent Scoot a couple messages to please call me. I had called him before but out of concern he may not be well enough to want ta answer I asked he call at his earliest convenience, and he did, very nice.
It's came to me that this only communicating via text is a way of being scared of something and wanting to hold on to it. By talking we reach a feeling of psych synchronicity. We can hear the tone and demeanor the person's words are in making it so that many things are understood on that level and further words aren't needed
Speaking out in ways that cause no synchronicity creates fear, the very nature of fear is to not talk about what we are afraid of.
Fear of talking on the phone to someone is often our thing with feeling we'll be hurt if we do that. That too says a positive thing.  Meaning we must not be indifferent to what others think or feel. Contrary to some beliefs, wanting to care about the well being of others is a healthy thing, in my opinion. If we were indifferent then there would be no fear of talking.

The thing about fear and other insecurities is we get over them.  I've no fear of saying kindred words that others mock as religious stupidity, and will never give into those ideas. Only an idiot will mock something that has no sustance, by mocking me they are saying my words have alot of power and theylre afriad of them or they wouldn't feel any need to put them down. Nobody put something down that can't hurt them

carry on

#3Author of original report

Sun, June 26, 2016

I had worked out a reconsiled resolution to my original issue and intended to write saying that matters were afreeable.

Mr Herman has no negative report abiut me on Devae's Garden Website cus he was so obnoxious in his endless remarks they took it akl down.

I pray for him.


Botanical Guides

See for yourself

#4REBUTTAL Individual responds

Wed, June 22, 2016

I invite everyone here to come look at some post on daves garden. http://davesgarden.com/products/gwd/c/2661/ you'll see a pattern of where this guy 1) denies his wrong doings 2) retaliates with pitty plays 3) tries to make others feel guilty for his wrong doings, and 4) ends his rebuttals with some religious comments that he doesn't live up too. you'll see a patter where customers with bad experiences all agree 1) he makes big mistakes 2) he doesnt own up to them 3) he denis them and tries to guilt you over them 4) hes rude and 5) he retalites with pitty plays and ends his rebuttals with religious quotes to play on the heart strings of the readers as a form of manipulation. classic sociopath. 

Botanical Guides

Total hogwash and I can prove it if I have to.

#5REBUTTAL Individual responds

Wed, June 22, 2016

First of all, I emailed you telling you I couldn't find where to change the post on daves garden. I emailed them about it too. Secondly, the post I made on daves garden was correct. Thirdly, your report here on ripoffreport.com is total hogwash. I have all of our emails. Shall I make them public so we can see who's really full of crap here? You come at me saying "your post makes us look bad to law enforcment" and then go and make one of your own here. It's hippociritical. and you keep coming at me with that "do unto others as you would have them do unto you" and then you fail to live by it, again. I have all of the proof needed to disprove all of this hog wash you have spilled here. My clients around the country know me and how I operate. Not once did I ever get mad about you not responding to my emails. I was frusrated with your attitude, the way you changed your mind on the ad after stringin me along for months on end, and the way you responded to the situation. Then you write me this long letter trying to guilt trip me and over what? because I simply told you how I felt about how you did me? stringing me along for months on end and then I send you my payment info and you just back out suddenly and respond so rudely? When did I ever say anything to you about being your "buddy" or "not being your buddy". The report I wrote on daves garden was true. You were rude, you strung me along, you did come through. I told you how I felt about what you did, you wrote me a letter turning it all around on me as if to instill guilt into me for telling you how I felt about the matter, and then come at me with "do unto others as you would have them do unto you" how would you feel if someone strung you along for months on end and then you send them payment details and they back out? just because you sent them payment info? is that doing unto others as you would have them do unto you? and you've been way more behind my back about all this, acting like were cool and then making this post here. If you're going to tell the world about someone, make your report honest and don't just make up a bunch of hog wash. Other people on daves garden have also commented on your rudeness. You're never to blame, you never apologize, you're rude, and now apparently back stabbing as well.

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