  • Report:  #927864

Complaint Review: Brian Martin - Corona California

Reported By:
Dimitri A McCrary aka FREEMOOR - sherman Oaks, , United States of America

Brian Martin
Corona, California, United States of America
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In this world of the internet and technology, it is easy to be accused , tried and convicted on the Net.

As a Professional. I do not want to go back and forth with this person Brian Martin(Meganleeheart).

I have read all the detailed false doctrine about myself and my Performing name Freemoor.

I will like to express to my family and to my clients and to my true friends.

The words this person speaks are just another episode in his Miserable life. I will tell you this with Complete Confidence. To make this short! Brain Martin(life in a tent) has been on the the internet and youtube harrassing many many people around the world. Little did i know when i met him, he was a youtuber fake wanna be actor. He says he was a
actor who was cheated and was bullied and mistreated. I will only leave you with these links and you will use your own common sense.



boomholdbearLevel 4


never seems to get the message that youtube doesn't want him and he's up to his same old tricks. He is now using NawtAgainDude to harrass people as shown by his comments on this video:
When you try and click on his ID you can't see the channel because he made it invisible as he has been doing with all his sock accounts over the last month. But that's OK because when the FBI get's him on one of his old cash gifting scams he will be going to prison where he will be passed around like a piece of meat. If LifeInATent posts his nonsense
on one of your videos or channels be sure to report him to youtube immediately so that he gets the boot yet again and has to throw another
hissy fit.




If you read the blog about me carefully, you would think a girl wrote this about me. this blog about me read like a scorn woman.

I have to say, Brian Martin could have had a small chance in acting sense all of the acts he does on the net are all lies. He wrote that none of my clients have been signed. Well that is not true and what he does know, all of my clients have been signed in less than 1 year. He and one other are the only ones who didnt get signed to a agency. The remarks about me liking Asian girls is another way of Brain trying to defame my name. I welcome any person of any race or color as long as
they are honest and have the true drive to try hard in this tough
business. Brain was not able to do this.

Lastly, I would like to say! Brian Martin has a right of freedom of speech. He has a right to due process. I will say it took him alot of time and effort in putting a false story about me on the net.

To be honest. I have no interest in having a internet battle with a Psychopath like Brian.

I am just one of thousands who he has harassed and threatened and lied about.

I gave it some deep thought as to how I should handle his blogs regarding me.

I prayed on it and they answer came to me .

I am using the same format to express myself as he did. I love helping others and I appreciate all the support from my family and friends and Freemoor fans.

I look forward to seeing Brain Martin in a Court of Law.

False Doctrine Hurts People!

Here is one last comment with someone who has been dealing with the same issue as I

boomholdbearLevel 4


taofledermaus,Mc Master and greenflams this is the forum where I keep the pressure onany channel LifeInATent creates. That gutless coward tried to threaten me and I called him out. His exact words were "Don't mess with me bit#$,
or I will kill you". I had not done a video about him or had any contact with him. He just decided to screw with me for no reason other than the fact that he is an ignorant, uneducated moron who thinks he's atough guy. He just assumed he could threaten and harass me like he has done so many others. I challenged him to a legal boxing match where we
would both sign waivers and he punked out like the coward he is. He actually tried to say that I was threatening him because he is stupid and doesn't understand the law. But me challenging him to a legal boxing match and me saying "You can try to kill me in the ring after you sign a waiver" proved what a gutless piece of trash Brian 'LifeInATent' Martin
is. He even tried to BS me that he would get his lawyer and manager after me for slander and I called that delusional fool out on that as well saying "Go get your lawyers you lying sociopath, talk is cheap just do it", to which he would simply fein laughter because he is all talk and he knows he isn't going to BS me. I also told him "A circus side
show freak would have a manager before you". I told him he has no manager or lawyer because he is a loser and no lawyer or manager would represent a scumbag loser like him. I mean honestly what's entertaining
about some loser wearing oompa loompa glasses and acting like a moron. I will stay on him as long as he continues to make channels and harrasses and threatens people.

I hope people will think twice before believing what people like Brain Martin writes.
Brian If you are reading this. You and your buddies cant scare me or hurt me.
I have people who really love and respect  me.
You efforts to defame me, is worthless and if you feel you want to sue me.
Please see me in a Court Of Law.

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