  • Report:  #1461962

Complaint Review: Brian Patrick - Arizona

Reported By:
Mystique - Atlanta, Ga, United States

Brian Patrick
Arizona, United States
‭(424) 395-6108‬
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?

He continuously contacted a friend of mine telling her about investing in real estate ventures . They had dated before .He knew she had money and made promises such as he would double her money . He Pprisches several women that are rich and he presents himself as a real estate developer . He then charms you and makes you think he is interested in you and that he’ll even move to where you are to be closer You send him money for investments and then he flips on you for no reason He has mental issues and is very violent and he should fear for your life He even admits to being a Golddigger and not have any respect for a women Be careful of this man he will hurt you physically and mentally and drain your bank account

21 Updates & Rebuttals


United States

#2General Comment

Sat, November 17, 2018

Los Angeles Private Investigator hired. Currently collecting written statements from anyone who has been involved with Diedre Morrow A.K.A. Dominique Simone. Past 45 days 2 individuals engaged and after a soft background check will be contacting additional individuals. 

Woodland Hills, California Police Department and Topanga Cyn., California Police Department contact Arthur Barens Law Office at 310-557-0444.

Mr. Steve W. we find it difficult to believe you a married man for many years would be involved with drug abusing, physical & mentally abusive, vile, lying individuals known as Deidre Morrow A.K.A. Dominique Simone. It is common knowledge Deidre Morrow A.K.A. Dominque Simone is a known prostitute/escort and is continuing to exchange sex favors for money. Steve W. you knew this in advance and continued to financially fund this individual for over 10 years according to what Deidre Morrow A.K.A. Dominique Simone is communicating to 3rd Party Individuals. Do you think your wife would like to know about this? 

Steve W. it is in your best interest to have your Attorney, Spokesperson or yourself contact Arthur Barens Law Office as soon as possible. Whether you come forward or not an A-List Publicist will be contacting someone on your team. We have already identified all your Social Media accounts and will be contacting you at those sites as soon as possible.

Robert D., Antonio S., Brian B. and the 4 men who had a child with Deidre Morrow A.K.A. Dominique Simone you are all being contacted. It is important each individual knows exactly what Deidre Morrow A.K.A. Dominique Simone is stating online about these individuals and what she is planning to disclose. All Deidre Morrow's A.K.A. Dominique Simone's Instagram transcripts are being authenticated to prove these allegiations. You will all see what she said about each one of you and her plans to disclose more information about you. This woman must be stopped immediately. She is trying to blackmail, smear campaign, extort money from people and must be stopped.

We are offering anyone who has credible information $1,000.00 U.S. Dollars to provide a written statement about Deidre Morrow A.K.A. Dominque Simone's drug use, her current working status and any information you may have about any type of domestic violence associated to her. Anyone who has worked for her as a personal assistant, involved with her in any way, we urge you to come forward and you will be compensated $1,000.00 for your written statement. 

We are allowing this a 30 day period to circulate. After the next 30 days an A-List Publicist will begin contacting each of you directly & various other contacts.

Contact Arthur Barens Law Office at 310-557-0444.

30 days begins once this rebuttal is posted.



#3Consumer Comment

Sun, September 30, 2018

Dierdre Morrow A.K.A. Dominique Simone you filed a fraudulent report here and this report will be used against you in court. We asked you to provide your Attorney's name and contact information which you are continuing to refuse to do. The reason you're not providing your Attorney's name and contact information is due to the fact there was never any business transacted or monies exchanged between Deirdre Morrow A.K.A. Dominique Simone and Brian Patrick/Patrick Harmes. The people behind posting this report against Brian Patrick/Patrick Harmes are the frauds.

Brian Patrick/Patrick Harmes does not operate a real estate business using the names Brian Patrick or Patrick Harmes. Due to this fact alone is why this a false claim/report and should be removed from this website. Our legal team is currently working on this.

It is clear based upon how the report poster Deirdre Morrow A.K.A. Dominique Simone began her story this report has nothing to do about any business transaction nor monies exchanged for service contracted. The poster has failed to provide evidence of a business transaction, no receipt, no deposit slip, no contract, no business document or evidence of any monies she supposedly forwarded to Brian Patrick/Patrick Harmes. The last time Brian Patrick/Patrick Harmes saw Deirdre Morrow A.K.A. Dominique Simone in person was 26 years ago. The filing of this report is as fraudulent as a person can get so we will be suing the poster who posted this report.

What is going on here is an attempt to "Smear Campaign" and "Discredit" an individual who has an impeccable Public reputation. We have the poster's name and will be notifying the necessary authorities regarding this report.

We are no longer responding to this post.

Poster who filed this fraudulent report call Brian Patrick/Patrick Harmes Attorney listed below:

Arthur H. Barens Law Office

Los Angeles, California




Simi Valley,
United States
Suing for defamation of character

#4Author of original report

Sun, September 30, 2018

 Suing for defamation of character This man really has lost his marbles not only is he married but he’s living with his gay lover and swindling women he really needs to get a life but I am suing you for defamation of character because I am not a hair when user but you must be and you have a lot of time on your hands to be spewing out this nonsense get a job get a life get a girlfriend get a boyfriend get a horse do something


Simi Valley,
Having Attorbey contact you

#5Author of original report

Sun, September 30, 2018

 You have disconnected your phone Switched your IG account and attempted to get your. Don’t act info off line . Honey will you disconnect your IG or Instagram account they still have a record of the text that you sent from your account so no matter what you do the threats that you said about killing me I’m still in the system and can be retrieved by law-enforcement so sorry.

You can’t cover this one up and yes we do you do business dealings with this is an about the business dealings this is about you threatening my life threatening to kill me and telling me that I’m gonna die a slow and torturous death That is called a terrorist threat the bill is $50,000 and your subject to do five years in prison. You should really watch what you say online especially through to get this shows how stupid you are.


Simi Valley,
What does he care about my money ?

#6Author of original report

Sat, September 29, 2018

 Brian ..Why do you care about how my bills get paid You don’t know anything about how my bills get paid but ,I could tell you how you can go make some money. Come and get your high heels out of my closet and go out on the boulevard like he used to do back in the day. You such a queen do you think people care about who pays my bills.Get over it ....You’re still hurting about the girl that said she was pregnant with you twins and took off with all your money.It’s called therapy... that’s what you need. I don’t give a f$$$ about the things you say about me because everyone knows it’s not true but, you sit there and simmer in your own misery.Why are you so angry?Because I don’t have to work As hard as youand I have talent and I don’t have to use people and be a Golddigger to get my money.Why don’t you go ahead and do your morning enema so you can get ready for work. Because you’re full of it. I’m going to Rodeo drive to go shopping. I don’t have time to sit on writing Rebuttles Don’t make me tell them the story about Uncle Grandpa.


United States

#7Consumer Comment

Sat, September 29, 2018

Deirdre Morrow A.K.A. Dominique Simone forward your Attorney's name and contact information.

You never had any business dealings with Mr. Patrick nor have you invested anything into any Mr. Patrick's business.

You have an Attorney then forward the name and contact information.

On Monday October 1, 2018 we are filing suit against you.

Good luck to you.



United States

#8General Comment

Sat, September 29, 2018

Deirdre Morrow A.K.A. Dominique Simone the Los Angeles Superior Court system knows all about you and the fact you're a drug abuser borderline junkie who cannot get her life together. This is also why your rights to see your children are restricted. You have been unemployed for decades and all you do is continue to prostitute yourself. You're openly bisexual and you actually prefer the company of woman over men. All you've been doing with your life for years now is using various men prostituting yourself so you can continue to pay your bills. Prostitution is against the law in the United States, are you aware of this? 

Are you aware keeping narcotics, Heroin and other drugs in your possession is against the law? You're a Heroin user who also has a prescription drug A.K.A. Valium/Xanax dependency. Do you remember being contacted by a Narcotics Officer? How about the DCFS-Department of Child and Family Services? You're continued drug abuse should be reported because children should not be around such activity. Make sure you tell the men paying you for sexual favors they are committing a crime and will be exposed. You went on video and a radio show claiming to be involved with a T.V. Actor who recently released a Public statement saying he has contracted the Aids virus. When was the last time you had an Aids test? 

You should check yourself into either a drug detox center or your local hospital immediately. You've burned every bridge you've walked over because your a talentless, non-skilled, extremely desperate person. The people you surround yourself with are drug abusers just like you and prostitutes. There's speculation you're running an Escort agency which you're reffering to as an Internet Company. Your Social Media accounts you're obviously using to lure men into contacting you so you can financially qaulify them to see if they may be a vaulable person to use for your Escorting business practices. Mr. Patrick figured all this out while you continued to lie to him about your current lifestyle and what you are supposedly doing with your life.

Everything you communicated has been recorded and will be used against you in a Court of Law in Los Angeles. We know where you live so you will be served by a server in due process. You better contact your handlers and sex for hire contacts to let them know they need to send you a lot of money because you're going to need it for your court costs and Attorney fees. Your phone lines are being tapped, everything is being recorded what you are doing so good luck covering up the fact you're a prostitute for hire. Doesn't matter anyway, everyone knows that's your only source of income.

By the way, you were never a supermodel and never could be. You're too short and the fake breasts destroyed your body making you look like a cartoon character. The look you created is not beauty it's fake, you look like a strung out junkie in your pictures these days. Something happened to your mouth because in the majority of your pictures your mouth is half way open and your upper lip looks like your Botox injections have destroyed your lip. Why you continue to post pictures of yourself with a bunch of make up caked on your face and a different wig covering your balding head every other day continues to show how desperate you are for peoples attention. You have absolutely nothing going on with your life is why you are so desperate for attention. And hanging out at bars to lure men into your delusional escorting games is not considered having something going on professionally.

Why do you continue to cover up your stomach in all your pictures? Are you fat in your midsection? Drug abuse making you too lazy to work out? And your acting capabilities? You can't act this is why you never did anything in any mainstream productions and never will. Have you ever looked and listened to what you sounds like today on video? You sound like an insecure, delusional drug user. Never saw any of your low budget Porn trash movies but heard you were one of the worst porn actresses to ever step in front of a camera this is why you never could and never will cross over into mainstream acting. You can't act this is why you have no career today in front of the camera and never will. You go around saying you're a trained singer but cannot produce your own content and all you do is try to sing other people's songs. You couldn't even book a job singing at a local dive bar so that's the rap on your singing. You can't even rap or mumble rap. You're talentless, you're a joke that couldn't even get a gig as a stand up comic.

You allowed yourself to be used by an Industry that doesn't give a sh#t about the performers, you allowed yourself to be used by 1,000's of men while prostituting yourself the past 25 years of your life. Sure you feel used, anyone who lived such a lifestyle should feel used. Your best bet these days is go check yourself into a drug abuse detox center or local hospital and clean your life up. Get off the Internet making a fool out of yourself. Get an education and then get a real job for once in your life. It's not a wonder why your family completely disowned you and everyone else doesn't want anything to do with you. It's not a wonder why you are always in and out of court and then using drugs to cover up the reality you create for yourself.

You need help.



Simi Valley,
This little mama’s boy needs to grow up

#9Author of original report

Sat, September 29, 2018

 This little mama’s boy needs to grow up Brian you need to grow up you sit up all night thinking about bad things you can say to degrade women because you can’t get one .....Go tell your boyfriend about your problems and leave me alone .I’ve woken up to 70 from u .... Why do you feel the need to explain yourself so much ....is because you’re guilty .Get a life but ,I’m gonna make sure you go to jail for threatening to kill me everyone who knows me .You’re just jealous cause I’m prettier than you


Simi Valley,
United States
Stop contacting me contact my attorney

#10Author of original report

Sat, September 29, 2018

 No matter what you say Moran there is still no reason for you make threats against my life ...lLies about my lifestyle and make the run three comments just to make yourself look better .I have all of your text messages and like I said they will be authebicated ..I know you dont want people see the monster that you are so please leave me alone stop texting me.I have Obtained an attorney and the charges will be made soon ....so you making this worse .....you just leave me alone ....do not contact me and let’s let’s just Let the police do their job


Simi Valley,
United States
Please stop contacting me and you’re upset because you know it’s all true

#11Author of original report

Sat, September 29, 2018

 You are a predator you’re not services and you’re very sick man please stop sending me text messages you sent me 20 today


United States

#12General Comment

Sat, September 29, 2018

Deirdre Morrow A.K.A. Dominique Simone you are one pathetic, low life individual now aren't you? You have burned every bridge you ever walked over and now no one wants to have you in their life. The California Courts took your kids from you, you only have your daughter 2 times per week now. You're constantly being monitored because you surround yourself with a bunch of heroin addicts, drug abusers and losers in life. Yeah you were a Porn actress who could not act to save her life is why you ended up in the porn indistry. You tainted your public image back then because of the horrible choice and decisions you were making. You clearly were not thinking about your future if being a porn actress was your only hope for employment. You should have went to college or a trade school back then and if you did you would be paying your own bills now versus continuing to prostitute yourself out being an escort. 

And by the way no one knows who you are so you being in the Porn Hall of Fame is not doing much for you now is it because your unemployed continuing to use men to pay your bills. You're an absolute joke the semi nude pictures you continue to post at Instagram, how many wigs do you need to wear to cover up your balding head? You're not comfortable within your own skin and it shows by the fact you appear to be a different person in your pictures every other day. You're delusional and obviously have mental health issues probably from all the heroin and recreational drug abuse.

My friend Mr. Patrick never caused you any problems in your life, never. Mr. Patrick has not seen you for over 28 years. You continue to cause all your own problems in your life so take responsibility for yourself and stop trying to draw other people into your dirty world you live in. You sent pictures to Mr. Patrick of a needle referring to Heroin use which you admitted to be doing these days. What you are doing here is trying to cause problems for other people because the life you live isn't a clean life. You don't work, where do you work today? You claim to operate and own a business, what is your business today? When was the last time you worked an honest days worth of work? We know what you are about so does the Los Angeles Superior Court System. We have someone running your full Criminal Report and will post the results once we have it. We heard you've been cited for Prostitution and it is common knowledge that you are still prostituting and escorting today. 

We also have reason to believe you may have Heroin stashed away where you live and possibly other drugs. This is not right nor just or legal what you started here for absolutely no reason other than Mr. Patrick stopped all communications with you because he found out your a junkie, drug user who is a liar and living a false lifestyle. You lied when you first met Mr. Patrick 28 years ago. You told him you were a stripper/dancer. Then eventually he found out you were involved in the porn industry which once he found out he should have stopped seeing you that moment. But no, he's a good person and didn't judge you until he could no longer deal with the fact the person he's dating is doing porno and that was the reason why he stopped all communication with you 28 years ago. You never helped Mr. Patrick for nothing in his life. 

Now you reappear lying about the life you're living today. He found out your using Heroin now, been unemployed for years continuing to still use men to pay your bills. You could be driving a Bentley living in a $5 million dollar Beverly Hills mansion and still Mr. Patrick wouldn't want to have one thing to do with you. Of course Mr. Patrick does not want to associate himself with a person or people who are strung out on heavy drugs, absolutely not, so leave him alone.

Deirdre Morrow A.K.A. Dominique Simone the washed up, unemployed, junkie Hall of Fame Porn actress go admit yourself into the mental ward at your local hospital so they can help you get off the drugs and clean up your life.

Good luck to you.



United States

#13General Comment

Sat, September 29, 2018

Deirdre Morrow A.K.A. Dominique Simon you're a known Prostitute/Escort is Los Angeles. You are currently engaging in sex acts and sex favors for the exchange of money. Your porn actress days have been over for 18 years now. Since then you continued to engage in Prostitution/Escorting still to this day in 2018. And the reason why you maliciously posted here at Rip Off Report because Mr. Patrick saw through all the lies you were speaking to him about your background, about your child services and custody issues and how you're currently making a living today which you're making a living by using men to pay your bills. You know, you're almost 50 years old now, don't you think it's time to stop the drugs, stop using people, get yourself a real job and get your life in order for once?

When was the last time you can prove you worked a job? Prove it, let's see you provide a 2016-2017 W-2 or 1099 form. When was the last time you paid taxes? The only fraud here is Deirdre Morrow A.K.A. Dominique Simone the has been porn actress who wasted her life away, doesn't work and continues to use men to pay her bills. What's even more pathetic about you is the fact you're Bi-sexual and you really don't care for men as long as they have a lot of money so you can use them to pay your bills. You can't hide who you are, you're a habitual drug user that's why the Court never granted you full custody of your kids, never. 

We are running a criminal background check on you and will be posting the results as soon as we have them.

They are Public record so we will be posting them.



Simi Valley,
United States
Answer to your question

#14Author of original report

Sat, September 29, 2018

 I have done business with him And have invested in his business as well .

LAW 101

United States

#15Consumer Suggestion

Sat, September 29, 2018

Miss Morrow, if you never did business with Mr. Patrick why are you posting here? Mr. Patrick never did any business with you. Why waste your time to post this false Rip Off Report? Where is your proof Mr. Patrick promised you something and did not deliver? Where is your proof Mr. Patrick asked you to send money to him? What this looks like Miss Morrow is you and Mr. Patrick had a personal falling out and there was no professional obligations between the two of you. Mr. Patrick never took anything from you so why continue to waste your time here? What you are doing can land you in Court if you're making false accusations someone ripped you off. If this is true then you need to hire an attorney and go to court to prove your case. Other than that, what this looks like is a woman who is seeking revenge because Mr. Patrick ended his communications with you. If he did, I recommned you moving on with your life and both of you leave each other alone.


United States

#16Consumer Comment

Sat, September 29, 2018

Deirdre Morrow A.K.A. Dominique Simone go seek drug counseling immediately. You need help immediately.

How many Court appearances have you appeared in 2018? We have record of how many. Why have you been in Court so many times this year in 2018? Looks like you're trying to find yourself in Court once again. You must really want to stay broke your entire life. You are nothing but a talentless woman who is washed up in her life. That's your problem to deal, we suggest you go get an education and get yourself a real job for once in your life.

Deirdre Morrow A.K.A. Dominique Simone stop using men to pay your bills, stop the drug abuse, clean up your life and go educate yourself then get a job.

Be our guest and keep posting your vile, defaming, falsehoods and lies. We plan to use all of this in Court when you proceed to sue your for damages now.

Good luck to you.


Simi Valley,
United States
Proof is in the pudding

#17Author of original report

Sat, September 29, 2018

 Proof is in the pudding What kind of man would write those things ?It’s a man that has been hurt . He is upset Bc his health is not good and he wants to blame everyone . I have not seen this man in years yet I own my own home Lamborghini and a Hummer .i have a sucesseful career and life . I have more followers than him and he claims to be such a god He lives with his latest victim . I have all of my medical paperwork so let’s see his . Men think women are stupid and he can’t handle a strong woman . I was the first to stand up to him and he does not like that and I did . I have no need for him . He is an D lister actor and his looks have faded from all the hatred he puts out . He brings my kids in this .He can’t have kids now but made me have an abortion after I spent hundreds and thousands on him . He met me as an actress . I am now a nurse. I am a business owner .I involve myself in several charities to help abused children and women . That’s how boys react when you won’t give them your 400 K car . He is a fraud . I have the proof . I will provide press police and anyone who needs the proof everything . He has issues with abuse thT I will not disclose Bc I am not that kind of person . I will provide all of the links and his texts and tiuvbe the judge


Simi Valley,
United States
Brian Patrick Rebutte

#18Author of original report

Sat, September 29, 2018

 This guy is a price of s*** .i have all of his texts that I will publish This is the sane man that used to be a gay escort in Hollywood . He has 2 credits to his name . A movie White Trash and a series he made 2 appearances on . He hates women and uses them for Money . He creates these fake companies to get your money . Particularly Japanese women .He just called me trash after reading this review after he re added me to stalk my page . I have a car worth more than his whole savings .I supported him when he was a starving actor .He sends me threats saying he wants to kill me . Texts don’t lie and I will take my phone in and have it analyzed to get the texts authenticated .I can have any man I want he is bitter Bc he is old with a receding hairline . No one will hire him . He can call me a porn star or whatever . That was 20 years ago . Now he saw that I was successful he tried to blackmail me and get money . Didn’t I post his texts Bc I will and you will see he has no respect for women . He is not a man . He is a guy that can’t make his own money and Rios off women by using them and abusing them mentally and physically . Iam filing these terrorist threats charges against him as we speak Finally justice !!!I DeirdreEnjolieMorrow is my handle on instagram I can send whatever other victims of his fraud his info and textsx to file charges


United States

#19Consumer Comment

Fri, September 28, 2018

Understand poster you will be brought into court for making an attempt on a Public Internet Site to defame, accuse and communicate lies to the Public regarding Mr. Patrick. Make no mistake about this Mr. Patrick has contacted his legal counsel in Los Angeles and a formal case of Defamation of Character and Harrasment is being filed against Deirdre Morrow A.K.A. Dominique Simone. We know where you live and we are immediately pressing charges against you for damages. You were told to stop contacting Mr. Patrick, you persisted and when Deirdre Morrow A.K.A. Dominique Simone was no longer receiving Mr. Patrick's attention is when she maliciously retaliated by posting this Rip Off Report false claim September 22, 2018. This is the kind of attention Deirdre Morrow A.K.A. Dominique Simone likes to attract because people don't want anything to do with her after they get to know her a little.

Let it be known to the Public, Mr. Patrick is immediately moving forward to file suit against Dierdre Morrow A.K.A. Dominique Simone and he will be vindicated.

Brian Patrick A.K.A. Patrick Harmes never did business with Deirdre Morrow A.K.A. Dominique Simone and never will. Deirdre Morrow A.K.A. Domonique Simone get off the Internet, stop using men to pay your bills, stop the drug use and go get a job.

Deirdre Morrow A.K.A. Dominique Simone you must be referring to yourself as being a Gold Digger because you don't have a job, you've been unemployed for years, all the Father's to your kids don't want anything to do with you and all you do is use a variety of men to continue to pay your bills. You're one step above a street prostitute, you're an Escort, what a way to make a living for yourself. You're mad because Mr. Patrick was kind enough to have a dialogue with you and reopen a stream of communication then stopped communicating with you because once again your true colors, the dirty, low class, vindictive, malicious and strung out on drugs individual came to the surface. There's documented proof you have substance abuse issue, domestic violence issues on your record. 

Mr. Patrick has no such records and he has several individuals who will come forward to make sure justice is served here.

Get off the drugs Deirdre Morrow A.K.A. Dominique Simone, get off the Internet and go get a job!



United States

#20General Comment

Fri, September 28, 2018

The individual behind the filing of this report is a person who was contacting Mr. Patrick off and on for several years. Mr. Patrick blocked the individual from all of his Social Media Accounts due to the person continuing to make attempts to possibly harass him. The past 1 1/2 years Mr. Patrick established a Public Instagram profile and has had numerous people from his past and complete stangers contact him. The individual who posted this report is a female by the name of Deirdre Morrow who also goes by the name of Dominque Simone. Deirdre Morrow A.K.A. Dominique Simone. What we know about this individual is she currently has many legal problems, financial problems and child services problems. Miss Morrow is unemployed and has been for several years now which is why she currently does not have full custody of her teenage children. She's a publicly known, habitual drug user consuming Xanax, Herion and various other recreational drugs. This is also why the Court System has not allowed Miss Morrow better custody of her teenage children today.

Mr. Patrick met this individual 28 years ago in Los Angeles when both Deirdre Morrow A.K.A. Dominique Simone were in their early 20's. They dated briefly, they never lived together. Mr. Patrick ended the relationship with Deirdre Morrow A.K.A. Dominque Simone. Since then Mr. Patrick and Dierdre Morrow A.K.A. Dominique Simone moved on with their lives. It is a known fact Deirdre Morrow A.K.A. Dominique Simone has given birth to 4 different children since last communicating with Mr. Patrick. Each Father of her children being a different man. She has referred to the 4 different Father's of her children as sperm donors. Deirdre Morrow A.K.A. Dominique Simone claims to be a Nurse today but what we found out is she does not have a nursing certification. Deirdre Morrow A.K.A. Domonique Simone currently has various men A.K.A. "Sugar Daddies" helping pay her bills today. There are rumors that she may have contracted the Aids virus due to her being an Ex-Porn actress and being involved with a famous television actor who recently went Public that he contracted the Aids virus. This is why there is speculation hovering around whether Deirdre Morrow A.K.A. Domonique Simone also contracted the disease.

Mr. Patrick several months ago decided to contact Deirdre Morrow A.K.A. Dominique Simone "via" Instagram to see how she was doing. Mr. Patrick and Dierdre Morrow A.K.A. Dominique Simone continued to send messages "via" Instagram off and on for the past several months throughout 2018. Miss Morrow kept pushing to want to meet Mr. Patrick even though she knew Mr. Patrick was not ready to meet due to his work schedule and the fact he is relocating. Miss Morrow continued to push Mr. Patrick to meet her and then started to threaten Mr. Patrick. Apparently Miss Morrow is accustomed to men doing whatever she tells them too and if they do not she becomes extremely vengeful, malicious with the intent to make them look bad in the eyes of others. Bottom line, Mr. Patrick has never done business with Diedre Morrow A.K.A. Dominique Simone and never will. Mr. Patrick never mentioned doing any Real Estate business with Miss Morrow, never. 

Rip Off Report should not allow people to post their personal emotional & relationship issues as a report. Deirdre Morrow A.K.A. Dominique Simone show the proof where you were Ripped Off because that is what this site is used for. This site is used for people who had or have some type of written or verbal agremeent about something which you and Mr. Patrick never had any business between the two of you. As for Mr. Patrick not wanting to communicate with you due to your wreckless lifestyle you continue to live, your immaturity, lack of respect for people, your racist and defaming comments, your lies, your threats, your continuing to push to meet him, too bad, move on with your life.

Mr. Patrick didn't take anything from you and does not owe you anything. If so, prove it, hire an Attorney and take your case to Court. Now get off the Internet Deirdre Morrow A.K.A. Dominique Simone, stop using men to pay your bills and go get a real job. 



Santa barbara,
United States
Rude and violent texts

#21Author of original report

Sun, September 23, 2018

 He would send me these really invalid t**s for no reason he asked me to give him my Lamborghini car and he would talk to me what the f*** why would he think I would do something like that. I mean he’s not no young supermodels just to be with his old pictures you never see any new pictures of him he claims to have all these businesses. we talked about not having money but he flashed his money on his page. it’s probably fake money that you buy at the at the toy store


Simi Valley,
United States
These are examples of texts that were sent from Mr Brian Patrick

#22Author of original report

Sat, September 22, 2018

Mr Patrick had sent me numerous texts .Theses should show you heisa vile and violent human being.

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