  • Report:  #1177605

Complaint Review: Brianne Patterson - Internet

Reported By:
Adrienne Lidicky - London, Ohio,

Brianne Patterson
Internet, USA
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
Report Attachments

Editor’s Note:  We thank our users for considering Ripoff Report as a source for information and providing warnings to the general public.  That being said, sometimes, after a review of the text, our team will determined that the content filed by an author appears to be serious in nature and therefore questionable and, as such, the Report is placed on hold for further investigations prior to publishing OR is otherwise flagged after publication and is placed into a Review Bin.  If and when Reports are flagged for these types of issues, especially when there are specific serious criminal allegations, we may, as we did here, try to follow up with the Author of the Report to obtain more information.  Our Terms of Service require that information posted be truthful and not defamatory and we are in no position to determine what information is true or false; the author affirms the truth of a posting prior to posting.  We understand that allegations made by an author may very well be true, and we respect an author’s right to Free Speech, but in order for the information to be published once it has been flagged, or for the information to be later (((REDACTED))) once flagged after prior publication, Ripoff Report may ask the author to provide some form of explanation or documentation to support their position.  Depending on the circumstances, if the author fails to respond or timely provide adequate notification, at the sole discretion of Ripoff Report, the Report may be considered “incomplete” and may not be approved or may be (((REDACTED))) to remove the serious allegations or otherwise questionable content from the Report and any Rebuttals thereto that mention such information – more for the purposes of making sure the author is standing behind their Report as we are not a judge and jury to determine the accuracy of evidence.  Redactions below may be due to the author’s failure to adhere to our Terms of Service and/or because the author failed to timely respond with an appropriate response to our inquiry.


CONSUMERS:  Proceed with Caution when reviewing and relying on the subject Report and any additional Postings below as it MAY BE FALSE and/or MISLEADING.  It is highly encouraged that you conduct additional research, from credible sources, before making any determination on whether or not to do business with the named individual(s) or business(es).

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~ Ripoff Report Team



This person is a nightmare - I hope anyone out there reads this before they engage in any business transaction.  This person can not think and is highly violatile in nature.  She is (((REDACTED))) anyone she comes into contact online so she can have material for her self-proclaimed blog.

She buys things off ebay - ususally psychic or Tarot card readings. This is what she writes.

QUESTION: I have feelings for Ali (picture of him and myself attached to this e-mail.) Ali does not know how I feel and I am too shy to tell him how I feel. There is also one major reason why we cannot get together even if the feeling was mutual. However, keep in mind that I do not know if he is in a relationship.
My name: Brianne Patterson
His name: Ali Ghahary
I've attached our photos.
My birthday: September 24th, 1986
The ad stated that she was to wait 24 - 48 hours for her tarot reading - instead of waiting not even 12 hours I started to get (((REDACTED)))for the reading - I told her I would have give it to her shortly - then she went and filed negative feedback on ebay - stating that she never got her reading and that I was a fraud.
I went and looked at the other feedback she left people on ebay and she has done the same thing to many others - many sellers claiming to BEWARE of this Brianne Patterson whose ebay name is ONESIDEDTAN.  She (((REDACTED)))everyone.  Then she files for a paypal refund - before I even get a chance to do anything I am following a trail of slander with my private information attached.
Because she did not get $6 right away she contacted the RCMP - I have never seen a person so violitle in my whole life - she is sick for sure because normal people do not act like this.  She has(((REDACTED))).
It is my opinion she is looking for something to write in her blog - posting (((REDACTED))) on her "writing".
I have the police looking into her now - she fortunately forwarded an email to the police here in my town so they are using this to find her.
Brianna patterson is not only a(((REDACTED))) - but she is the worst person in the world.  She can not get a date if she tried and her blog is dispicable - who does what she is doing - the crazy - if I was this Ali Ghahary I would stay far away from her because she is showing signs of (((REDACTED)))
Report Attachments

29 Updates & Rebuttals


Beauty By Brianne Scam

#2General Comment

Mon, September 21, 2015

Brianne who now calls herself Briadoublene is running an unlicensed beauty business from her home and she advertises it online http://imgur.com/uIYY8vi and in her 'beauty blog' called Beauty By Brianne.

She is not, I repeat NOT licensed or trained to do what she is doing and could be a real danger to public safety and health.



RR sleuths did some sleuthing

#3Consumer Comment

Fri, October 10, 2014

The RR sleuths did some sleuthing and found Arienne Lidicky's (although I guess the general consensus is that that's not even the real name of the individual who published this report) "psychic" website which had exactly this same thing published on it, as well as many other publications about various individuals, some of which were much worse than this. Went to her website today and it's been taken down due to some kind of violation, so it's safe to say that not only are her RR reports bogus and false, but likely everything she had written on her webs page about others, as well as her "psychic" abilities.

Report Attachments


Sounds like a prize

#4Consumer Comment

Fri, October 10, 2014

i googled the guy......


he sounds like a real prize himself


British Columbia,
Concerned reader

#5General Comment

Fri, October 10, 2014

This is concerning, especially if those being written about on here are unsuspecting of this even being printed online. For me, I have never looked myself up on a search engine. I don't know what's out there or what could've been made up about me and I like to keep it that way, but the fact that everyone here seems to agree that this is fake and was created by someone with a vendetta is scary, especially if those are unsuspecting like I said.


British Columbia,
Keep your chin up

#6Consumer Comment

Thu, October 09, 2014

I think the important point to remember here is that anyone with any amount of intelligence, decency & morality would not be perusing these types of websites anyhow. So the only people that would actually spend time reading this garbage are people looking for a sick laugh or just sick period. The ones that would read it & actually believe the trash they're reading & then spread the false gossip are total & complete garbage themselves. As for the anonymous human vomit that are posting this junk, you are nothing less than parasitic pond scum.


British Columbia,

#7Consumer Comment

Tue, October 07, 2014

Nice job at a fake report and grabbing their images off google - was really easy to find like the other commenter said. You are obviously hiding behind a fake name and know these people personally which makes this really creepy.


Pot meet kettle?

#8Consumer Comment

Fri, October 03, 2014

Adrienne, if you are trying to paint someone as being a "nut" then you're not really doing a good job because you're only making yourself look like an even bigger one. I hope you realize how ridiculous you sound right now.



#9Consumer Comment

Fri, October 03, 2014

FYI, RR actuallu has a system in place where you can only do a few per IP address. They remove any multiple rebuttals posted by the same IP. Also, many people have already stated that this is not the type of site to write fake reports nor is it the kind of site to air your personal grievances with people.

Adrienne Lidicky

Brianne Patterson wrote all rebuttals showing her psychotic behavour

#10Author of original report

Fri, October 03, 2014

Brianne wrote all rebuttals.


she routinely posts as other people due to personality problems.


stay the f**k away from her - she has filed a rebuttal 20 times in one day.


i guess when you dont have a life you sit around being nuts.


ill just get that tarot package ready for her whole family!! For free!!!brianne grow up

stop playing superstar when u arent. 





British Columbia,
Hate to break it to you but...

#11General Comment

Fri, October 03, 2014

Police have better things to do than press charges against someone over SIX dollars. Take your high school BS bogus reports elsewhere. Everyone has already concluded that this is evidently a fake post and I can't say I disagree with everyone else either. -Josh



#12Consumer Suggestion

Thu, October 02, 2014

To me this sounds as though it was written out of spite and to be vengeful. Looks like you found the images on Google because I did a quick search of the names and came up with the photos in a matter of seconds.

I've also provided an example here on how easy it is to fabricated and forge a simple e-mail. You can view my example by clicking or copying and pasting the following url: http://i.imgur.com/I6lU5Ir.jpg

This is about the 80th post I've seen on RR today that has nothing to do with an actual ripoff and everything to do with someone's weird vendetta against a person.

Ella V.

British Columbia,
Proof it's fake/a set up

#13Consumer Comment

Wed, October 01, 2014

I tried to upload this in an earlier comment but it did not work but the person who wrote this initial report was going around bragging to people the girl knows that this was fake and a set up to get Brianne in trouble for no reason. Copy and paste the link here/below: http://i.imgur.com/D427Nxx.jpg


British Columbia,

#14UPDATE EX-employee responds

Wed, October 01, 2014

See what happens when you mess around with a married man, Brianne? That person can write anything about you, your friends, people you know, etcetera online and there's not a d**n thing you can do about it. :)


British Columbia,
A friend

#15UPDATE EX-employee responds

Wed, October 01, 2014

I know the person this is written about and I am not even going to say anything about this to her because this is miniscule in comparison to some of the things she is dealing with/has had to deal with, but I can tell you with 100% certainty that this is a fake post, made either by her ex or a former friend, because she does not even have a Shaw account. Any e-mails I have ever received from Brianne have always been from a Telus account so that right there tells me this is a complete fabrication in effort to ruin her life.


British Columbia,
proof this is fake

#16UPDATE Employee ..inside information

Wed, October 01, 2014

I have proof this is fake. I feel like the person who wrote this took things way too far with the lies so it needs to be shared 



Some advice...

#17Consumer Comment

Wed, October 01, 2014

Remarks such as "hurts children" are quite libelous and defamatory in nature and you could see yourself on the end of a lawsuit by making such comments, especially on a website as permanant as this and one that tracks your ip address and location, no less. I have done previous work for a lawyer and that is something you could be easily sued for should the individual whom you are posting about were to ever come across this. I also agree with the other commenters. This seems fake and also seems like it was created to intentionally wreck havoc in people's lives.


South Carolina,

#18Consumer Comment

Wed, October 01, 2014

sounds like this post was faked for whatever reason, possibly by a jilted friend/ex judging by another post http://www.ripoffreport.com/r/briannechantelcom/internet/briannechantelcom-Brianne-Patterson-Online-terrorist-fake-writer-psychopath-briann-1177601 which very clearly states "her boyfriend hates her"

Adrienne Lidicky

ok i admit i lied yes this post was faked

#19REBUTTAL Individual responds

Wed, October 01, 2014

ok i admit i lied yes this post was faked BUT ILL STILL GET YOU


British Columbia,
Just a Few Things

#20General Comment

Wed, October 01, 2014

How would you even know what her diagnoisis is (schizophrenia, psychosis, warts, whatever) unless you were a close friend of hers, knew who she knew/had/has dealings with, and obviously seriously trying to fabricate things in effort to screw up her life? This all screams horribly fake to me. You need to find a hobby.


British Columbia,
A friend

#21General Comment

Wed, October 01, 2014

I know her but am not going to say anything about this to her because it seems pretty miniscule in comparison to some of the things she is dealing with and I doubt she'd care what some bored internet troll has to say but on that note I would just like to point out that her Internet Service Provider is Telus and not Shaw. You have to have Shaw services to have an @Shaw email account and I am 105% certain the services in her home are Telus so the next time you doctor up a fake email in Adobe Photoshop at least make sure you get the person's email address correct or you'll come out looking like a fool


Beverly Hills,
This is not what this website is for

#22Consumer Suggestion

Wed, October 01, 2014

Whatever beef you have with these people, that's not what this website is for. This post is obviously fake and was created out of sheer hostility, and as someone who knows one of the moderaters of this website I am going to contact them and see to it they you are IP banned if that is possible, Ms. Lidicky. Ripoff Report is not to be used to post fake material nor is it for you to hash out your personal drama with someone. Anyone can write anything about anyone or anything on the internet these days and that does not make it true.

If you truly are a psychic like you claim to be, Adrienne Lidicky (or whatever your real name actually is) I think you just kissed your career goodbye with this post, and apparently you're doing much of the same to other people. No one is going to trust you now.


British Columbia,
adrienne, others have proof you faked this because you loled to people about it

#23Consumer Comment

Wed, October 01, 2014

adrienne (since thats the name your going by on here even though we all know that isn't even your real name), no offense but you took your vendetta against brianne way too far. and over what? $6 and the fact she cut ties with you. you're looking like the crazy one, especially to make up something so assinine. next time you should be careful who you email about making such fake "ripoff" reports because people have proof you faked it and it's only a matter of time untiil she finds out about this i'm sure.

you wrote very specifically in an email to someone:

"hahahahahahahah i just wrote the biggest most fakest ripoff report on brianne patterson don't know how long it will take to get approved i'm gonna make sure her life is f*****"


don't know how to post pics on here so i had to upload it somewhere else:




British Columbia,
i have proof too

#24Consumer Comment

Wed, October 01, 2014

adrienne, you should probably be careful who you email about writing fake ripoff reports because other ppl have proof you made this up

Adrienne Lidicky

psycho much?

#25Author of original report

Tue, September 30, 2014

ok more crazy proof

Report Attachments

not the issue

British Columbia,
more proof

#26Author of original report

Tue, September 30, 2014

let's let actual proof do the talking

Report Attachments

Adrienne Lidicky


#27Author of original report

Mon, September 29, 2014





Julia Robinson

British Columbia,
Adrienne Lidicky, grow up and get a life

#28Consumer Comment

Mon, September 29, 2014

This sounds like the biggest load of made up hog wash I have ever read, and like another commenter said it sounds like you're someone with a vendetta against one of (or both of) these individuals you are posting about. Anyone can type up fake text such as this and post it online. Example: "Marvin Gaye was married to Madonna." Do you see how easy that was? I also find it hard to believe that authorities would investigate anyone over $6. They have better things to do. If anyone is harassing anyone, it seems as though you are harassing people by posting this and I suspect they are unsuspecting of it. If you're looking to create falsified stories such as this, there are other sites where you can do that, but this is not what Ripoff Report is for and it worsens the chances for those of us who've truly been ripped off to be taken seriously. Side note: I can't imagine a real psychic or tarot reader or whatever the hell Adrienne Lidicky is posting something like this. This is obviously someone who knows one of or two of the people being posted about and faked it for s**** and giggles.


British Columbia,

#29General Comment

Tue, September 23, 2014

Trying to ruin someone's life/career with lies because you're a deranged mental defect has got to be one of the most pathetic things ever. This post is an obvious fake (as most posts on this site are) and was obviously written by somebody with a vendetta. Also hunting down their photographs makes you look really creepy.


British Columbia,

#30UPDATE EX-employee responds

Tue, September 23, 2014

this was written by richel bergen who is going around writing weird creepy false posts about each of her ex-friends physicians with this being one of them.......don't think any of her ex-friends have any idea she is doing this though

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