  • Report:  #89059

Complaint Review: Brighthouse AKA Time Warner - Orlando Florida

Reported By:
- Orlando, Florida,

Brighthouse AKA Time Warner
3767 All American Blvd Orlando, 32810-4790 Florida, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
I know that the first obligation of a company is make money for the investors or stock holders, but there comes a time when greed will become the downfall of such companies.

When Time-Warner became brighthouse in name, the first thing that happened was we lost three channels. Upon calling the company and asking why the channels disappeared, I was told that they were going to digital transmission. And, if I wanted those channels back, I would have to get the digital services (you know, a new box and new remote). The bad thing was that the price will go up.

Thus, I got less service for the same price I had paid in the past. I asked for an adjustment to my bill, as I was getting less service. No way !! Not company policy, we can't do that, I'm not authorized, ETC. (the standard rip-you-off tactics).

Now, we get a further increase in our monthly bill. I goes up from $89.52 to $121.89. And get this, two days ago (in the mail) I get a letter from them stating that I will now loose HBO and ShowTime as they are going digital.

They also placed two telephone solicitations just today, for me to save money by going to digital. Oh, by the way we would get more HBO Channels and More Showtime Channels when we switch to digital. That justifies them with another price increase. I mean somebody has to pay for all that new equipment.

Where is this going ?? Well, imagine that couple of 100 thousand households see the same issues.

By saying a couple of 100 thousand customers, I speak very, very conservatively. $32.37 x 200,000 per month is only an additional $77.6 million increase per year. I'm sure they supply a lot more families than 200k. Sounds like the gasoline companies.

All I want is to have reasonable service, without the strong arm tactics of trying to switch me to digital by making believe that I get more service for less money.

I think this one belongs in a class action suit, as almost everyone is being hit with this scam.


Orlando, Florida

6 Updates & Rebuttals


San Antonio,
What The F..K Is Wrong With Us?

#2Consumer Suggestion

Thu, March 31, 2005

We have to have cable tv or sat. tv at $80 to $122 per month. We have to have a cell phone $50 to $100 per month. Pay extra to get on the internet, $13 to $100 per month. I see the the low income people driving those POS's, yaking away on their cell phone to the tune of one hundred dollars or more per month. I get like 200 channels on sat. tv and there's still nothing to watch. I get disgusted, turn it off and get on the computer. I read the posts here, about the people who run up huge cell phone bills because they can't wait to get home and talk to whoever it is they want, not need to talk to. What have we become as a nation? Turn off all this crap and have $500 extra dollars per month, in our pockets. These companies have ingrained it into us that we have to have these toys.


And that is your choice

#3Consumer Comment

Wed, March 30, 2005

Like I said that is your choice that you was given. When DirectTV gets going with verizon then maybe prices will go down. But also you do have to look at the cost that it takes to keep up with the competitors. if they lowered prices then that would mean layoffs and really crappy service. And I mean crappy, been there done that in GA. So they have to have the prices they have to keep up. But there is always DirectTV...right? I remember that they just spent over 100 mil for upgrades to the servers and have over 300 mil in new equipment in the headend. so all that has to be paid by someone. I hope prices do go down and it will when Verizon starts the tv biz.


keep jacking up the price of subscription TV, because you'll eventually drive your customers over to the rental business

#4Consumer Suggestion

Tue, March 29, 2005

Speak for yourself. I don't want it $1500 worth. Not unless I hit the lottery or money starts growing on trees. You see, like most people, I have more needs than I have money. So, I can't just go out and say yes to everything I see. I have to first get the priorities handled. With the cost of food and gas rising every day, that's getting harder and harder to do. Then, if there is anything left over, I can decide what will be best to spend it on. Let's face it, the allure of cable is having the premium channels. Movies that were in the theaters not that long ago. But, remember that those same movies are available for rental when they appear on cable. So, you can't just keep jacking up the price of subscription TV, because you'll eventually drive your customers over to the rental business. Content is the same. It's just a question of which offers the greater value. At $1500 for a year, I'm not a buyer. I want something left over at the end of the year. I'd take the money and buy a LCD TV and a bunch of movies. That way, the TV would still be there. And, so would the movies. At the end of the year with cable, the money is all gone. The best I could do is record some of the content I subscribed too. That's not as good. In most cases, consumers have choices. As the price of something rises, it changes the value that customers receive. Change it enough, and you'll drive the customers over to another option.


Not just cable.

#5Consumer Comment

Tue, March 29, 2005

$122 a month is not just cable. It would also have to be highspeed internet also or you have lots of boxes. I also looked in to having a combo. With Verizon phone and DSL with digi cable@ $70 a friend of mine is paying $220 a month. Now if he went with a combo from Bright house then it is $149 for all 3. Nice savings when you go by a year. I am waiting for my phone to be installed soon so I can save some and get rid of Verizon. $90 an hour to run a stupid phone jack outside to the inside? Thats just crazy. Yes cable can be pricey but there are good sides to that also and with human nature we all tend to look harder at the bad than the good. Also thats the great thing about the USA.....Freedom Of Choice. Like you said it is a luxury and not something we need...just something we want.


Is it worth $1500 a year to have more channels? That's what you need to decide.

#6Consumer Suggestion

Sat, March 26, 2005

I had no idea it cost $122 a month for cable television. That's a lot just for a few movies. Most people work at least 8 hours, so when can you even watch television? A few prime hours in the evening. That's a high price to pay just for that. They can try to justify the price by claiming to be digital. But, I don't care if they bounce the signal off a spaceship from another planet. It still all comes down to $1500 a year. Or more. I think I'd rather keep the $1500 or spend it on something that is still going to be there when the year ends. Supply and demand rules the price of things. As long as people will pay the money, the price stays high. When people stop buying, the price drops or the company goes out of business. Cable's a luxury. Keep that in mind when you decide to hand over that $1500.


If you don't like it then get left in the stone age!

#7Consumer Comment

Sat, March 26, 2005

The reason they are converting the analog stations is to put in more and more channels. If you know anything about the frequency spectrum you would know that. Not only do you get more channels but also a better video. 3-5 years down the road everyone will be digital all over the USA. For analog stations you can put about 2 channels on and with digital you can put 8. The compression is better that allows cable companies to do that. I am sorry you don't like that but did you raise hell when the price of a bottle of coke went up from 5 cents to $1.09? Better tecnology means a little more. Besides you always have your rabbit ears. Go back to those and see how much you get plus the quality of the ones you do get and you will somewhat understand. It dosen't matter if it is Brighthouse or any other cable or Sat company you still pay for the technology that people are looking forward to. I wish my cable bill was only $121 but I have everything and it is more that that and I love it. I know I pay for service. Take DirectTV: You end up paying for the equipment, the customer service is bad and when something goes wrong it is $50 just for them to come out. I have been that road and did not like it. Where Bright house will come out for free and take a look at the problem and 90% of the time they repair it for free unless you have to buy a house amp or want another outlet. DirectTV charges $75 for an outlet and Bright house charges $25.95 unless you need a wallfish then it is $23.95 more but still less that DirectTV. So it is your choice: More channels, better video, better sound, more technology. OR Less channels, standard video and sound, less technology and being in the caveman days when friends come over to watch football.

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