  • Report:  #428204

Complaint Review: Bromalite - Internet

Reported By:
- euphoria, Georgia,

www.bromalite.com Internet, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
I have several complaints...I ordered and they billed me 2 days later and

then mailed out 4 days later. I received no invoice so I had no name,

address or contact info for return. When I finally found info and called to

cancel (one day before 14 day return and 3 days before 14 day receivership)

I was told that I had already been charged even though it was before my

free trial. The girl was very curt, hesitant and argumentative. They obviously have a different view on how things are to operate. They should actually LISTEN to what their customers are saying. Had I been smart, I would have looked up the ripoff report FIRST. Lesson learned.


euphoria, Georgia


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