  • Report:  #230452

Complaint Review: Candace Williams - Kerrville Texas

Reported By:
- Wheaton, Illinois,

Candace Williams
144 Oak Ridge Dr Kerrville, 78028 Texas, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
This girl is something else. She lives a sheltered life. Her demeanor is that of a shy, sheltered, closet aggressive, emotionally unstable FLAKE just like her overweight mom Carol. Unfortunately, she got most of this from her mom. Carol is nothing but a neo-maxi zoom dweebie philandering Kunt.

Candace lives in a small town called Kerrville Texas. She lives at the address posted in the top of the report. She still lives with her parents at age 26-DOB (11-24-1980). She drives a black chevy cavalier which was financed at National car sales for a term of 42 months with a payment of 340 dollars. It sounds like she got ripped off on that loan! She also has as many as 11 deliquent accounts on her credit report(s).

She likes to lure guys in to her web. Get them to take a liking to her. Then she takes them for all they have. She has even cheated on my relative Stacy with other men while they were married! She is an adulterous infidel. She must take after her mom. I only hope for her father's sake, he quickly amass a hasty divorce from the ring leader in all this.

Accidents and unwanted things happen when drunken sex takes place on night. Just ask Carol's parents. I do know the woman Stacy wants is Tammy. She is better for him than this Candace Williams.

To get a good mental picture of Candace, picture Matilda. The movie that came out in the late 90's. The girl with the short, less than shoulder length brown hair, who played Matilda. That is a good mental picture of Candace.

It's too bad though. This year, something will go down. Don't know when, or how, or where. Someone knows who she is. This person is following her as we speak. They have never met Candace. Once they both "meet," she will be at the receiving end of all this mess.

As proof that this person was PAID a nice sum of money to follow Candace, she had been active a few years ago. In Spring of 2005, Candace went to Cecil Atkisson motors on March 29 and put in an application. One of the sales people reported this to our "informant." Then on April 5, 2005, Candace went to the Winwood apartments and put in an application for residency. She was turned down due to horrible credit. The manager of Winwood apartments at the time informed our informant of the development.

Last summer, Candace went to Belks in Kerrville. One of the managers who is a personal friend of the informant told him about her application of credit at the store, also denied. If the info is correct, it was Sunday July 23 of 2006. I do remember them talking about her presence at that store. She is being watched and it will unfold over time.

Her license on the black cavalier was entered into a database and we were able to pull up her driving history. Very interesting I might add.

P.S. MISS Williams or MISS Spears, your magic number...456919736. I can make you disappear. You will have no name, no identity of any kind. Ya think I'm kidding?


Wheaton, Illinois

17 Updates & Rebuttals

Dr. Mark D. Woodhull

Be Careful, Jason

#2Consumer Suggestion

Sun, August 02, 2009

Just on your postings alone, Jason, I count at least three Federal felonies (with several counts), an equal amount of Texas violations, and a whole slough of misdemeanors. I'm surprised that the Texas Rangers don't have you in handcuffs yet? My advice to you is to, first, get over it...second, quit complaining about someone elses alleged crimes by committing crimes yourself. Kind of ruins your argument when you do so, now doesn't it? Both you and your nemesis both seem to be young folk in your 20's. So, my final advice to you at your current age is this... Grow up. It's time. PS: Jason, you're acting pretty creepy yourself. Don't you have more constructive things to do with your time?


Just an update...the EX is a member of the Ku Klux Klan

#3Author of original report

Sat, April 12, 2008

The girl was signed up as a donor and official member of the Ku-Klux-Klan. Membership materials and a thank you letter for the monetary donation was sent to her parents house. From what I heard her parents have effectively cut off contact with her. They are highly religious and hate bigotry or racism. They are appauled that their daughter is such a lowlife racist! I can only imagine why she would resort to such hateful tactics and beliefs. It disgusts me!


Read your post more closely; numbers look like SSN to me.

#4Consumer Comment

Thu, June 28, 2007

Look at the last few lines of your rant. Ref: P.S. MISS Williams or MISS Spears, your magic number...456919736. I can make you disappear. You will have no name, no identity of any kind. Ya think I'm kidding? The numbers listed look like a SSN to me, but I may be wrong. Sounds like this guy is very disgruntled.


District of Columbia,

#5Consumer Comment

Mon, May 07, 2007

Is the above poster trying to imply that Jason is a "good man"? Oh, yeah, he sounds GREAT. I hope I never have the pleasure of meeting such a "good man". By the way - why does he think anyone would care about this girl's information and how much she pays on her car loan?


divorce law

#6Consumer Comment

Mon, May 07, 2007

It's a shame anybody has to spend so much time over such a usless bi**h! Too bad divorce laws do not say if you cheat you lose everything and go to jail. It is women like her that ruin good men. hope she gets what she deserves just be careful not to set yourself out for any legal problems. Not all of us are like her just most. Peg


Jason, are you really the husband she cheated on?

#7Consumer Comment

Sun, May 06, 2007

And your still following her! Informants my a**! I'm afraid for her. Jason, maybe if you (or Stacy) were more exciting in bed, then she wouldn't have gone elsewhere. P.S. If you were to shoot your spouse ( while catching them in the act) The defense of "the heat of passion" does not mean you'll get off free and clear. It's just a defense. You would still be charged, go to trial and probably be found guilty.



#8Consumer Suggestion

Sun, May 06, 2007

Informant tells me she lives off meadowview lane. Visual confirmation was made a few weekends ago.



#9Author of original report

Sun, April 22, 2007

My informant has let me know that she has moved to the apartments at 600 Meadow View lane in Kerrville. Thanks to the certain employee of that particular complex for this information. It is also my understanding that she has an unpaid medical bill in the sum of 250 dollars which occured around November or December of 2006.


Thanks Chris

#10Author of original report

Sun, February 11, 2007

As originally stated, she will meet someone down the road. She has never met this person before. They will help to teach her the essence of life. An eye for an eye. This isn't the first time she cheated on him with the same guy. Stacy has seen this guy at the house when he came home from work. The guy "was repairing" various appliances that seemed to work fine to Stacy. I can understand her doing this if Stacy cheated on her first. He was always loyal, loving, and respectful. Expecting him to not do anything and let her go on with her life unscathed is like Iran firing scud missles at US interests overseas, while we say "oh it's ok...that's a part of life." Not gonna happen. If you ever watch those talk shows like Maury, you'll see those poor sappy guys who's wife or g/f cheated on them. They find out they aren't the father of the kid. Yet most of the guys still say they will stick with the cheater AND take care of a kid that's not theirs. Guys like that make me sick. Once in awhile, a guy will tell the wife or g/f to go to hell. Then she cries about how she will take care of the kid without him. I wish all endings were like that. She should be lucky. Not a hair has been hurt on her body, nor will she be hurt in the future. She got exactly what she deserved.


Santa Maria,
Keep Us Posted

#11Consumer Comment

Sun, February 11, 2007

Whoever you are, I think this woman is getting exactly what she deserves. And how does anyone know that something "scary" will happen to her? Maybe he just means that she'll be set up to fall for a guy who will do the same to her?


To Karen

#12Consumer Suggestion

Sun, February 11, 2007

I appreciate your candid response. You do realize the circumstances though, right? She was in bed with another man when he came home. She thought he was out of town. She even admitted her wrong doing to everyone. She left after he told her to get the (bleep) out. She was too cowardly to get her things. She had her daddy get her things. Under state law, he could've shot them under the heat of passion. I'd say she got off lightly considering the circumstances. As far as her stuff, that's her own fault. She should have taken them when she got kicked out. Not left then had her daddy come get her things. He told her to get her things packed and get out. She didn't do so. Her things tragically ended up stolen or in the river. Her fault, not his. She committed the adultery here, not him. It's a shame though. Her car ended up with no oil in the oil pan. Someone who was at the scene (inside a parked vehicle) when she started her car only to have a violent clanging noise and smoke pouring from the hood overheard her dad refusing to help her with the repairs. He blamed her on not maintaining the vehicle! She said she got an oil change and fluids flushed. Sounds like she is SOL in that department. A call was made to the mechanics place where her Cavalier was towed. The mechanic spoke to her dad (the informant acted like her dad) and stated that someone drained the oil out of her oil pan overnight. The nitwit forgot to screw the plug back into the oil pan. Her car is liability insured, so she is out a ride. Those revenge websites which post user submitted stories would love this story of a cheating wife who got screwed in the end.


Karen from Mesa

#13Author of original report

Sat, February 10, 2007

Very interesting Karen. I do agree with it. If he did steal anything from her...then he should be tarred and feathered. It is preposterous that he would stoop down to such a level. I mean, he only did walk in and see her with another man IN BED, of course. She did admit to this wrong doing. So it wasn't a "he/she said" type scenario. Under Texas State law, he could've blown them both to smithereens with his revolver, and get off scott free. Heat of passion is something else when used as a defense. Instead, he spared both them. He simply reimbursed himself for all the trouble they went through. He never did anything wrong to her. He always treated her with the utmost respect and she turned around and did this. She thought she had him fooled. She thought he wasn't going to be home for hours, and boom, there he is. She wasn't even man enough to come back for her things. She had to get her parents to come get them. You tell me Karen, what kind of coward is she to have her daddy come and save her butt. I mean, she only is 26 years old. For your info, no stalking took place. Informants in the right places happen to let Stacy know of her activities. No one was actually following her, so the offense of stalking was not commited. I do wonder what she did one morning last month when her oil pan had been drained of all the oil and she started her car up. Only to have it blow several rods and start smoking from lack of oil. From what I hear, her dad gave her quite a reaming because she can't maintain her vehicle and he can't afford to pay the repairs. She swore up and down that she had an oil change before Christmas. Maybe Santa Claus was needing some oil for his sled. *long pause of silence* Heh heh heh... *tries to stifle laughter*



#14Consumer Comment

Fri, February 09, 2007

Jason Your postings are pretty scarry. Sounds like she is being stalked. I'm thinking if something happens to her, physically or otherwise, these postings would be good information as to where the harm came from. I was pretty surprised by all the infomation you gave regarding Stacy trying to sell stuff and "winning money". That could turn out to be helpful to anyone wanting to make a case for the theft of her things.


helpful information

#15Author of original report

Fri, February 09, 2007

A resident at La Casa Apartments has informed our informant that she applied for residency there last month. Thanks goes to the manager of the La Casa apartments for this helpful information.


In response to the above reports

#16Author of original report

Wed, January 17, 2007

First off, I'd like to say our 'informant' is well within the boundaries of the law. Thanks to this informant's personal friends or family who work at: National Car Sales, Winwood Apartments, Belks, and Cecil Atkisson Motors, we were able to get a good grasp of her activities. The financing information was divulged with confidence to our informant. I can assure you she won't be harmed physically. That is not Stacy's (her ex-husband) intentions. I do fail to see where her SSN was posted in this report. If I accidentally posted it, then I am sorry. It would be unfortunate if anyone came across that info and used it with malicious intent. She should consider herself very lucky. When he came home to find her in bed with another man (he wasn't expected home for a few days, instead he "surprised" them), he could have easily exercised the option of blowing them both away. Under Texas state law, if you find your spouse in bed cheating, you can shoot them and the perpetrator dead. This is called heat of passion. It is a viable defense and people have gotten off on murder raps using this defense. Instead, he kicked her out immediately, took her things and threw them out into the creek below their house while she drove to her parent's house crying. Her camcorder, vcr, cell phone, video game console, dvd player, laptop computer, 31 inch lcd tv, purse (had more than $900 cash in it) were all in this creek by the time her dad and mom came by to get her stuff (she was too cowardly to get the stuff herself). It's weird though, according to her parents, only one thing was found in the creek, the cell phone. I happen to think he actually hid the stuff and eventually sold it. He did offer a laptop to me for 100 bucks, but I refused it because I don't mess with stolen property! Shame on him! ....(long pause) They ended up suing Stacy for the value of her possessions. He had to retain the services of a civil defense lawyer. His out of pocket expenses were 350 dollars before they agreed to drop the suit in exchange for him signing his part of the divorce. She was apparently too distraught to do anything about her stuff, and just wanted to move on. So again, it's a crying shame if I "accidentally" slipped in posting her SSN. But I actually don't see any references to a SSN in the above report. So I fail to see where I erroneously entered it. Identity theft would be a real shame for her to deal with. You know what they say, cheating gets you no where's but in a world of hurt. FYI: She did admit to cheating on him, so it's not some fabricated accusation. Oh and Stacy did say he won 900 bucks on a lottery ticket. Luck perhaps? I dunno, but he's a good relative regardless of what he stole...er um left in the creek.



#17Consumer Comment

Mon, January 15, 2007

Umm, Jason, That sounds a little scary. Hopefully your "informant" is within the law. Otherwise, if anything happens to Candace, Johnny law will only look for you.


I can't believe this report wasn't edited or deleted

#18Consumer Suggestion

Sun, January 14, 2007

I can't believe that the EDitor would allow someone to post a persons name, address, date of birth and social security number on a ripoff report. Will the next report be from Ms Williams reporting how Ripoff Report allowed her info to be released that allowed for identity theft.

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