  • Report:  #407088

Complaint Review: Car Credit America / Greenwich Finace - Waukegan Illinois

Reported By:
- Kenosha, Wisconsin,

Car Credit America / Greenwich Finace
Grand Ave Waukegan, Illinois, U.S.A.
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First of all i would like to say i hate it had to come to this. But, this place really needs to be exposed, when i say they im talking about the famous but horrible Car Credit America aka Greenwich Finance. Many know who im talking about. Let me tell you how they got over on me.

First they suckered me with the no credit check and the low down payment. I went up to this place they call a dealership to buy a car and boy did i pay. I was paying $12000 for a car that was only worth $2500 if that. I went to this place on two accacions, the first time i went up there a lady named celeste tried to sell me a 98 bonnieville with a engine light in it i test drove the car it drove ok intel i got back to the car credit then it started to make loud noise, i ended up not getting that car first red flag right.

I told the sellsman about the car and she told me to come back the next day and the problem would be fixed. The car sellsman tried to get me to buy the car after i told her about the engine light and the noise thats shady right well theres more. So i dont get the bonnieville. Months go buy i go back to Car Credit again to buy a car. This time the lady that tried to sell me the 98 Bonnieville was not working there so i meet a new car sellsman by the name of Reggie. This guy is a slick talker good at his job(the slick talking that is).

Anyway i go to purchase a car and he points me in the direction of a 2000 white ford taurus. I go look at the car it looks nice and i want it so we go discuss how much am going to put down etc. He asks for $800 all i have is $600 i tell him and he says give him that and he would hold the car for a week for me that was when i got paid i said ok.

A week later i go to buy the car and the car i wanted is gone, i ask Reggie where is the car you had on hold for me and he explains he sold it, i explain i thought you were holding it for me, he explains he forgot remind you i have a reciect and everything. Im mad so im ready to get my money and go But Reggie explains he has another car for me. He did it a red 2000 ford taurus with 125,000, same car different color i say fine let me test drive it.

I test drive it and whats the first thing i see a engine light,(red flag #2) plus the passenger window dont roll down right, so you know how im feeling now. When i make it back to car credit i tell him about the car and he explains he will have everything fixed for me after i buy the car so i take the car WRONG MOVE! I mean i though i couldn't go wrong with a warranty that i paid over $1000 for but i did go wrong.

When i got the car home i took it back a week later to get the engine light and window fixed. That took 4 days,(remind you i work a 5 days a week job in another city of the state which i live in meaning i need my car) when i got the car back the next day the engine light came right back on and i noticed that the window was not repaired, so i called car credit complaining and they gave me the run arounds on the phone before finally telling me to bring the car back up to the shop(Car Credit) at my own expensise.

These are not the friendly people you want to be on the phone with. Fine, almost a week later they tell me that the car is ready. I go to pick up the car; remindinig you that i stay in Kenosha, Wi and i have to pay people to take me up to Car Credit in Waukegan ILL. I get the car back there's no engine light but the window is still not fixed, i dont trip im just happy the light is gone now i can go through emissions.

My car notes were $300 a month $150 bi weekly, that can be alot especially when you fall behind on other stuff. I was working, paying my car notes paying insurance, gas was $3-$4 a gallon, and paying other bills. Months pass then my water pump starts to leak, i call Car Credit for appointment to take the car for repairs. By this time my window no longer rolls up so now my car leaks anti-freeze and my window won't roll down.

Its winter time so my car is freezing my heat is not working right and window is taped up and im still paying $300 a month. When i go to pick the car up im told my warranty did not covered what was fixed so im stuck paying $180 for the window and another $180 for the water pump plus a car note is coming the following week. Easy to fall behind on a car note with all this going on.

I paid for the repairs because i still needed transportation to work, but knew i was goin to be alittle late on the note. When i couldnt pay my notes on time i would recieve threaten phones call saying they would repo my car, saying they would get me locked up for stealing the car, if i didnt pay. I didnt understand i was paying all my notes on time prier but they didnt care.

Everytime i was late i would pay them a lump sum to bail myself out letting them know i was trying to pay. It didnt matter they were still calling and harrassing everybody on my contact list, they even called my moms house one day yelling and cursing, calling her names such as lady your dumb.

When they finally did come and repo the car, after i gave them $400 two weeks before that cause i was behind, they came and repoed it behind my back with out warning or notification, they came on private property(which in the contract states they weren't suspose to do) and took the car with all of my belongings in it, social security card, birth cert, cds, money, jewelry, Fitted hats, tools, and other valuables about $500-$1000 worth of property.

I called them the same day they repoed the car to get my things they said they did not know where the car was and that they didnt have to give me my stuff back. Then i went out to Car Credit to get my things and they told me they couldnt find my stuff, i think that is wrong you guys have your car can i at least get my things back. Im seeking legal advice, lawyers, attorney, somone to help me put these people out of business, and give everyone who got a car with CarCredit/Greenwich/J.B. ByRider etc. a full refund.

If there is anybody that can help me email me at (((redacted))). My advice to the world is stay away from Car Credit America in Waukegan, ILL. These people have no respect, concerns, or feeling for people out to buy a car. Oh yeah if i mentioned your name its because you need to be exposed to the people who dont know you. KENO OUT!!!!!!


Kenosha, Wisconsin


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