  • Report:  #68766

Complaint Review: Card services International - Internet

Reported By:
- Pekin, Illinois,

Card services International
www.card-payment.com Internet, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
My husband decided to enter into contract with Cardservice international to accept credit cards for his computer business. Before the contract was up, his business was failing so we decided to pay off the contract in order to pay them less money.

I called the company and asked for a payoff and they quoted me at some $925 dollars. So I gave them my husbands aspire visa card and they charged it to that. Thinking I had nothing to worry about, I paid off the aspire visa. Heard nothing from them after that.

A couple years go by and we decide to refinance our house. There was $65 unpaid to Cardservice on our credit report. So I called the company asking what this was and they said that it was money owed to them even after I had payed the contract off. They said they sent two letters of notification of this $65 and I received none of them.

Then I asked them if there was record of a $925 payoff or something close to that amount. They have no record of that kind of payoff and told me that the payoff was only like $215. Then I demanded to know what happened to the large sum of money I had given them and they sent me to some kind of answering machine that said if I left my name and account number they would get back to me in 24 hours. They never did.


Pekin, Illinois

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