  • Report:  #721707

Complaint Review: Cat Depot - sarasota Florida

Reported By:
eye spy - sarasota, Florida, United States of America

Cat Depot
sarasota, Florida, United States of America
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
For everyone out there who has been a supporter of Cat Depot it is time that you know the truth.  Yes when the move to the new shelter was made, the decision to move some of the cats (3 in particular) to an outdoor sanctuary was made.  However what you don't know is that the sanctuary was a property that had been in foreclosure for 2 years  prior to the cats being released there and that eventually this foreclosure would be processed by the courts and the animals and caretakers would be made to vacate the property.  What you also don't know is that one of these animals that was sent there was medically needy and on medication that for 1 reason or another he did not get and subsequently died. Ms Shelley "Heartless" Thayer has sent cats out to live in a supposed sanctuary that is nothing more than a business for port a potties.  They are not a sanctuary.  They thrown long time Cat Depot residents that are emotionally handicapped outside to survive, snakes,raccoons, hawks, their rottweilers (which incidentally are NOT cat friendly) fleas, ticks, other parasites, coyotes and other preditors without so much as a thought as to how they were supposed to survive outside when all they know it the loving indoor care they have received all their lives.  Tell me Ms Thayer, if these are hard to handle cats inside, just how are these 2 women supposed to catch these cats outside if they are injured and need medical attention or to treat monthly with Advantage?  What not your problem once they leave their home, out of sight out of mind right?  Cat Depot is supposed to be the biggest No Kill cat shelter in Florida, what do you think you have done to these emotionally handicapped cats, it would have been better if you had had them humanely euthanized than to set them free to be dinner to a preditor.  There is so much more that I could write but I don't have enough space to put it all down.
As for your 900 volunteers you are blowing smoke out of your left ear.  You have chased away long standing voluteers, people who have faithfully supported the Cat Depot in numerous ways for years.  I even witnessed you being so rude to one of the voluteers that you made her leave in tears!!! (That is definitely a sign of your wonderful people skills). What are the owners thinking, do you not realize that it is better to admit you have made a mistake with this one person and look for a replacement than to let her keep chasing staff, voluteers and financial contributors away.  You used to have such a wonderful staff at the much smaller, less grand but far more friendly, welcoming and dedicated building.  I do not see but 2 of those people and they do not look to happy. 
Shelley Thayer you are nothing more that a self promoting, egotistic, greedy woman.  If I were the owners I would be ashamed to say that someone as selfish and heartless was running my animal rescue which is supposed to put the needs of the helpless  before the needs of themselves.  You are a nightmare to the animal rescue community and perhaps the important rescues ASPCA, Humane Society of America and PETA need to be given information about the new and improved Cat Depot under the direction of Shelley Thayer so they too can see what a once wonderful rescue has become under the guiding hand of a heartless narcassis.

3 Updates & Rebuttals


My Cats Are Proof These Ripoff Reports Are Lies

#2Consumer Comment

Mon, October 30, 2017

For thos who criticize Cat Depot, You are very blessed to have never needed Cat Depot as I have.

June 1, 2013, my husband and I were on our way to the Animal Shelter where they would shortly be killing my 13 year old cats, Lucy and Violet, as we were newly homeless and our girls were suffering from the terrible heat of living in a car in Florida.  We knew Cat Depot was full but I went there to ask if the Kill Facility could come pick up my girls as we were out of gas and would not be able to make it to the other side of town with them.

Then-Director Constance had the horrible job of telling me that they could not help us with our girls as they were overwhelmed already with cats, but she offered to give us food and water for my girls.  We went around back to wait for her, not knowing about the open patios for the cats nor noticing them in our agony.  We thought we were alone, so we were screaming and crying, as I could not believe satan had won and was forcing me to drive my beloved 13 years cats to their death.  When we met Constance and an associate at the back, Constance informed us they would take Lucy and Violet.

We had already turned over 3 cats to a cat rescue representative who was very uncaring and cold to us.  We had released two into the woods where they were born and raised and as they were twins, needed to not be parted.

Constance took my girls and gave us ten dollars. As time passed, I found we were welcome to visit Lucy and Violet.  I had thought we would be banished from the facility due to our failure to care for our cats. We sold our car due to inability to register it.  We then had EVERY SINGLE THING WE OWNED in a cart, many bags, and backpacks.

We would visit Lucy and Violet in the stunning facility whenever we could.  I would try to hide myself in a corner or turn my back to the other patrons as all I could do was hold my girls and cry, cry, cry.

Constance found a way for us to store our items in the back of the facility so we would not be unsettling other patrons, and allowed us to visit our girls on the private back patio.

My precious Violet was adopted after 9 months and we were blessed enough by God to by random chance, be there when her new parents were choosing the adult cat they wanted. We didn't interfere in any way, we just watched as my darling Violet demonstrated her lack of grace and ability to stay on a table without falling off lololol.

We left to go to the dollar store so that the adoption could proceed without Deb, the counselor, having to be concerned we might be disruptive.  I thought that it would be a little bit and then we could see Violet off.  We returned and she was already gone. I later saw a flyer with a professional portrait of a cat on it, CARING FOR YOUR AGING CAT.  I KNEW it was Violet.

Lucy was, in her eyes, a prisoner of war, from June 1, 2013 until the BLESSED DAY CODY ALLOWED US TO RE-ADOPT HER as we now had a home and income and Lucy had prevented others from bonding with her or adopting her.  We brought Lucy home on February 7, 2015.

Lucy had many health issues, she had come to me along with with Violet on April 15, 2000, from the kill shelter in Birmingham, Alabama.  When I took her to the vet four days after bringing her home on a Saturday, she weighed a whole 1 pound 9 ounces.  But she is General Lucy Patton! My little general suffered through a number of health issues in the time we brought her home again until she had a small stroke and I took her to Cat Depot to send her home to her true Father.

Shelly Thayer, over a number of months, confirmed for me it WAS VIOLET on the Caring For Your Senior Cat advertisement.  It was Shelly who provided us a free cat carrier when we were finally able to move out of the woods with the two cats who were with us throughout much of our homeless time, and we needed the 2nd carrier in order to take the cats on the bus.

Shelly Thayer is guiding me through the process of allowing my life insurance to pay for the LIFETIME care of my cats should I die with cats needing homes.



Speak No Evil

United States of America
Do not believe disgruntled job applicants

#3General Comment

Mon, August 22, 2011

I have been a volunteer at The Cat Depot off and on, whenever time allows, for 3 years. I have worked alongside Vet Techs and renowned Sarasota Veterinarians at The Cat Depot. I've sat on committees, volunteered at events...I've cleaned cages, changed bedding, socialized with the cats and I've seen and experienced the love, care, commitment and organization that everybody who works there, regardless of their capacity, displays.  I have been there at 7:00 a.m., when sleepy-eyed volunteers appear to begin the feeding process, and I've been there at 7:00 p.m., when the last volunteer and employee says goodnight and goes home. 

Never, ever, have I seen anything short of sheer compassion for each and every single cat and kitten there. Every single feline's situation is taken seriously and is taken to heart. I've worked in the infirmary and I've seen the care and consideration that goes into seeing that the cat's care and well-being is the first and only priority.
As I have worked so closely and in many different capacities at The Cat Depot, and have seen nothing but magic and miracles, it is my belief that the people who have written such evil things are disgruntled job applicants, angry at not getting the position they wanted, or jealous competitors.

Why would 13 of the area's best veterinarians donate a combined total of 2,600 hours a year to the Cat Depot, if it wasn't a reputable, high quality facility? Readers, do not believe everything you read. Go and visit for yourself and make up your own mind.  Your kitty awaits you.


St. Petersburg,
United States of America
I Disagree!

#4Consumer Comment

Thu, June 30, 2011

I totally disagree with your assessment of Cat Depot and it's management!  First, this is a fabulous facility which shelters and finds homes for literally thousands of unwanted kittens and cats.  As an animal lover I have seen the good, the bad, and the downright horrible shelters in the southeast U.S. The Cat Depot is one of the very best and a facility that Sarasota should be proud to call thiers. 

I have met Shelley Thayer on several occasions and she has always been pleasant and accomodating, very knowledgable, and passionate about the cats, the facility, and the volunteers.   In this economy with charitable dollars being so hard to come by Cat Depot and it's supporters should be thankful for someone like Shelley who is a strong marketer and business woman who strives to improve this business and can keep this shelter not only open but thriving and moving forward. 

Your comments sound like the sour grapes of a few disgruntled ex-employees or volunteers who want everything to stay just the same as it was in the past.  You want to moan and groan and criticize instead of saying "Great, let's try some new avenues!  We may be able to help even more animals!"  Your comments about three cats being moved was so trite.  If you were so concerned why didn't you adopt them yourself or make it your personal mission to find homes for those animals? 

I encourage everyone who loves cats to donate your time and money to support the Cat Depot!

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