  • Report:  #305005


Reported By:
- SADDLE RIVER, New Jersey,

[email protected] SADDLE RIVER, 07458 New Jersey, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
I applaud your comments about R&G Marketing and the CCDN aka Robert K Lock Jr Company Not a day goes bye that i don't regret involvement with these Scammers. They spin a great tale with little or no substance to it.

I see the Casualties all the time. Whether in speaking to the victims getting emails from them.

I see the horrible results from the "crappy" Templates they supply people. This is the true motivation i have ifor writng these articles.

This calous group of clowns do not take responsiblty from their ineffective services they peddle.

The know nothing marketing companys are receiving a significant portion of the fee collected . This represents monies not be utilized to help the client.

Since these marketing companys are no more than hired parrots they provide no value to the work required.

CCDN also delivers a lame approach to the debt issues resulting in JUDGMENTS , JUDGMENTS , JUDGMENTS

We have a pile of evidence on this!


Credit defense league



12 Updates & Rebuttals


They are not a reputable company, although they make claims to be.

#2Consumer Suggestion

Thu, February 19, 2009

If you are even considering working with these people PLEASE read this first. Paul Cohen may be a disgruntled ex-employee, I really don't know. Perhaps he's disgruntled about the situation that many have found themselves in & not the loss of employment. From my experience with R&G and CCDN, I'd have to say it's the pain & suffering that these people have caused their "clients" and not the job loss. Britta on the other hand is in a situation very much like myself. I am a client of CCDN/ via R&G Marketing. Greg Britt was the salesmen. I'm guessing our situation is very much the same - for several reasons. The first being we both have judgments, several, "while in the process" (I'm certain you've heard the pitch). They've been handling those for over a year now, so I've heard o numerous occasions. We both were found "without" legal council in our state, that's my speculation. JUST an FYI, if you live in Michigan....don't do this, I strongly suggest another avenue, they cannot & will not help you. And to make matters worse they will continue to lead you to believe they are, but they are not. Once they realize you've fully discovered their false misrepresentation, they disappear, hoping that you will too. Good luck with that one guys. If I'm going down, your going with me ;-) Have you heard the pitch...the collectors never have the proper documentation, they'll never have an application with your signature on it? That's a false & misleading statement. Simply, Not true. How about legal representation at a low discount price & you would never be able to afford a federal attorney? Well. I guess that depends on who you ask. If it's Ms. Lock at $2,300, when you receive that first judgment, then perhaps that's true. Attorneys are far more reasonably priced when you find one on your own, difficult, but possible. If you do this program, find one before signing on, you will need one. Must admit, I thought their most recent monthly newsletter was helpful. Keep good records of what this is doing to you physically & emotionally, have your doctor document it. There's some truth in that one, do it-you'll need them, they will be helpful when you discover the nightmare your involved in. As far as the comment above from R&G re: "Customer service and satisfaction is very important with us. Anyone who feels they are unsatisfied are encouraged to contact us" That sounds so professional, however it's meant to sound good just like everything else they tell you. Just like Britta, they do not follow up, they do not resolve the issue, nor do they contact you once they have run out of lies. Oh, last but not least, (I could go on for pages) As far as your credit restoration goes....their letters make it sound intimidating, but I'd be very suprised to see any CCDN lawsuit filed against Experian/Trans Union/Equifax on your behalf. By the way, that whole process disappears after awhile also. I can say absolutely, having been there & done that! this process is full of fraudulent & misleading statements. Have you seen the UTUBE Video? He makes a comment that a small percentage of people get judgments against them. Not true. I believe whole heartedly that anyone who posts and tells you "it works" is not representing themself in court; does not live in Michigan; is on the payroll & or is not the average person in debt. Don't be their next victim. And if your wondering why you don't see many negative comments? Consider this.........it's part of their sales pitch and it works to benefit them. I have been in this process since July of 2006, almost 3 years and in a far worse position then when I started. Most people have lost everything and just can't handle the additional stress and further embarrassment. R&G/CCDN know this, and THEY COUNT ON IT, don't be a victim. Please don't feed them any more money that you don't have, for false promises. Contact a consumer advocate attorney, do a debt program (worked well for my friend) or file for bankruptcy as a last resort (again, worked well for my friend), because chances are good you might have to file anyway if you sign on with these people. Stay away from names like Greg Britt, R & G Marketing, CCDN, Tracey Webster, Phil Manger, Robert Lock, Attorney Debt Help, Linda Johnson.


Mr. Lock never responded to his own offer!!

#3Consumer Comment

Wed, March 19, 2008

Update: Mr. Lock offered to talk on the phone with me and with any other 'concerned ccdn client'. Unfortunately, proof is in the puddin' and there is no puddin'. Mr. Lock never came back and responded, set up a time or intervened or communicated in any fashion. Hot air, no substance. Words are cheap and action is critical.


Britta DOES NOT have Recourse/Mr. Lock has gone 'mum' again......

#4Consumer Comment

Wed, February 20, 2008

R and G stated on 2/10/08 on this report that Britta Does Have Recourse. I am posting here again simply because emailing to Mr. Lock obviously did not work and he did not respond. It has been 10 days. I do not wanting people reading this report to believe that I've been offered any form of recourse. The only 'recourse' I have right now is Bankruptcy as the CCDN and Mr. Lock have not come forward with anything, period. So contrary to what is stated in the R & G's post, that my statement about not having recourse is actually FOUNDED. It is factual. Saying that my statement is unfounded is saying in essence that I have been provided options, offerings, analysis direction and execution by my attorney Mr. Lock and his CCDN, which I have not. And I would add that 'taking responsibility' means action, not just words. So far all I have gotten are 'words'...........no action. Again factual. OK, see below: Britta, Mr. Lock, the owner and founder of the CCDN, has expressed not only here in this forum on a different post, that he would do everything in his power to assist her. Therefore, Ms. Wahlquist's statement that she has no recourse is unfounded. Mr. Lock professionally took responsibility for any communication breakdown that may have accured with Ms. Wahlquist. I am sure, that is Ms. Wahlquist allows, the CCDN will take care of any issues and get things on track for her. Might I say here that saying he would do everything in his (Mr. Locks) power to assist me is categorically untrue. I have documentation showing that I have called, emailed and raised issues with the CCDN and Mr. Lock throughout. My previous testimonies go into all that in much more detail. As you will see below, Richard Russ of R & G agreed to check on my situation despite the fact that they were not the marketing arm which brought me in. Richard spoke with Mr. Phil Manger, the other attorney with the CCDN who stated that he could not get the 'details of the assistance' which the CCDN was 'supposedly' providing as they fall under 'attorney client privilege'. So I then received an email from my attorney, Mr. Robert Lock in which he states my emails were lost in spam filters and he would be happy to talk with myself and any other CCDN client who has concerns that need addressing. Mr. Lock has never gotten back to me though he knows that time is so critical and we needed help 'yesterday'. So it is now the 20th of February. On the 10th Mr. Lock got my email stating I would love to speak with him and have another CCDN client interested. For the record, again he fails and has not responded. This has become a pattern with Mr. Lock. He makes statements of 'help and responsibility' but then no action. As far as I am aware of (as the CCDN no longer keeps me abreast of anything.......not that it ever did proactively) they are doing nothing and have done nothing. And the worst of it is that they state they are. AGAIN, I have offered numerous solutions Mr. Lock. Really it's obvious and quite clear if you'd just look at our files. Judgments and no attorney assigned who is with the CCDN and willing to step in this far into the so called 'process'. I'm baffled that you 'need to know anymore' as you can clearly see the damage and the problems. You can see how long we've 'been in' and have been offered suggestions for addressing this. You were given time to do this. AGAIN, you never DID anything. But you keep saying, you are there, you are willing and happy to talk to us. But it isn't HAPPENING. Sorry but it looks like the emperor has no clothes. For the record: Hello Britta, I have spoke with Mr. Manger about your situation. He is telling me that currently you and Bob have been communicating. He did not go into great detail as for current actions being taken to assist you as they fall under attorney client privilege. I am concerned with your case and will try to follow closely. Please do feel free to contact me via email or telephone if I can assist you in any way possible. My phone is ---- Best Regards, Richard Mr. Lock emailed me on 2/10/98: Dear Mrs. W------: I am afraid that for some reason your emails were going to my spam folder. Thus the delayed response. I am happy to work through the issues that caused you dissatisfaction with the CCDN. However, I am not going to do it in public on a forum that I have found to be objectionable on many levels. Should you wish to correspond or talk about resolving your situation, I am happy to do so. I will not discuss Paul Cohen, who has proven himself to be nothing more than a liar and a thief. I am also more than happy to speak with any other CCDN client who have concerns that need to be addressed. Respectfully, Bob Lock Britta responds on 2/10/08: Mr. Lock, I would love to have a conversation via phone with you. I would love to set up a time we could talk. I would like to bring and invite another CCDN client into the call, a man named Mike. He can identify himself at the time of course. But he is in the program and has others who have contacted him with questions and concerns which we need to have answered. I appreciate your interest in speaking to myself or other CCDN clients who have concerns or interest. I have no interest or concern with speaking about Mr. Paul Cohen when speaking with you. Although the whole of the CCDN is confused as to their stories in regards to Mr. Paul ---, that is irrespective of what my husband and I have experienced. I do not know why my emails would have fallen into a spam folder as the previous did not. But regardless I am glad you responded and am willing to speak with you happily............and would like to include.......as you stated..another interested and harmed CCDN individual. Let me know a good time for you. Thank you. Sincerely, Britta --------

Attorney Debt Help

Paul Faked This Post

#5UPDATE Employee

Mon, February 18, 2008

This post is just more pouting from fired ex-marketer Paul. Paul has posted 99.9% of negative posts. He was fired as a marketer for lying to debtors in order to gain their business, just as he is doing to you right now. He has REFUSED to provide proof of his claims.

Attorney Debt Help

Paul Cohen That Is Ridiculous

#6UPDATE Employee

Thu, February 14, 2008

Again with the above post, anyone of the intelligent people reading this can see, Paul is rambling once again. I say once again, the CCDN is a reputable company. They have been in business for over 4 years with several thousand happy customers. If they were promoting or instituting a scam, they would have been disbarred for sure by now. If anyone here believes Paul Cohen's lies, I welcome them to contact him for his debt assistance. He posted a challenge for us to provide proof of what the CCDN does. He was issued the same, thus far in about a week, he has failed to do so. Why? Not because he has it and is afraid of disclosing trade secrets but the fact is, he has NOTHING to show. Customer service and satisfaction is very important with us. Anyone who feels they are unsatisfied are encouraged to contact us CLICK here to see why Rip-off Report, as a matter of policy, deleted either a phone number, link or e-mail address from this Report.

Credit Defense League

New Jersey,

#7Author of original report

Mon, February 11, 2008

The Rebuttal To Britta's comments by Richard Russ of Ocala, Florida, presently owner of R & G Marketing, operating in Ocala, Fla, is evidence of a rampage . His sorted past being in other business's which have scammed others with the Debt Elimination Ploy is further evidence of this nature. This should be enough to scare you away from him. He partnered up with a certified child molester named Ron Boston an alias for Ron Pierce in a business named Back Bay Group who sold fraudlent tactics to escape debt. He is implicated with John Gliha, Debt Nemesis and more Con Games When this got hot he moved on to his present scam with CCDN. He files some spin b-s on this too! He was caught and he tried to wiggle out of it. As he is doing here. There are other postings on this site to show how he bilked others out of their money. It is obvious to all that this is is only scam left in his book of tricks. Thats why is fighting back so hard. Briita is not the only victim I estimate their are hundreds . The Attorney Generals Office will be happy to investigate this "large Scam" His claim that i made up names to place complaints is a joke. He did this to me on this site in rebuttal to my claim Maybe he has feelings of guil These con men rely on consumers being passive and not fighting back He is wrong and will soon see the masses coming after him and his boys. I really doubt he has much remorse for the lives he has ruined in this large con game. He posted some stupid comments on my blog www.debteliminationscamreport.blogspot.com So instead of dealing with his b-s i placed an invitation only password on it so that others can see the real issues and not his smoke screen He has taken up my challenge to review evidence of their ability to perform his con game. I have something interesting planned for Richard Soon! He presented some lame letter which adds up to nill. Your new website with my name on it is a clowns attempt to strike back You are truly a slanderous fool and thanks for suppling more evidence for the case against you HA! HA! Ask Britta about the Judgments. She is not alone I have spoke to many other victims These poor folks are biding there time and will go to the proper Authorities to put the Richard Russ's and Tracy Websters along with The mastermind Robert Lock jr with Phil Manger in the place they belong. There they get room and board and free meals The day is coming

Credit Defense League

New Jersey,

#8Author of original report

Mon, February 11, 2008

The Rebuttal To Britta's comments by Richard Russ of Ocala, Florida, presently owner of R & G Marketing, operating in Ocala, Fla, is evidence of a rampage . His sorted past being in other business's which have scammed others with the Debt Elimination Ploy is further evidence of this nature. This should be enough to scare you away from him. He partnered up with a certified child molester named Ron Boston an alias for Ron Pierce in a business named Back Bay Group who sold fraudlent tactics to escape debt. He is implicated with John Gliha, Debt Nemesis and more Con Games When this got hot he moved on to his present scam with CCDN. He files some spin b-s on this too! He was caught and he tried to wiggle out of it. As he is doing here. There are other postings on this site to show how he bilked others out of their money. It is obvious to all that this is is only scam left in his book of tricks. Thats why is fighting back so hard. Briita is not the only victim I estimate their are hundreds . The Attorney Generals Office will be happy to investigate this "large Scam" His claim that i made up names to place complaints is a joke. He did this to me on this site in rebuttal to my claim Maybe he has feelings of guil These con men rely on consumers being passive and not fighting back He is wrong and will soon see the masses coming after him and his boys. I really doubt he has much remorse for the lives he has ruined in this large con game. He posted some stupid comments on my blog www.debteliminationscamreport.blogspot.com So instead of dealing with his b-s i placed an invitation only password on it so that others can see the real issues and not his smoke screen He has taken up my challenge to review evidence of their ability to perform his con game. I have something interesting planned for Richard Soon! He presented some lame letter which adds up to nill. Your new website with my name on it is a clowns attempt to strike back You are truly a slanderous fool and thanks for suppling more evidence for the case against you HA! HA! Ask Britta about the Judgments. She is not alone I have spoke to many other victims These poor folks are biding there time and will go to the proper Authorities to put the Richard Russ's and Tracy Websters along with The mastermind Robert Lock jr with Phil Manger in the place they belong. There they get room and board and free meals The day is coming

Credit Defense League

New Jersey,

#9Author of original report

Mon, February 11, 2008

The Rebuttal To Britta's comments by Richard Russ of Ocala, Florida, presently owner of R & G Marketing, operating in Ocala, Fla, is evidence of a rampage . His sorted past being in other business's which have scammed others with the Debt Elimination Ploy is further evidence of this nature. This should be enough to scare you away from him. He partnered up with a certified child molester named Ron Boston an alias for Ron Pierce in a business named Back Bay Group who sold fraudlent tactics to escape debt. He is implicated with John Gliha, Debt Nemesis and more Con Games When this got hot he moved on to his present scam with CCDN. He files some spin b-s on this too! He was caught and he tried to wiggle out of it. As he is doing here. There are other postings on this site to show how he bilked others out of their money. It is obvious to all that this is is only scam left in his book of tricks. Thats why is fighting back so hard. Briita is not the only victim I estimate their are hundreds . The Attorney Generals Office will be happy to investigate this "large Scam" His claim that i made up names to place complaints is a joke. He did this to me on this site in rebuttal to my claim Maybe he has feelings of guil These con men rely on consumers being passive and not fighting back He is wrong and will soon see the masses coming after him and his boys. I really doubt he has much remorse for the lives he has ruined in this large con game. He posted some stupid comments on my blog www.debteliminationscamreport.blogspot.com So instead of dealing with his b-s i placed an invitation only password on it so that others can see the real issues and not his smoke screen He has taken up my challenge to review evidence of their ability to perform his con game. I have something interesting planned for Richard Soon! He presented some lame letter which adds up to nill. Your new website with my name on it is a clowns attempt to strike back You are truly a slanderous fool and thanks for suppling more evidence for the case against you HA! HA! Ask Britta about the Judgments. She is not alone I have spoke to many other victims These poor folks are biding there time and will go to the proper Authorities to put the Richard Russ's and Tracy Websters along with The mastermind Robert Lock jr with Phil Manger in the place they belong. There they get room and board and free meals The day is coming

Credit Defense League

New Jersey,

#10Author of original report

Mon, February 11, 2008

The Rebuttal To Britta's comments by Richard Russ of Ocala, Florida, presently owner of R & G Marketing, operating in Ocala, Fla, is evidence of a rampage . His sorted past being in other business's which have scammed others with the Debt Elimination Ploy is further evidence of this nature. This should be enough to scare you away from him. He partnered up with a certified child molester named Ron Boston an alias for Ron Pierce in a business named Back Bay Group who sold fraudlent tactics to escape debt. He is implicated with John Gliha, Debt Nemesis and more Con Games When this got hot he moved on to his present scam with CCDN. He files some spin b-s on this too! He was caught and he tried to wiggle out of it. As he is doing here. There are other postings on this site to show how he bilked others out of their money. It is obvious to all that this is is only scam left in his book of tricks. Thats why is fighting back so hard. Briita is not the only victim I estimate their are hundreds . The Attorney Generals Office will be happy to investigate this "large Scam" His claim that i made up names to place complaints is a joke. He did this to me on this site in rebuttal to my claim Maybe he has feelings of guil These con men rely on consumers being passive and not fighting back He is wrong and will soon see the masses coming after him and his boys. I really doubt he has much remorse for the lives he has ruined in this large con game. He posted some stupid comments on my blog www.debteliminationscamreport.blogspot.com So instead of dealing with his b-s i placed an invitation only password on it so that others can see the real issues and not his smoke screen He has taken up my challenge to review evidence of their ability to perform his con game. I have something interesting planned for Richard Soon! He presented some lame letter which adds up to nill. Your new website with my name on it is a clowns attempt to strike back You are truly a slanderous fool and thanks for suppling more evidence for the case against you HA! HA! Ask Britta about the Judgments. She is not alone I have spoke to many other victims These poor folks are biding there time and will go to the proper Authorities to put the Richard Russ's and Tracy Websters along with The mastermind Robert Lock jr with Phil Manger in the place they belong. There they get room and board and free meals The day is coming

Attorney Debt Help

Britta Does Have Recourse

#11UPDATE Employee

Sun, February 10, 2008

It is important for all readers to understand that Customer Satisfaction is very important. The CCDN has several thousand customers they have assisted. You will see two and only two reporting anything on this site at the time of this posting the other is Paul Cohen who has posted as himself and attempted fakes posts as other people which he did not know what name to use so they would be found in our customer databas. Paul Cohen is a former marketing agent for the CCDN. He was fired due to his unsavory marketing strategies which included lying to prospects in order to gain sales. Although customer satisfaction is a high priority, the fact remains that no company on the face of this planet has 100% satisfaction. Although I do not like to see any unsatisfied customers, 2 out of several thousand cannot be looked at as a bad track record. Mr. Lock, the owner and founder of the CCDN, has expressed not only here in this forum on a different post, that he would do everything in his power to assist her. Therefore, Ms. Wahlquist's statement that she has no recourse is unfounded. Mr. Lock professionally took responsibility for any communication breakdown that may have accured with Ms. Wahlquist. I am sure, that is Ms. Wahlquist allows, the CCDN will take care of any issues and get things on track for her.


The fact remains that the CCDN is failing many people with no recourse provided to help these clients

#12Consumer Comment

Sat, February 09, 2008

As my husband and I are long term clients of the CCDN we can attest to their 'proof of performance' first hand. We don't market programs nor were we a part of the CCDN 'family of marketers and ex marketers' out there. We simply are people who became CCDN clients upon entering their program. The CCDN failed us in every respect. They failed in the area of client communication, they failed by having support state that any judgment gotten while in the program would be overturned at the end of the process only to recant later and deny they stated this. So many clients did not 'worry' that they were getting judgments and losing in court due to this false assurance. This is after they allowed us and many others to be sued in state court and lose accordingly. This is despite the fact they marketed on all their sites that if you are sued, they will immediately file a federal suit on your behalf. They never did for us nor did they for the numerous others I have spoken to personally. ALL these people ended up with judgments. Now the CCDN has 'repackaged' their websites in an attempt to backpeddle and cover their tracks stating that if your sued in state court you can hire your own attorney etc........So they did not do the program the way they promoted it. Even CCDN Support never denied this process; when cornered about 'where our federal complaints are because we are being sued', support would just say, 'it's not going to be ready'. The support at CCDN would tell us things that were not true. We were told our accounts were with their paralegals and being audited only to find out months later that they had never been started. We knew this to be the fact because we then received a request from the CCDN Support asking for our paperwork. If our accounts were being audited then they had our paperwork. Requesting our paperwork signified they could not have started our process. These types of 'truth altering' were needless and harmful to the clients. I would like to see the Marketing company R and G get away from fighting 'windmills' by pursuing Paul Cohen and negating that anyone was harmed by the CCDN, instead blaming the clients themselves for 'erroneously thinking that anything was guaranteed'. The guaranteed was never the issue; getting the service you paid for is. Who and what Paul Cohen is, is irrelevant to the facts as he bears no connection to the issue of non performance and consequent harm caused by the CCDN Whether Paul Cohen worked for the CCDN and was fired as R and G likes to purport, whether he never worked for the CCDN but wanted too as one of their contracted lawyers stated or he worked for them and left on his own accord because he was requesting a clients funds returned as the client was unhappy with the service and he experienced and the presumed theft of a clients funds by a marketer........this is really diversionary slander by R and G and bears no relevance. It bears noting that the story is so varied among those at the CCDN as no one can seem to It does not matter that he markets his own business. The FACT are that I was not in Paul Cohen's program and was not harmed by Paul Cohen. Paul has no CCDN clients coming after him, perhaps because he was savvy enough to get out. We were harmed by the CCDN. So it's important not to try to continually divert the issue that Paul has raised, that I have raised and that others who have posted have raised. To go after Paul Cohen is irrelevant as the ISSUE is the non performance of the CCDN and the consequent harm caused. Anything else is a diversion without merit pertaining to the complaint at hand. Since R & G markets an online debt elimination business by the name of the CCDN, anything the CCDN does or does not do bears relevance for them. Guilt by association and the taking of funds. R & G does nothing as the marketing arm of the CCDN but take 'middle man' money for bringing clients to the CCDN. Nothing is 'wrong' with this arrangement as long as the company is ethical, performs on their promises and what they market. However if one is looking to invalidate debt, then just hire a good consumer debt attorney as they could do this for you at a cheaper cost financially, emotionally and strategically. A warning to all potential CCDN clients: If you have 2 plus years to have your credit trashed and judgments handed down; if you have money to hire the CCDN and (under their 'newly altered verbage' on their website) attorneys for your state suits; if you don't need client support other than occasional emails from Support which are never proactive communications which answer with one word quips such as 'yup' when you are needing your questions answered; if you don't mind having to redo your paperwork constantly as they seem to lose paperwork with incredible frequency or tell you contrary information; if you don't mind wading through filing your own federal paperwork and then representing yourself pro se - as the CCDN seems to have problems locating attorneys for you; if you don't mind the fact the pleadings fall short of persuasive case law specific to your state (they are weak in terms of not using state specific case law) so instead they provide some Illinois case law since that is the law they know, additionally they simply can't handle this many peoples' accounts properly as each case is different. The law as it is written is not very influential, but case law is. A major contributor to the problem with the CCDN is they should have had their support person Tracy Webster or whomever on Lexis.com pulling up case law for each state and sending a stronger pleading specific to each case. They could have made more powerful pleadings by using state specific case law Because of all these points I hold zero confidence that the CCDN will come through on anything they ever promised due to the lack of organization and support. SO, if you don't mind dealing with these things stated then you have been fairly warned and proceed with the CCDN at your own risk.

Attorney Debt Help

Paul Cohen Is Still On His Rampage After Being Fired BY CCDN

#13UPDATE Employee

Fri, February 08, 2008

Again, Paul Cohen, of 39 Skyline Drive North Saddle River, NJ 07458, is still on his rampage after being fired by the CCDN for scamming customers. He has posted here several times and under several aliases to appear to be multiple people. Paul Cohen would like to try and direct you into his failing business that he has attempted to start after being fired by the CCDN. The CCDN is a very reputable company who has helped thousands of debtors. Verifiable proof can be found in PDF format at www.PaulCohenIsALiar.com/ccdn_testimonials.htm

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