  • Report:  #622373

Complaint Review: Cellular Express Plus And/or Executive Details Plus - daytona beach Florida

Reported By:
poison - daytona beach, Florida, United States of America

Cellular Express Plus And/or Executive Details Plus
daytona beach florida daytona beach, Florida, United States of America
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i worked for this company for a while after myself and one other employee were the only ones left, we worked double shifts weekly for the majority of my employment. checks were suppose to be issued to the store on the 7th and the 22nd .of every month. but what do you know the 7th came and went and no check for me. still waiting for it. i quit after i finally made a huge commission and all of the sudden there was around 1500.00 in charge backs mostly on free features we were told to add to every account or we would have no job. the two of us worked our asses off to make the store a number one selling store. to find out we would not be paid for the work we did. i went on an interview with another company and had to here from there GM that our store had won chris kelley an award for our sales for the month would have been nice to have been notified about this or ever gotten a thank you for it. or hay been paid what was coming. our district mgr kyle domion is a joke. he would call our store and ask us to clock him in so it would look like he was actually doing his job and be at our store once in a while. needless to say he was never there, and no matter how well we did we would get a royal b***h out cussed at and belittled for not being good enough. we were also told to paint our store and not allowed to clock in to do it. because we were told it would only hurt our gross profit per hour and then we wouldn't have a job. we also worked an event we were told we were not allowed to clock in to work for the same reason. he would also call an employee that worked with me very nasty names most likely because she wouldn't give him the time of day! 

i will be contacting the wage and labor board if i do not see the checks that are not owed to me. i would like to get involved with this lawsuit that is happening. i have lots of proof of things going on in this company. i knew to cover my a*s months ago. i cant say anything bad of mr kelley just yet but i will let you know after emailing him back and forth about my check we will see what happens. i can say he does need to get rid of this district mgr he thinks is helping his business. we had a doctor for our local hospital come in to our store and buy a laptop connect card that didn't work and as a scare tactic kyle made us charge this man a 60.00 restocking fee the man said he would tell the entire hospital not to go there anymore. how can you charge this when the product doesn't work. we had conference calls 6 mornings a week. that we were also not allowed to clock in for. conference calls consisted of being told how horrible we were. i could go on and on about how my employment went. im so torn to what to believe with things i have read about chris kelley but i guess i will find out soon enough. i do know some of the things that we were all asked to do were wrong and when i told my district mgr (kyle) all he said was it was our job to do these things. with the free features, you are looking at 9.99 per feature and there are 3 we were told to add we printed up a sign stating info about the free features and that they were free to "try" and kyle ripped it down. there is nothing like doing "your  job" then being penalized for doing what your told is your job. i cant tell you how many employees this company went through while i was working there, every time i turned around there were new names ad voices on these calls. whats funny is we had a lot of theft problems in other stores our DM (kyle) was in charge of that was always blamed on the staff all but the one store we was never in OURS! whats the common denominator? all the employees at our store got charged for missing inventory when we never had any missing inventory explain that one? and when we asked for one they couldn't give us one. i think mr domion needs to go before he runs mr kelleys business into the ground!  

1 Updates & Rebuttals


United States of America
Jacob mullins is in charge

#2UPDATE EX-employee responds

Sat, July 17, 2010

Listen everyone I worked for this company as well. The most important thing to remember is that Mr. Jacob Mullins the lead director for at&t Wireless for the state of Florida is business partners with Mr Chris Kelley owner and operator of Cellular Express Plus. Mr Jacob Mullins gets a kick back from from all of Chris Kelleys at&t retail stores. So if Chris Kelley or Cellular Express Plus get a complaint guess where it goes. Yes, Mr Jacob Mullins lead director of all At&t stores in the state of Florida. How on earth do you think such a crook can continue to do business under the good name of At&t Wireless. As long as Mr Mulllins of att Lake Mary Fl keeps getting paid by Chris Kelley then all of this fraud and mistreatment of att wireless clients will continue. I must let everyone know that Mr Ralph de lavega and Mr Steve Sitton of At&t Wireless will not tolerate this kind of behavior from Mr Jacob Mullins. Mr. De La Vega and Mr Sitton have worked very very hard to make At&t Wireless the #1 Wireless company in the world. So I suggest every one foward their complaints to Mr. De laVega and Mr Sitton the two top executves of At&t wireless and make them aware of what Mr Jacob Mullins and Mr Chris Kelley of CEP are doing to the good name of AT&T WIRELESS!!!!!

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