  • Report:  #447693

Complaint Review: CHASE Home Finance And First American Real Estate Tax Service - West Lake Texas

Reported By:
- Schaumburg, Illinois,

CHASE Home Finance And First American Real Estate Tax Service
1 First American Way West Lake, 76262 Texas, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
CHASE purchased my loan in July, 2008. In Oct., 2008 they left a voice mail on my machine telling me that I was escrow-ed in my mortgage payment and that they were reminding me NOT to pay the taxes, so I didn't.

My mortgage payment (P&I) was $859.62 upon refinance of my home in March, 2008 with Freedom Mortgage company. CHASE bought my mortgage several months later.

In November, 2008 I received a bill from CHASE in the amount of $950.24 and I called them. They told me they MISTAKENLY thought that I was es-crowed and paid the bill. They offered that I could pay the bill in 12 monthly payments bringing the next 12 months. up to the $950.24 and dropping back down to the $859.62 thereafter. I was agreeable.

THEN, in March, 2009 (bill dated Feb. 24, 2009, I received a gigantic bill in the amount of $1,231.71! Upon calling them they told me that they've FORCED me into escrow and paid the taxes due in February, 2009.

Well, I don't escrow and never have NOR did I authorize them to pay my tax bill. I paid it myself, online, directly to Cook County Treasurer via wire transfer from checking account on Feb. 24, 2009 (prior to the due date of March 3, 2009).

I sent them documentation including tax bill and receipt of payment and VERY thorough information via fax on March 2, 2009. They have opted to ignore it and have gone so far as to continually call me, ask if I'm Karen Fitzgerald and then hang up the phone when I say yes. WHY??? I've not clue one.

Monday, April 27, 2009 I received a bill for $2,506.40 in which they are saying that I have not paid my mortgage and are assessing late fees, sending to collections, etc. EVERY SINGLE BILL HAS BEEN PAID ON TIME. I've evidence of that too as I pay automatically through my checking account and did a printout indicating such.

I spent most of this Monday on the phone with their tax department trying to straighten this out and getting NO WHERE. They acknowledge my e-mail with all pertinent information but still insist that I owe all this money and I don't owe even a DIME of it.

They told me that Cook County Treasurer told them there has been NO overpayment. That's only PROOF that they didn't pay as I've proof that I did.

Besides that,back in February, when I logged into Cook County Treasurer with my property id number it indicated the tax amount due and I paid it online right there and I've the receipt to prove it.

I've had it with these people and their harassment. I advised them quite strongly both verbally and in writing that I WILL NOT be responsible for their errors. They essentially say, in not so many words, that it's MY PROBLEM.

Please assist me in this matter. The phone calls from persons that just identify themselves as CHASE and hang up on me are ridiculous. Them insisting they aren't receiving my payments is ridiculous. They're sent right out from my checking account on the 21st of every single month.

Additionally, I told them today that I'd be amicable to just paying them the rest of that 2007 Second Quarter tax bill in full just to get them off my back. OF COURSE I have the money to do so. This wasn't MY mistake, it was THEIRS and they need to be stopped. I'm SURE I'm not the only one they've pulled this on.

I appreciate your help. Please contact me as additional information becomes required.

I want this company to stop with the idiotic, harassing phone calls in which someone calls, says they're from Chase and ask if I'm (name omitted) and then hang up.I want them to stop insisting that I've not paid my monthly mortgage when I have solid proof positive that I have every single month.I want them to stop trying to get ME to pay THEM my First Installment 2008 taxes which I've already PAID to Cook County on February 24, 2009 of which I also have proof positive.I want their escrow demands stopped. I don't escrow, never have and never will. I'd actually forgotten about their voice mail telling me not to pay the taxes until I got the giant bill back in late February/early March.

Besides, I am applying for the SS disability discount & freeze on my property taxes and am due money BACK to me for the last two years. They are screwing it all up.I want this tax issue cleared up. I'm WILLING, as I told them today, to pay off the remainder of the one tax bill (2007 Second Installment) that CHASE & I had agreed I'd pay over 12 months. The total of that bill was $1,087.43. As of this date, I've paid 6 months of it or $543.72 (additional $90.62 per month to pay down the tax bill they ACCIDENTALLY paid back in October). After 12 months it, as per our phone agreement (CHASE & MINE) the full Second Installment tax bill would be paid (12 x $90.62 = $1,087.44).Even though this whole thing happened because of THEIR poor record keeping (assumed but actually obvious) whereas they told me not to pay the taxes back in October, I'd like to just send them a check for the balance of the tax bill and be done with it.They are NOT even remotely reasonable and this is why I need intervention with this.


1) Stop the escrow attempts

2) Stop insisting I didn't pay my bills because I've documentation of EVERY SINGLE ONE being paid BEFORE due date.

3) Stop with the harassment

4) Stop with the late charges for bills I've paid

5) Stop with the threats of collections and foreclosure

6) Stop with the "we paid the taxes first so it's your problem" stuff. BTW, they couldn't have as when I went online to pay them on Feb. 24th, 2009, the First installment was NOT paid... I paid it right there and then, about 10 days before it was due.

7) IN RESOLUTION, ideally... I'd like to just pay the balance of the Second Installment Taxes to them which is $543.72. So, to resolve the issue and get them off my back I'm willing to pay them ($543.72 which is $90.62 x 6 months) and change my monthly payments back from the $950.24 to the $859.62 (P&I) that my original loan was signed and agreed to.

I'm not paying a cent more than what I owe and they NEED to resolve this without delay.Talking or writing to them is like talking or writing to a cabbage. NOTHING gets accomplished.I'm sorry to be so repetitive. I think it's because I've repeated myself so many times to them that's it's become a habit as they JUST DON'T LISTEN.

This has happened, I've learned, to thousands of persons that had their loans purchased by Chase. It can't continue and help is needed NOW. Actually... it was needed some time ago but at this stage in the economy it can no longer be overlooked.

Thank you.


Schaumburg, Illinois


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1 Updates & Rebuttals


chase tax


Tue, September 15, 2009

Sorry, to hear about your story. My story is several years ago Chase bought my loan and also was forced out of my home due to the taxes. I send them letters, copies of the tax information and they didn't want to change it and i started being in collections and lost my home. I couldn't pay the amounts they said i owed. I didn't make that much money to cover a $2000. a month payment. I had to file bk and start all over and i bought a house last year with a new builder and they were making the loan well, guess who i got again after i told my builder i didn't want them to sell my loan to CHASE. I got chase and again there doing it to me. In june they said my taxes went up and i told them the amount they had is wrong but my payment from $1172 went up to $1644. For shortage and taxes. I asked to talk to someone in the tax dept and i can't pass one dept they have to do an order to put in the system and within 5 to 10 days they will verify the taxes. In July i called again they still had the same info wrong. IN Aug they send me a letter stating no my taxes are only 677 a month. So i called in Sept to ask where and whom are they getting this information. NOw my taxes are more than 677 a year. They won't take the responsibility and they won't correct it and all the depts don't know what there doing or talk to one another. I don't want to go through this again. I'm tried of calling, writing letters, i have also send a letter to my AG, president and anyone who will hear me. They don't care about the person only about the money. Sure they are insurned and they will get thier money no matter what.

Does anyone have a clue on how to resolve and make them take resonbility for there mistakes and they should know what thier doing.

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