  • Report:  #1222724

Complaint Review: Chevron Corporation - Dallas, TX Texas

Reported By:
Robert - La Quinta, California, USA

Chevron Corporation
P.O. Box 199708 Dallas, TX, 75219-9708 Texas, USA
877-259-87-86 x3027028
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?

March 26, 2015

Chevron Human Resources Service Center

P.O. Box 199708

Dallas, TX 75219-9708

Attention Survivor Support Services

As you are aware of, my Aunt Evelyn C. Pendleton (Access ID: (((redacted)))) had died on 02/08/15.  We realize that she is not entitled to receive any further pension benefits.  The problem that is still in question , the medical payment, that was dedulcted from her checking on 12/15/2014.  On 12/13/15, I notified your firm that she was on Hospice Care and her medical insurance was to be cancelled.  This premium payment was for January 2015.  Well your firm was very apprehensive to cancelling this policy.  When I was finally able to convince the person that I was talking to that she was dying, he finally understood.  It was agreed to cancel this policy.  Before we could stop the payment of auto-pay out of her checking account the check was sent.  Her account is due this refund of $224.10 for a policy that was cancelled.

I have talked to two different people and the last one I talked to, said I had to provide a death Certificate at our cost if $25.00 for a certified copy.  I do not feel that a certified copy is necessary to get reimbursement for this medical payment that was cancelled.  If, in fact, that is true, then we will expect payment for this certified copy, as well as the Medical premium.  The individuals that I originally dealt with, each had to speak to a supervisor before they could give me an answer.  What a sorry way to run a business and dealing with a families m with grief.

Iam at my wits end, trying to resolve matter and I am no longer going to jump through hoops for Chevron, and the obligation is on your shoulders to resolve.

Hopefully we will get this matter resolved so that I can finally close my Aunts checking account due to this fiasco. Now, I am a patient individual, and if resolution is not forthcoming, then the matter can go to small claims court and let a Judge decide who is right and who is wrong. I simply detest taking these type of actions, but apparently you are not leaving me any choice.  Oh yes, you can be sued in my jurisdicrtion, not yours.


La Quinta, Ca

1 Updates & Rebuttals



#2Consumer Comment

Thu, April 16, 2015

First I am sorry about the passing of your Aunt, but unfortunatly this does not sound like a RipOff.

You notified them on 12/13/14(?) which was a Saturday.  This was very likely NOT enough time to cancel the deduction as generally for ACH withdraws you need to give a company at least 2-3 business days minimum to keep it from getting processed.  Since Saturday is not a business day and the 15th was a Monday you gave them zero.

Now, as for getting the money back.  In a perfect world with everyone being honest people it would be great if they just gave you the money back.  Unfortunatly they can not just take your word for it, as while I am sure you are 100% honest, there are people that aren't and they need to follow certain guidelines.  Part of the process is to have a Certified Copy.  Because again the initial withdraw was not anything more than a "timing" issue where you notified them too late to be able to stop the withdraw. 

So from the outside it seems that all of this "hoop jumping" has been your refusal to pay the $25 to get the certificate to be able to get the money back.  So let me ask you this.  Is it really worth $25 to put yourself through all of this?  Just in your time, how many hours have you spent dealing with this both with them and emotionally? 

You are now talking about suing them?  What is that going to do?  At best you will get the money as well as the fee back and probably the court costs..in other words "even".  But at what emotional cost?  Worst case is that you not only loose the claim over the $25 but the premium as well as the court costs.  However, I guess it may provide you an opportunity to vent at the poor person they sent to represent the company, even though that person as no more to do with your situation than does the man on the moon.

I am also not telling you how to feel about this company, as that is not my place.  And who knows, perhaps this letter you wrote will get you somewhere.  But there does not seem to be anything intentionally being done to rip you off.

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