  • Report:  #1248951

Complaint Review: Chlld Protective Services - Henderson Nevada

Reported By:
cannotprotectthechildren - Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

Chlld Protective Services
522 E. Lake Mead, Corner of Burkholder Henderson, 89015 Nevada, USA
702 455-5444
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?

I'm outraged with the uneducated, unresponsive Child Protective Services, located in Henderson, NV. The specific details are not important, especially since the Family Court Papers state that Child Protective Services first came into contact with the family 8 MONTHS after they were actually involved. I've counted a minimum of 10 Child Protective Workers involved within 1 year, so obviously the workers don't even know the family names! Child Protective Services is negligent on several occcasions. I won't get into the physical occasions. However, they stated in Court documents that "No Criminal Activity" was found on the 3 parents of the 3 children (all 3 parents have violent criminal, as well as drug histories). My daughter is the mother of the children. She is a Sociopath. Her father was a Psychopath. Both my daughter and her Dad meet ALL the criteria. The whirlwind of destruction in their paths is so unbelievable each moment to moment is craziness. I have always loved and protected my daughter and grandchildren. Until I called the Police Department/Child Protective Services, I had never physically witnessed her abuse and never believed ANY adult could inflict the harm upon any human or animal that I witnessed her do upon 1 of my grandchildren. However, Sociopath's/Psychopath's are adept at threatening, story telling, blaming and convincing everyone else that the other's are the "crazy ones." The children are afraid to say any thing against their abusers, especially their single parent mother and CPS is "too busy" to even talk with the children or me, their Grandmother. BTW, the 3 parents are permanently losing their parental rights in 4 months and I will never see my beautiful grandchildren again.

This Government office is a sham and a rip-off. The Child Protection Workers Must Become Accountable For Neglect, Receive Education in Child Abuse and in Human Behaviors. We must INSIST that 1-2 workers remain with the cases from start to finish, that all interested family members be contacted, all calls be responded to - no matter how briefly, and to ask questions after a simple "yes" or "no" answer is given by the children. Abused adults and children are programmed to protect their abusers and are afraid of additional abuse and abandonment!.  

*And yes, I have begged to raise my grandchildren who have lived with me frequently over the years. The parents have agreed to it. CPS says, "No". According to my daughter, CPS has determined (without speaking with me) that since I previously sought voluntary mental health treatment to learn why I succumbed to my husband's abuse and how to break the cycle, that I am unfit to care for the children. I'm very confused because I thought voluntarily seeking mental health treatment was a positive move! My grandchildren are now physically divided, physically filthy and living in squalor. (I've gone financially broke repeatedly purchasing wardrobes for my grandchildren and finding them in rag clothes (not theirs) and the new clothes worn by the children in the home they're placed.) I have to pick my battles, but already know the children have lost the war. SUCH A GREAT LOSS, YET NO ONE CARES, CERTAINLY NOT CHILD PROTECTIVE SERVICES.

4 Updates & Rebuttals


#2Author of original report

Thu, August 20, 2015

Again, although the details are not important, I called and begged CPS repeatedly to "save my daughter's life and my grandchildren's lives". I am not a disgruntled neighbor or ex-spouse. I love my daughter with all my heart. I also don't take those reports lightly. She is now charged with 5-6 cases of abuse/neglect and high level drug use. The CPS workers have lied to the fictive kin, parents and me, , but that's moot now. I have begged my daughter to go into rehab and mental health counseling (oh dear, your stigma would apply years later) to keep her children but my daughter told me that "she likes the drugs and isn't going to stop". The both parents of the 2 oldest g-kids are totally emotionally detached from the children. The only love shown (and it's dysfunctional but could be corrected if also sans illegal drugs by entire family of users/dealers) is for the 6 years old child. I've mentioned honesty and character. I do not take out a camera and photograph filth and dysfunction on visits and rarely document anything upon leaving. I go to love and enjoy my grandchildren (mostly off the premises).

So Right, Yet So Wrong

#3Author of original report

Wed, August 19, 2015

Again, details are not important here. I do speak with all the extended families involved BECAUSE of the children, The families know I'm honest and cause no drama. I knew I needed help YEARS ago when I left the psychopath (no such word back then). [I'll remember your statement of "concern" when I go for my heart physical. Oh dear, maybe I SHOULDN'T go to the doctor even though I'm having severe chest pains because of the "stigma" attached to it YEARS later.] Is it Mental Health or Mental Illness when you voluntarily seek help? This was YEARS prior to the internet and I chose to seek answers to break the cycle. I (informally) counsel many, many seniors who are 2 steps behind me with their disrespectful, dishonest, manipulative children/spouses - children/spouses whom we seniors love with all of our hearts, but can't deal with their lack of decency. WHY are they like this? Why do we accept this behavior from our children/spouses that we would NEVER accept from any other person? What can we do to change our behavior? What can we do to wake the children/spouses up and change their behavior? And then, if this weren't enough, there is the rampant use of "illegal drugs" entering the picture.


In rebuttal to your response (and I do thank you for your input), The job of CPS is not to detemine if,"The cup is half empty or half full", so to speak. THE JOB OF CHILD PROTECTIVE SERVICES IS TO PROTECT THE CHILDREN!!!!! IF THE CPS WORKERS ARE UNFIT FOR THE JOB THEY WERE HIRED TO DO, THEY SHOULD RESIGN OR BE FIRED!!!

So Right and So Wrong

#4Author of original report

Tue, August 18, 2015

Thank you for responding to my extreme frustrations. Your points are heard, but again I'm seeking changes for the way Child Protection Services cases and workers handle things. My frustrations are two fold- lack of knowledge/caring on the part of Child Protective Services "who know it all, but know nothing". Am I an angel? Hardly, but I am honest, emotional, community oriented and need to speak out against injustices. Child Protective Services is not protecting the children, WHICH IS THEIR PURPOSE.  They are protecting their (undeserved) pay checks. Child Protective Services is a sham and travesty of justice. Two "officials" have reported to me that Child Protective Services was negligent in stating that the childdren had to be returned to the home KNOWING abuse was taking place. In turn I told CPS their accounting. The children were not removed. I'm not seeking vindication here, I'm seeking change. It's too late for my grandchildren. Hopefully a change may come through enough internet voices to protect those children of the future. These workers don't know anything! 11 workers in less than 1 year equals 1 new worker per mos.

This is not my grandchildren's Foster Family (God forbid!) but will be in December because Child Protection is negligent in their job.. This is a "Fictive Kin" family. My dear daughter apparently abandoned her 6 year old daughter at this house and never returned. Of course the stories differ, as you say. Particular details are not important. THE CHILDREN ARE. I would never be happy with my grandchildren in Foster Care, you're right, but could certainly live with it if it was in their best interests. I am 65 years old. I am cordial with the 3 parents and their families BECAUSE  of the children. I have never yelled (but feel like screaming). The children are now living so far below poverty that I'm surprised there is a door on the house (the fictive kin do have lice- CPS is aware). What furniture they have 2 chairs and a loveseat is torn to shreds, no kitchen table but 4 kitchen chairs torn to shreds) every room is disgustingly filthy (4 adults took one entire day off work to clean the house prior to CPS inspection, but its apparent that they never cleaned afterward) and the house is in such disrepair (inside and out) it looks like it hasn't been painted since it was built (1920's). It's in a drug neighborhood. We've observed no emotional connection between the natural fictive family, let alone with my grandchildren. No eye contact, no touching -such as a hand on an arm or a shoulder, no encouraging words like "good job", etc.  Do you really think that at my age I want to move out of my senior apartment complex and raise young children? It was not my goal but it certainly is my responsibility as a loving grandparent of children who deserve the best chance in life. It's BECAUSE I love my grandchildren with all my heart, now know what they have endured, and I see no other alternative to them living a loving, clean, educated, moral life of self worth, where they are allowed to speak with each other, about their relatives, and express what is on their minds, I see no other viable option, because CHILD PROTECTION SERVICES DOES NOT PROTECT THE CHILDREN. PLEASE ADVOCATE FOR CHANGE AND PROTECT THE CHILDREN! ADVOCATE FOR THE EDUCATION OF WORKERS WITH ABUSED CHILDREN, STOCKHOLM SYNDROME, PSYCHOPATH, SOCIOPATH, ETC.


What you are really saying is.....

#5Consumer Comment

Tue, August 18, 2015

What you are really saying in this report is that you want to have your grandchildren and they should have just given them to you based on your word and nothing else because you are their grandmother.

Well contrary to that there are a few constants you need to be aware of. 

First, Child Protective Service employees all over the country are overworked and (usually) underpaid for what they have to deal with.

Second that we only have your side of the story, where you are of course going to paint yourself as an angel and the child's only hope, and everyone else as just a couple steps short of the devil.  But the fact is that there is always 3 sides to every story.  Your side, their side, and somewhere in the middle the truth.

Now, I am going to point out a few things about your report that you are not going to like.  However, if you take a step back and look at them it may help you out.

You continually infer that CPS isn't doing anything to protect the children.  But in this same report you have stated that they are terminating the parents rights as well as placed them in Foster Care.  Now, as I said you don't want them in Foster Care you want them.  But this difference of opinion doesn't take away from the fact that they are taking action against the parents, which is what you want.

We must INSIST that 1-2 workers remain with the cases from start to finish, that all interested family members be contacted,

- Be honest with yourself this is not what you want.  As if one of the "interested" family members was one of the parents and they were never contacted you wouldn't be saying a thing.  I also believe you would make an excuse or not have an issue if they never contacted the other grandparents.  As for the 1-2 workers, there are many jurisdicticions that barely get 1 case worker..let alone 2.  You also are not accounting for things such as the case workers leaving the department, or do you believe in something like slave labor where a case worker must remain even against their own will.

all calls be responded to - no matter how briefly,

- Again that is NOT what you want.  As if all they did was return your call and say they don't have an answer you would want to spend another 30 minutes with them.  You would NOT be satisfied with "We don't know when".

The parents have agreed to it. CPS says, "No". According to my daughter, CPS has determined (without speaking with me) that since I previously sought voluntary mental health treatment to learn why I succumbed to my husband's abuse and how to break the cycle, that I am unfit to care for the children.

- This is probably the most distrubing(or confusing) line you wrote.  As what you are really saying here is that you are relying on information from your daughter.  This is the same daughter you called a sociopath.  Don't you see something wrong with that?

My grandchildren are now physically divided, physically filthy and living in squalor. (I've gone financially broke repeatedly purchasing wardrobes for my grandchildren and finding them in rag clothes (not theirs) and the new clothes worn by the children in the home they're placed.)

- And you of course have pictures of all of this showing the "rags" they are put in...right?


Again, I get it you want your grandkids.  So keep trying and good luck.

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