  • Report:  #387146

Complaint Review: Christ Church Cannan & All Saints Chapel - West Cornwall Connecticut

Reported By:
- Greenwich, Connecticut,

Christ Church Cannan & All Saints Chapel
Town St At Cogswell Rd, PO Box 26 West Cornwall, 06796 Connecticut, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
One of the worst experiences of my life was being the student of Sharon Dietzel who is now teaching Sunday school of all things at All Saints Chapel in West Cornwall Connecticut. Sharon Anne Theresa Lake Esposito Dietzel should have been sent to some sort of psychiatric treatment back when she was my teacher at an "exclusive" private school which by the way was not exclusive enough since they let her in. She was some kind of a psychiatric case. I never met a woman so downright mean or hostile or so angry. She used several kids as scapegoats and would heap verbal abuse on us on a daily basis. If she was having personal problem that didn't give her any right whatsoever to dump her problems on the kids as if we were not human beings but her personal garbage dump. Yet dump on us she did. Daily. She was like a snake coiled and ready to strike and just as poisonous.

Sharon Dietzel remains one of the sickest people I have ever known.

And by the way she's not Episcopalian at all. She's half Jewish and half Catholic. I guess she hates herself and if she does it's with good reason given the way she behaved when I knew her but maybe that's why now she's masquerading as a WASP, faking that she's everything she's not. I can't believe that Christ Church Canaan and All Saints Chapel allowed her in there to teach kids about God. They must be hard up for Sunday School teachers. Then again the Episcopal church was founded by Henry the Eighth so that he could sleep around with more women than just his wife so what can the rest of us reasonably expect from such a tradition?


Greenwich, Connecticut


3 Updates & Rebuttals


It's A Diverse World, It's real life...

#2Consumer Comment

Mon, November 03, 2008

Kids have to learn how to get along in a lousy, often unfair, often dishonest and sometimes hateful world. It is called socialization. The kid will often encounter a lot of people that the kid does not like. They need to avoid the people that they dislike and hang with the people they do like. NOBODY HOLDS A GUN TO YOUR HEAD AND FORCES YOU TO GO TO SUNDAY SCHOOL! So don't go if you don't like it. Or go to one at another Episcopal Church... I think you will find a uniformity in doctrine in most Anglican churches and possibly of teaching as well and you won't be bothered by this person with whom you do not get along. You can't read the Bible yourself? But in real life, you will have people like this who are your bosses or who are your college professors and public school teachers... So you might as well get used to it. I can't help but wonder why you keep going to this Sunday School class if this lady upsets you. You do NOT have mandatory attendance at Sunday School. Besides, I don't think G*d lives in Temples built with hands as the Christian Bible tells you. You can Believe most of what is written in it, especially the First Five Books of the Old Testament as you Christians call it. We call it the Torah but the Writings, you know them as Proverbs and Psalms contain much good advice and comfort.


Teacher Warning

#3Consumer Comment

Sun, November 02, 2008

I don't think whoever wrote this was trying to put down any body's religion. It looks like they were trying to warn people the teacher at that particular church has got an anger problem and is not the right person to be around kids.


Stop the Defamation of JEWISH & CATHOLIC PEOPLE! Find a New Church because You are Not Learning Christian Values where you are.

#4Consumer Suggestion

Sun, November 02, 2008

If you don't like the Church you attend -- LEAVE! I don't think you are learning the values that your Lord and Savior Who is supposed to have founded the CHRISTIAN RELIGION ---AND WHO WAS ALSO JEWISH, by the way, an inconvenient TRUTH FORGOTTEN BY MANY, taught. I do not recall Yeshua bar Yousif, the Aramaic name for Jesus Christ as you guys call Him, EVER teaching HATRED and DIVISIVENESS FOR ANYONE. He was all about LOVE, DOING THE RIGHT THING, FORGIVENESS,FORBEARANCE AND PEACE. And not once do I EVER remember Him denouncing the CONTENTS of the TORAH which you might try reading sometime. You guys call it the "Old Testament" and it has some neat rules to live by in those first Five Books. I visited quite a few Christian denominations in deciding whether or not I wanted to remain in my religious affiliation. Just because I didn't belong there doesn't mean that someone else won't find a beautiful spiritual fulfillment. Sometimes, you have to question your faith because you grow in life and one expression of faith might not be appropriate for you in another phase of your life OR you may decide as I did, that what you have is good enough to remain there. SUNDAY SCHOOL? Maybe your teacher was challenging you to THINK, to criticize your faith and to criticize the conclusions that you reached by faulty logic and to make you articulate a good and logical defense against what she proposed. That is doenin law school all the time and it hurts. It is supposed to. Because growing intellectually and learning to think for yourself, to form your own ideas AGAINST what you may have been brainwashed with all your life HURTS. Especially when you realize you sometimeshave to go against what a SOCIETY THINKS IS THE WAY THINGS OUGHT TO BE -- like challenging the EVIL system of SEGREGATION and DISCRIMINATION against entire groups of people and sometimes MURDERING THEM just because they are "different"from you. I have attended the Catholic Church sometimes myself for the beauty of their lithurgy. I disagree with some of their basic tenets but overall, they have a very BEAUTIFUL RITUAL. ( I am not talking about the misguided and evil persons who called themselves priests and exploited the kids because you have evil in EVERY group!) They have always been courteous to me and answered my question and I took ther catachism course but never completed it because I wanted to know what they believed and why they believed it. They had an Inquisition in which millions of people who believed like me I AM JEWISH BY FAITH were murdered in Spain and Portugal in 1492 but THAT WAS THEN AND THIS IS NOW. I can forgive them. If you don't like what is being proffered by the Episcopal Church -- and many people don't --- YOU NEED TO CHECK OUT OTHER RELIGIOUS FAITHS ON YOUR OWN AND FIND ONE WHERE YOU CAN CONNECT WITH G*D SPIRITUALLY AND WHERE YOU FEEL THAT YOU BELONG! But to BASH OTHER PEOPLE'S RELIGIOUS FAITHS WHEN YOU KNOW NOTHING ABOUT THEM IS IGNORANT,IMMATURE AND DOWNRIGHT STUPID. IT PUTS THE PEOPLE WHO DO THIS IN THE SAME LEAGUE WITH ADOLF HITLER. I have attended almost every Protestant Christian Denomination's religious services --including the Episcopalian Church, every Orthodox Church's religious services,the Catholic Church, The Buddhist services, the Hare Krisna and other Hindu services and I would have attended the Muslim services for curiousity as well but local law enforcement people were rather angry about the 911 attacks and were trying to sort out friend from foe and were photographing people going in and out of the Mosque and I quite frankly LOVE my country with the FIRST AMENDMENT RIGHTS GUARANTEED TO US UNDER THE US CONSTITUTION AND THAT IS FREEDOM TO WORSHIP ANY WAY WE SEE FIT. So if you don't like where you are going to "worship" --well, that is what you are SUPPOSED to be doing there anyway, NOT bashing members of other faiths,sounds like to me you need to find a Church where you CAN experience, as your guy Jesus or one of His followers once said." The PEACE that passeth ALL Understanding."

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