  • Report:  #1022582

Complaint Review: citizens bank - sandusky Ohio

Reported By:
ronald - clyde, Ohio, United States of America

citizens bank
howard drive sandusky,ohio sandusky, 44824 Ohio, United States of America
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hello my name is ronald do i have a story for you,this all started in 2008 when i had a bad crash and broke my collar bone ,called the bank 3days after and told them what had happen and that i was gonna be lait on my paymeants to please work with me they said not to worry pay us what you can when you get back to work so i did and then wall street crashes and it starts hurting bad still just pay what you can this goes till 2009 in july when a employee of the bank calls me a f-ing liar alona was her name

at this point im pissed at the way im being treated then they start to make threats and im not paying and asking them to please help me ,please lower my paymeants please then in 2010 they want me to agree to pay them 2286.00 a month for six months to review my pay and in june went back in to here well were gona extend it till september 26 okay so i pay till september 26 and still no refiance like they promised so in 2011 ,jan,feb,march i give them 5000.00 and agree to pay 2500.00 a month with no missed paymeants the girl i was working with was carla markle asked her many times to please talk with your people to get my paymeats lowered and to refiance my loans and all i got was i,ll talk to them.

not once did they look at nothing just wanted to lead me on till the baloon paymeant ended so they could collect there 77,800 in intrest and had no inteions of refianceing me at all the loan on the house 150,000 with 12,475 down for 7 years and yesterday got told sorry but they are not gonna refiance me at all and are forecloseing on me and repoing my truck and trailer which is how i make a liveing this is unfare as a tax payer and the american dream yea not with this bank a bunch of liars and thieves ,

im a guy who wants to keep my house and pay but got told they dont want me in that bank at all ,im gonna sue every one involved in this bank because this is wrong ,ive worked my but off to keep this and now have to be thrown out ,i have all the names of these people who are involved with this and there is some things in this bank that are crookeded they do what they want and how they want to and thats wrong,theres alot more to this than i can say at this time but its all gonna come out very soon.

6 Updates & Rebuttals


United States of America
let me translate.............

#2Author of original report

Thu, March 07, 2013

yes your all right im wrong and there right they always are u cant fight them with out millions of dollars its about big money people lets see there in it to make money wow after reading what i read online about citizens bank and first merit bank the merge and it was millions of dollars not thounds those investers and stock holders are makeing millions but your right i didnt pay my bills at all gee i wounder where 52,000 dollars went the last three years that i claimed on my taxes to that bank on my morgage loan and my truck and trailer hey but your right i didnt pay a thing and that bank went out of there way to help me thats why i had to file for a medeation meeting with the bank at the sandusky county court and still got nothing done because they didnt want to refiance any thing well at least i tryed to get something done and im sure the judge will see it my way when its all said and done because ive done alot of research and talked to alot of lawyers and one of them sas take it to court ,so we will see what happens but citizens bank i wouldnt tell a sole to put there money in there after what ive been thru check out all the claims online that that bank has screwed people the list is long very long, this will be the last time i right anything ,for i have told my story and if dummies dont listen then its there fault but im sure some big shot citizens bank person will read this and call me a lier but  reciepts are proof in a court of law...........


United States of America
they helped me really they worked with me really.

#3Author of original report

Sun, March 03, 2013

its more like i worked with them gave them all my money when they aske for it and futher more at least u can see who i am who are u because u seam to know so much about this why dont u ask carla markle how much i was behind and the forbarnce agreement that i never got to sign because she never sent it and then never reported any of the money that  i was paying her to the credit companys so ask citizens bank where 50,788 went that never got reported at all the other day when carla called me and told me well there gonna foreclose on u 2 days later told me that i was 15,000 behind on my morgage when i do the math its not right when in 2011 i was paying 2500.00 a month 2200.00 was the house which was 2 house paymeants and 300.00 aplied to my truck and trailer so tell me how im 15000.00 behind on my morgage i was never behind that far hell my yearly morgage was only 13251.84 and i was giveing her 2500.00a month all im gonna say is we will see what the judge will say from here ive retained 2 lawyers as of now and i know the laws so thanks for your comments that bank all readdy wrote my stuff off.


He Needs A Translator...Let Me Help!

#4Consumer Comment

Sun, March 03, 2013

in basic terms you took out loans for various thingsa  .   you had this hear reck and you could not go to work you could not make any payments and the bank kept calling and calling they want there money thats all they want is therwe money wich you dont have you broken your collar bone  .   when you or me or anybody dont pay there bills the bank o0r the loan company has the ritye to do some kind of a reposs which they did because you no pay back the loans they still want there money they dont have to help any of us becozz they want there money and them dont care how you get it ju8st send it  .  doesnot matter if you are an american citizen in the army or senior citzen they want there money they are under no obliogation to supply any kind ogf help becass they are not your father they are not your mother they are not your clergy man thjey are nothing but a financial place and all they want is there money but you mite want to try a class action soot because you not paying dem bills is not yur falt.


You are in default

#5Consumer Comment

Sun, March 03, 2013

"this is unfare as a tax payer"

You are expected to honor all of your financial obligations, not just your taxes.

"forecloseing on me and repoing my truck and trailer... im gonna sue every one involved in this bank because this is wrong"

You are in default. The lender has exercised the right to foreclose and repossess.


United States of America
no help from bank.

#6Author of original report

Sat, March 02, 2013

really you know so much about my loan? im a american citizen and ask for help to lower my bills to survive ,show me where they helped me did they refiance my loans no did they keep good paper work no i was lied to carla markle told me she would talk to them about refianceing my loans when in fact she was just the collecter and nothing was gonna get done anyway the whole scam was to make me pay till the end of the baloon paymeant and kick me out as they did obama passed laws for this and as a bank there not following rules believe me i know like the letting go of some employees because what ever reasons and then hireing all new girls in the castila branch sounds like some one is hideing something ,this is noy some one who didnt want to pay his bills i just asked to refiance my stuff to lower my paymeants im not at fault here i know for a fact that 2 other people they told the same thing that they would not help them get your facts straight my friend i know so much stuff that bank did just to cover its butt any idot can see what they did to me the loan was for 150,000 with 12,475.00 down that never showed on the loan for 7 years with the baloon paymeant 8.75 in interest comes to 81,926.88 in interest aloan to refiance  into a 15 or a 20 year morgage would have been ten times better so tell me where they tried to help me looks like it  was lineing there pockets to me if you think im dum ,ive recorded every confersation ive had with that bank we will see if the judge agrees with them oh did i forget im sending this to the judge too ,and i have all paper work on every thing and all the receipts i sent the money to the bank as far as contacting the bank i have phone records when i called and told them what i was doing ,better get your facts straight my friend.............

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The truth is that this Bank has gone out of their way to help you and has decided...

#7Consumer Comment

Sat, March 02, 2013

enough is enough.

They haven't broken any laws or banking rules, so what is your "lawsuit" going to charge them with?

Let us know on Ripoff Report your attorneys name, the case number and the venue when you file so we can follow this little "lawsuit."

Hard as it is for you to realize, this bank worked with you way beyond reason.

"this is unfare as a tax payer and the american dream yea not with this bank a bunch of liars and thieves." What does your loan default have to do with being a "taxpayer?"  Also, is it the American dream to have loan forgiveness? Wow, what a drama queen.

Sorry for your troubles, but the lender is NOT a charity.  They are in business to, hopefully, make a profit.

How sad to acccuse them of being thieves after this.

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