  • Report:  #238899

Complaint Review: Collins College - Phoenix Arizona

Reported By:
- surprise, Arizona,

Collins College
9630 N 25th Ave Phoenix, Arizona, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
I am a student at collins college currently on accademic dissmissal. when I enrolled in collins college I made it a point to make sure I would need a lot of attention I have tourettes syndrome and do not pick things up as fast as other students. I was assured that they had so much individualized attention and tutors that were top notch. after being in collins a while in my drawing class in learning certain perspectives I had a teacher tell me he had no idea why i was not picking certain things up and he couldnt help me. this concerned me but i kept on. then i also had the privelage of having a teacher that prided himself on being the teachter who failed the most students at collins college. if i was a teacher i would in no way be proud of this.

taking the classes i have taken i can honestly say i do not have confidence in going out and starting to design games for a living. the courses taught are broad general and unhelpful in just about any field. The saddest part of all i was told by a teacher there who i will keep anonymous that i should check out this site because the school is not up to par lets say. The tutoring they offer is done by students my question is this if a teacher who supposedly knows how to teach and do what is needed can not help you how will a student taught by the same teachers be able to do any better.

when i got on accademic dismissal (a basic 5 week suspension which you do pay interest for) i was told i needed a D in one class and an A in another. I got the D and got an A- in the other. a 2.0 is necessary and i ended up with a 1.99 i find this unfair especially when ive had to complain about certain teachers there that were not willing to help me learn what i needed. i can honestly say teacher wise the phoenix campus may have 3 teachers even qualified in my opinion to teach there.

i have been told that the degree given by collins college is not accepted in a lot of schools and graduates of collins college have been turned down just because they went to collins. how is this a prestigious establishment? i find it a rip off unhelpful advantage taking business that gets rich off of students while returning poor services


surprise, Arizona

6 Updates & Rebuttals


United States of America
Collins is what you make it

#2General Comment

Mon, October 31, 2011

My son is just finishing up his first year at Collins.  I asked him what he thinks of the school and here are some thoughts:

Collins is over-priced - enough said.  

The original complaint was that Collins doesn't provide significant help to the disabled but their sales pitch was that they did.  I agree that the sales reps are not very sensitive to the final outcome of the student but much more so on making a sale.  I hope this person files a law suit and wins.

The instructors are good as long as you are well-educated from high school.  There are a lot of relatively uneducated students at the school that should not be there.  From the other comments I've read,  they really can't spell or even write coherent sentences - very sad.  

Collins does appear to have a bad reputation with at least some local companies because of the quality of the interns they've sent out.  I don't know much about this other than I'm not surprised.  

My son is an A student at the school and the instructors love him - this may be because computers have been his life since he could first sit at a keyboard.  I was a programmer for many years and probably had a positive influence on him.  

Please don't even think of going to Collins unless you were a good student in high school or higher.

Report Attachments


United States of America
this one is for corey

#3General Comment

Mon, September 20, 2010

Corey, you are an idiot. I have graduated from that worthless school, and I must say you are the biggest f**king liar to leave a comment such as you did. First of all, you sound like a spokesperson for collins college, and the fact you that you say the instructers are worthwhile, just shows you have know idea what a real education is. Come on dude! You must work for the school, or they put you up for thier defense for all the student's that they have lied to and ripped off. I almost certain you have made a ton foes, with your slander against other students, who have legit complaints about this s**t hole. Get a f**king life you two time looser, this site is for those coming together to discuss a serious problem, the school, the teachers, the fed Aid programs. Its not for c****uckers like you, who come to the battle with no ammo or valid claims, so go jerk off "JERK OFF"!



#4Consumer Comment

Thu, July 24, 2008

Whether the opinions of Collins College falls one way or another I would like to know if when you graduate what you degree will be good for. I have been looking into Collins College and have decided against it because of the consistant negative feedback I have received. For curiosity sake and to see if my decision was right for me, I would like to see a rebuttal from you post graduation.



#5Consumer Comment

Thu, July 03, 2008

I just thought I'd point out that you misspelled Grammar and used the wrong form of youre. . . It should be "your." Oh, and if you were going to use the word youre it should be spelled with an apostrophe like this: "you're" Just a thought, but if you're going to be correcting other people's grammar, you might want to make sure that your grammar is correct.

Corey W. Miller

The truth

#6Consumer Comment

Tue, June 17, 2008

What's goin' on y'all...my name is Corey. Currently, I am enrolled at Collins College, like these other "rip-off reporters". Let me first start out by saying that I am getting sick and tired of reading all these garbage, "how it is" letters, stating just how ''bad" Collins is to attend and how unhelpful the staff is, written by lazy, immature, butt-hurt kids who are just to upset at the fact that they aren't smart enough/ diligant enough to keep up with the work load and the demanding "accelerated" pace. The Collins I attend, in Tempe, rocks my socks! . The staff is wonderful, granted there are a few teachers that I havent been able to get along with so well. For the most part, though, the teachers are extraordinarilly intellegent and very, very talented in a multitude of subjects, and are also excellent examples of what it means to be a human being. With PLENTY of experiances from the industry to go around the class, so to speak, there is never a dull moment, teachers shed light on problems with great cunning and ease of effort. There are reasons that Collins won the whole "Private School of the Year" award, and its certainly not because they allow slackers, just like you, to just "skate by" through the courses. To me, Collins degree program is so difficult not because the school is uncaring and money hungry, but because it is a "boot-camp" for the industry. I mean, think about it, if the school only produced mediocre "professionals'', then a lot of development firms and other video-game companies would NOT hire Collins students NO MATTER WHAT. So, of course they are going to design the degree program in such a way that the guys and gals not suited to be game designers are eliminated from enrollment You are on accademic suspension, not dismisal, for one thing. For another, for you being a student at Collins, youre grammer, and conventions in your "report" are horrid! Maybe if you paid more attention to what was being taught in your classes, your teachers might be a bit more eager to help you. I know that if I was one of your teachers, I wouldn't want to put forth "wasted effort" on a student who is half-assing my class, and expects me to just give him the easy way. I am greatly enjoying MY education at Collins, I am enrolled for Game Design, and even though c++ programming is pretty rough, I DO NOT regret moving to Tempe to attend Collins!!! This program has allowed me to re-discover the hidden learner encased deep within me, through the greatness of challanging course work. Even though the homework might be extremelly difficult to do, I still complete, or attempt to complete the homework and projects assigned to me and my fellow class-mates. If you needed extra help you should have seeked it out, there are PLENTY of ways to obtain assistance when you are needing it. Granted yes I myself have encountered one or two teachers along my journey through Collins, who were learning the software(like Torque) at the same time I was. The education that I am recieving, for the most part, is stellar. I am constantly being challenged by the course work, especially c++ right now, that drives me to evolve using the only evolutionary tools provided to humans...our brains.


Merrit Island,
While I agree On the info of the Collins' Phinoex Campus

#7REBUTTAL Individual responds

Fri, April 25, 2008

I have to say that I'm a graduate from Collins and I was also a student tutor. Collins goes through a point where rep flood the school with new students and the Teachers that are knowledgeable in their program get stretched to their limits sometimes find themselves being placed to teach a class that they barely know about. It is bad I will agree that their teacher dispersement is not handle the way that it should but it is not the teachers faults. I do have to point out that the rep are hired by the president of the company and not the Deans of the school. And the rep by every means have absolutely no idea what the are really trying to sell. I know that from working there that I came to discover that when they like to give tores they pick the worst times to do it. As i worked with the Techs of the school I learned that they are constantly moving equipment each semester to accommodate the fluctuation of students verses classes. And at times they place teachers in a course they don't know as much about due to the school being over populated. And from being a tutor one has the responsibility to make sure classes are locked if there are no teachers in the rooms and. As a tutor you are required to have been in their school for at least 6 months and maintain a 3.5 GPA. And sometimes the consolers do make mistakes when assigning another student to a tutor. But when that happens it is the tutors responsibility to fix it with the consolers. I had one student like that we fixed the situation and I was able to find them someone who was not a teacher or tutor that had the knowledge of what they needed help with. I should point out that the tutoring is free and not only is it beneficial to both parties, school and student but it helps the tutor to become better efficient in their trade. I felt bed when I graduated because I was leaving three students that constantly wanted me as their tutor. i watched them progress in their studies and I became a better person socially and was able to identify with their misunderstandings and discover other alternatives to problematic situations though out various courses. Some students only need a nudge in the right direction or for something to be explained in a different matter for them to succeed. i feel accomplished in knowing that I helped those that need a better understanding of something. The classes are sometimes packed and some times you have ti wait in line to be able to speak to the teacher but is it not the same way at a regular college. One should be so lucky to get to be on a first name basis with a professor. If you are a soldier (metaphorically speaking) and make it through your first five classes, even though it maybe a strugle, and making a conscious effort to to do well then there should be no thing stopping you except you. I do happen to know several students who failed or dropped out b/c of their own stupid mistakes and laziness that bragged about black balling the school after they left but they didn't belong there anyway. As far as I'm conserned they were wasting teachers' time and My money. The only problem I had with Collins was how the financial aid worked. But if someone can not step up and take what they can make out of something and wanna be spoiled and complain that they don't have a teacher holding their hand or are upset because they had to retake a course because they failed the last one due to low attendance because they stayed home to play WOW, then they deserve to fail. And quit Wasting other peoples time and Money. I would like to add that three months after I graduate I got myself a really comfortable job and own my own business. And thats without using Collins' Job placement program. I believed in myself and I didn't give up or given to goofing off Thats how you make something. out of nothing. And that my response to all the complaints about Collins college.

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