  • Report:  #1139182

Complaint Review: Colorado Professional Security Services LLC - Colorado Springs Colorado

Reported By:
Chris - Aurora, Colorado,

Colorado Professional Security Services LLC
1054 Palacio View Colorado Springs, 80910 Colorado, USA
(719) 217-6359
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
Report Attachments

   Colorado Professional Security Services LLC, also known as COPSS LLC is one of the most unethical security companies in Colorado Springs, Colorado.  The, owner, Pam Brummit, is  located at 1054 Palacio View, Colorado Springs, CO 80910.  

   Ms. Brummit mistreats her employees, never being able to hold on to a manager for more than a few weeks.  She doesn't pay her employees honestly or fairly.  She has them visit sites and get contracts without paying them for it.  She has been fraudulant on her taxes and paid employees under the table and by doing so, not paid them for all the hours worked.  

   Pamela Brummit is dishonest to her clients about how many rounds she makes on their property.  On most patrols, she claims to make four rounds but usually makes two and then fraudulantly claims to make four rounds.  Her clients are not recieving the services they pay for.  This is unacceptable.

Pam Brummit, through her company COPSS LLC. is guilty of fraud, tax evasion, mistreatment of employees, slander, and about a dozen other crimes.  A report is soon to be filed through to the Department of Labor. 


5 Updates & Rebuttals

Colorado Professional Security Services, LLC

Colorado Springs,

#2Consumer Comment

Sun, August 24, 2014

 Hello My name is Linda and I'm a customer of COPSS. I saw this and asked how I could get in to state how I feel about comments made. May I relate to you that this has been one of the best companies we have had in 20 years, and we are proud to have them as our vender. We are sorry that an Ex Employee has gone all out to say such nasty things about them. A Ripoff report should only be made if someone has the proof of such statements and it's true. They even come to our office in the day & report to managers, and walk our properties at no extra cost to us. I must state these stories are very untrue to say the least. And we are so sorry! Thank you so much

Colorado Professional Security Services, LLC

Colorado Springs,
COPSS Vice President Rebuttal Report

#3REBUTTAL Owner of company

Fri, April 18, 2014

 This evening we had Email from the one I pretty much know wrote this report. Why? Because he was given false information & responded to it. Without even having any common courtesy to ask first. The President of this company had a death in her family. Her sister. You think this jerk cared when told that she had been to busy with that issue to have had time to worry about him! Oh! No. He still continued to write back. MONEY MONEY MONEY is his issue. Then he claims he sent her things back UPS. Yet, I can state none has been! I checked with UPS and found NO items on rought to the company address. Or had any been delivered at any time!

I have to share this with all of you. This man when he started only had two hits on each site to make. He was paid almost $1400.00 on the 1st of March 2014 for about 3 hours of work each night. Because someone eles did the other side. Then when it came to doing 4 rounds a night he only wanted 3 sites to run leaving the other with 5 to do. He was paid $820.00 and had $156.00 taken out in taxs. He took on hisself to go around, and run and try and get contracts knowing he would get commission for it. The only problem with that he went and demanded money from managers on a prorate when it had already been added to Invoice President had sent them. He went behind her back doing this. NOW THIS CAN BE PROVEN. If anyone would like to talk to that manager please Email address above, and we will direct you to them for your answers. He caused a wedge beteen two compaines over 5 sites that the other company was going to give this company anyway. The owner of other security company let us know this person had went over there saying bad things about them.,We lost those to because of him. Matter of fact it seems this company lost alot with this guy. And I had to take over and do alot of Damage control.

May I also add he's an control freak. He was trying to tell owner what to do. Just like in his Email tonight. I also want to state he was stopped for speeding and was just plain rude with officers. One even calling the office about him and the choice he gave him. The officer said he was a hire from being arrested for impersonating a Police office. This was HWY patrol. Your more than welcome also to talk with him if you want to contact address above. We will be glad to provide the # for you. The officer said all he could talk about is he had criminal Justice degree.

Well so do I. And you never asked the President. So does she except she has 4 years over your 2. But she's not a Police officer. But if you had asked you would have found she had been. She's not dumb. But humble! I have known her for 10 years. NOW, I would bring up your name. But I'm not a person like you. BUT KEEP ON! And your going to find your name all over the place. I'm not her! Also befor close. when this gentalman left she emailed him and stated she had somemore money for him owed. He said don't contact me again. I have that statement. YET, when he Emailed her! She reminded him again. He said that was hush money. And he didn't want it. You can contact me for copy. Now his reason for all this is SOMEONE CALLED HIM! Let me tell you something. If your going to accuse you better have the proof. Not just asking someone if they are willing to state it. This woman has been heartbroken because of the death of her sister. The last thing she has thought about is you MR. Self centered. And you will never make an Police officer. Im still in the Police reserves after retiring. They would not take you for many reasons. All you are is a want to be and with your health issues should not even be carrying a gun & with the meds you take. See Im not afraid of you. You want to threaten this company & use this to try and BLACKMAIL. And your GRAIGSLIST ads. You wont get a dime from me. But what you will get is reported to the city that you lied to get permits to carry. And on dangrous meds. And I will also let all of CALF know as well. And also get with your ex Employer the reasons your were fired. Which was your only and first Security job! So the next time you want to file a RIPOFF report make sure no one knows who you are! I can prove eveything you did and RIPOFF can contact me for the evidence. Because the real RIPOFF is YOU! RIPOFF as you approve this which I hope you do. Your welcome to contact us and we will give you names and information so you see how some use this for selfish reasons and BLACKMAIL! But you do alot of good too! It's people like these who abuse it. Thanks Guys for letting us express our free speech.


Report Attachments

Colorado Professional Security Services, LLC

Colorado Springs,
Somthing this company noticed!!

#4REBUTTAL Owner of company

Thu, April 17, 2014

 After getting a Ripoff report review for revenge reasons. We noticed alot of people calling wanting money to repair anything said about us. Wanting up to $1000.00 dollars to do so. And putting complaint on 5th page.

So by reviewing the nature of things we came to the conclusion this is being used to make money. Not just to practice free speech. And a great way to do it! It's also a way for those who want revenge to get it. The best way to handle that is to contact your atty's so they can handle that for you. And the person seeking revenge & the company offering it for a fast buck. To make an complaint one should be made to offer the proof since they are asking the person to give it to clean it up. But if you get one too. Just call your atty's and they will take care of the matter for you. Don't pay someone to remove something that they opened the door for.


Colorado Professional Security Services, LLC

Colorado Springs,
Colorado Professional Security Services, LLC

#5REBUTTAL Owner of company

Wed, April 16, 2014

 WE also wanted to add that this Company has accountant and all employee's are paid twice a month. Tax's are taken out & Uncle Sam Paid. All employee's working for this comapny can state that they get what they are promised to make, and hours paid up to date. These people only came to get information and left.

Colorado Professional Security Services, LLC

Colorado Springs,
Colorado Professional Security Services,LLC

#6REBUTTAL Owner of company

Wed, April 16, 2014

 Colorado Professional Security Services is not what Ex operations manager is stating. But what is going on is he has tryed to open up his own company useing this companies information, Logo Patchs advertised on his facebook & advertisments online which we have copied. He is mad because we have caught not just him but others with him. As well as another who has on accasions been caught by Police impersonating a Police officer. He was was paid alot of money in one month, and was all upset the next because he had taxs taken out.

He claimed he was working real hard & come to find out he was going home a couple of hours then going back out. He is also upset because another Company wrote a Rip off report on him as well. But he's not the only one doing this. All three opertions managers thought they would get togeather and start this so called company without LIC and Ins. Yet advertise copyrighted information on their website for gain that belongs to this company. Which can be proved with no daught. All four are just upset because they can no longer use this company to make money. In doing so they are accusing this company of false claims. This Comapny is in the process of filing lawsuit and injuction which takes some time & because it is they think it's just threats.

There is another as well we will be dealing with. All these people have stolen company products, Paperwork, Patchs, Uniforms, Badges, Overhead lights, Mini Cameras!! And alot more. And have refused to return them. They have made public blackmail not even understanding the cost of such actions. And one is mad about something just to be mad. Demanding money. Yet, refusing to say who? We know who & we know even the one who thinks we don't. They think by writing such things on craigslist and hear is the way to solve their matters. When in fact they are the dishonest one's by posting on their ad's, useing this companies information, and patches, and to gain dishonest unlic business.

Then getting mad and accusing this company of what they are doing. And just plain just been caught at it. Then threatning counter suits. When they were the one's caught useing another companies products to get business. Thats a good one! And reported for doing so. This company so far has not until now wrote a comment. But a company that in the past few weeks that has combined with us has. We want all customers to know that we own an honest business and give our customers what we say we will. And im not the only member in this LLC anymore. These people have chose to continue to harass & make statements because they have been caught. Period!

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