  • Report:  #239662

Complaint Review: Columbia House - Nationwide Collections - Terre Haute Indiana, Internet

Reported By:
- Hamilton, Ohio,

Columbia House - Nationwide Collections
[email protected] Terre Haute, Indiana, Internet, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
I have been receiving letters from Nationwide Collections for about 3 months now. Like many of you probably have done, I too threw them away thinking "I never had a Columbia House membership." Well, someone sure did - IN MY NAME!

After a heated discussion with Nationwide, I proceeded to write my dispute letter but I couldn't let it rest with the hopes of this solving the problem. So I began the LENGTHLY search for a phone number to a LIVING, BREATHING, HUMAN.

By "lengthly" I mean an afternoon calling numbers that are no longer in service, that only give you automated responses, or numbers that just ring and ring and ring. Well, I finally found a number that connected me to a human being! 888-467-7404 - when you hear the recording press 1 then do NOTHING. It may take a while but you will get connected to a person. It was a beautiful feeling!

After another lengthly, and heated at times, conversation explaining the situation I was put on hold -AGAIN - but she came back with the answer I was wanting...I was being removed from the debt.

HERE'S THE KICKER THOUGH - and please make sure you do this!!! Don't take that as being the end to your predicament. WRITE AN EMAIL. It's quicker than a hard copy and it WILL get you results. MAKE SURE you reference the Columbia House account number as well as the Record Number from your Nationwide Collections letter. Give them as much detail as possible and don't assume it's overkill. (I've copied the text from my email to them below if you want an example). Send your email to:

[email protected]

When you get your response back from Columbia House (it only takes a couple days) CALL NATIONWIDE BACK and tell them you have a written response from Columbia House that removes you from the debt then send the email to:

[email protected]

MAKE SURE you put your Nationwide Collections record number(s) in the title of your email.

So let's recap :)

1) Send your written dispute to Nationwide

2) Call Columbia House (use the number above) and verbally dispute the charges until they say you're free

3) Email Columbia House and give them every shred of info you can (Columbia House acct. #'s and Nationwide Collections Record #'s)

4) (after you get a reply) Call Nationwide and let them know you can pass go and collect $200 now that you've gotten the email

5) Change the title of the email to the Nationwide Collections Record number and forward your copy of the get-out-of-jail-free email to Nationwide (use the email addy above)

Now you can do the happy dance like me. It works, it's exhausting, but it's exhilerating to know you've gotten something that could potentially ruin your credit squashed before it became a nightmare.

Hope I helped and sorry if I was long winded :) ~Pam from Ohio

P.S. Here's the email I sent to Columbia House:

To Whom this may Concern,

I am writing in reference to two (2) letters of collection I received from Nationwide Collections, Inc. dated March 2nd, 2007 regarding two (2)separate Columbia House unpaid accounts.

This letter serves as my formal

dispute for the two aforementioned accounts (details below):

1) Columbia House Account #-###(Nationwide Record Number C1/##)

2) Columbia House Account #-#(Nationwide Record Number


Be advised neither account is, was, or has been mine. Neither account was solicited by myself or any member of my immediate family and I consider these accounts to have been fraudulently obtained in my name. I have formally opened a dispute with Nationwide Collections, Inc. regarding the validity of this debt.

I expect both accounts to be removed from my name immediately and erased from my credit bureau file from all major credit reporting companies. Should these fraudulent accounts not be removed from my name resulting in the tarnishing of my credit standing I will seek immediate legal action

against your company.



Hamilton, Ohio

Click here to read other Rip Off Reports on Columbia House

2 Updates & Rebuttals


Updated info on my Consumer Suggestion and our experience with Nationwide Collections regarding Columbia House

#2Consumer Comment

Wed, September 12, 2007

We got one more call from Nationwide and this time we were home to answer the phone and after my husband started telling them the stuff I wrote in my previous ripoffreport reply to someone else having the same problem about their being a statute of limitations, thembreaing the law by threatening us with legal action, etc, all of a sudden the woman on the phone cuts him off and says "Yes, I see you have disputed this in writing" and she hung up. It's now September 12 and we've heard nothing more from them which is what we expected since we told them if they sent us anything except a letter stating we don't owe this debt that they would face legal action from US and the Louisiana Attorney General's office. We check our credit records regularly and if we find something from Nationside or Columbia House on it, we will pursue legal action. I encourage anyone who gets a collection agency letter and they honestly don't owe it to call your state's Attorney General and find out what the law is and then write the collection agency and tell them they are breaking the law if that's the case. Note that phone calls or emails do not "count", they might be a great deal of help and I certainly wouldn't tell anyone not to do either because I do both myself but you must also notify them in writing which means sending a snail mail letter to them. Now if I could only get the collection agencies who have continually called for the last 8 years looking for my husband's ex-wife to stop calling but since they refuse to tell you who they are, you can't report them for continuing to call after they've been told to cease and desist. However, these are ALL valid debts. Once, they mistakenly forgot to put the first name in when they asked for the ex and just asked for Mrs. Plank so that time I found out all about it and I was busy writing down everything the guy was telling me and i was asking him to repeat himself and he finally sounded frustrated and asked "You don't remember taking out a loan for a 1994 Concord?" I said I dues didn't and he asked if this was Rebecca Plank and I said, no it sure isn't, I'm Donna Plank and Rebecca is my husband's ex-wife and neither of the phone numbers at our house were active number when she lived here because when she left, she had the phone turned off because it was in her name." I've never heard a collection person suddenly sound so flustered and anxious to get off the phone and they never called back..lol They know it's illegal to talk to anyone else about a person's debt and they could be sued. My fault with them is they do't tell you who they are so unless you lie and say you're the person they're calling to talk to, you can't find out and start keeping records of the number of times they call, if any, after you tell them that person doesn't live here and to stop calling. Some of her debts are so old we're now getting calls from places like Transfinancial and they've called 9 times AFTER I told them to stop and I told them to stop on the 3rd time they called. Each time they tell me it must be a different debt they're calling about. I don't care, I'm calling the state AG about them. I'm sick of it!


In our reply to Nationwide Collections regarding Columbia house......

#3Consumer Suggestion

Fri, June 22, 2007

Our household received a letter from Nationwide Collections dated June 1, 2007 concerning an alleged Columbia House debt with only a first initial and last name given. In early 2001, we had received a letter from Columbia House stating whoever this first initial belongs to owed Columbia House $30.85. We wrote Columbia House not only disputing the debt but asking for a detailed statement. We got no reply. A month or so later, another letter came from Columbia House and once again, we wrote them a letter telling them this was the second time in a short time period that we were responding to them disputing the debt and asking once again for a detailed statement. Again, no response from Columbia House and then no communication for the next six and a half years until we received this collection letter from Nationwide stating they now own the debt and unless they receive payment, they are ready to consider the issue of legal proceedings in the county court, signed "Sincerely, Tom Lincoln". We also had a phone call from Nationwide on our caller ID but weren't home when they called. Sine we are aware of the statute of limitations regarding attempted debt collection, before we wrote back to Nationwide, we contacted the Attorney General for the State of Louisiana to verify the exact number of years for collection activites on debts and verified what we found online that it is five years for the State of Louisiana (it can vary state to state). We wrote Natonwide giving them this information and quoting in bold print their statement about considering legal proceedings against us which makes them in violation of Section 807, Item 5, of the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act of 1977, as amended, which states: 807. False or misleading representations [15 USC 1692e] A debt collector may not use any false, deceptive, or misleading representation or means in connection with the collection of any debt. Without limiting the general application of the foregoing, the following conduct is a violation of this section: 5) The threat to take any action that cannot legally be taken or that is not intended to be taken. (Source: ftc.gov/os/statutes/fdcpa/fdcpat.htm) We ended the letter by stating we are in no way acknowledging the validity of the debt and that we wish to serve notice that any further communication from them should be in writing and should be limited to their discharge of any further collection attempts fir this account or for finding this debt to be invalid. We also stated that any further attempts to collect this debt, or any reporting of this debt, without the notice that the validity of this debt is disputed, to any credit reporting agency will constitute violation of the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act and will be forwarded to the Federal Trade Commission and the Louisiana Attorney General, and may result in legal action on my part in accordance with the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act, Section 813. Of course, we are also going to send a letter to Columbia House giving them basically the same information and demanding the debt be found invalid and that we want this in writing. It would be too easy to send $30.85 and if it was owed, we would have paid it at the time it was owed as we pay our debts on time but if circumstances had occurred that caused us to be unable to pay the full $30.85 back at the time it was allegedly owed, we would have made partial payments and NOT waited until we got a letter from them telling us we owed a debt and it would be turned over to collections if we didn't pay it ("we" or whoever "C" is). We really don't know the date because we only got a letter from Columbia House telling us the debt was owed but they never sent us the information we requested detailing the date the debt supposedly was incurred and what was supposedly bought, or not bought in case they were saying the debt was owed because of failure to complete buying a certian number of CD's within a certain time period. Since they didn't say in either of their letters and since they failed to respond to our request for detailed information, we have no idea what the debt is. What we do know is we will not have our credit score wrongfully "attacked" when we worked so hard to build it. Bottom line is we will not be bullied for a debt we do not owe and that no one apparently cares to share the details! The Attorney General's office told us if we get another collection attempt from Nationwide, THEY will write a letter informing them that we could take legal action against THEM as well as writing the FTC to get a file started on them or add to one already started. We know the FTC will not do anything until the number of complaints gets to be quite numerous but it has to start somewhere.

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