  • Report:  #1129482

Complaint Review: Comcast - Dallas Texas

Reported By:
Bubba - Houston, Texas,

P.O. Box 660618 Dallas, 75266 Texas, USA
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Comacast Cable benefits off your reconnection fees in which I see as  fradulent activity.

Here is why - They told me your bill is due based on the amount ,and region you live. My bill is always due before a pay date - in which most people get paid on the 15th ,or the last date of the month. They always disconnect me before I can pay my bill based on when I get paid.

Here's the red flag - 

A. My bill is different amounts based on me making partial, or other billing fees they tack on.

B. Example - They told me my bill had to be paid on the 13th in which I told them I can't pay it until the 15th my pay date. 

C. They give you this 7 day grace period in which is taylored to be before your actual pay date. 

D. Here's he smoking gun - How can your bill be due and subject to disconnection ,and is disconnected right before normal pay dates -  if it's based on your amount ,and region but the amount is different at times?

E. Spinning the wheel this way in my case get's them a $8.00 reconnection fee for my services in which I utilize 3 services. Cable, phone & internet = $24.00. They're making alot of money from using this fraudulent method ,and getting away with it.

F. I spoke with a supervisor named Paula ,and all she could do was give me past due ,and due information as though she couldn't understand as to why this is a big red flag!  

6 Updates & Rebuttals


Comcast charges for services NOT received.

#2Consumer Comment

Tue, April 15, 2014

I have had a similar experience with Comcast. Our income comes in once a month. Like clockwork Comcast turns the services off prior to us being paid. I do not have a problem with them turning services off if the bill is not paid when it is suppose to be paid.

What I have a problem with is the fact that they are NOT pro rating the month while the service has been turned off or DISCONNECTED. They charge for the whole month as if your service was NEVER turned off. One month we went without service for three weeks. We paid our reactivation fee but they made us pay for the full month when in fact we should of only been billed for one week of service. They do not pro rate the bill. This happened serveral times to us.

When I brought back the equipment I asked "Why are we being billed for weeks of service when our service was suspended? She responds by asking me "Did I call in to cancel the service? When I told her "no' she responded with "That is why! Since I had not turned off the service the billing cycle continues." I then said "Now, why would I have to call in and cancel the service when we were NOT getting service? You had tuned us off!"

I then made her repeat what she had just told me. I said "So, you are tellling me I have to pay for services I did not get? Then with a big smile on her face she says "THATS RIGHT!"

So, I am seeking legal representation to do a class action suit against comcast. They are billing for weeks of services they did not give. That is fraud....


Comcast is a bunch of Crooks!

#3Consumer Suggestion

Fri, March 14, 2014

NO you are not crazy! These people are in fact (Crooks!) posing as a Corporation who will use any means necessary to Rip people off. What other cable company charges you a month in advance for services you haven't even used yet? What other company charges you for things like Calling in for tech support, removing or canceling services etc.. What other company uses deceptive sales tactics to get you to sign up and then pulls a bait and switch on you with pricing and billing?

If you try to dispute it they tell you that you agreed to it in writing. Guess what? They know the laws and they are experts in getting around it. They have had years of practice with deception and ripping people off! Its a losing battle for you and they know they cant be touched! They dont give a dam about you as a customer because they know there are too many people out there who are willing to go through hell just to have their services. So you are just another number to them.

My advice to you is to drop them immediately!!! Cancel your services and do not look back. But when you do that make sure you cover your butt, send a certified letter to the corporate office in Philadelphia telling them that you are cancelling and include a copy of your equipment return receipt. Then watch your credit reports like a hawk because like a jilted lover they will try to ruin your credit.

 I recently moved to an area that only offers comcast and guess what? I would rather be without cable then to do business with these Sharks!! I have internet service (4g broadband to go) via one of the cell phone providers. I can take my internet service anwhere I go. I am not under any contracts and its competitive to what Comcast offers. I can go online, watch movies. In addition, I was able to find alot of the shows that you see on cable tv on the internet and I watch them for FREE...

I got my wake up call when I was trying to establish new services with them. (yeah I know I had a moment of stupidity.lol) The Representative got an attitude with me because I started questioning him about Comcast's charges, and their billing system. I was not about to agree to give them my hard earned money for services they aren't providing. He ended up putting me on hold and then never came back to the phone.

By the way, this Representative was an Executive from the Philadelphia Corporate Office.  That told me everything I needed to know about Comcast! I called back and immediately cancelled my pending install. If the people at the top are like that, you know what you are in for. Everyone I have spoken with has had nothing but BAD things to say about how they are being ripped off by Comcast. I have heard countless numbers of horror stories of being overbilled and overcharged. 

So my advice to anyone who is considering getting service with Comcast is to do your research! Google them, you can even go to their forums and read the comments of the unhappy customers.  My advice to you is to cut these sharks loose (Today) and find another option in your area! Don't be sucked back in by their empty promises and enticements to try to keep you as a customer so that they can keep their hands in your pockets! You are not crazy but you will be if you keep continuing to pay these thieves another cent of your hard earned money.

Good Luck with them you are going to need it!!


Are you for real? I'll bet your credit score is in the 600's, if that.

#4Consumer Comment

Mon, March 10, 2014

This is one of the dumbest lines of financial reasoning I've seen on Ripoff Report. The ONLY fool here Ripping you off is YOU!

The previous posters gave good advice, but it's doubtful you'll even understand it, let alone follow any of it.

"E. Spinning the wheel this way in my case get's them a $8.00 reconnection fee for my services in which I utilize 3 services. Cable, phone & internet = $24.00. They're making alot of money from using this fraudulent method ,and getting away with it."

READ what you wrote...you're doing the same thing with other bills..how dumb is that?  It's not fraudulent on their part, but pretty unbelievably moronic on your part.

Have a fun sub-prime life.


Report Attachments


I swear....

#5General Comment

Mon, March 10, 2014

 I swear I feel like half the ppl who post here just walk around and slap themselves in the chest going "Duuur...Duur...Duur. This is ALL basic MATH!!!! If you cant pay your bills in a timely manner then start paying them early. Yes its going to suck until you get your $hit together. But when you are done, you will be on top of all of your bills.

Im betting your the type that doesnt like to suffer, especially since its all your fault. YOUR choices, YOUR money, YOUR bill paying habits


Fort Worth,
Hey Bubba, you are missing one importaint FACT

#6General Comment

Mon, March 10, 2014

You get paid on the 15th, and the last day of the month, correct?  OK Then,  It appears that your bill is actually due on the 6th of the month, because they give you a 7 day grace period before they cut you off?  

I have a solution for you to avoid the fees you are being charged.  Send them in your money on the LAST DAY OF THE MONTH. If you do this, then you are paying between 7 and 8 days EARLY!!!!! 

However, I suspect that there is more to the story.  Most companies will not cancel someone's service because they were 7 days late.  I suspect that you are consistantly running 1 payment behind, and you are actually 37 days late when they cut you off.  i have been a comcast customer for years now, and I have NEVER been cut off for going just 7 days late. 

Some of us who read rip off report did not just fall off the turnip truck yesterday, as you seem to have done. But with a name like BUBBA, I think your name speaks loudly about your throught processes.

So here is your solution to your problem, you are about to be cut off again on the 13th (3 days from now).  I would suggest you go ahead and pay the entire amount due (The Feb Bill which is now 34 days late, and the March Bill which is now 3 days late), and then on the 1st of the month pay each bill on time. 

Frankly Bubba, I dont think you are going to take my advice and pay your account current, because in your sub prime little mind, there should be nothing wrong with the way you are paying. 

So perhaps Robert is right, maybe Cable TV and Internet are not in the cards for you.  I suggest you go watch local TV.


The way you see it is wrong...

#7Consumer Comment

Mon, March 10, 2014

 Companies are not required to work around your pay days.  I also don't know where you got the idea that most people get paid on the 15th or last day of the month.  Just be glad you aren't with other Cable Companies as some I have heard charge a $25 reconnection fee per service.

You can use your example of the bill being due on the 13th and you getting paid on the 15th, you can think of this a couple of ways.  That your bill is two days before you get paid, or that you get paid a couple of weeks before your next bill is due.  One way of thinking is done by "deadbeats" the other is done by responsible adults.  Can you figure out which is which?

Of course if you still have problem paying, then perhaps Cable and Internet isn't in the cards for you. 


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