Comercia Bank//Direct Express Connection The person named Below : Donna Williams VP : Has not acted in any ethical Manner to resolve my issue or any issue! The Banks listed, Comercia Bank and Direct Express are not True Banks! Theses Pseudo Banks have one incoming line, no email correspondence and a fax line. Primarily used for SSI and SSDI Customers. Donna Williams-VP - in charge of Direct Express, can only be reached by a Fax # from Comercia Bank. You may as well contact Fred Flintstone from Bedrock Bank. To contact Direct Express , takes approx 1 Hour on Hold; then CSR Transfers you to a Quene for an additional 60 minutes -90 minutes. Therefore; most customers give up and this is where The banks keep their illegal profits; Yes, your heard that correct! The banks are allowed to keep any profits from any accounts in their favor or customers favor if the issues are in either favor. If there is an attorney wishing to start a Class Action Law Suit. There are Thousands of Customers from theses Unscrupulous Banks that are due monies in which the banks have intentionally ripped them off! Donna Williams VP does not returning calls or correspondence. Bad news Bank!!