  • Report:  #477164

Complaint Review: Computer Processing Inc. - Colorado Internet

Reported By:
- Cabot, Arkansas,

Computer Processing Inc.
Colorado, Internet, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
I was also almost ripped off by this company. Here is the yahoo messenger detais of it all.

Mr Barry West (8/6/2009 9:51:18 AM): Ok

Mr Barry West (8/6/2009 9:51:26 AM): How are you doing today..?

katrynxxxx (8/6/2009 9:51:35 AM): I am doing well how about yourself?

Mr Barry West (8/6/2009 9:51:48 AM): I'm doing great...

Mr Barry West (8/6/2009 9:52:04 AM): So are you ready for the job online briefing and interview..?

katrynxxxxx (8/6/2009 9:52:31 AM): Yes I am Accounts Payable is definately an area I know

Mr Barry West (8/6/2009 9:54:13 AM): The name of the company is Computer Professor INC

Mr Barry West (8/6/2009 9:54:20 AM): We are into Computer Peripherals and Generator Supplies. We are dedicated to meeting the needs of independent dialysis providers around the world by leveraging today's most innovative technologies to deliver a full spectrum of high-quality services to the business community.

Mr Barry West (8/6/2009 9:54:41 AM): This job offer is work from home you can as well work from any where of your choice....

Mr Barry West (8/6/2009 9:54:50 AM): The possition are ....Accounting Clerk /Clerical/data entry/Payroll.

katrynaboswell (8/6/2009 9:55:02 AM): All things I have six years experienc in

Mr Barry West (8/6/2009 9:55:00 AM): I am Mr Barry West and i am here to breif you more about this job and the interview

katrynxxxxx (8/6/2009 9:55:22 AM): Nice to meet you Mr West, I am Katryna Bxxxx

Mr Barry West (8/6/2009 9:55:45 AM): You too

Mr Barry West (8/6/2009 9:56:05 AM): Whats your full name, age and where are you located?

katrynxxxx (8/6/2009 9:56:36 AM): Katryna B, 27, and I am located in Cabot Arkansas

Mr Barry West (8/6/2009 9:57:26 AM): ok

Mr Barry West (8/6/2009 9:57:27 AM): Are you aware that this is strictly and online job and a work from home job?

katrynl (8/6/2009 9:57:48 AM): Yes sir I am and that is what I am looking for

Mr Barry West (8/6/2009 9:59:05 AM): Ok

Mr Barry West (8/6/2009 9:59:07 AM): Have you worked as an Accounting Clerk / Customer Service /data entry/Payroll ?

katryn (8/6/2009 9:59:53 AM): Yes sir I worked four years for a non-profit organization as an HR Manager and I also did the Accounts Payable for the company

katrynaboswell (8/6/2009 10:00:17 AM): I also have experience in Accounts Receivable as well

Mr Barry West (8/6/2009 10:00:43 AM): Ok

katryn (8/6/2009 10:00:58 AM): Payroll and Accounting are my strongest skills in my field

Mr Barry West (8/6/2009 10:03:15 AM): Good

Mr Barry West (8/6/2009 10:03:55 AM): Will you be able to devote 5 hours of your time to Computer Professor inc ?that is 3hrs at least daily?

katryn (8/6/2009 10:04:02 AM): I have also done some college time and have educational experience in the accounting field

katryn (8/6/2009 10:04:16 AM): Yes sir I would

katryn (8/6/2009 10:04:23 AM): More if needed as well

Mr Barry West (8/6/2009 10:04:27 AM): ok

Mr Barry West (8/6/2009 10:05:38 AM): Do you have a Printer, Fax Machine,Scanner and a Photocopier?

katryn (8/6/2009 10:06:19 AM): No sir but I am planning on getting one very soon. As in this weekend

Mr Barry West (8/6/2009 10:07:06 AM): ok

Mr Barry West (8/6/2009 10:07:15 AM): What do you understand by privacy and code of conduct?

katryn (8/6/2009 10:08:05 AM): I understand that any information that is provided to me for an employee and their pay is strictly confidential and any other important company information

katryn (8/6/2009 10:08:28 AM): Code of conduct is to present yourself professionally no matter what

Mr Barry West (8/6/2009 10:08:28 AM): Good

Mr Barry West (8/6/2009 10:08:58 AM): Have you ever worked from home?

katryn (8/6/2009 10:09:34 AM): No sir this would be the first time, but I am very committed to it and the time it will take and also the concentration needed to work from home

Mr Barry West (8/6/2009 10:09:37 AM): Ok

Mr Barry West (8/6/2009 10:09:53 AM): How long would you expect to work for us if hired?

katryn (8/6/2009 10:10:24 AM): Do you mean hours per day or length of time

Mr Barry West (8/6/2009 10:10:52 AM): Many months or years..

katryn (8/6/2009 10:12:00 AM): I worked for four years at my last company and only left because I was had a child and decided to be a stay at home mom for my children, so I am committed to working for a long length of time

katryn (8/6/2009 10:12:26 AM): I am not a job hopper by no means

Mr Barry West (8/6/2009 10:13:18 AM): i mean month or years you wish to work for the company..

Mr Barry West (8/6/2009 10:13:34 AM): Ok

Mr Barry West (8/6/2009 10:14:28 AM): What do you understand by petty cash?

katryn (8/6/2009 10:15:21 AM): Petty cash is used to get small things needed for the company that does not need the use of credit card. I was an office manager for a company and handled all the petty cash

Mr Barry West (8/6/2009 10:15:49 AM): Good

Mr Barry West (8/6/2009 10:15:51 AM): Tell me about yourself

katryn (8/6/2009 10:17:25 AM): Well I have six years experience in the Accounting Field and four years experience in the Payroll industry. I am a hard worker who is commited to her work and I am a perfectionist. I work well with others and am willing to take on challenges, as a matter of fact I look for them

katryn 6/2009 10:18:08 AM): If I see a way to improve something I will make the suggestion to make things work out more smoothly and I am very innovative

Mr Barry West (8/6/2009 10:18:14 AM): That sound great..

Mr Barry West (8/6/2009 10:18:36 AM): Do you know your clerical speed?

katryn (8/6/2009 10:18:44 AM): I love what I do Mr West and this opportunity sounds like heaven to me

katryn (8/6/2009 10:19:03 AM): Yes I type between 65-80 wpm

Mr Barry West (8/6/2009 10:19:03 AM): Good

Mr Barry West (8/6/2009 10:20:23 AM): Do you have an idea of how to use ms excel?

katrynaboswell (8/6/2009 10:20:40 AM): I am very advanced in excel

katryn (8/6/2009 10:20:48 AM): Worked with it for six years

Mr Barry West (8/6/2009 10:20:53 AM): ok

Mr Barry West (8/6/2009 10:21:00 AM): How would you like to be Paid ? Weekly Or Bi-Weekly ?

katryn (8/6/2009 10:21:30 AM): Weekly is preferable but bi-weekly is acceptable as well

Mr Barry West (8/6/2009 10:21:36 AM): ok

Mr Barry West (8/6/2009 10:21:46 AM): What means of Payment do you prefer ? Wrie transfer Direct Deposit Or check?

katryn (8/6/2009 10:22:22 AM): Wire Transfer or check. I only operate by cash so I do not have a bank account

katryn (8/6/2009 10:22:48 AM): wait I answered that wrong...check please

Mr Barry West (8/6/2009 10:22:54 AM): ok

Mr Barry West (8/6/2009 10:23:25 AM): Hold on while i forward your interview to the board of director for there view ...

katryn (8/6/2009 10:23:39 AM): Yes Sir

Mr Barry West (8/6/2009 10:27:17 AM): Congratulations..due to your level of experince and your working skills the compamy has decided to hire you as one of our staff You are now a staff of Computer Professor inc and we hope to see the best in you...

katryn (8/6/2009 10:27:43 AM): Thank you so much Mr. West

katryn (8/6/2009 10:27:56 AM): Where do we go from here

Mr Barry West (8/6/2009 10:29:01 AM): You will receive your duties everyday via email and i will be online to assist you with any difficulties

Mr Barry West (8/6/2009 10:29:06 AM): Your Primary duties include: Preparation of Balance sheets (Mini), account balancing, invoicing recording,proper data analysis of sales records and recording pay slips into accountingdatabase all these will be done through the use of the Accounting Software.

Mr Barry West (8/6/2009 10:29:12 AM): your secondary daily duties would be to report to your Supervisor, who would be attached to you online, He/She would assign logs of duty daily and you would be required to work according to instructions, using the Microsoft Office tools and the Accounting software. Now the function of the Accounting software is to arrange, formalize and manage the data you have processed, sent to your supervisor via E-mail.

katryn (8/6/2009 10:30:44 AM): Okay do I need to go and purchase Microsoft Office or will that be supplied to me?

Mr Barry West (8/6/2009 10:31:12 AM): We are coming to that..

katryn (8/6/2009 10:31:30 AM): oh okay sorry

Mr Barry West (8/6/2009 10:31:35 AM): You will Earn $18 per hour,You will receive your pay via Di

Mr Barry West (8/6/2009 10:31:59 AM): You will Earn $18 per hour,You will receive your pay via Direct deposit Or check every friday of the week

katryn (8/6/2009 10:32:53 AM): will the check be mailed?

Mr Barry West (8/6/2009 10:34:17 AM): Yes...

katrynaboswell (8/6/2009 10:34:42 AM): so i will recieve it the next week essentially

Mr Barry West (8/6/2009 10:34:42 AM): Here are the Name's of softwere you will be needing to purchase when you recieve the funds: BS 1 Accounting software ,MYOB bussiness essentials software 2009,Peach Tree Software ( US Patent Single Users Pack ),simply accounting 2009. Microsoft Office Accounting,Sirius GT Accounting For Windows,which is to be purchased

Mr Barry West (8/6/2009 10:35:24 AM): Will you be able to devote 5 hours of your time to Computer Professor inc ?that is 3hrs at least daily?

katryn (8/6/2009 10:35:37 AM): yes sir

katryn (8/6/2009 10:35:59 AM): when you say when i receive the funds does that mean you will send me the check to purchase the software?

Mr Barry West (8/6/2009 10:35:51 AM): Good

Mr Barry West (8/6/2009 10:36:41 AM): Yes the company will issue you a check to enable you purchase all the softwares you need to start work with

katryn (8/6/2009 10:37:46 AM): And as I said I can work more hours in the day if needed or required, my children start back to school on Aug 19th so I will have 8 hours a day to devote to work

Mr Barry West (8/6/2009 10:38:15 AM): Ok

Mr Barry West (8/6/2009 10:38:29 AM): The company will issue you check to enable you purchase all the softwares you need to start work with..

Mr Barry West (8/6/2009 10:38:34 AM): NOTE: All softwares are to be purchased from the software office the company has been buying from for years now

Mr Barry West (8/6/2009 10:38:40 AM): I will update you which of the softwares office you are to purchase the softwares from as soon as the check get to you ...

katryn (8/6/2009 10:38:57 AM): okay

Mr Barry West (8/6/2009 10:39:16 AM): I need you to email me with the followins infos to enable my secretary register you,Your full name,home address,home and cell Phone number.. Email the requested infos to [email protected]

Mr Barry West (8/6/2009 10:40:45 AM): Ok...

katryn (8/6/2009 10:41:30 AM): I sent the information...i do not have a home phone i used my cell phone as a home phone, do i need to get a home phone

Mr Barry West (8/6/2009 10:41:50 AM): The cell phone is ok..

katryn (8/6/2009 10:41:57 AM): by the way the email i use on a daily basis is [email protected]

Mr Barry West (8/6/2009 10:42:01 AM): Ok

Mr Barry West (8/6/2009 10:42:42 AM): Is there anything I haven't told you about the job or company that you would like to know?

katryn (8/6/2009 10:42:59 AM): are their any benefits?

Mr Barry West (8/6/2009 10:43:18 AM): Is there anything I haven't told you about the job or company that you would like to know? Next is Benefits for eligible employees include: Health, Dental, Life and AD&D Insurance, Employee Wellness and 401k plans Paid Time Off and Holidays with Generous Company Discounts

katryn (8/6/2009 10:43:54 AM): Good

katryn (8/6/2009 10:44:36 AM): What are the typical hours I will be working...I think the email said 30, but can I work more if I feel like it

Mr Barry West (8/6/2009 10:44:55 AM): Yes..it up to you ok..

katryn (8/6/2009 10:45:48 AM): Good

Mr Barry West (8/6/2009 10:45:14 AM): Have you ever cashed a check before..?

katryn (8/6/2009 10:45:57 AM): yes several times

Mr Barry West (8/6/2009 10:46:38 AM): Ok

Mr Barry West (8/6/2009 10:46:54 AM): I will update you as soon as possible about the check ok...

katryn (8/6/2009 10:47:18 AM): Yes sir

Mr Barry West (8/6/2009 10:47:29 AM): I have an assignment for you...

katrynaboswell (8/6/2009 10:47:43 AM): okay

Mr Barry West (8/6/2009 10:48:03 AM): I need you to post a job ad ..

katrynaboswell (8/6/2009 10:48:52 AM): okay where do you need me to post it to?

Mr Barry West (8/6/2009 10:49:04 AM): Craigslist...

katryn (8/6/2009 10:49:23 AM): okay. what do you want it to say?

katryn (8/6/2009 10:49:47 AM): i am very familiar with craiglist been applying for jobs on there for several days now

Mr Barry West (8/6/2009 10:49:49 AM): Ok

katryn (8/6/2009 10:50:29 AM): if need be you can send what you want me to post to my email

Mr Barry West (8/6/2009 10:50:10 AM): Do you have a credit card...?

katryn (8/6/2009 10:50:34 AM): no sir i do not

Mr Barry West (8/6/2009 10:50:40 AM): Ok

Mr Barry West (8/6/2009 10:50:56 AM): Forget it then it require credit card ok..

katryn (8/6/2009 10:51:20 AM): I apologize I just don't do credit cards

Mr Barry West (8/6/2009 10:51:11 AM): I will update you as soon as possible on the check

Mr Barry West (8/6/2009 10:51:24 AM): You are too be online by 9am your time tomorrow ok

katryn (8/6/2009 10:51:35 AM): yes sir

Mr Barry West (8/6/2009 10:51:36 AM): Ok

Mr Barry West (8/6/2009 10:51:46 AM): Have you email the details ..?

katryn (8/6/2009 10:52:35 AM): of the job posting but i dont have a credit card so i cant post the job for you, once again i apologize for that

Mr Barry West (8/6/2009 10:52:58 AM): No problem i understand..

katryn (8/6/2009 10:53:10 AM): I have one more question for you

Mr Barry West (8/6/2009 10:53:03 AM): Hope to talk tomorrow

Mr Barry West (8/6/2009 10:53:15 AM): Bye for now do have nice day

Mr Barry West (8/6/2009 10:53:21 AM): And be blessed..

Mr Barry West (8/6/2009 10:53:25 AM): ok

katryn (8/6/2009 10:53:40 AM): I have one more question

katryn (8/6/2009 10:54:17 AM): you said i would be buying from the supply office you'r company has used for years its it a retail chain or is it online?

Mr Barry West (8/6/2009 10:53:55 AM): ok

Mr Barry West (8/6/2009 10:54:47 AM): From a retailer..

katryn (8/6/2009 10:55:03 AM): okay good

katryn (8/6/2009 10:55:25 AM): I cannot wait to hear from you tomorrow. You have a wonderful day and I hope you have wonderful day!

Mr Barry West (8/6/2009 10:55:50 AM): Ok

Mr Barry West (8/6/2009 10:55:51 AM): Bye

katryn (8/6/2009 10:56:07 AM): Goodbye Mr. West and thank you again

Then "Mr Barry West" had me try to open up a UPS account....using several diffrent credit cards which i assume he scammed off someone. When UPS did not work we opened a Fedex Account.

I then called my family to tell hem the good news. In turn my brother told me to enter the telephone number into google which is where I found this post. So I am mad now. I confronted "MrWest" and here is the conversation on that.

katryn (8/6/2009 3:48:26 PM): may i get a phone number to the company please

katryn (8/6/2009 3:52:13 PM): and where is the company located out of i forgot to ask that during our interview

Mr Barry West (8/6/2009 3:52:36 PM): The company is located in colorado..

Mr Barry West (8/6/2009 3:52:49 PM): Here is the customer care service number..

Mr Barry West (8/6/2009 3:52:50 PM): 9703726561

katryn (8/6/2009 3:53:30 PM): thank you mr. west as you probably know i hold a lot of trust in you already but i do have to do my research and make sure this is not a scam since there are so many out there

katryn (8/6/2009 3:53:48 PM): i dont feel it is but my family wants me to make sure

Mr Barry West (8/6/2009 3:53:50 PM): Oh ok

Mr Barry West (8/6/2009 3:53:54 PM): No problem

Mr Barry West (8/6/2009 3:54:16 PM): But you have nothing to worry about ok we are not into scam ...

Mr Barry West (8/6/2009 3:54:34 PM): This is a real job and you will enjoying working for the company...

Mr Barry West (8/6/2009 3:56:27 PM): Ok Kat...

katryn (8/6/2009 3:57:32 PM): okay sir i believe you just want to prove to my family i know what i am doing....they are way overprotective of this work at home stuff...i have done my research on scams and you not asking for an upfront fee and paying for the software shows me right there you are legit

katryn (8/6/2009 3:59:42 PM): are you all registered with the better business bureau?

Mr Barry West (8/6/2009 4:00:17 PM): Kat please can we talk later i'm very busy here

Mr Barry West (8/6/2009 4:00:40 PM): i wil answer any question you wish to ask me when i'm less busy ok

Mr Barry West (8/6/2009 4:00:44 PM): Sorry about that

Mr Barry West (8/6/2009 4:00:48 PM):

katryn (8/6/2009 4:01:38 PM): yes ir

Mr Barry West (8/6/2009 4:01:38 PM): Ok

katryn (8/6/2009 4:08:32 PM): mr west i understand you are busy but i just found my exact interview with you online just with someone else...this is a scam...any information you received from me is to be destroyed or i will report you...i do not appreciate being scammed

katryn (8/6/2009 4:12:53 PM): do you have anything to say?

Mr Barry West (8/6/2009 4:18:24 PM): I dont understand what you are talkin about Kat

katryn (8/6/2009 4:18:49 PM): google your phone number mr west and you will see the exact interview

katryn (8/6/2009 4:19:22 PM): i had with you this morning...its a scam to try and cash a check for software to start working for a company and then the check doesnt go through and im stuck with it

Mr Barry West (8/6/2009 4:20:24 PM): What the hell are you talking about

katryn (8/6/2009 4:20:57 PM): read it for yourself http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/460/RipOff0460478.htm

Mr Barry West (8/6/2009 4:23:15 PM): Kat hold on ok

Mr Barry West (8/6/2009 4:23:40 PM): Dont be mad i think there some wrong somewhere

katryn (8/6/2009 4:24:15 PM): yes there is you tried to make a fool out of me

Mr Barry West (8/6/2009 4:25:22 PM): just hold on

katryn (8/6/2009 4:31:31 PM): i just got off the phone with my brother who works for the office of special forces invenstigation and gave him your information and he is reporting it to the FBI

katryn (8/6/2009 4:33:38 PM): mr west i know you are invisible respond

Mr Barry West (8/6/2009 4:34:00 PM): i got booted

katryn (8/6/2009 4:34:27 PM): seems kind of convenient

katryn (8/6/2009 4:34:33 PM): i just got off the phone with my brother who works for the office of special forces invenstigation and gave him your information and he is reporting it to the FBI

katryn (8/6/2009 4:34:42 PM): just so you can see that again

Mr Barry West (8/6/2009 4:35:32 PM): lol

katryn (8/6/2009 4:37:36 PM): keep laughing yo have been busted

I then called my local police dept. and file a formal report. Tomorrow I will be writing the BBB regarding this. Thank God for my brother or I would have gotten screwed!


Cabot, Arkansas


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