Kaneohe,#2Consumer Comment
Mon, September 27, 2004
My brother's house was stolen from countrywide. One of their employees was given the position of commissioner and just by some chance she was the only bidder when my brother's house went up for auction, and she wasn't even present. Anyway, my brother is going to write out his story of how he was ripped-off. They need to be shut down, but not before they give back to everyone they took from. Aren't there any lawyers out there that are willing to take on countrywide? My brother was smart to keep all the paper trail from countrywide. Is there any statutes of limitation on sueing this nasty, cheating, lying, good for nothing company? Please, if anyone out there has any info or advice to share, don't hesitate to contact me.
Staten Isalnd,#3Consumer Suggestion
Thu, June 17, 2004
In response to your problem . Country wide / Full Sectrum lending same company has a very good track record for scaming customers on all levels after all it's employees under go a 5 day intense training cycle for this purpose.As far as the fiction employee their tought that tactic. If your problem continues to mount Example (court foreclose)have your lawyer look into the company training policy once you seen that the rest of the pieces fall into place.please keep in mind when you refinance next month make sure you escrow taxes and insurance. It will raise you payment monthly a little, but you will be safe in the long run.The biggest scam in foreclosure is when your taxes or insurance goes up and your not escrowing payment even if your taxes go up 2.00 dollars the company will send your payment back because its not in full and is considerd a late payment.Thats when the problem starts and countrywide is one of the leaders in that department. WHEN YOU HEAR COUNTRWIDE OR FULL SPECTRUM LENDING YOUR TOES SHOULD CRINGE!!!!