  • Report:  #1036698

Complaint Review: COX COMMUNICATIONS - Internet

Reported By:
robert - tucson, Arizona,

1550 W DEER VALLEY RD PHOENIX, AZ 85027 Internet, United States of America
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
My name is Robert Sneed I am a disabled American due to Epilepsy and often spend days at a time in
the hospital or ordered to bed rest. As my condition won't allow me to conduct any business competently. Both my doctor and Neurologist have written letters and given statements that attest to this fact.

Cox Communications has directly violated and continues to openly violate the guidelines set forth in the ADA Americans with Disabilities Act. Cox communications will not allow me time recover from Seizures as they threaten to disconnect services with no reguard to orders from my doctor or neurologist.

Complaint - Violation of the ADA Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (504)

Violation #1 - facilitating Epileptic Seizures by intentionally causing undue stress in the form of threats and
retaliation (suspension of service,shut-off notices, phone calls, Unfair late fees, re-connect fee's) 

Violation #2 - As a Disabled citizen I have the right to "A reasonable recovery, Cox has never taken my condition into regard at all in reference to my account. They advise me often to AGAINST my doctors orders by demanding i mail or fax proof of payment to them immediately or lose service! I remind the representative that I am under doctors orders of bedrest for 3-5 days. THEY DO NOT CARE! The rep repeated that i would lose service at 5 pm TODAY if I did not disobey doctors orders and immediately go a payment center and post the PAST DUE on the account.

On March 19th I mailed Cox a money order for the past due amount. I was told when I called that the services would be disconnected in 2 days REGARDLESS! I have begged them not to allow me recovery time so that I can handle the issues on the account but Cox Communications continues to charge me illegal re-connect fees, late fees and anything else they can think of.

I call Cox and explain the situation only to be treated like a criminal as opposed to a customer. They act as though I am lying as opposed to an Epileptic that is recovering from Seizures. My doctor actually wrote
them a note asking if they could allow me time to recover as the stress of threats actually bring on more seizures. I called and tried to get a fax to send the doctor's note. Only to be told by a supervisor in billing that they DID NOT WANT IT! Even though the letter stated clearly "Please note that Mr Sneed post Seizures
is incapacitated and in no condition to make personal or business decisions. It is advised to place all business dealings on hold until his Levels of Keppra are back to normal (3-5 days)" Instead I was given the option of reading it to a supervisor on the phone.

After reading it I was told that Cox had NOTHING for anyone in my position (disabled) and that i would have to follow the same rules as everyone else.

I feel as though (and can prove) that Cox has both disregarded and violated both my rights as an American Citizen as well my rights as a Disabled American citizen also. And has done so on several occasions and continues to do so with no regard. As i live on a very limited income (SSDI) it is impossible for me to
continuously pay the outrageous late fees and reconnect fees they charge me while lie in the hospital unconscous from seizures. I have paid several hundred dollars in fee's even though i should not have.

5 Updates & Rebuttals


Oh no I understood your point very clearly...

#2Consumer Comment

Sat, March 23, 2013

No one is asking for anything special
100% PURE BS.  You are asking for something special.  You are asking them to waive the charges and fees for your failure to pay in a timely manner.  You were delinquent and probably at least 30 days delinquent, because they will not disconnect service for someone who is only 3-5 days delinquent(which is what your doctor said it would take you to recover).  So you obviously had time to handle this at some point and choose not to.

As an Epileptic i spend alot of time in the hospital as well as on bed rest via doctors orders
- Well you obviously have access to a computer, and a phone. Interestingly enough from experience when I had them in the past Cox accepts both Internet and phone payments.

ALL of my other accounts understand and respect the fact that I was hospitalized and could not meet the deadline or pay the bill.

- Well hooray for them.  But it doesn't change the fact that Cox(or any of the other companies) are not obligated under the ADA to do so.


Cox Communications ADA

#3Author of original report

Fri, March 22, 2013

I read the comments posted and where did anyone get the idea I was trying to skip out on a debt? Thanks for 2 genuine misunderstandings. Good thing what is thought of me doesn't matter. As an Epileptic i spend alot of time in the hospital as well as on bed rest via doctors orders. This most of the time conflicts with the billing dates and deadlines. No one is asking for anything special. It is amazing how quick people are to pass, punt and kick judgment even though nothing is known of the issues. The real issue is the amazing fees, late fees, re-connect fees penalties and more.  ALL of my other accounts understand and respect the fact that I was hospitalized and could not meet the deadline or pay the bill. And I am not charged penalties and fees for being hospitalized as I am with Cox. Hopefully the commenters will read this well actually no worries TMTP TOTALLY MISSED THE POINT! 



#4Consumer Suggestion

Fri, March 22, 2013

Normally I would not agree with the other two posters. However, since I myself am a disabled american and veteran at that I am disgusted at you. How dare you try to use laws to weasel your way out of a legitimate debt. You should be ashamed of yourself. Those laws are designed to protect people (like me) who have jobs, from being fired for a disability. They no way entitle  you to scam your way out of debt. If you are disabled and on SSDI, live within your means. If you cannot afford those luxuries well too d**n bad. Stop blaming your problems on society and take same d**n ownership. You created this debt and if you cannot pay because you were too disabled to make a business decision then that is YOUR fault. There are many avenues for folks who cannot make decisions but clearly you are to stupid to realize that. I am going to cut this off before I say something I may regret. Straighten your act up. I am sorry you are disabled but that is no excuse for trying to skip out on a debt. 


You must be joking

#5Consumer Comment

Thu, March 21, 2013

I don't know whether to be disgusted that you would even attempt to make this an issue where you think you are entitled to be covered under the American's with Disability Act or sorry for you..because you think you can.  Oh and yes..I am well aware that comment will basically tick you off..which is good.  Perhaps it would make you think about what you say before you try to use something that was meant to protect truly disabled people to your selfish advantage.

Even if you were believed and not trying to take advantage of the situation.  I defy you to find any section of the Act that states that if you are "incapacitated" the creditors or any utilities must stop any collection efforts..up to and including not charging you any fees or attempting to cut off your service. 

Oh and as to your doctor who said you are "incapacitated" and "unable to make any personal or business decisions".  Well the good thing for you is that you are the most active "incapacitated" person I have ever heard of.  You not only had the ability to send in a Money Order, but are able to contact them telling them you are incapacitated.  Oh and let us not forget your ability to get on the Internet and post this report.

Honestly, if your doctor truly believed that you are in the situation you are, he should be talking to you about getting one of your relatives assigned as your trustee so that they can handle all of your personal and business decisions for you.  If you don't have any family..then he should be talking to Social Services to have the courts appoint one.  Or is this really a case where the doctor and you may be "exaggerating" your actual condition just a bit?

Personally I think the REAL reason is this...
As i live on a very limited income (SSDI)
- Which if that is the case..perhaps Cable TV and Broadband Internet may not be the wisest way to be spending  your money.


Good luck with that.

#6Consumer Comment

Thu, March 21, 2013

   Your interpretation of the ADA is almost comical.    Do you really think that being disabled will excuse you from paying your bills?    It  doesn't work that way.   Having a disability does not equate to a free pass when it comes to not meeting your financial obligations.    

   ADA lawsuits can be quite lucrative.  If you're claim had any merit, you'd find plenty of lawyers jumping at the chance to take your case.    Why don't you run this joke past a few of them and see what they say.


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