  • Report:  #640333

Complaint Review: CQBK9 - Internet

Reported By:
Astra - Los Angeles, California, United States of America

Internet, United States of America
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
This guy is a liar and a rip off scam artist. His site looks impressive but its a total scam. He simply pretends to be a protection dog specialist and uses his site and fake testimonials to get people to believe they will get an imported and trained protection dog. He demands 50% of the total cost of the dog, (about 3K) to be wired directly to his bank account. Being a fraud, he cannot accept credit cards like the other legitimate dog importers. Once the funds are wired, you may get a few calls back, a picture or two, maybe a video taken somewhere in Slovakia or Czech republic...He will stall you for as long as possible, claiming some setback or some problem. Eventually you will never hear from him again. He stalls you while gathering other suckers to send deposits. Once he gathers all the deposits from enough people he closes the account, changes his cell phone number and starts again. A thorough search of the internet will reveal many others who have been ripped off by him. Anyone who has received a dog never got any papers proving the dogs were actually imported. No papers will arrive with the dog and the dog will have little to no training.  His name is not Alex Wolf, nor is it Dunbar, it has changed a few times over the years. He is not some special armed forces agent as he so claims. Its all a ruse to get your deposit in his account and rip you off!

5 Updates & Rebuttals


Ripped Off and Pissed Off

#2Consumer Comment

Sat, October 19, 2013

Dear Victim, too

I saw your post above about Alex Dunbar giving you an injured puppy attacked by his other puppies, and I would gladly donate you a puppy for the wounded warrior project 100% Free.  We are actually trying to find a person to donate our Pit Bulls to for the wounded Warriors all across the board. After all we both are veterans (DD214s) to back it up and we have a liget business license.

Alex Dunbar took me for $2,000 to train my German Shepherd who is a one year old female, she came back untrained, and still had all her bad habits that he promised he would train. My husband is a Purple Heart recipient, and I myself am a 3x military veteran who suffered some tramatic injuries in Iraq, the whole reason why we sent Ariela to Mr. Dunbars training program. He cleaned out our savings! And it broke my heart seeing that I once again had a dog untrained, filled with bad habits, and not trained in anything her promised, which was protection, Search and rescue, and baisc obideance. I love my dog, and she is a part of our family. At the end of the day I am just glad that I have her back at home where she belongs!

Alex also used my dog on National Geographic without a rlease form, and used my dogs likeness as his own.  

I say we all chip in for a lawyer, I would gladly go in on a lawyer to sue this guy for what he's doing and what he has done!

Please go to my web site(((REDACTED))) I just started to prep for breeding with my German Shepherds, but we are planning for puppies in the near future once our male is old enough to be bred, and I always have American Pit Bulls up for adoptions for such a good cause. I will make sure they have all their shots for you too! I would love to donate FOR FREE a healthy PUPPY or a dog. I have a few of our older dogs up for donation to good causes.

Please comment on his YouTube videos on National Geographic's "Dooms Day Preppers" Episode 3, or anything in relation and leave reviews about what this scam artist is doing to veterans, soldiers, and to poor unexpected victims. He called and left me a phone message that he will be sending a full refund at the end of the year, I e-mailed him and no response.


To Alex Dunbar,

This is from the Female Soldier and Purple heart Vet, who you lied to, took advatange of, who took our tragity and made it your own profit and stole from us blidnly. I look forward to my FULL ReFUND of $2,000 and I hope people contact me and we find a way to team up and get this man for all the money he robbed from us! You Sir are a BAD BAD BAD MAN!


Report Attachments

victim, too

Victim, too

#3Consumer Comment

Sat, October 19, 2013

To anyone who relied on my opinion and chose to do business with Alex Dunbar, I am truly sorry to have misled you. He now owes me $1000.00 also. I took a pup from him to train for a wounded warrior. It was donated by him to the soldier, but I did all the initial imprinting and training of the dog. I did this training free of charge. However, when we picked her up from Alex, he said we needed to take a different pup instead. That puppy he gave me was severely injured after she was attacked by the other pups in her litter, and wasn't sure if she'd make it or not. We needed to take her to the vet (I got stuck with that vet bill), and then she needed to be spayed, vaccinated, dewormed, and microchipped (which I paid for). All of those things Alex said he'd reimburse me for. He never did. I placed her with a wounded veteran and she did great for him at first. Then the hip dysplasia popped up and she started going blind, all before she was 18 mos. old. She began attacking people without provocation, which I think was attributed to her loss of vision. I had her evaluated by 2 other trainers before I suggested Anka be euth'd. I got stuck with that bill, too.


I have been to his "kennel" in the San Luis Valley. They are merely pens set up outside and kept filthy, without running water. The dogs are thin and barely handled, let alone "trained." The only good dog he has on the property is one that came from a different kennel, pre-trained before he got the Malinois. Almost 3 years ago, he was supposed to breed that male (recently advertised on Doomsday Preppers as an explosives alert dog, despite having ZERO training for that task) to my female, but has put out every excuse in the book for why he couldn't drive the dog 3 hours to where I lived at the time (CO), said he was almost to my place in SD but the dog got sick (so he drove it 900 miles home? How about taking it to a vet?). Then he was going to get the dog collected so we could do an AI breeding once I got to VA. He claimed to have Sparko tested but his sperm count was low. Gee, the dog is now almost 9 y.o. Guess we can cross that breeding off the list, although I seriously doubt he paid a vet to do a sperm count. 


As to his "training" of the dogs he sells. Wow, I can't believe people sent him money without asking to see a video of the dog performing what he claims it knew. Honestly, that's a good case of buyer beware and using some common sense. I had Carman at my house to whelp one of his many "oops" breedings. I was suprised that he'd keep/breed/sell a dog so seriously people shy and fearful. He ended up selling her to some folks in WA, I think. They returned her when they discovered she wasn't housebroken, didn't know any commands, and was afraid to come out of the corner or do anything with the family. Anyone on here who bought a dog from him based on my recommendations, I really am sorry. It was poor judgement on my part to agree to help him when he asked me to write up a rebuttal to an earlier claim.

As to his military experience. I requested and received from the DoD a copy of his service record. He was never on any missions. Ever. Never. Did not happen. He spent a good portion of time on leave and working in a recruiter's office, however. I can't believe Nat Geo didn't vet his credentials before airing that show. He's never worked in the Middle East, done counter-intelligence (nor attended any of the MI schools required for that MOS), or been a covert secret agent ninja whatever the current claims are. He can tell a good story though. 


Again, I apologize if you were ripped off after reading my glowing recommendation. I was foolish and it was poor judgement on my part. 

Victim, too

I was wrong- he is a scam artist

#4Consumer Comment

Sat, October 19, 2013

To anyone who relied on my opinion and chose to do business with Alex Dunbar, I am truly sorry to have misled you. He now owes me $1000.00 also. I took a pup from him to train for a wounded warrior. It was donated by him to the soldier, but I did all the initial imprinting and training of the dog. I did this training free of charge. However, when we picked her up from Alex, he said we needed to take a different pup instead. That puppy he gave me was severely injured after she was attacked by the other pups in her litter, and wasn't sure if she'd make it or not. We needed to take her to the vet (I got stuck with that vet bill), and then she needed to be spayed, vaccinated, dewormed, and microchipped (which I paid for). All of those things Alex said he'd reimburse me for. He never did. I placed her with a wounded veteran and she did great for him at first. Then the hip dysplasia popped up and she started going blind, all before she was 18 mos. old. She began attacking people without provocation, which I think was attributed to her loss of vision. I had her evaluated by 2 other trainers before I suggested Anka be euth'd. I got stuck with that bill, too.


I have been to his "kennel" in the San Luis Valley. They are merely pens set up outside and kept filthy, without running water. The dogs are thin and barely handled, let alone "trained." The only good dog he has on the property is one that came from a different kennel, pre-trained before he got the Malinois. Almost 3 years ago, he was supposed to breed that male (recently advertised on Doomsday Preppers as an explosives alert dog, despite having ZERO training for that task) to my female, but has put out every excuse in the book for why he couldn't drive the dog 3 hours to where I lived at the time (CO), said he was almost to my place in SD but the dog got sick (so he drove it 900 miles home? How about taking it to a vet?). Then he was going to get the dog collected so we could do an AI breeding once I got to VA. He claimed to have Sparko tested but his sperm count was low. Gee, the dog is now almost 9 y.o. Guess we can cross that breeding off the list, although I seriously doubt he paid a vet to do a sperm count. 


As to his "training" of the dogs he sells. Wow, I can't believe people sent him money without asking to see a video of the dog performing what he claims it knew. Honestly, that's a good case of buyer beware and using some common sense. I had Carman at my house to whelp one of his many "oops" breedings. I was suprised that he'd keep/breed/sell a dog so seriously people shy and fearful. He ended up selling her to some folks in WA, I think. They returned her when they discovered she wasn't housebroken, didn't know any commands, and was afraid to come out of the corner or do anything with the family. Anyone on here who bought a dog from him based on my recommendations, I really am sorry. It was poor judgement on my part to agree to help him when he asked me to write up a rebuttal to an earlier claim.

As to his military experience. I requested and received from the DoD a copy of his service record. He was never on any missions. Ever. Never. Did not happen. He spent a good portion of time on leave and working in a recruiter's office, however. I can't believe Nat Geo didn't vet his credentials before airing that show. He's never worked in the Middle East, done counter-intelligence (nor attended any of the MI schools required for that MOS), or been a covert secret agent ninja whatever the current claims are. He can tell a good story though. 


Again, I apologize if you were ripped off after reading my glowing recommendation. I was foolish and it was poor judgement on my part. 

Mulligans Kennel

United States of America
CQB K-9 is a reputable company

#5Consumer Comment

Wed, August 17, 2011

I have twenty years of experience as a professional dog trainer, kennel owner, K-9 handler of GSD's, Rottweilers, Pit Bulls, Belgian Malinois, Dutch Shepherds and Bloodhounds, and have imported, trained and sold dogs to LE, Military, SAR handlers, and private citizens. I am also a Certified Veterinary Technician with over twenty years of experience in the field. I have testified in court as an expert witness on several occasions. I am qualified to rebut your claims, in other words.

I have known Alex Dunbar, owner of CQB K-9, for over ten years. He has always represented himself honestly to me and to my clients. We have successfully worked together on several occasions. I know for a fact that he has been in the military. Had you done even a mediocre search effort, you would have discovered this for yourself.

I have one of his dogs and a puppy of his on my premises now. The dog is trained as he said she would be. He has never said she had different abilities than the ones she has. She is both emotionally and physically sound. The puppy is well socialized, healthy, and an otherwise sound animal with strong working potential.

A GSD puppy from working lines (NOT show lines, which you allude to and are completely irrelevant) typically range between $1000 and $3500 depending on which bloodlines or kennel you are working with. These are commonly accepted industry standards for cost. Had you researched working K-9 bloodlines from other kennels, you would know that.

Alex's puppies sell for $1500. That is well within the expected price range, especially considering that he has a specific Slovakian bloodline that is otherwise unavailable here in the States. It is normal to require a deposit to hold an animal for a client. Alex is far more lenient than I am, and also much more accommodating. He delivers the dogs to the clients and spends time with them to ensure they know how to handle their new K-9 partner. I require payment in full and the buyer makes travel arrangements. I don't negotiate on price, but Alex will work with a buyer to come to an agreement they both feel is workable. Should they find themselves dissatisfied, Alex will again drive to pick up the dog and give a full refund. I am not aware of any other trainer, handler or breeder who would do such a thing. Again, had you done your research, you would know that.

I have decoyed for Alex in demos for Colorado State Patrol, and caught several of his other dogs during bite work training. They have solid, full-mouth bites and are consistently confident upon approach and during the bite, even when pressured. For the average Schutzhund or sport handler, or especially a novice handler or decoy, the dogs would probably be overwhelming. To an experienced handler or decoy they are, quite simply, an exhilarating blast of adrenaline :-)) If you were an experienced handler or decoy who had enjoyed the privilege of working with one of his dogs, you would know that. 

I am sorry that you have chosen this forum to attempt to degrade Alex Dunbar's and CQB K-9's reputation. Perhaps with more experience as a handler or decoy, you will come to appreciate working with a well trained dog. Based on your comments and the terminology you have chose to use, I believe it's safe to say you have very little experience, if any, in the professional K-9 arena.

Report Attachments


black forest,
the truth

#6REBUTTAL Owner of company

Sun, October 10, 2010

I am Alex Dunbar of CQB K-9. I have not changed my name or phone number, or bank account or have anything to hide. yes, I served in USMC, and have the Service records to prove it. I personally select, train, and deliver all dogs. If you can not read, on my website, it does state that DEPOSITS ARE NON-REFUNDABLE. If you have a problem,

I work it out. My Clients that have received dogs from me are all happy. If you sit in front of a computer, play with your smartphone all day, you are not one that deserves a quality dog that I spend a great deal of time with. I am in California several times a year, and one my way again this month. Anyone with a an anonymous account, can say anything on here, REAL-DEAL people know who I am. You sound like a little baby whining on here. Thanks.

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