  • Report:  #329581

Complaint Review: Credit Control Services Inc.; CCS Inc. CCC Company; CCS Commercial; Claim Assist; Capital Assistan - Newton Massachusetts

Reported By:
- Atlanta, Georgia,

Credit Control Services Inc.; CCS Inc. CCC Company; CCS Commercial; Claim Assist; Capital Assistan
2 Wells Ave. Newton, 02459 Massachusetts, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
Out of the blue, CCS calls my cell phone and says that I owe $65 from a Comcast bill from 2006. Now I did call Comcast and they verified that they show that they charged this off which is ridiculous because I have the cancelled check. When I asked for justification for the bill, the very rude individual from CCS advised me that he had already sent seven letters and made eleven phone calls to me. Laughable really and ridiculous.

Here is all the information I have on this company. Please call every extension and complain if you have been harrassed by this company. They have so many lawsuits against them that I can't believe they are still in business and in fact did over $38MM in revenue last year. Unbelievable.

Detailed Credit Control Services, Inc Company Profile

This company profile is for the private company Credit Control Services, Inc, headquarters located in Newton, MA. CCS Company's line of business is adjustment/collection services.

Year Started:2002

State of Incorporation: DE

URL: www.ccsusa.com

Location Type: Headquarters

Stock Symbol: N/A

Stock Exchange: N/A

Also Does Business As:Ccs Company; Ccs Commercial; Claim Assist


SIC #Code:7322

Est. Annual Sales:$38,248,631

Est. Employees:600

Est. Employees at Location:250

Contact Name: Steven Sands

Steven Sands direct number 617-965-2000 x2105

Contact Title: President

List of Extensions Call 617-965-2000 and put in four digits:

2101 Reception Desk

2102 Peter Motlow

2103 Maureen Sulley-Columbo

2104 Jerri Poluski

2105 Steven Sands (President, CCS)

2108 Harold Van Adaman

2110 Legal Dept

2111 Michelle Woodgill

2112 Danelle Harrison

2113 Human Resource Message Center ([email protected])

2114 David Sands

2552 Alan Rove

Web Addresses



Other information

List of lawsuits against this company(ies):


Also Does Business As: Credit Control Services, Inc., CCS, Inc. CCC Company; CCS Commercial; Claim Assist, Capital Assistance Group, CCS Financial Services

CCS' Registered Agent for their Corporation is:

CT Corporation System

101 Federal Street

Suite 700

Boston, MA 02110

Phone Numbers/Addresses/Aliases

Steven Sands, President of CCS, Inc. direct number is 617-965-2000 x2105

Voice Numbers








Fax Numbers


603-559-2302 (listed for the CCS Inc office below on Commerce Way)

617-965-8992 (for ccsjobs.net)

Email Addresses

[email protected]

Credit Control Services Inc

2 Wells Ave., Newton, MA 02459-3208

Credit Collection Services

2 Wells Ave., Newton, MA 02459

PO Box 9133, Needham Heights, MA 02494

PO Box 9137, Needham Heights, MA 02494

Credit Collection Service Co

175 Commercial Way

Portsmouth, NH 603 436 2000

Offices in NH, Boston and various location around the country.

Same guys different office

Credit Control Services Inc

175 Commerce Way

Portsmouth, NH , 03801-3243

The Organization


Steve (Steven) Sands

Title: President

Phone: 617-965-2000 x2105


Email: [email protected] (unconfirmed email)

David Sands

Title: Vice President

Phone: 617-965-2000 x2114


Email: [email protected]

Jack Harraghy

Title: Unknown

Phone:617-965-2000 EXT 2403



x2113 Human Resource Message Center (ccsjobs.net

Fax: 617-965-8992

[email protected]

Bruce Shapiro

Title: Unknown




Nicole Fourtzialas

Title: Unknown




Steven Hodge

Title: Unknown




Colene McNinch

Title: Unknown





Atlanta, Georgia


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3 Updates & Rebuttals


New Hampshire,

#2UPDATE Employee

Sun, December 14, 2014

I worked for the company Credit Collection Services. I can validate that they are not a scam and are a serious collection agency. I worked there for years, and to be honest collecting debts with cable companies is the most annoying thing. Because comcast will send us files that they cleared out or cancelled. Comcast is retarded and they mess up most of the time. With insurance files, its usually the fact that you cancel your policy and obviously no one reads the fine print, and they end up charging you and not telling you, theyll send some letters but why would you open it if you dont have that insurance company anymore right? So basically s*** happens. You guys thinking its a scam is hilarious, because companies hire us to collect on their behalf. If you pay the company that we say you owe directly, guess what? it gets out of collections! I know crazy right?


Also there are multiple phone numbers we have so that information below is mostly wrong. And we have like 10 websites so also wrong. And we use alias to protect ourselves from crazy people that threaten us so those peoples last names are probably fake. 


CCS hasseling me about a canceled GEICO Policy from 2012

#3Consumer Comment

Fri, May 24, 2013

I too have CCS of Needham MA PO Boc 9134, calling me a canceled and paid off Geico insurance policy from January 2012! They just called again today 05/24/2013! I commented because they gave me a new PO Box number different from the ones on the list.


Hill And Hill

College Park,
craigslist scammers ccsc 800-551-4340

#4Consumer Comment

Fri, September 28, 2012

These folks at CCSC are posing as business services and also doing employment verifications which don't work as my girlfriend paid for their services last week and got nothing and after sending the payment greendot . We can't even get anyone on the phone now time and money wasted .

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