  • Report:  #180347

Complaint Review: Cricket Communications Full Service Store Silas Creek Parkway - Winston-Salem, North Carolina

Reported By:
- winston-salem, North Carolina,

Cricket Communications Full Service Store Silas Creek Parkway
3226 Silas Creek Parkway Winston-Salem,, 27104 North Carolina, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
this is a letter I wrote to one of there so called Customer Service specilists. I think that it speaks for itself.


My name is Christopher and I am a Cricket customer in Winston-Salem, NC

I just recently uprgraded my phone from worn out Motorola c341 to a new Xcursion. I also added Cricket Clicks to my account. I researched the different phone models that you have offer and after a call to kyocera's tech department, I was told that the Xcursion was the most compatible phone with cricket software that kyocera makes. So I decided and about a week later i had my new phone. after adding the cricket clicks to my service I

went to the catalog. It only took me a moment to realize something was wrong because I only had access to about 3-5 applications. not jsut games or ringtones. only 3-5 apps were availible to me. I called the 800 Cricket tech service dept. And fter not too long we discovered (the CSR and I ) and came to the conclusion that somehow, somwhere, and someway my phone got missed and not all of the software got installed into my phone. She suggested that I remove my battery while the phone was still powered. She said that if that didn't help that I would have to go to a full service

Cricket store and have the phone reprogrammed. She said that the nearest "full service" store was located on Silas Creek pkwy. in the Silas Creek Shopping center. The CSR then asked me if I knew where it was and I did, it is only 3 miles from my house, so I said thank you and when I hung up with her (by the way she was very helpful and friendly I wish I had written her name down so I could give her a nice complimant) I tried as she suggested, but to no avail. So the ncxt day I drove to the Full Service store and took a number (#25 was displayed on the wall indicator i grabbed #27) there were several customers in the store and I sat to wait for my number to be displayed..

after about 10 minutes a man came out from behind the counter proceeced to help the other customers. now this is very important. There were 2 police officers in the store, I guess moonlighting as security. they were standing near the back door chit-chatting. back to waiting my turn. as I sat there number in hand, Carlos (I later found out his name) coninued to help everyone else in the store only after they were finished did he finally come up to me. He asked what I nedded and I proceeded to tell him and demonstrate on my cell. after about a minute he said "So what do you want me to do about it" I repeated what the CSR had told me the evening before and asked if he would reprogram my phone. I told him that I had only had the phone for about 4 days and I would like to have it fixed and working properly. Now as we discussed this we were standing by a group of signs outlaying the prices for services. Carlos look at me, after I had asked him to reprogram my phone, and said "we dont do that here." this brings me to the signs on the walls. I turned and looked and pointed to the sigh that plainly read "Reprogramming $15.00" and I had been told by the CSR the evening before that they are a full service store. So I asked about the sighn. "if you dont reprogram phones what is the fee fore?"

Now I admit that I was a bit frustrated by that, after having to wait while everyone else got taken car of first. this also leads me back to the 2 officers in the store and the next crowd of people that were entering the


Carllos replied to me, refering to the sighn, that it was if you purchaed a phone from a friend or somehow used, they charged $15.00 to put that ESN in they new owners name. the only problem with his explanation is that the phone that I replaced with the Xcursion was a used phone. I didnt have to go to any store or pay a $15.00 reprogramming fee. only activation and and 1st months service. and I asked him about that, he shrugged his

shoulders and said if you dont believe me then call and ask them why they told me that they reprogrammed phones.

At this point I was a bit mad. well maybe a bit more than mad. But I held my tongue and placved a call to the 611 number and in less time than I waited to be waited on I was on the phone with another CSR, After explaing

the most recent set back in enjoying my phone. I asked him again if the store was in, indeed was a Full Service store. he said, and I quote, " I am not sure, however if you could tell me what city you are in I will give you

the address of a Full Service Cricket store,Can you Hold please". As I told him sure, I could hear him typing in the background, and only a moment or two later he returned. " I am sorry to have to have put you on hold" he apologized, and continued" Do you know where Silas Creek Crossing shopping center is located." I laughed and told him that is were I was standing. after about 20 minutes of us both wondering why this guy, Carlos was

refusing to help me, I ask the CSR on the phone if I could speak to his supervisor and maybe he could shed some light on the situation.

The CSR again, apologized and asked if I could hold, I agreed and he transfered me to a supervisor. Once again I explained the whole situation. Now I have to admit, I was frustrated and my hearing is bad, so my voice tends to carry, especially when on a phone. After I went through the story for this Supervisor on the phone he asked to speak with Carlos. so I walked to the counter and told Carlos that a Cricket tech service supervisor would like to spreak to him. he did even answer me for about 5 minutes while he stood behind a young lady and told her a couple of jokes. Carlos, finally, came around the counter and I handed him my phone. he went a ways off from me, and when I went over to near him he held out his hand in a stop gesture and then went behind the counter and into a back room. returning a good 10 minutes later and handed my phone back to me as he walked away.

I asked the Supervisor what was said and he told me that There is an obvious missunderstanding and that all phone come with only a couple of games.. refering to the factory shipped feature. under tools. I aksed him if he missunderstood what i was saying , he replied no he didn't, and II then reminded the Supoervisor that not only did I tell him the problem but demonstrated it for him as well.

At that point I'd had enough, The tech manager on the phone, said that maybe I had the right software and I was missunderstood the CSR I had previously spoke with about my phone and the applications. he continued to say that is what Carlos seemed to understand and that I must be mistaken. I replied no, It was that Carlos was a lier and just did know his job. I admit that I could have said that better, while getting my point across.But I had been in the store for more than and hour and a half. After working 10 hours in a retail store, that If I had spoke to one customer the way he spoke to me I would be fired on the spot. and I am the Manager of the store. So out of line , yeah it was, and I regret it. however, Carlos came out from around the counter and said that I was being too loud. I apologized for raising my voice and tried to explain that I am hard of hearing. He told me to talk outside. that is when I asked him his name and Refused to give me his last name. Now mind you there were 2 officers standing at the back door. as I walked out (just so happens my phone died and I have not been able to get any customer service people on the phone to help me fix these problems.

But I found out 2 days after I had made a complaint against Carlos to the Greensboro store that he told them that I had cussed him out, amd was a raving madman. I freely admint to being a bit loud and very frustrated and even angry, but I never used a single swear word or any to those nature until I walked out the door passed the 2 officers, as I passed the male officer at the door I did say that I was thankful for his presence, otherwise I might have done something I would have regretted and the officer leaned towards me and said" I wouldn't have blamed you ". I went outside and have not been in the store since. that will be 3 weeks ago this Friday. then I find out what he told his bosses and I have been banned from the store. I have never been in any trouble in my life. nor have I ever asked for more than what I am paying for. that is all that I had asked of him. and that is all I am asking of you. thank you for all of you patience in reading this letter, and

I hope to hear a response soon.


winston-salem, North Carolina

Click here to read other Rip Off Reports on Cricket

23 Updates & Rebuttals


North Carolina,
I am not hiding

#2Consumer Comment

Thu, April 20, 2006

I am not hiding anything at all. I just dont feel that my race, or Carlos's needs to be identified. If you go back and read my prior posts you will, at least be able to see why I feel this way. And if there was no racism in Carlos's actions just deplorable customer service, then I will apologize for my misunderstanding of Carlos's actions.


Winston Salem,
North Carolina,
To my knowledge...

#3UPDATE EX-employee responds

Mon, April 03, 2006

To my knowledge, Cricket does NOT hire racists. In fact, people of all races work together within the same store. How could a bunch of racists work together and much less run a store properly? I've heard of racism on the job, but if Cricket was really racist, it would only hire a certain race of people. I think Carlos was lacking some good customer service skills at the time. But that doesn't mean he was racist. I agree with Nicole. It sounds like you're hiding something. I've been in that store before, and I was actually going to work at that store you went to in Winston Salem because I used to work in the customer service call center before I moved to NC. I know most of the employees. They're NOT racists. Racism is a VERY STRONG word. You MUST back that claim up with some DETAILED evidence of it.



#4Consumer Suggestion

Mon, April 03, 2006

Were the other customers the same race as Carlos, or the same race as you? Please read further for an explanation of this question. Same race as Carlos: if everyone BUT you was Hispanic (yes, I am guessing but his name IS Carlos and that is a hispanic name.) Then I could see you protraying his actions as racist, they probably were. Different race than Carlos: if everyone in the room (other than Carlos) was the same race as YOU it is mighty hard to say he was racist towards you. That would be like me (I'm Italian btw) in a room full of Italians and one German. Now the German speaks to everyone politely except me. The German is rude to me, treats me with disrespect. Is that racism? No. In order for it to be "racist" the action has to come out of a hatred for that particular race. If the German is nice to all the other Italians, they obviously do not hate the Italian ethnicity. They just didn't care for me. I am more than willing to read your response and try to understand where this "racist" label comes from, but you have to provide the facts. By not providing them, it seems like you are trying to hide something. So, please, let me know. And if you are right, trust me Cricket WILL hear from me about their policy of hiring racists.



#5Consumer Suggestion

Sun, April 02, 2006

Christopher said: I am a different race than Carlos. Uhm, no kidding. Why would one person accuse another person of the same race of racism? Never mind, if he didn't say anything racist, and helped people of HIS OWN COLOR first, and you want to paint "racist" with a broad brush over that, well, I find that over-sensitive. You win, I'm done arguing that. Christopher said: I have the right as a customer to be treated with RESPECT AND DIGNITY. No, it's the other way around, Christopher. You have the RIGHT as a customer to choose who gets your consumer dollar. They EARN your business with DIGNITY AND RESPECT in hopes that you'll come back and continue doing business with them. If you're really that offended, get cell service with someone else. Otherwise, you're just funding that which offends you, which is silly. We can definately agree there. If enough people feel like you, Cricket will lose money. I urge EVERYONE to wisely spend their dollar on that which most appeals and least offends them, including you Christopher. If they're not giving you what you paid for, it's a breach of contract. You have a right to seek compensation or the right to get out of your contract and take your dollar elsewhere. (State laws vary, but check into it).


North Carolina,
yes Nick there was racism,

#6Author of original report

Thu, March 30, 2006

I am a different race than Carlos. I was not hostile UNTIL I WAS IGNORED AND TREATED POORLY. I have the right as a customer to be treated with RESPECT AND DIGNITY.


So then there WASN'T racism?

#7Consumer Suggestion

Wed, March 29, 2006

Christopher said: (I dont feel it neccessary to say my color or anyone elses because I am not a biggot) all the other customers were of like color, I should have been next in line according to their costomer service procedures. instead I had to wait until he was finished with everyone else. Well, if everyone else was of like color, then he didn't single you out for racism. He probably singled you out to help last because he could sense your hostility and your impatient demeanor. Retail people sometimes do that because they figure if you're going to be loud, demanding and insulting, or blow up on them, they want as few people in the store as possible to avoid mass-embarassment. 10 years in customer service should have taught you that. "Racist" is a very charged word, and it means something very serious, and I was willing to boycott Cricket for that kind of offense, even if you WERE irate towards the guy. There is NO excuse for racism in the consumer market. However, there's a universe of difference between "racist" and "not following customer procedures". It's disgusting when people cry racism without merit. Especially against a company as a whole, as noted in your "headline" when they clearly are NOT. It makes the legitimate racism issues trivial. I'll just assume, since you're not addressing me, that you put that in your headline to garner attention and sympathy to your "poor customer service" issue. Good luck with your phone problem.


North Carolina,
HOW was Carlos racist?

#8Author of original report

Mon, March 27, 2006

Nicole asked "HOW was Carlos racist? What did he do specifically that makes him racist? (mind you, it cannot simply be that he is a different race than you - although I would be interested in the details on that too - he had to DO something, call you something, imply something ect)" He showed his racism by his actions. I was in a the store, I took the "number" (wall sign that displayed the number of current customer being served) the sign read "25" the number in my hand was "27" I waited patiently for my turn. (there was a young lady behind the counter helping #25 and another more mature lady sitting behind the counter (as far as I could tell she was on the phone) Carlos came out into the store asking what the other customers needed. I was sitting in the front row, right next to #26 he asled her what she needed, directed her to the lady on the phone, and walked past me. helped everyone else in the store (I dont feel it neccessary to say my color or anyone elses because I am not a biggot) all the other customers were of like color, I should have been next in line according to their costomer service procedures. instead I had to wait until he was finished with everyone else. And then he only stopped and talked to me because I walked over to him and asked for his help. He seemed inattentive and uninterested in solving my problems with my phone, several times he snatched my phone from me or carelessly handed it back with a shrug and the statement "call them yourself and ask them why they told you that we did that" I have have worked in customer service for more than 10 yrs and if I treated any customer with that much disrespect I would be fired, ( and rightly so) I did not ask him for anything free, I did not scream and yell at him, I did not call him any expletives or any epithets (as he claims) There were 2 officers on security duty in the store they were there before and after i left If I had gotten beligerent with any of the CSR's I would have been removed by the forementioned officers(as they have done in the past at my job) I hope that this better explains what happened that day. I work in customer service and have been in the retail business for over 10 yrs. If I treated a


So where is the RACISM, Christopher.

#9Consumer Suggestion

Sun, March 19, 2006

You were sure proud to put that in your headline. But now you are so ashamed to run and hide from the issue when it comes up. Answer the question, Christopher. Hmmm... maybe racism didn't have anything to do with your complaint, but you knew it would be an "emotional" issue for your sympathy. Is that it? Or was it revenge for your bad experience with a Mexican?


How...? no interest in doing business with a company that actively employs small minded people

#10Consumer Suggestion

Sun, March 19, 2006

Ok, I have a Cricket phone. I am not a big fan, but the unlimited minutes are nice. My question is simple: HOW was Carlos racist? What did he do specifically that makes him racist? (mind you, it cannot simply be that he is a different race than you - although I would be interested in the details on that too - he had to DO something, call you something, imply something ect) Please keep in mind slander and libel are crimes, and calling someone racist with no evidence (especially when it has a detrimental effect on them) is illegal. So if you choose to call someone racist (which is your right) please back it up. Now, if Carlos truly was racist I would like to know. I have no interest in doing business with a company that actively employs small minded people. So, if you could help me out here, I would appreciate it. Thank you. God Bless.


North Carolina,
last reply to Nick

#11Author of original report

Sat, March 18, 2006

Here is the reason. I have come to realize that you are a moron,what happened to you is called "Irony", not sarcasm. Yes he was a racist He was not the only other CSR in the store. No you probably are not a CSR (you have no customer skills) no I am not at his mercy. I will have my phone repaired by manufact.) a Process Server is on the way to store. and so the f--k what hos hourly rate. Poor customer service is inexcusable. A reminder: I called Carlos a liar AFTER the horrible customer service. AFTER His nasty attitude. didnt tell him his job at all. I said that is what I was told to tell the CSR at the store. I also had have phones "programmed" there before. the Greensboro store also thold me that Carlos should have "programmed" it useing the PST that they have in the store. (Greemsboro is the Home store in the local region) so not too overwhelm your sense (or you mind NIck)


I'm not a CSR.

#12Consumer Suggestion

Sat, March 18, 2006

Here's where you went wrong. Christopher: Carlos seemed to understand and that I must be mistaken. I replied no, It was that Carlos was a lier and just did know his job. I think calling him a liar might have been the thing you did wrong. And a customer telling a worker "exactly what his job DOES entail" when A) He is the only employee on duty B) You have a busted phone C) He probably makes around $10.00 an hour D) You give him crap E) You insulted him ... is probably not the way to make friends and influence people. YOU were at HIS mercy, and this obviously did not seem to give you the upper hand. Chris... sarcasm. ;) Christopher: Maybe you learned something. Answer the question, Christopher. Was Carlos racist or not, and if so, HOW? You are evading this answer, and I'm curious as to why.


North Carolina,
Good Question!

#13Author of original report

Thu, March 16, 2006

"Okay, then, why WOULDN'T he help?" Nick asks. I have to say, I dont know. I followd the instructions that several Cricket and Kyocera Tech reps, took my phone to the full service cricket store. So I can honestlu say that I don't know. And I have not been able to get an answer from them. So maybe he just has lousy customer service skill. Or maybe too lazy. I wasnt even trying to speculate as to his true motives. I just stated the facts of what happened, and who I spoke with. So I put it to you Nick, why do you think this happened. and lets be completely fair about it. You on the other hand seemed to have it all figured out. you are the great sage of CSR's and haveing not been in the store, or even hearing Carlos answer to my allegations you automaticaly I went in there ranting and raving? I am so glad that you are here to show the true path out of the blissful world of ingorance. (just in case you missed it, that is called sarcasm)


North Carolina,
Good Question!

#14Author of original report

Thu, March 16, 2006

"Okay, then, why WOULDN'T he help?" Nick asks. I have to say, I dont know. I followd the instructions that several Cricket and Kyocera Tech reps, took my phone to the full service cricket store. So I can honestlu say that I don't know. And I have not been able to get an answer from them. So maybe he just has lousy customer service skill. Or maybe too lazy. I wasnt even trying to speculate as to his true motives. I just stated the facts of what happened, and who I spoke with. So I put it to you Nick, why do you think this happened. and lets be completely fair about it. You on the other hand seemed to have it all figured out. you are the great sage of CSR's and haveing not been in the store, or even hearing Carlos answer to my allegations you automaticaly I went in there ranting and raving? I am so glad that you are here to show the true path out of the blissful world of ingorance. (just in case you missed it, that is called sarcasm)


North Carolina,
Good Question!

#15Author of original report

Thu, March 16, 2006

"Okay, then, why WOULDN'T he help?" Nick asks. I have to say, I dont know. I followd the instructions that several Cricket and Kyocera Tech reps, took my phone to the full service cricket store. So I can honestlu say that I don't know. And I have not been able to get an answer from them. So maybe he just has lousy customer service skill. Or maybe too lazy. I wasnt even trying to speculate as to his true motives. I just stated the facts of what happened, and who I spoke with. So I put it to you Nick, why do you think this happened. and lets be completely fair about it. You on the other hand seemed to have it all figured out. you are the great sage of CSR's and haveing not been in the store, or even hearing Carlos answer to my allegations you automaticaly I went in there ranting and raving? I am so glad that you are here to show the true path out of the blissful world of ingorance. (just in case you missed it, that is called sarcasm)


North Carolina,
Good Question!

#16Author of original report

Thu, March 16, 2006

"Okay, then, why WOULDN'T he help?" Nick asks. I have to say, I dont know. I followd the instructions that several Cricket and Kyocera Tech reps, took my phone to the full service cricket store. So I can honestlu say that I don't know. And I have not been able to get an answer from them. So maybe he just has lousy customer service skill. Or maybe too lazy. I wasnt even trying to speculate as to his true motives. I just stated the facts of what happened, and who I spoke with. So I put it to you Nick, why do you think this happened. and lets be completely fair about it. You on the other hand seemed to have it all figured out. you are the great sage of CSR's and haveing not been in the store, or even hearing Carlos answer to my allegations you automaticaly I went in there ranting and raving? I am so glad that you are here to show the true path out of the blissful world of ingorance. (just in case you missed it, that is called sarcasm)


Insignificant, indeed!

#17Consumer Suggestion

Wed, March 15, 2006

Christopher said: Not that your small minded, insignificant blather in the least bit helpful to M or to Carlos. But rather to say this. It is not that he couldn't help, it is that he wouldn't! Okay, then, why WOULDN'T he help? Fine. Go get your phone fixed the way YOU see fit. Accuse past employees who attempt to give you a hand up on your problem of not listening, thereby insinuating that they were "one of the better employees". As for racism, what, was Carlos a different color than you? Poor customer service is one thing, but poor customer service from someone who happens to look different than you is NOT necessarily "racial". But since the race card ALWAYS helps your credibility, which was it: Were you too white, black or asian? I'd be happy to boycott a racist company, and since you put that in the headline, I want to know where that fits in. You accused them of racism - so let's hear it.


North Carolina,
I hope that one day someone will be as helpful to you as you are to us.

#18Author of original report

Wed, March 15, 2006

M just so you know. I have dialed *228(you DO NOT press one for english) several times. at the request of the Cricket tech reps (I have spoken to many of them).. I also spoke to the manufactorer of my phone. yes I know that there is a fee for changing phones of $15.00, however I was using the terminoligy that the Cricket tech used when she explained it to me. and if there was only a missunderstanding of symantics there would have been no problem. However I will NOT thank someone for having an attitude with me before they even had spoken to me. And to clarify something for you M, I do know that cricket clicks have to be downloaded and that I have to have the feature activated. If only you understood my original post, I have nothing, nada, ziltch, nyet, availble save for 7 applications. Not the over 150 that should be availible for download on my phone. Nor will it access the catalog so I can purchase them. This was told to me by four seperate cricket tech reps, and 2 kyocera techs. And again, I was in a full service store, I even said that it neede4 to be flashed and reprogrammed with the PST. that is what all of the Cricket techs had told me. Carlos said that they didnt do that and he had been there for 5 years. I hope now that you finally understand M. Now for Nick, you have no earthly idea of what you speak.. you are wrong I did was not rude, or abusive, nor is my phone "Ghetto" as you so ignorantly pointed out. I asked Carlos for his help, explained and demonstrated the problem, and then gave him the solution as instructed by the Cricket tech reps. Not that your small minded, insignificant blather in the least bit helpful to M or to Carlos. But rather to say this. It is not that he couldn't help, it is that he wouldn't! I truly hope that one day you are treating like I was, then maybe, just maybe you will know how it feels to be wronged, lied to, and slandered.


Geez, Poor "M". Why bother with this guy?

#19Consumer Suggestion

Wed, March 15, 2006

Wow. Lying. Racist. Cheating. All that because Carlos couldn't help you find all of your applications on your phone? "M" tries to help you reprogram your piece of crap, cheap @$$ budget phone, and you insult his past job performance? Unbelievable. While you're complaining about how you were treated, did you even stop to think about THANKING someone who DOES know his stuff for trying to help you out? No, you turned and insulted HIM too. If this is any indication of what "Carlos" went through dealing with you, I can see why he hung out and cracked jokes with girls. It was because the alternative was putting up with a rude, insulting customer who seemed pretty aggressive and abusive. I'd have told you to get out. Not because of your ghetto phone or the color of your skin... but because you richly deserve to be at the end of the line for acting like a clown. Do North Carolina a favor and trade in your phone for a session with an anger management therapist.


Winston Salem,
North Carolina,
I can read just fine...I understand what you're saying...

#20UPDATE EX-employee responds

Wed, March 15, 2006

First of all, I always think it's interesting when customers try to tell the employees how to do (or how they did) their job and what language they are supposed to use (or did use) while working. Anywyays, let me explain myself again. When reps in the Technical Support department say to "reprogram your phone", they will ALWAYS tell you to "dial *228 SEND and follow the prompts to program your phone automatically to our system". This same process is done for Verizon phones as well, and they call it the SAME thing. I completely understand what you mean by "reprogramming", but I was giving you a different definition and explantion of what that is in Cricket's context. If the phone's software needs to be re-installed, it's either called "refreshing the software" or "upgrading the software/firmware" by the Full Service stores. Again, the $15.00 "reprogramming" charge at the Full Service store is for an ESN Change, which would mean that you're switching your service from one phone to another phone (whether you're upgrading or whatever). If you receive a paper bill, it will show up as a "Reprogramming Fee". THAT is why they lable that fee as such in the Full Service store. Now do you understand what I'm saying? I was ONLY trying to explain the fees that are posted in the store (don't you think I would KNOW that since I WORKED for them?). As for the Cricket Clicks applications, those MUST be downloaded in order for you to use them. You MUST have that feature active on your account FIRST, THEN you can download the applications. If I'm not mistaken, you must go to the shopping cart FIRST before any applications will be available to you. From there, you'll be able to choose what you want and THEN the application will download to your phone. Verizon has almost the same type of thing, and it works the same way. I understand that you think "the customer is always right", but when a customer is just needing to be instructed on how to use their equipment, that idea becomes more of a hinderance than a help. Please don't be offended by what I just said. I'm only trying to steer you in the right direction so that you can get the help you need. Trust me, I still know a lot about those phones even though I don't work for them directly anymore. Sir, just to let you know, I can read just fine. I hope what I explained for you above helps you understand where I'm coming from a little bit more. Ask one of the Technical Support reps when you call into Customer Service if I am wrong. Actually, they'll probably remember me more than likely...


Winston Salem,
North Carolina,
I can read just fine...I understand what you're saying...

#21UPDATE EX-employee responds

Wed, March 15, 2006

First of all, I always think it's interesting when customers try to tell the employees how to do (or how they did) their job and what language they are supposed to use (or did use) while working. Anywyays, let me explain myself again. When reps in the Technical Support department say to "reprogram your phone", they will ALWAYS tell you to "dial *228 SEND and follow the prompts to program your phone automatically to our system". This same process is done for Verizon phones as well, and they call it the SAME thing. I completely understand what you mean by "reprogramming", but I was giving you a different definition and explantion of what that is in Cricket's context. If the phone's software needs to be re-installed, it's either called "refreshing the software" or "upgrading the software/firmware" by the Full Service stores. Again, the $15.00 "reprogramming" charge at the Full Service store is for an ESN Change, which would mean that you're switching your service from one phone to another phone (whether you're upgrading or whatever). If you receive a paper bill, it will show up as a "Reprogramming Fee". THAT is why they lable that fee as such in the Full Service store. Now do you understand what I'm saying? I was ONLY trying to explain the fees that are posted in the store (don't you think I would KNOW that since I WORKED for them?). As for the Cricket Clicks applications, those MUST be downloaded in order for you to use them. You MUST have that feature active on your account FIRST, THEN you can download the applications. If I'm not mistaken, you must go to the shopping cart FIRST before any applications will be available to you. From there, you'll be able to choose what you want and THEN the application will download to your phone. Verizon has almost the same type of thing, and it works the same way. I understand that you think "the customer is always right", but when a customer is just needing to be instructed on how to use their equipment, that idea becomes more of a hinderance than a help. Please don't be offended by what I just said. I'm only trying to steer you in the right direction so that you can get the help you need. Trust me, I still know a lot about those phones even though I don't work for them directly anymore. Sir, just to let you know, I can read just fine. I hope what I explained for you above helps you understand where I'm coming from a little bit more. Ask one of the Technical Support reps when you call into Customer Service if I am wrong. Actually, they'll probably remember me more than likely...


Winston Salem,
North Carolina,
I can read just fine...I understand what you're saying...

#22UPDATE EX-employee responds

Wed, March 15, 2006

First of all, I always think it's interesting when customers try to tell the employees how to do (or how they did) their job and what language they are supposed to use (or did use) while working. Anywyays, let me explain myself again. When reps in the Technical Support department say to "reprogram your phone", they will ALWAYS tell you to "dial *228 SEND and follow the prompts to program your phone automatically to our system". This same process is done for Verizon phones as well, and they call it the SAME thing. I completely understand what you mean by "reprogramming", but I was giving you a different definition and explantion of what that is in Cricket's context. If the phone's software needs to be re-installed, it's either called "refreshing the software" or "upgrading the software/firmware" by the Full Service stores. Again, the $15.00 "reprogramming" charge at the Full Service store is for an ESN Change, which would mean that you're switching your service from one phone to another phone (whether you're upgrading or whatever). If you receive a paper bill, it will show up as a "Reprogramming Fee". THAT is why they lable that fee as such in the Full Service store. Now do you understand what I'm saying? I was ONLY trying to explain the fees that are posted in the store (don't you think I would KNOW that since I WORKED for them?). As for the Cricket Clicks applications, those MUST be downloaded in order for you to use them. You MUST have that feature active on your account FIRST, THEN you can download the applications. If I'm not mistaken, you must go to the shopping cart FIRST before any applications will be available to you. From there, you'll be able to choose what you want and THEN the application will download to your phone. Verizon has almost the same type of thing, and it works the same way. I understand that you think "the customer is always right", but when a customer is just needing to be instructed on how to use their equipment, that idea becomes more of a hinderance than a help. Please don't be offended by what I just said. I'm only trying to steer you in the right direction so that you can get the help you need. Trust me, I still know a lot about those phones even though I don't work for them directly anymore. Sir, just to let you know, I can read just fine. I hope what I explained for you above helps you understand where I'm coming from a little bit more. Ask one of the Technical Support reps when you call into Customer Service if I am wrong. Actually, they'll probably remember me more than likely...


North Carolina,
just in case "M" can't read.

#23Author of original report

Sun, March 12, 2006

Do you, having worked for cricket, not think that I have already tried that. and you are incorrecred about ESN reassigning. Reprogramming the phone is when you re-install the firmware. reasignning the ESN is when you upgrade or trade phones.. I was told by 3 seperate tech reps with Cricket and 2 from Kyocera, and 1 of them is a supervisor. also M, I can tell by the fact that you dont really pay attention to the customers complaint nust have been one of their better employee's. you see, I explained several times that it is the Cricket Clicks that I am having a problem with. Not the manufactorers games. You see the problem that all cricket reps have. they assume they know the answer before the question is asked. and yeah the store maybe nice, in appearence, but the people need lessons in the 1st rule of retail. "The Customer is all ways right." and rule 2 is "If there is a dispute with a customer, see rule #1"


Winston Salem,
North Carolina,
Hope this helps explain some things...

#24UPDATE EX-employee responds

Sun, March 12, 2006

I think I can see what is going on here. I'm sorry that you had to experience that. I used to work in Tech Support for Cricket (1800Cricket). I haven't worked with the new phone that you're talking about. But, I can tell you what I do know about what's going on based on my previous experience (I worked for them for about 8 months at their call center before moving out-of-state). As I understand it, you bought the Xcursion phone at the Cricket store at Silas Creek Parkway. That's a nice store. Anyways, from my understanding, the phones may only come with a few applications or games that you can use. These should be outlined in the owner's manual that came with your phone. Depending on which company the cell phone manufacturers make the phone for, you may or may not have all or less than all the features noted in the manual. If you're referring to Cricket Clicks applications, sometimes you must reprogram the phone by dialing *228 SEND (then press 1 for English at the prompt). That will re-download features and program your phone to Cricket's service. What the first Tech Support lady told you was probably correct as well, but usually they try to tell you to reprogram your phone with *228 first. The reprogramming of the phone at the Full Service store is an ESN change, meaning that you switch your wireless service from one phone to another phone. So, switching from your Motorola C341 to your Xcursion phone should be a $15.00 fee (depending on certain circumstances). If you were having problems accessing Cricket Clicks applications that can usually be corrected at the Cricket Store. Hope this helps a little bit

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