  • Report:  #1180483

Complaint Review: Crossroads Church of Denver - Wheat Ridge Colorado

Reported By:
Ripped off - Cranberry Township, Pennsylvania,

Crossroads Church of Denver
9725 West 50th Avenue Wheat Ridge, 80033 Colorado, USA
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?

Acording to DORA this counslor did nothing wrong but here's what happened to me.

I start with a little history… 

I believe it was October, 2011 I met the most wonderful woman on a Christian Dating Site and we talked for 7 months every single day sometimes multiple times till she invited me to visit her in Denver. The visit was remarkable, two people couldn’t have more in common, differences were handled in a textbook style; never had I met such a perfect match. After the three days of my visit, she pleaded for me to stay another two days and on the last day she proposed marriage and she took me to the store to look for wedding rings. After several months of making sure this is the path we wanted to follow, especially since I would be giving up a home that paid me a monthly income and disposing of most of my furniture, I packed my possessions, she bought a ticket and flew to my location on the East Coast and helped me move to her house where I stayed in a sweat in her basement while (as planned) we would make final wedding plans and within a week or two max be married. 

So we arrived with the truck late at night, we bed down in our separate residences in her house and unloaded the truck the next day with a crew of her friends to help. Her and I returned the truck, I took her to dinner and afterwards sat in her living room and breathed a sigh of relief (at least I did). She then announced that “if I expected her to be the least bit amorous with me, forget it”. She said, “She needed to get used to me”. I was shocked needless to say but her I am trapped so I need to make the best of it and hope the wonderful woman I came out to marry at her request would come back. 

After a couple of weeks of bickering and nitpicking to the point of even being taught how to close a sliding window, I called Crossroads Church of Denver where she has attended for more than 8 years and I attended back in the 80’s to get a little help as I’m still looking for that woman I moved out here to marry. So I set an appointment to meet with Geoffrey Nelson, told my fiancé who refused to attend as she had never heard of such a person from the church. On the day of the appointment, much to my surprise, she arrives with a bit of a smirk on her face but nonetheless we’re off to settling things down. We enter the room to talk, he introduces himself as a professional psychologist who sometimes meets with people from Crossroads Church of Denver then we proceed. We all introduce ourselves and before

I can get a words out about why we’re there, he announces what a sinner I am living with my fiancé.  He made the whole situation as though I threw a dart at a map of Denver and invaded the address it hit and am having sex with the property owner, nothing could be further from the truth. I’m thinking this guy must be psychic to now so much and virtually all I did was say my name. in less than 10 minutes of being in that office of abuse, I was diagnosed as being an Evil Narcissist then he continued to lecture me on what a sinner I was living together with her and it was all my fault; even though we both planned the suite for me as there was no way I could afford living on my Social Security Disability in such an expensive city to reside in and we would be married in a few short weeks anyway, or so it was the plan. So after an hour of Geoffrey Nelson’s abuse he calmed down and said our next meeting would be on conflict resolution. 

Shortly after the first meeting I was admitted into the Emergency Room at Lutheran Hospital and underwent emergency hernia surgery. I was there 5 days, my fiancé visited twice the second time with affection in her voice said Geoffrey Nelson can wait to meet you again and she could say enough about how much she liked him. 

We go to the second meeting and “Conflict Resolution” becomes an ambush of me. He brings out the white board and starts ridiculing me for how I’m taking advantage of her (fiancé) and taking her money. I pointed out that the first 3 weeks of my residing in her basement cost me over $900.00 which just about took me broke and he said that doesn’t count. I said I was trying t help her out as there were several things the house needed maintenance wise and for all intent and purpose she was bankrupt with the debt she had and her extravagant diet. She also has a housed that is a firetrap with such an electricity shortage when you vacuum the floors all the light dim and stay dim and the vacuum plug is hot when you unplug it. I talked to an electrician at Home Depot and he guestimated $2500.00 for a new service plus 7 or $8,000.00 to rewire all the overloaded circuits. Geoffrey Nelson said I would be responsible for half that repair because I lived there. 

 At the white board she announced all her household expenses, he totaled them up and said half of that was my responsibility. Even though I was an invited guest turned legal resident when monthly services were in my name and paid for by me. Geoffrey Nelson insisted I write her a check every day for the privilege of living there and if I missed even one payment he would contact the Jefferson County Sheriff’s Department and tell them I threatened to kill her with my guns which coming from a person like his title would certainly land me in jail. He then went on like a mad man saying he would be calling a cab to take me to the motel of my choice “right now” (with my car sitting out front) he stood over me pointing his finger at me continuing this rhetoric of abuse till I finally asked him to please take my life as I can’t take this anymore; I said just hook up the wires and throw the switch and put me out of my misery and he still continued to abuse. While all this is going on, my ex fiancé is doing all she can to disguise her laughter having a smirk on her face. Geoffrey Nelson said this was necessary becausse in the State of Colorado when a male and female live under the same roof for 90 days, the State automatically considers them married, he said there was an attorney right in the Church that would come in to the office and conform that. In all my shock, I didn’t think, then how can Denver be such a singles town as there are thousands of single males and females living in apartments that would all be married? Their living conditions were no different than ours. Buy the way I offered Geoffrey Nelson a release of my information from my Counselor in my home town that might shed some light on my not being an Evil narcissist, he replied that my counselor did not have sufficient credentials to asses my mental state…he didn’t even know her name, and he calls me a narcissist? She talked me through mortality at the time and freed me from some lingering family issues which was no doubt a contribution to my improvement in health where the inverse is true with Geoffrey Nelson. 

I called the Arvada Police to report Geoffrey Nelson intent to file a false police report as a part of an extortion plan, they said if he comes in contact with me they will remove him immediately but there has to be something of a relationship between the Church and the police as they refused to take any police report that implicated the Church. Even the Jefferson County District Attorney’s Office as I asked that charges be filed against Geoffrey Nelson for extortion said he contacted the Arvada Police to get all the police reports and there was hardly anything and nothing with any teeth in it. The police were called to her residence on her as she physically abused me, abused my dog who to this day is reluctant to get in bed with me as he did since a pup, she must have beat the tar out of him and he has lumps on his ribs since living there. She was against having a dog in the marital bed so when I would leave my dog behind she was obviously beating him, especially when she hit him in the face right in front of me.  The DA got back to me and said, with the evidence I produced and my story, I was defiantly a victim of extortion but it wasn’t a strong enough case for the County to prosecute. An earlier conversation with the Jefferson County DA’s Office not only confirmed the extortion but said I was a disabled senior citizen being held hostage as they were taking so much money from me thru extortion it was all but impossible I could find shelter for me and my possessions.  Then my personal possession started disappearing, it was no coincidence everything I said I had as a part of our months of conversations prior to moving that she was excited about like tools for the kitchen and gardening tools disappeared she even stole 20 pounds of wild caught salmon and more than 10 pounds of chicken breast, she even stole food I got at the Food Bank as I could not afford food and get moved. When I confronted her about all the thefts she denied them but told me Geoffrey Nelson said she was entitled to my possessions to pay rent prior to the extortion, I lost thousands of dollars; she must have even been taking orders from the people from her Bible Study as I showed one friend of hers who had a smoker my smoker then $100.00 rib racks were missing.  The horror, the theft, the crime is unimaginable that I suffered all orchestrated by a licensed psychologist and his inappropriate relationship with my fiancé meeting to figure out how to extort me as she admitted. 

I walked out of that second meeting opened the door to the outside and felt like I was walking into a picture as the World was no longer real to me, if I would have had a firearm, I would have taken my life right outside just as I told Geoffrey Nelson. Geoffrey Nelson never inquired as to medications I took nor took any health history which is required. He did this to a “poster child of recovery from heart failure”. I had so recovered from dilated cardiomyopathy with congestive heart failure that none of my doctors said boo about me moving to the Mile High City. I acclimated just like any heart healthy person moving from sea level would and lived a normal life at altitude. After Geoffrey Nelson’s abuse my blood pressure skyrocketed to an average of 200/100, I was so distraught I could sleep for more than an hour without waking up from a nightmare screaming; that went on for months and I had no real health insurance and couldn’t afford to see a doctor with the extortion going on and trying to find a residence starting with only 200.00 in checking and a little savings. I had to commit bank fraud to get out. 

After moving I found a Christian Doctor who helped me out, my first visit was more than 4 hours and well past his closing time as they didn’t think it was safe to let me go for the risk of suicide. They suggested going to the University of Northern Colorado and volunteer as a student counseling subject as Colorado is a worst place to have a serious emotional problem with limited income and I had no money for food the first month. They turned me down as too big a risk of suicide and called the police to look in on me after that rejection phone call.  Incidentally Crossroads Church of Denver called the police on my after my call to the church administrator seeing if the Church was going to make good on their promise of a crew and truck to move. The administrator said to put in an application along with the people of the church that need utilities paid and we’ll see what comes of it. I said wait, this was the abusive counseling that has me in this situation and it was promised, he replied “if you don’t like our counseling, go somewhere else”. How loving… 

In the end this abuse and the resulting stress gave me a case of PTSD that a University wouldn’t tough with a 10 foot pole, I had 3 nervous breakdowns, according to the description of one on Web MD, countless arrhythmias, and when medical attention was finally available I learned I lost half the function of my heart and tests revealed no other cause than my experience with abusive counseling.  

Jefferson County was very helpful, they recommended I file a complaint with DORA against Geoffrey Nelson’s license as his actions were so horrifying. In doing so DORA assured me they would help me as they were appalled at Geoffrey Nelson behavior. Finally I had some shred of hope to get the help I needed which is no doubt years of counseling as to date, I still struggle with PTSD and going to church is a difficult thing for me. DORA contacted me several times making sure I had all the facts so they could give me the justice I deserved. This was their attitude till Geoffrey Nelson got the first accusation to respond to then it was clear things changed. Crossroads Church of Denver has a lot of attendees and based on the moral fiber already demonstrated with my encounter, the Police won’t implicate them in a crime, you’ve got to wonder who at the church has influence at DORA because the better my evidence get the most hostile they were towards me and the longer the delay in evidence being considered. I think DORA wasted at least a year so my statute of limitations would expire and, what a surprise, the week it expired they announced that my appeal of their prior decision had no merit or new information. That final appeal contained a letter from my doctor linking Geoffrey Nelson’s abuse to my failing health and all my medical records showing no other possible cause. I sent that information in February months later I called to see how it was going and they denied receiving tracked mail. I sent it again and based on the language of my disappointing response the board never saw any of it. The letter states that my answer was “Overlooked”; if the board comes and a stack of cases are handed to them for review, how does that same stack come out of the meeting and mine is overlooked? They bought Crossroads Church of Denver the last couple of months of time to avoid being held responsible for the damage they did to me, how Christian of them. I’ve had more arrhythmia runs in the past 2 years since this abuse than since I was diagnosed back in the early 2000’s and I dropped dead in my back yard September 25th 2014 at 7:41 PM, I was dead long enough for my neighbors to exit their house and come to the fence to see if I was OK, I was revived by a defibrillator. My wife is terrified that our retirement together will be a short one and the loss of my income devastating.  

There’s another side effect from this Church abuse; remember my emergency hernia surgery between the 2 counseling visits, it wasn’t healed sufficiently for me to have to repack many of my belongings and there were many hundreds of pounds of belongings I had to move myself and pack up.  Then at the other end I had to unpack everything even though I slept on the floor for months. My surgery was torn out, I reported consistent pain numbers of 6 to 8 in my gut as my tissue tore under the strain of lifting what I wasn’t permitted to, sure would have been nice if the church hadn’t reneged on that truck and help. Because of the damage to my heart voluntary surgery is too dangerous so I look like a freak as though I swallowed a basketball. Thanks again for the Love of Jesus pouring out of this Church, I live with the physical pain of this protrusion every day. 

Crossroads Church of Denver took my life as I knew it and took years off the length of my life and left me so scarred emotionally life has no joy anymore. When a so called Christian Church does so much damage to you, somehow it’s far worse than the World. Too many Churches today operate like this, they all cleanup for Sunday Morning but what goes on behind the scenes is totally different.  Then there’s the blind belief that pastors are perfect and something like this is impossible. I asked that the Tom Stipe, Pastor, the Administrator and Geoffrey Nelson meet together according to God’s instruction in the Book of Mathew to solve this horrible situation and the leadership refused; corporate damage control was the plan. The Church Administrator called this Christian Counseling with not a word of prayer or Love of God. DORA was told this action of the Church was exempt as Christian Counseling.  Geoffrey Nelson introduced himself as a professional counselor, the Church says Christian Counseling; I was shocked to go to the Church website and see Geoffrey Nelson listed as a pastor of the Church, so how has my ex fiancé attended this church for more than 8 years and have never heard of Geoffrey Nelson before, it make me ask if he was made a pastor so he could use a Christian Counseling defense to keep his license.  

So what does God say? 

1Co 13:6 Rejoiceth not in iniquity, but rejoiceth in the truth;  

Jas 3:11 Doth a fountain send forth at the same place sweet water and bitter? 12 Can the fig tree, my brethren, bear olive berries? either a vine, figs? so can no fountain both yield salt water and fresh. 13 Who is a wise man and endued with knowledge among you? let him shew out of a good conversation his works with meekness of wisdom. 14 But if ye have bitter envying and strife in your hearts, glory not, and lie not against the truth. 15 This wisdom descendeth not from above, but is earthly, sensual, devilish. 16 For where envying and strife is, there is confusion and every evil work.  

I couldn’t find any place where God says cover your butt and let the one you abused die. I hope Tom Stipe and Geoffrey Nelson aren’t expecting God to high five then at the Great White Throne for dodging this bullet.  

DORA Case No. 20012-6035 (LPC) you’ll find everything here in that case file. How do you feel knowing the Department OF Professions and Occupations thinks this is what you should be prepared to expect to experience from any Licensed Professional Counselor you meet with in Colorado? It must have taken a pretty powerful influence to have this counselor get away with this many crimes and malpractice. 

This has absolutely nothing to do with a lost relationship, even the police encouraged me to get out of her house as she is a dangerous person and my life was at risk being in her presence. I followed the cunning of a person with a serious problem someone who can pass a lie detector test, has no conscious, respects nobody and can justify anything in their mind even talking a life. Their goal in life is to make someone miserable and uses their cunning to lure them in then when they have you trapped, they start their takeover of your life and torture you emotionally. Case in point, I lost the cunning woman when the truck was unloaded and returned; within hours she changed. My second night there I found an injury to my leg where I lost about 4 square inches of flesh just above my ankle had become so seriously infected having not been treated properly during the trip and unloading that most of my leg below the knee was red and infected.  I was told by a Critical Care Unit to rush to the emergency room which happened at about the dinner hour. I spent till 4 in the morning getting pumped up with antibiotics to save my leg. I got to her house, slept for several hours and when I came upstairs to the kitchen, there she was waiting to scold me for spoiling her evening. 

It doesn’t even count on the relationship scale of loss.


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