  • Report:  #714943

Complaint Review: Cypress Creek Labradors - Florence Alabama

Reported By:
Donielle - Morris Chapel, Tennessee, United States of America

Cypress Creek Labradors
152 S. Sequoia Florence, 35360 Alabama, United States of America
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
In April of 2010, I hired a Paul Dunstan to train my labradors for hunt and field trials, at one point, my male labrador was sent home as untrainable,(note, he was certified at 8 months old as a disaster search K-9, building search K-9 and recieved his AKC CGC, after I trained him myself) In the mean time, I allowed my 2 females to stay with him, as I am not a hunt and field trial trainer.
Paul stated that he had to keep my dogs at his house, as opposed to his kennel, in a subdivision in order to protect them, my retrievers are dilutes, and that if anyone found out he was training dilutes that the standard color breeders could ruin him. Overtime I realized, he did not own a kennel, it belonged to his friend. As well, Paul himself had just purchased a "Silver" Labrador.
At the time I first brought my pups to him, he had a litter of Black labradors, he had offered to sell one to me, as it would be "A great bloodline to add to my kennels" but wanted to retain the training rights on the dog, I declined. He went on to sell at least one of his pups to a "Silver" Breeder, as well offered several other "Dilute breeders" an opportunity to trade dogs with him.

Several weeks into training, I received a phone call from a jogger in his neighborhood,(we had left collars on the dogs with our name and phone number on them) Apparently our dogs, as well as Paul's were running loose through the neighborhood, as I live over an hour away, I made several phone calls to let Paul and Brandie know.
After this event, he switched all of the collars to reflect his phone number, and built a small fenced enclosure, where he kept his dogs and mine together. At first, I did not see a problem with this, as all except one dog were pups.

I would travel back and forth and tried to at least once a week to check on the "girls", and to help Paul train not only my dogs, but his for puppy trials.  In August,  My girls did place in the puppy series with Paul as their handler, I chose to take and run my "untrainable pup" and we placed fourth. In October 2010, I sustained a knee injury which prevented my trips to Pauls as often as I would have liked.  As, My husband worked out of state, I trusted that Paul was training and caring for my dogs appropriately.

In November, Paul and Brandie were putting together a benefit " A Day of Memories" My husband and I went out of our way to provide money to help pay for hunting/fishing gear for the kids as well as provided Baseball hats from a well known fisherman for all of the children. Unfortunately, there after my husband was laid off and he returned home, I had told Paul, I would pick up the girls and he said, unless I had to have them home just leave them there and we could pay him as we could. 

In January, my husband had decided to drop in on Paul unannounced, as Paul had said that he is up every morning by 6:30 AM to train the dogs, my husband did not feel it was an issue to stop early in the morning to drop off dog food.  Much to our dismay, Paul was still in bed, and my husband had some concerns as to the conditions the girls were being kept in, he asked me at that time if I knew they were in the same enclosure as 2 black male labradors(Voodoo & Zydeco) from the litter I mentioned earlier. I had not been there in several months, so I was not sure what the conditions were.

Two weeks later, I accompanied my husband on another unannounced trip, again, Paul was still in bed. I wanted to see the girls, I was upset with the conditions I witnessed, at the time there were 6 labradors (including mine) kept in this small enclosed area, Feces were piled up, and our one female was eating the feces right out of the behind of Paul's dog Bella, before it could hit the ground, the stench was unbelievable, we inquired as to the males being kept with the females (Paul stated that they had not lifted their legs yet so therefore they could not breed) We had asked about training with Paul to see where the girls were at, he promised he would setup something and call us with his schedule, which he never did. We asked to see the dogs training logs, which he said at that time he kept in his head. We decided that we would prepare a place at home for them and come back to get them, as I was also on crutches at the time from having both of my knee's operated on.
A week later, I returned to pick up the girls, Paul started to make insults about my husband and the way we paid him, which even though the payments were late because of job loss, this was agreed upon by Paul. I quickly corrected him, he then began to insult obedience trainers(which is what I do) and then went on to say that he does keep training logs, but he would not let me see them as he felt that it would allow me to compete against him.  He also stated that he did not understand why I had to ask so many questions when husband was present and that he felt he was being ganged up on.. and had told me he had to turn away duck hunters that wanted him to train their dogs after hunting season because of ours being there and blamed me for not being able to pay his bills(he was paid) I guess he is not capable of training more than 2 dogs at a time?hmm, I was happy to take the girls home.

When I arrived at home I noticed that one of the girls was licking at their behind, when i lifted her tail, I was shocked to see worms literally crawling out of her bottom!  when i had asked Paul about where the girls were at in their training, he told me "Wagon wheel and Casting' as i have no clue what that is, I mad an appointment with a well known trainer in Arkansas to evaluate the girls, they spent 2 weeks with this trainer, for me to find out that they had no more training on them than a six month old pup, that there was no consistency with them, and that they lacked even some of the most basic obedience, which truly shocked me as the girls had spent 10 months in Paul's care.

When I returned home, one of the girls did not look quite right, I took her to my vet at which time we did x-rays only to find that she had been bred while in Cypress Creek Labradors care, I immediately called Paul, with no answer, I then called Brandie, his wife.  She said she would have him call me later, which he did,  Brandies response was at least they were good bloodlines, and Paul said , well" nobody would have ever thought to breed them to her, it would have been either Voodoo or Zydeco (full siblings) but it was probably Voodoo because they had to remove Zydeco from the same enclosure as the two males did not get along" he then stated that he would make some phone calls and call me back that afternoon,. Note that our female Lab was not to be bred until Spring of 2012, as she just turned a year old this past January.

The phone call never came, I called him several times, then sent him an e-mail requesting DNA from the sires, so I could register the litter and move on from this horrid experience.  His response was not to call him anymore and all other correspondences should be directed to his Attorney.

The next e-mail that he sent me was to let me know his solution...which in mentioning the LRC and the AKC standards , he felt the only ethical thing to do was to have me bring the pups 48 hours after birth to his veterinarian and he would pay to have the litter euthanized.  I did contact his vet, as well as mine and both stated that they would not participate in the euthanization of healthy pups(which to me was not an option anyway) Again, we have tried to call him several times, and he will not return our phone calls.

Do not trust this man, I honestly don't know that he has ever titled a dog, he does not own a kennel but a fenced yard in a sub-division. After quoting the LRC, he has since changed his website to state he is a breeder of Chocolate, Black and Yellow labradors, which at one time it stated Charcoal and Silvers as well, he owns a Silver Labrador (unless he has since sold it). And after watching a training video of a well known trainer, it dawned on me that many of the things Paul had said to me were direct quotes of someone elses work. Please do your homework and save yourself the expense and heartache of having someone ruin your dogs.  I have since had to start training the girls myself, starting with basic obedience...and trying to sell pups without papers is not an easy task, I have spent over $7000.00 with Cypress Creek Labradors, I could have bought a titled dog for that, not to mention, the time and expenses involved in whelping a litter and having to start training all over again....

4 Updates & Rebuttals


Cypress Creek Labradors, Paul David Dunstan and Brandie Dunstan unqualified for the services they offer!!!

#2Consumer Comment

Fri, May 13, 2011

Paul Dunstan and his wife Brandie Dunstan of Cypress Creek Labradors are posing as legitimate dog handlers, trainers & breeders of "Champion" Labrador Retrievers.  Not only has Paul Dunstan never trained or handled a Champion Labrador Retriever, he has never bred a Champion Labrador Retriever.  Just because you have the chance to breed your "low bred" dam to a sire with a Champion bloodline, does not mean that you breed and train "Champion" Labs!  The sire has NO "Champion" credentials itself, it is in his pedigree, which you enjoyed flaunting at various events, the sire is a great hunting dog but not a "Champion". 

Don't trust your animal with someone who has no legitimate references and who hasn't been in this business for a decent amount of time.  There are plenty of legitimate trainers and breeders who have been in the business for decades and they deserve your business because they have WORKED hard to establish their reputation.

Don't ever trust someone who walks around field trials holding the pedigree of a dog (that they don't even own) and trying to sell pups!  If it looks fishy....it probably is!  What man, in his mid-forties, starts a new career in a field that it takes YEARS to gain a strong reputation?
What kind of "business" has a website that isn't accessible to the public?  I thought the idea of a website was to attract people and "show your stuff" to the outside world.  What is it exactly that you are trying to hide Paul Dunstan?  Could it be that you don't want your website to be open to the public so that your ex-wife can't claim that you have a business and all of this "money" you are making is "under the table" so that you don't have to report it and you don't have to pay child support?  Shame on you! 

If you are looking to have your retriever trained, there are plenty of legitimate trainers out there that have open websites and plenty of references that go back decades.  Don't trust your animal to someone who has NO HISTORY in this business.  I think that people that actually have field trial knowledge and hunting knowledge would know better because after talking with Paul Dunstan for 5 minutes, any person with this background will know that he has NO CLUE what he is talking about. 

Paul Dunstan is a run of the mill con artist and this is his latest gimick.  Take a look at his legal record and you will see a sad trail of bad credit and being in contempt of court for not paying his child support.  Don't go looking to sue Paul Dunstan because he has NO assets in his name!  He's smart like that! He likes to "work" in positions where he doesn't have to report his income....so that he doesn't have to pay his child support.  I think this speaks a lot about his character, or lack there of.  What father, no matter how much you "hate" your ex-wife, no matter how she "did you wrong", what father doesn't support his child?  I will tell you this....a real father would go to work at McDonald's and have his wages garnished.  Because a real father supports his child, no matter what.    

His young wife Brandie is the breadwinner in this family and I truly feel sorry for her because she has gotten herself mixed up with a professional manipulator and con artist who has problems with aggression and tells so many lies that he can't remember them all.  Watch out Brandie!  He's ruined your credit and once you get sick of his controlling, bi-polar, aggressive self, you won't get a penny!  If I were you, I would haul it back to my mama and cut my losses now!  Save yourself and your child.  He's not worth it!  Do you really want your child to grow up with Paul David as a role model?  You are such a hard worker!  I can tell you really want to make something of yourself!  Don't you ever just look at your situation and think, "what am I doing here?", "why am I the one working so hard?"  I feel for you!   

These people do not deserve your business.  They don't have a history and they don't have legitimate references.  Take your dog and your money to someone who has been training and breeding for a LONG TIME!  Breeding and selling dogs with one reputable bloodline does not make you a "Champion" breeder and it doesn't make you a "Champion" trainer.  I would be more careful with my advertising if I were you.....  

If I have to call every breeder and trainer in the country to warn them of you, I will.  But, I don't think I will have to do that....I think this little "business" will fall apart, just like all of your many careers.  Seriously!  How many careers can one man have!  What man starts over in his mid forties and says, "I think I'll start training and breeding hunting dogs!"  Someone who is a con artist. Somone that is a very smooth talker and can make anyone believe anything....except me!  He never knew I was onto him the whole time. 

In conclusion, I'll say that I believe in Karma.  Whatever you put out in world, you get back....10 fold.  I would be careful Paul David Dunstan, very careful.  I believe that you are the most ill bred human being I have ever laid eyes on.


United States of America
Donielle, how do I get in touch?

#3Consumer Comment

Tue, April 26, 2011

Donielle, could I contact you via email or telephone?  I have a VERY similar issue and would like to confirm some details with you.  I'm taking action and while you don't have to join me in taking action, I would like to go over your issues and tell you mine as well.  The more info, the better.  How do I get in touch with you? I don't want to put my email on here but if you had an alternate email address you could put on here, that would be great.


Morris Chapel,
United States of America

#4Author of original report

Sat, April 16, 2011

First and foremost, I am glad that you had such a good experience, I cant speak for you, as well, you cant speak for me, what I state are facts, what you state as record about my experience is a matter of opinion.  Furthermore, Ike nor Bella, which are the Sire and Dam of the litter in which I speak, have not one title on them,  Ike is owned by Russel Caden and does have a decent pedigree reflecting others hard work. Bella on the other hand, is a beautiful dog, but she has no known champions in her 3 generation pedigree, unless of course this has changed, at present it is not reflected in their respective pedigree. It is also a fact that Paul has sold from said litter to at least one silver breeder, as well has offered to trade  with other silver breeders and owns at least one "Silver" Labrador. Secondly, it is a fact that my female was bred while in Cypress Creeks care and Pauls response and unwillingness to provide a DNA are documented via e-mail as a matter of record, my dogs being evaluated  by a "Professional" trainer and everything else I have stated are also factual, as you were not involved in any business relations I have had with this kennel and you have no dog in this fight, you may want to sit on your porch... 


United States of America
Cypress Creek Labradors is a Great Business

#5Consumer Comment

Thu, April 14, 2011

I am customer of Cypress Creek Labradors (CCL) and have a pup from the litter you are referring to. I also have left Beau in their care while on cruise for a week and have never seen the conditions to anything but excellent. I can also say that I am proud of Beau's bloodline through the kennel which includes many Field Champions. I was also informed that Paul was contacted to see if anyone would purchase a fire arm so that they could pay for their training. This is for the record what you are saying has no truth to it in relation the Cypress Creek Labradors, They breed Championship Dog's, they love dog's, have a clean nice kennel, and offer top notch services. I would tell the Better Business Bureau, The CIA, the FBI, and even President Obama that CCL is awesome. One more thing, if you ever need a good dog with an awesome bloodline, some great training, or a nice place to kennel your dog call CCL.

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